“Operation Fast & Furious”
was a fucking joke . they, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee led by our very own fire-bug Rep.Darrell Issa who doesn’t want to find out who was responsible for the death of a U.S. border agent cause the NRA doesn’t want any more gun restrictions or regulations at gun trade shows or gun dealers they want to sell guns to who-ever has the money with no questions asked or a background checks and now the truth comes out it was all about our 2nd Amendment rights they are saying ,so they crafted that insane delusional which-hunt to get Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress , by stopping him from doing his job , but most smart people know that it was a “gun-walking” operation conducted by the Arizona branch of the ATF under Bush administration at the time and the idea was to sell guns to known criminals who were crossing the border into Mexico and selling them hopping to catch the drug cartels with our guns committing violent crimes with them , but the idiots lost track of thousands of guns that walked and were pointing fingers at everyone else when they fucked the operation up . it all started back in the Bush days in 2005 when it started , than until 2011 when AG Eric Holder shut the program down when he was AG and he did the right thing doing so , funny thing is that the stupid-ass Issa and the rest of his phony repug scum on his stupid ass committee should be held in contempt and all charged with the murder of that U.S.border agent along with Wayne LaPierre of the NRA for not getting to the bottom of how the guns walked and lying about that it was President Obama and A.G. Eric Holder who were secretly trying to take guns rights away from the American public which is a bold face fucking lie , but it’s the same old story to take out at any cost President Obama and AG Eric Holder the other uppity black man with power , they want to destroy them both so they can get their man in office to kill all regulations for the NRA and all other big money special interests groups , like corporations , oil , banks ,wall-street , millionaires and billionaires that are buying up all the corrupted members of Congress and Senate of the Gee-Oh-Pee so they can write their own ticket by fucking the American people out of what little money they have left , but some of the people aren’t as stupid as they think we all are , some of us do have a half a brain more than they do and can see through the shit they are trying to pull off ………….
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