“Operation Fast & Furious”

Case O' Guns

Case O’ Guns (Photo credit: Gregory Wild-Smith)

was a fucking joke . they,  the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee led by our very own fire-bug Rep.Darrell Issa  who doesn’t want to find out who was responsible for the death of a U.S. border agent cause the NRA doesn’t want any more gun restrictions or regulations at gun trade shows or gun dealers they want to sell guns  to who-ever has the money with no questions asked or a background checks and now the truth comes out it was all about our 2nd Amendment rights they are saying ,so  they crafted that insane delusional which-hunt to get Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress , by stopping him from doing his job , but most smart people know that it was a “gun-walking” operation conducted by the Arizona branch of the ATF under Bush administration at the time and the idea was to sell guns to known criminals who were crossing the border into Mexico and selling them  hopping to catch the drug cartels with our guns  committing violent crimes with them , but the idiots lost track of thousands of guns that walked and were pointing fingers at everyone else when they fucked the operation up . it all started back in the Bush days in 2005 when it started , than until 2011 when AG Eric Holder shut the program down when he was AG and he did the right thing doing so , funny thing is that the stupid-ass   Issa and the rest of his phony  repug scum on his stupid ass committee should be held in contempt  and all charged with the murder of  that U.S.border agent along with Wayne LaPierre  of  the NRA for not getting to the bottom of  how the guns walked and lying about that it was President Obama and A.G. Eric Holder who were secretly trying to take guns rights away from the American public which is a bold face fucking lie , but it’s the same old story to take out at any cost  President Obama  and AG Eric Holder the other uppity black man with power , they want to destroy them both so they can get their man in office to kill all regulations for the NRA and all other big money special  interests groups , like corporations , oil , banks ,wall-street , millionaires and billionaires that are buying up all the corrupted members of Congress and Senate of the Gee-Oh-Pee  so they can write their own ticket by fucking the American people out of what little money they have left , but some of the people aren’t as stupid as they think we all are , some of us do have a half a brain more than they do and can see through the shit they are  trying to pull off  ………….

Mitt man sucked so much ass ,

Mitt Romney Steve Pearce event 056

Mitt Romney Steve Pearce event 056 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

during the Gee-Oh-Pee debates and went way to  far to the  right , siding with the radical right-wingers , bible-thumpimg idiots  , tea-banging-baggers , birthers , and all the other racists nut-jobs out their , to get their votes and now  thinks that everybody forgot  all the stupid shit  he agreed with and said ,now wants to get back to his center which is what-ever is popular at the time and flip-flops on everything he has said in the past and is demonstrating that he is willing to say or do anything to become President , Mitt maybe a savvy business guy but he’s dumb as dirt when it comes to real life cause he is the poster-boy of the 1% percent  and has “no” idea what the working stiffs are going through in this country to eek out a living , this guy is clueless and can’t even relate to the plight of the working poor or  normal people as a matter of fact . all I see when the media  is asking tough questions on or  about his positions on certain  policies we all get to see that stupid look on his face just like in the photo above when he’s not reading from the Gee-Oh-Pee play book  by saying he’ll look into it or not answer at all . this idiot would run this country into the ground with the help from all the neo-cons he’s surrounding himself  with on his team of shithead  Bush’s old advisors … all I can say is Mitt is full of shit and the rest of the idiots in his party of  fucking losers that will steal  from the poor and give to the rich  every time ….

Now it’s the Public’s fault .

The red "GOP" logo used by the party...

The red “GOP” logo used by the party for its website (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

funny how the Gee-Oh-Pee retards has turned things around, before it was the public who blamed Wall Street , the Banks , large Corporations and our right leaning Supreme Court  for the financial meltdown this country is going through today and now the morons have  turned 360 degrees around and are now blaming the unions both public and private employees in the City‘s and State’s for our financial problems the country is facing today . I told you so , that the fucking idiots would do this , stupid people forget and now the Cuntservatives are all over this because of what happened in Wisconsin and what that shithead Walker did (who is now their hero) thinking that the people are on their side on this one , wait and see what is going to go down , it will be the same shit as before,they’ll want less regulation on the wealthy greedy bastards , more money for the military and want us in more wars,  cut or get rid of all the social programs for the poor, the elderly, and children , even more war on Womans rights ,  bust the unions and fuck over and tax the people to death , this is going to be a fucking mess and the far-right and the leaders in the Gee-Oh-Pee in Congress and the Senate are now going to blame the Democrats for all the job losses because of  their national policies since  Obama  came into office !!! and if you believe this stupid shit than you deserve to be fucked over with , the people didn’t cause our problems , but that’s what they want you to think … blame everybody else not us is their motto ,when are you fucking idiots ever going to learn that it is our politicians and the political system we have  who are the most corrupted bunch of morons in the world has ever seen , only thinking of themselves and not doing the people’s work by giving all American people good paying  jobs and rebuilding  this broke down country, we in America should be ashamed of ourselves and we should change are name to the Divided States of America instead of the United States of America but that’s me  ………….

Constitutional Law or Sharia Law ???

English: Picture of Billboard put up by the Un...

English: Picture of Billboard put up by the United American Committee given to me by the group itself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

can you believe this shit , in 2012 some idiots in certain states in this country believes and “think” that Sharia Law will take over and become the law of the land for us !!! who ever thinks of this is a complete full-blown fucking moron , words can’t express how stupid it is to believe that something like sharia law for Muslims from other lands will trash and trump our constitution and our civil  rights for us  in the U.S.  and take over , only the dumb religious fuck headed right-wing tea-bagging  end of days kool-aid drinking  white-trash illiterate yahoo’s who  are dumb as dirt and don’t know shit and never will , most of the  bible-thumpers think that this is gods country and the good book is his word the only thing that book is good for is to wipe your ass after a good shit , I really feel sorry for dumb fucks like that , it only goes to show you how stupid some lawmakers are trying to pass bills to halt something that will never ever happen instead they should be passing jobs bills for the people in their states , but that’s me and what do I know !!!  N O T H I N G .

it’s going to be a showdown

wisconsin's new flag

wisconsin’s new flag (Photo credit: tray)

let’s see which one is it gonna be today at the polls . do the people in Wisconsin have the balls to throw Walker out on his ass , or will it be all the millions of outside hate money keeping him in office as the Governor . he split that state apart and set neighbor against neighbor for slashing collective bargaining  for most public employees ,in other words for the idiots who don’t know what the fuck is going on like most Americans do in elections of this kind “killing unions” so he can sell the state to the highest bidder and play that  favors for money game selling the state , he doesn’t give two shits about the people of Wisconsin its all about power and money so if this idiot wins just watch and see what the other idiot  Gee-Oh-Pee  Governors do in their states its going to be union busting nation wide showdown giving everything away to the corporations and nothing for the people of  Wisconsin  , its your choice so vote ………..

I’m not surprised, shitheads !!!

so why should you be ! people in the U.S. are so stupid when things turn for the worse they act like “gee whiz” I never thought it would turn out this bad and do nothing about it but still complain . just like in our politics most of us thought that the birther issue was dead and gone , than all of a sudden that stupid-ass gas-bag Trump is pushing that shit again and Mittens is going to make some money at a fund-raiser to-night in sin city , and those on the right are saying that its ok to bring that shit up cause they can and President Obama can’t do a thing about it , you know (do as  I say not as I do). and Mittens said that he needs all the help he can get , no matter who indorsed him like the evil bible thumpers , stupid tea-baggers ,and all the ultra-far right wack-o-nut-baggers  out their who hates blacks and change in this country . if Mittens didn’t have the racists and all the other dumb shit-heads out their giving him money , he would have been gone long ago . also now if you look to see who’s on team moron all you can see is  the neo-con advisers from the village idiot team from the past , so why do we want four more years of the shit that got us into the  trouble were in today . the reason why , its called amnesia and just being pure stupid , the idiots on the right  seems like they long for the past instead of looking towards the future , no wonder this country is falling apart with bad infrastructure  and roads , a bad education system , crappy health care for everybody who can and who can’t afford it , an unfair tax system that steals from the poor and gives to the rich , big oil and large banks and major corporations who run this country from Wall-Street and overseas with the help of our right leaning Supreme Court idiots and our corrupted  officials in Washington D.C. who believes that money is free speech and with  the rest of the lies that they tell the people day in and day out , the people have to grow some balls and shut down the Congress and Senate and throw them out with the rest of the trash on Capital Hill or do like you have been doing which is “nothing” so don’t act surprised  when we all crash and burn shitheads !!! 

no shit Mitt !!!

American Education is in the Dumpster

American Education is in the Dumpster (Photo credit: brewbooks)

it took you this long to figure out that our kids today are receiving a third world education in this country , gee I wonder why . lets see now ,  it was your party that has been trying to gut the Dept of Education and they even talking about closing down the Dept.of Ed. completely , and also taking away millions of  dollars out of the budgets that goes to each state to fund its educational programs .but what the people don’t know is that you want the public system to fail so that your neo-con buddies for profit can jump in and cash in by pushing  for school vouchers , deregulating and expanding charter and online schools and also funding  with federal dollars too private schools . now that’s fucked up shithead , its your party and you who are whats wrong with our educational system today not the school unions and teachers like you morons like to say all the time , so stop with your bullshit and fully fund our public schools in the U.S. and stop your neo-con advisers and for profit  friends from using the Dept. of Education as their personal cash cow to steal public funds and  line their pockets with it

everything is fair game.

Mitt Romney - Etch A Sketch - The Shake-N-Fake...

Mitt Romney – Etch A Sketch – The Shake-N-Fake Candidate (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

leading up to  this presidential election season nothing is off the table, funny how it was the Repukes who started to talk that old shit  again , Rev.Jeremiah Wright the former pastor of  President Obama , no one really gives a shit about him any more ,only the racists , tea-baggers , birthers , and ultra far right dip-shits can bring up whatever they want and say just about anything they want to say cause their the good old white boys but the black guy can’t play by the same rules as they do .  Romney said that he was a strong business leader at  Bain Capital but the real records of his jobs performance will prove that it was maybe a few  thousands jobs ,not the 100,000 jobs he said he created  ,  it was his investors at Bain , the only ones who made millions and only a few companies that Bain took over made money for Bain that he didn’t break up and sell piece by piece like all the other companies he killed !!!  if that’s the case than Mittens better put on two pairs of magical underwear cause he’s going to need  it .everything is fair game now and the Repukes want this fight . only thing the right-wing shitheads  want to do is deny jobs to ten’s of millions of Americans while the do nothing Congress and Senate of the right  sit on their collective asses and tries to get rid of this President like they have been doing since day one when he was elected , and who is for the people not just for big business and the wealthy like they are , look around people things are getting better it will take more time but I’d rather have four more years of Obama than that Mormon moron or any other stupid radical right shit heads  from the right ………

Welcome to the 21st Century

21st Century (Digital Boy)

21st Century (Digital Boy) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


get over it , we are “all” equal under the law and its about time we started acting like it … the radical religious  right better hide its ugly head and stay in their church teaching its  bigoted views which is  garbage that stinks on high , to who ever believes that they are better than others … you so-called Christians are and never  will be a special religion only a cult , because of the hate you have for other people who think and act differently than you do … your minds are small and you are a waste of ink so stay in the dark-ages and keep longing  for the good-old-days cause that’s all you’ll ever have , memories of them good-old-days … your cult of  right-wing extremism  is a growing danger to this country and religion has  always  pulled American apart never united it because of idiots like you ,  so stay out of  politics and keep your hate to yourselves cause your hateful religion  has no soul and never will …….




I’ll give credit,when credit is due…

Mitt Romney - Caricature

Mitt Romney – Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Mitt Romney is a lying piece of shit , now he wants to rewrite history and the thing he said about the auto bailout was his doing despite his opposing the bailout  when he in 2008 penned an op-ed entitled “Let Detroit GO Bankrupt” and at the time no one had cash , not the banks , no one , only one at the time who had cash was our government and President Obama did the right thing helping the auto industry … the only thing that I’ll give Romney credit for is being a big fat fucking liar………

it’s all ideology

The United States Supreme Court 2012

The United States Supreme Court 2012 (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

this political season is going to be ugly and it will only get worse in the next six months until  we all pick our next president , and who’s to blame for this fiasco ??? I’ll give you just one guess …

thanks to the John Roberts Supreme Court now countries and persons inside and outside the U.S. can and will influence this presidential election with tainted hate money buying up all the other seat’s  for sale on Capital Hill  who think as they do , all because of  the right leaning stupid ass supreme idiots  that said  corporations are people … letting in undisclosed amounts of money to decide the up coming elections …

this is not a country and government for the people … but for rich people and corporations to do what-ever they want to do as long as they can buy into the political machine and get what they want and for who can serve their needs …

this is a corrupt court and all on the right  should be impeached  !!!

The Republican Nazi Party

Ad for the American Nazi Party

Ad for the American Nazi Party (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today’s GOP party is looking more and more like the party of the 20′s and 30′s of old Nazi Germany the white power people’s party , with no facts to speak of  or ideas, repeating lie after lie with just more  lies , to cover up the truth , cause if they say the lie over and over , than it has to be the truth because they say it , hoping to fool the most stupidest  of people who believes the shit that they speak , and they have a hate that is evil  to all  in this country who don’t believe as they do and they use fear to scare  the shit out of the masses , we are all fools seeing this being played out on national T.V. from the GOP members in Congress ,  the Senate , and from almost every leaders on Capital Hill in  their party , they are on tape and can’t hide from the comments they said , what a bunch of cold-hearted motherfuckers who would bring this government down and  do anything for the rich and to fuck its down and out people who need government help and aid , the more I think about how the Nazi Party=(GOP) is acting today I get so pissed off because they are nothing but a bunch of  knuckle dragging thugs and if they can’t get their way they’d rather kill the goose that laid the golden egg ,instead of taking care of it to get more golden eggs so everyone can enjoy. but that’s me , and what do I know,  nothing it seems……… they are just like the poster at the top of the page and  if you believe it than your just as fucked up as they are.

12 more years of WAR,I hope not.

End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars!

End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars! (Photo credit: Lorri37)

bullshit !!! its not what I wanted to hear from the President last night ,  but at least its a way out and an end  to that war , now it’s all on the Afghan government if we stay the 12 years or if we pull out early . and  I think it’s just to keep Piss-a-stan in check and stop  it’s terrorists from crossing the border fighting our troops . if it’s going to be 12 more years of WAR , than they should bring back the draft in the U.S. so that we all have skin in the game , and no one is exempt from fighting and no deferments either  now or in  future WARS , rich and poor kids alike fighting side by side everyone bleeds ,everybody contributes , and we all sacrifice together as a country ,than if your kids or grandkids lives are on the line than just maybe you’ll think twice about sending your loved ones in harm’s way  . I sure as hell don’t want any members of my  family fighting or to die in any WAR that we shouldn’t be in the first place .but that’s just me , and what the hell do I know …….

P.C. still not working right

having a hard time trying to get things done on this piece of crap computer this might be the end of this one , looking for new I guess now have to stash some cash ,be back soon up and running ………..

Asshole of the year

Rick Santorum - Caricature

Rick Santorum – Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

and the winner is Rick Santorum , this religious ultrafar-right   biblical jack-ass  could have made  President in the thirteenth century of some small sand country in another part of the world . this guy will scrape the bottom for the pond scum  and fire-up them holy wackos for that invisible guy in the sky crowd , and as always , he brings up social wedge issues cause that’s all he has , he’s as dumb as a bag of rocks ,and an absurd religious zealot who has called for an end to public schoolsystem  ,and doing away with the rights of all women , also he has a tendency to ignore the real facts of any subject matter , than he makes up shit that supports his belief system that when he speaks its the truth and nothing but , he is so stupid that he thinks that America should be a catholic theocracy , what a fool , plus he is a danger to this country  and we all know it from his actions when he was in the Senate not to long ago with all the shit he pulled and the shit he stands for and thats why he’s the Asshole of the Year for 2012 ……… 

same policies part 2

fuck complexity

fuck complexity (Photo credit: the|G|™)

here we go again , these presidential candidates do not have the ability to lead “period” .they don’t have any new ideas  or a jobs plan to get us out of this economic depression that the nation is in, it’s the same message over and over , get rid of all regulations , let the banks ,Wall-Street, and large corporations steal all the wealth from this country and sell out its people to the highest bidder ,  and cut to the bone or choose not to fund every single one of the social  safety-net programs that millions of people depend on just to live , knowing all along that it was the old policies from both  sides , that led us into this depression in the first place , and that they still don’t want to change a thing  about it and destroy the American dream and hopes for the rest of  it’s  people .they have and follow a rancid ideology that is a poison on this society that the telling of  lies and outrageous  distortions are the truth only because they say it and want you to believe it , also they say they want  government  out of their lives but promotes their so-called radical religion on others that dictates and governs what to do and how to live according to their standards from an old book  of lies , you know gods law over our government  law . fuck all religions and keep it in your hearts  and stop pushing those religious lies on the non-believers , I really don’t like anyone telling me what to do with my body or others as a matter of fact, most of us  do obey the laws of the land , pay taxes federal and state , and bring up our children and hoping that they have it better than we did , and by teaching them to be honest , not to  lie , and know the difference between right and wrong and to hold themselves accountable for their actions or the choices they make in their every day lives , and as for the spiritual side of it ,it’s up to each and every person to decide in what and who to believe in and I don’t care if they believe in , a rock , a tree , a herb, the moon , the sun , a comic book hero ,  an animal , or invisible people or things in the ground water or what fly’s around the stars in the sky , what-ever floats your boat , all I’m saying is that you don’t need to be a part of any kind of organized zombie cult religion it’s all the same to me , you have to find what is best and what works for you to get by in this life . so stop being morons and put an end to the madness that the idiots on the right are telling you about how bad this country is , they have no idea what main-street is going through and the people need work and that’s only one part of the cure to fix this sick economy were in today 

my Superbowl pick for 2012

super bowl

super bowl (Photo credit: sinosplice)

is and I know this is going to piss off a lot of  people and I don’t give a damn so my pick for today’s game for Superbowl champs are the New York Giants. and if I loose I have to put a  New England Patriots bag over my head later on tonight .good luck to both teams .

I can’t help myself ….

Bush Talking Points....

Bush Talking Points.... (Photo credit: MyEyeSees)

but with all the bat-shit crazy talk on T.V. lately and the constant blather from the idiotic  republicans with the out-and-out lies that their telling the press and the people at the rallies how bad things are about this republic , it just brings out the ugly in me when I hear the stupid talk they speak , they know all the hateful talking points and which buttons to push at the Gee-Oh-Pee presidential debates so that  the weak-minded  zombies  believe every word that comes out of their lying mouths .this is not a proud moment in our history when you have a party that wants to destroy what America stands for and to completely distort the truth about this country , they don’t live on the same planet that most of us live on , most of the big backers with the super-packs have one thing in common and that’s to get rid of President Obama  they don’t like  him because he acts like he’s on the people’s side and cares for equal rights for all and is making them look stupid . I’m so disgusted with the system that our corrupted politicians in congress and the senate  created for themselves , that leaves the rest of  the Americans out of  the good life that their living , if the religious right-wingers ,tea-baggers , and way out libertarians have their way and the rich have it all and everybody else looks out for themselves like only the strong survive , America will become  ghost country like out of a  Mad-Max story if the people don’t wake up and throw them out of office in the next elections .that’s only me talking , and what do I know and according to them ……..”nothing”………. 

another talking piece of shit from Fla.

Rep. Allen West, speaks about bringing Reform ...

Image by FArepublicans via Flickr

Soledad O'Brien
Image by jdlasica via Flickr
Hockey puck
Image via Wikipedia

Rep Allen West (R-Fla) went off on another one of his off the wall rants this weekend and now tried to backtrack from the comments he made when  Soledad O’Brien asked him about what he said , that President Obama , Nancy Pelosi ,  Harry Reid  and Debbie Wasserman Schultz  (blah ,blah,blah) “get the hell out of the United States” . I don’t want to give this moron any more of my time so I’ll end with this , the only thing this guy would be good for , is if someone would melt him down and used him as a hockey puck !!!! 

P.S. I’m just denying what  you think I just said ….

Asshole of the Month

Reince Priebus

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr

and the award goes to , Reince Priebus  the R N C  Chair  who said “in a few months this is all going to be ancient history and we are going to talk about our own little Captain Schettino which is President Obama who is abandoning the ship here in the United States  and is more interested in campaigning than doing his job as president” what a cold piece of shit  for the political games he’s playing and for the disrespect he has for the office of the President , he owes an apology to President Obama , the American public for that dumb-ass statement , and to the families of the dead passengers and to the families of the ones who are still missing . no wonder why the Republicans are so “fucked” up when you have the head of their own party who is a walking , talking ,”asshole” of the “asshole”  Gee-Oh-Pee party he represents !!!!


the U.S. of A-holes

This is a map depicting each states senators i...

Image via Wikipedia

using another computer to do this , cause mine is still at the shop being worked on and don’t know if I’ll ever get it back too much is wrong with it , but anyway I just wanted to say that after the Presidents State of the Union speech , I felt a lot better how he’s handling this whole mess were in and how he would like to get us back on the right path .the man is doing the best he can even though the Gee-Oh-Pee retards are trying their best to stop him from passing anything in Congress or the Senate that will help all of us not just the few , and the funny thing is that it was mostly the retarded retards policies that has screwed this country up with the help of  some asshole Democrats .and most of the American people are assholes for letting them get away with this shit their pulling on the people instead of putting the top heads of Wall Street and the large financial Banks in fucking jail where they belong , the people have to wake up and throw these  assholes out of office and put in new representatives that will do the people’s work and clean the government out of its rats nest of greed and take down the corrupt  home they built for themselves in Washington ,  no one should live better than the  people they represent . also the clowns on the radical right running for President , what an insult to the American people . you have to be out of your fucking minds to even think that anyone of those retarded jerks is capable to hold any kind of office never mind  being President of the United States every one of those assholes want to take away rights of the people and give more money to the wealthy instead of building this country up. and if the  news reporters were to do its job in the first place , they would have put a stop to those lying bastards running for the top office in D.C.  and stop this bullshit from happening , so that we don’t become the U.S. of  Assholes around the World ……….

thanks for the virus

Malware logo Crystal 128.

Image via Wikipedia

now I have to bring my tower to the computer store to get it cleaned out with all the crazy things it’s doing like anti-virus programs won’t run and I have three good ones too I don’t have the cash for this so I won’t be back any time soon , my whole system is all screwed up it has stopped responding , error screens , it shuts down and freezes up high Mem usage that shuts it down and mail problems  have to reboot or unplug it all the time and too many things running at the same time that I can’t fix myself and its only a six-year-old computer running Windows Home XP  so I don’ t know if I’ll be back I have to rethink what I going to do about this page and maybe find a safer way of doing this if I ever decide to do this  again ……..any ideas on safe new laptops ???

so they pissed on dead Taliban fighters.

A rendition of the emblem on the flag of the U...

Image via Wikipedia

big fucking deal. you’re in a war zone , going out on missions scared shitless , you and your buddies  day in day out ,night and day  risking their lives to  get the job done  hoping  to make it back to base camp in one piece and try to  unwind which is almost an impossible thing to do . it’s not like turning on and off a light bulb it doesn’t work that way , it affects  every single person in different ways ,some deal with it better than others , but the results are always the same in war , you’ll never get over it and it will always haunt them until the day they die.it’s hard to explain what your  feelings are or your actions  in a war , it’s  is a fucking nightmare and shit happens , so when I looked at the video I laughed my ass off  and I was glad that my fellow Marines were having some fun relieving the stress they had after a fight .nothing like a good smoke after or a good piss on a kill , better the enemy than you . and if I was their I’d piss on the motherfucker’s too !!! and it’s not the first time it’s been done and it won’t be the last time either it’s apart of every war dating back thousands of years all over the world , you people have no idea what it’s like picking up pieces of your friends off of you or on the ground placing them in body bags or holding them in your arms as they die you don’t know what it feels like and never will and what it does to your mind and how it changes you forever , and how you lost your feelings for people and things ,

as for those who were outraged  by the video I say too  fucking bad  either “you” put on a uniform and fight alongside our troops or shut the fuck up it’s because of assholes like you candy ass empty suits in Washington who start wars that we shouldn’t have been in the first place and if you were their you’d probably piss yourselves everyday wishing you were back at your country clubs enjoying the good life , all I have to say is you idiots have to help the troops when they come home back from combat with all the medical treatment and care they need and don’t even bitch about the cost  cause it will take billions and billions every year to trying to fix and put back together our brave men and women who sacrificed so much for this country . Ooh-Rah my fellow Marines job well done , piss on them all who want to kill you .war is hell , it makes some do crazy things…

I’ll be back.

have some things to do out of state , will be back in about a week or so .


Happy New Year 2012

Image by Professor Bop via Flickr

to all my friends who have stopped by and commented on  my  page  , (all three of you) wishing you the very best  in the new year from all of us here at  Napman , at the lake who are  (me, myself, and I) hoping that 2012 will be better than the last year ,  once again  wishing  you all  the very best success in your part of the world  and I hope for you all good  health , lasting love , and as much happiness as you can stand . 

my last response to spammers.

English: An email client detecting spam messag...

Image via Wikipedia

please don’t get me wrong , you do what you have to do , you have found a way to make money and that’s a good thing, your providing a service that’s helpful and informative to those who need your insight on the products or info your trying to sell , you are important to the web , like A.Sevilla , you have a nice page in spanish J.Barnsdale what you do is outstanding and it is I who has learned from you , you are  impressive and a great read  and can’t hold a candle to you  plus  your making money and that’s what it’s all about , and it doesn’t matter what you do or how you do it your making a living at it and that’s all that counts ,  also to G.Warts I have no useful hints for you , you may think you’re a rookie but you’re not , what you’re doing is a great public service that can improve the lives of so many that you’re helping with you page keep up the good work and thanks for stopping by but you guys still will be deleted …….. 

bye bye John .

John Boehner - Caricature

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

talk about fucking up a wet dream , you lost control of  the house , and (the) respect of the American people , you tried to be a leader and you proved that you couldn’t lead for squat. you’re a fool who let the radical right  of your own party run you into the ditch than over the cliff  instead of  doing your job  all I can say is , your lucky that your old job is waiting for you back home at the family’s bar , in the corner of it with a high chair and you in it “crying” in your beer to your patrons how you sucked at your job in Congress , sucked at being a leader who lost everything and helped re-elect President Obama  for a second term . thank you so much .


Holy Fuck EP

Image via Wikipedia

from the more than one hundred and sixty million of us whose taxes are going up in a couple of weeks from now . all because , you wanted to play your stupid political games , “you assholes” . this is what you get . your speaker can’t get his head out of his own ass never mind trying to be the leader of his dumb-ass party . and his second in command is waiting in the wings to screw him over to get at his job as number one . if you idiots could only get your shit together and act like responsible adults and do your jobs that you were elected to do than just maybe you might keep your seats , but I kind of doubt it ,”holy fuck” you people don’t know what you’re doing and your better off  not coming back from the holiday break if you fuck us American people by raising our payroll taxes in the new year and protecting the rich !!!!!!  oh and have a wonderful and happy holiday to you all .


its over in Iraq.

Collage of images taken by U.S. military in Ir...

Image via Wikipedia

colors taken down, troops packing up and moving out , finally after nine long bloody years in a war that we should have never been in the first place with more than 4,500 U.S. deaths and still counting , tens of thousands of wounded  U.S. military personal and almost one Trillion dollars spent on the war machine to keep the lie alive . I’m glad it’s over what a fucking long nightmare it’s been for our troops , only ones who know what its like in combat are other surviving war vets cause we are still living through it every goddamn day and night its never over for us . only ones who are bitching about leaving Iraq are the Republican War Hawks who wants to stay their forever !!! I wish and hope that they bring back the draft for all the men and women rich or poor in the U.S. from now on to fight in our future wars , then you’ll see them think about if they will  send their kids to fight in a phony made up war , I think not . and now that the troops will be out by December 31st , only targets remaining will be the dumb-ass contractors who should have paid for the war in the first place and not with our troops or our money , if they were smart they’d get the fuck-out of that country with our troops and let Iraq be Iraq and don’t worry about Iran either , they have been fighting each other for hundreds if not thousands of years and it’s not our problem anymore , they have to govern themselves and if  trouble does start again send in the drones or all the Republicans and their rich friends who want to start and fight in any war ,  but they won’t cause their all  “CHICKEN-SHIT COWARDS” .

flooded with spam


Image via Wikipedia

no matter what I do or how hard I try , I can’t stop the spammers  . some filters work, some don’t , it just a real pain in the ass . I can’t read any of the comments either and I spend most of my time deleting almost everything that filters through . don’t need pills, don’t need to look at pussy, don’t need to have more traffic on the web site don’t need  search engines for others to find me  I don’t really need help with anything , but I have to hand it to them they can be very creative trying to get approved , by saying how good your blog is ,saying nice things about you , or trying to get you to respond to their questions , but it will never happen , I got burned a long time ago and learned  , so now  delete , delete , delete is my job and thank you kind spammers and try to make a buck somewhere else and I will not click you  now leave me alone please !!!

“page is not working”

this page is out-of-order at this time , broken until further notice I hope it will  be up and running soon . sorry but shit happens ya know,  out of my control !!! 

Newt = Evil Nit-Wit.

Newt Gingrich - Casually pepper-spraying cop (...

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

its hard to believe that this big-head blow-hard is in first place in the polls , he’s not the flavor of the month , but a nasty son-of-a- bitch when ever he opens up his mouth nothing but trash comes out of it . are the people that stupid , did they forget how  when he was Speaker of the House back in the nineties he almost brought this country down when he decided to shut Government down and also by going after President Bill Clinton over a blowjob in the oral office at a cost of billions of our dollars and all the other shit that he and the Republican House pulled on the country back then thinking that the people was on his side and it backfired big time on them , I guess not .he is such a deplorable and disgusting human pile of shit who lies at the drop of a dime and flip-flops just as much as the “empty suit Mitt” does . it only goes to show how fucked up people are who don’t know and who don’t look-up any information on any of the candidates who are running for office , only the smart ones know how poison and evil twisted this guy’s mind works . what is it going to take for the people to wake up and to understand that it’s the Tea-Baggers that’s  screwing this Nation up if they get their way in political power on Capital Hill . wake the fuck up, people before its to late . and one last thing , if you throw enough $money$  his way,  you know the (lobbying) game he says he doesn’t play , he’ll change his positions on any thing under the sun or the moon , know what I mean . 

still no jobs bill.

Pond scum

Image by Jean-François Chénier via Flickr

this Gee-Oh-Pee “do nothing”Congress has wasted our time and money playing their stupid-ass political games and just what have they been doing for the people so far ! “absolutely  nothing” no jobs bills , but plenty of other bill that they introduced so far,  haven’t created job one in America . for instance like plenty of bills on abortion , religion  , family relationships , marriage , gun control , taxation , and government investigations . all irrelevant issues that do nothing but split this country further apart and  no jobs bills at all . they’ve  been busy little beavers  kissing the asses of the ultra far rightnuts of their party and screwing the rest of the American people . if  we are not working , the country doesn’t grow and we all loose . only thing they think about is their dumb-ass ideology , finding another war to involve us in  , (like Iran) their next election cycle  , and bringing home the bacon for their districts which is a good thing for the people they represent back home , but they leave out the rest of America , only priorities they have is protecting the rich , getting rid of the black President and getting re-elected to fuck-over the people , they have all sick and twisted minds we need jobs , jobs , and more jobs not the political meltdown we have today , they all should be given their walking papers , they are all pond scum and should be treated as such ……….

an embarrassment for the people.


Meeting with the far right: controversy

Meeting with the far right: controversy (Photo credit: habeebee)

I guess we have to go on with having these clowns during the debates make absolute fools of themselves ,the whole country . plus the entire world is laughing at us . it seems like none of them can unite the Gee-Oh-Pee far-right wing-nut movement , they only put more gas on the fire with their crazy hateful talk . they all say the same shit , the  hate they have for President Obama , cutting and protecting taxes for the rich, and getting rid of all the social  programs  for the people who need help.  don’t get me wrong the Democrats are just as much to blame as the other side , but at least it seems like they are trying to help the people who are down and out and talking about jobs to get America back to work again . the other side well we all know what their doing , wondering how to beat Persident Obama at the polls next year and nothing else matters to them , they want America to crash and burn and put the blame on him . it won’t work cause most of the sane people are smart and not as stupid as they think we are , so stop telling the lies and start doing the right thing for the people or its going to bite you in the ass big time …………. 

Veterans Day Nov.11th 2011

President Barack Obama lays a wreath at the To...

Image via Wikipedia

Veterans Day Nov.11th 2011 . today we honor all the brave men and women who have sacrificed for the country through the years , but today for me is like every other day, I remember and honor those who didn’t make it back . some were friends others were strangers but they were all my brothers who gave it all . so take a few minutes of your time today and remember and never forget them .

The Penn.State scandal .


Jerry Sandusky, right, the former Penn State d...this is an outrage . this could have been stopped a long time ago . (like 10 years ago) to cover up  and protect “JoePa” and the mega money-making football program the university had in place . there is no excuse for it , a failure to act and to passing the buck like Joe Peterno who thought he was a god and was treated like one , a man with honor , what a joke , don’t make me puke . he has no honor he’s a sick disgusting old man now with out power anymore , it makes him just as guilty as Jerry Sandusky who is a child abuser ,and all the others who kept quiet and didn’t do a fucking thing to stop child sex abuse from happening on the  campus or out side the school grounds . who gives a shit about how long Joe’s been their (46years) or all the 400 plus wins or the bowl wins he’s had with the team , I’m glad he was fired and now has disgraced  himself and the school . I hope that when all is said and done , that all involved in this should go to jail , no ifs ands or buts . the board of trustees did the right thing now they have to follow through and clean house at Penn State . let the courts put an end to this child sex scandal and throw them enablers and the molester in prison where they belong ………..oh and fuck you JoePa for not doing the right and honorable thing at the time when you found out what Jerry did to those kids …….

Happy 236th Birthday “Marines”.

United State Marine Corps

Image by Whitewolf Photography via Flickr

Ooh-Rah …. to my brothers and sisters at home and around the world , Happy 236th Birthday from one Marine to another , and thank you for your outstanding service in the Corps and I know all  the sacrifices that you have made  and “I’m grateful for it” .  Semper Fi  forever . Viet-Nam  0311 (67-68) and good night “Chesty” where ever you are !!!


the brother is toast !!!

Raising Cain

Image by seanmcmenemy via Flickr

thinks he’s cool , but this brother is a fucking joke . if any person in the  Democratic Party  pulled what Herman Cain did  they’d be all over them like stink on shit and never stop until they hounded them out of the race. just because he’s a black conservative he thinks he’s getting a raw deal from the press and  wants to move on and not talk about the women that he tried to grab some hair pie or get some head  from , it’s just to fucking bad Herman , and now there is a face and a name coming from one of his many accusers (5  so far and counting ) and the fourth  urging him to “come clean” and tell the truth . funny how the idiots on the radical right are backing him up like they do with their own kind . thinking that the American people are stupid and will forgive you for being  a jive-ass  sexual pig to women , you’re a  dumb-ass  Koch sucker for trying to cover up all the sexual harassment charges against you . you are pond scum brother , and the media is doing its job and its about time instead of playing nice with all these dumb fucking idiots on the right who say crazy shit and do what ever they want just because their running for President , they should have looked into all of their back grounds in the beginning of the race and weeded out all the shady characters as time goes by . and  now we all have to go through this shit for at least another week instead of the press going after all the idiots who didn’t want to put Americans back to work and to expose all those who will stop President Obama at any cost from having another 4 year term in office as President of the United States . ain’t that the truth  , now that is what I call a high-tech republican political lynching to me !!! 


tell the truth and get fired .

45th Munich Security Conference 2009: Hamid Ka...

Image via Wikipedia

something is wrong when you have to choose between telling the truth or telling a lie to make us believe that things are peachy keen  in Afghanistan or that we are winning the war . I have more respect for a person speaking the truth and  I think it was total bullshit  on our part to have fired and relieved of command Major General Peter Fuller who had a few critical comments of  Afghan president Karzai and others in the Afghan government saying that they are “isolated from reality” and are detached and unappreciative of America‘s sacrifices and financial contributions after 10 years of war , which is the truth , and keeping his corrupt ass in power . I said that last part not the General . so  Major General Fuller spoke the truth and was punished for doing so . he knows what’s going on more than we do . and I think he should have stayed on training Afghan soldiers by doing his job , but that’s just me and what the “fuck” do I know !!! we lost it after pulling troops out from killing Bin Laden  in the mountains in the first place , than left and started the war with Iraq , we screwed up big time and have paid the price ever since all because of some top military jack-asses thinking that a few little camel jockeys wouldn’t be a problem and would roll over and let the U.S do what ever it wanted to do in their countries even if it was for their own good and for us to think that we know what’s best for the world , we need  more to stand up and speak the truth and not punish the ones that do . now that man is a hero in my book ………. 

Bank Transfer Day:

V Mask

Image by fotografar via Flickr

Remember , Remember The 5th of November . that’s the day to close your accounts at the larger banks and  transfer them to smaller  community banks and or Credit Union Banks . you have the right to vote with your wallets . and its easy to do .                                                    

and as they say “flee from fees” from most of the big banks. they don’t give a shit because their too-big-to-fail. cause the Fed has their backs with our money , so if enough people leave them , than they might just get the hint or the message  that “we”the people are sick and tired and fed up all the lame-ass fees that they seem to be charging  us when they lose money on their dumb-ass investments or when ever they feel like making more profits . by squeezing the people like they always do , this is what they deserve so “grow some balls” and do like I did and change your banking habits and move to a smaller bank . it’s the smart thing to do , plus you’ll be doing your community a favor by investing in it and the people are a lot more friendlier at your home town banks ……….

Executive Orders

Barack Obama

Image by _Yoshi_ via Flickr

and its about time . he should have done this a long time ago . I don’t see what the big stink is . the Gee-Oh-Pee is having a shit fit , all because President Obama’s use of “his” executive powers as President to pass things by this “do nothing Congress“. at least he’s doing something for the people by helping them and ease their worries and pain  by doing a few things on his own to help them with housing , education , and other economic problems  (the 99%) of us face each and every day. what about when the mental midget Bush passed his executive orders . they kept quiet . only reason why their bitching is that he’s a black man and he’s beating them at their own political game !!! making them look like the fools they really are . those retards in the Republican Congress should be doing for the people and stop protecting the”rich” . they should be  putting Americans back to work , not trying to stop the President by grinding him into the ground  and opposing  him at every turn !!!  at least he’s doing something , and at the same time the people are seeing  that at least he’s trying to help them by fixing Americas problems with out their help ,  like the President said ,”We Can’t Wait”. and  now some are saying that more executive orders are yet to come every week , and I can’t wait .

If Your Not Pissed off

… than you don’t have a heart beat.

(Even More) Corporate Greed

Image by luzer via Flickr

Raising Cain in the polls

Pizza man's here! . . . Herman Cain - Cartoon

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

after last nights debate … he’s the frontrunner !!!  what a joke … he doesn’t care about politics or  people … but that’s what he wants you to think … that he’s on the little guys side yah right … only thing he cares about is selling his book “people” … look I don’t profess to be an expert in the field of finance …  I can balance my own check book when I have to …  and  I understand very little about our tax  system but who really does except for tax accountants … but I do know one thing … his 666 plan will raise taxes on everybody especially the middle households would see their taxes raise by more than $4,500 to $5,500 dollars and up … and on most of all the working poor and the poor Americans  would be paying more on a new federal tax  rates on top of  our own state taxes … and for those who make  a million dollars or better would get generous tax cuts to almost half  the rates their paying now … its amazing that all these dumb ignorant stupid ass people  love Cains tax plan who don’t understand shit … you have to be just as fucking stupid as he is to want to pay higher taxes than you are now … I sure as hell don’t pay anymore taxes … he’s a clown and  should be treated as one  and  is not a serious contender to run for any held office in any state or government cause he hasn’t a clue what is going on in the world  (only his own world)  … he is not ready for prime time and never will be … he should go home and keep on  continuing making pizzas  … with a new one added to his menu this time … an apple and orange pizza  (yuck) … and I hear from some on the web that his pizzas aren’t really that good either …