Finally, We ‘Indies’ Get Us Some Representation

Trish is fond of characterizing independents like myself as wishy-washy fence-sitters she says always vote for the same party every election anyway, so we might as well get off the fence and join the Democrat Party.

Well, Trish, today I got up on a higher, more solid fence and joined the Independent Voters of America.

Here’s a video that succinctly sums up the IVA’s position:

According to Tech President:

Veteran political ad-maker Bill Hillsman — the man behind “hilarious and highly effective ads” for Paul Wellstone, Jesse Ventura, Ross Perot and others — has launched Independent Voters of America.

Said Hillsman: “We are building the largest online community of self-identified independent voters, with the goals of bringing fresh voices and more choices into our politics, acting as a counterweight to the two major political parties, and to reduce gridlock, force progress and bring a new accountability to Washington.”

My iVoter score is 533. I don’t know what that means yet, so I’ll assume it’s somewhere on the left of the political spectrum because the old white guy in the video was in the 300s and the middle-aged black guy was 675.

A Video Reminder that Breitbart Added Nothing to Cultural Dialogue but Noise, Lies

When Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly in March 2012,* he was hailed by those on both the right and the left who lauded his “mischievous spirit and Barnum-esque knack for creating a stir.” But he wasn’t really like some little bad boy, he was a big bad boy, capable of mean-spirited and dishonest acts.

As this long-lost video shows, however, the only thing Breitbart really cared about was winning the argument and defeating — by any means — the monolithic, juggernaught-like LEFT, which seeks to impose “cultural Marxism” and “political correctness” on the poor little helpless right.

So watch the tape (not the whole thing, it’s 18:30), but enough to remind you of Breitbart’s ability to talk and never really say anything. Given the current level of discourse in this country — an environment ripe for Breitbart’s brand of creative video editing and aggressive smear campaigns — we’re better off without him.

* Thanks for the correction, Paula.

Vodka’s Name Offends People Who Don’t Drink It with Reference to Custom They Don’t Practice

5wivesSince everyone knows that Mormons no longer practice polygamy (in this life) and they also don’t consume alcohol, how could they be offended by a vodka named “Fives Wives?” Uh, you got us there.

But the Idaho State Liquor Division has banned the new libation from being sold in the state, based on the idea that the 23 percent of Idahoans who are Mormon might take it personally.

“We feel Five Wives Vodka concept is offensive to a prominent segment of our population and will not be carried,” according to a letter from the Idaho State Liquor Division to an Idaho distributor wishing to carry it…

The head of Idaho’s liquor division acknowledged that Mormons don’t drink, or at least that they don’t admit it if they do.

“Presumably, people of the LDS faith would not be shopping in our [liquor] stores, but that does not mean that we are not sensitive to them.” But [Jeff Anderson] said Five Wives was rejected for other reasons, too, including the fact that vodka is a “crowded and competitive category” and that “there was nothing that really differentiated [Five Wives] other than its name and its label that had five women with cats in their crotches covering their genitals.

How anything differentiates a clear liquor with no taste is debatable. One wonders where Anderson worships, but that’s beside the point. Or is it?

While [Steve Conlin, director of marketing and a partner at Ogden's Own, the Utah micro-distiller which makes the product] concedes the name could be seen as referencing polygamy (especially since it’s made in Utah), he said it carries many meanings. “The person who came up with name, she really liked the idea of five wives sitting around having a drink. There really is no pointed meaning to it and everyone can bring what they want to it … it’s not about making fun of Mormons at all. Quite simply it’s a name that seemed to fit.”

We’ll take his word, not having tried his vodka, that the name “fits” but I see no reason to protect the sensibilities of people who practice polygamy. Which of course, Mormons don’t. Anymore.

Romney Releases ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ – What Is He Hiding?
Was he born - or is he a robot, as is claimed by many people?


Birthers are adamant that certificates of live birth are not the same as birth certificates. Using their logic, the document Mitt Romney released yesterday is insufficient proof that he was born.

Many, many people believe Mitt Romney is a robot. If so, he would not have a birth certificate at all, would he?

What is Mitt Romney hiding?

And while the Romney campaign is at it, we also want proof that Ann Romney has no sister-wives.

Many Welcome Romney’s Victory as President of Amercia

amerciaStorify is among those chronicling the memes popping up after Mitt Romney’s new iPhone app misspelled the name of the country which Romney wants to run. And while we all wish him well on attaining the presidency of Amercia, we fervently hope he will never be the president of America.

Playing off the Obama campaign, which Romney just keeps doing, his team came up with a new tagline. You know how Obama asks, “Are you in?” Well Romney wants you to say you’re “With Mitt.” That this rhymes so closely with “nitwit” seems to have escaped Romney’s strategists.

You’re supposed to use the app to upload a picture of yourself and, choosing one of 14 pro-Mitt slogans provided, post it on Facebook or Pinterest or someplace else that people you know would enjoy seeing it.

That saying you’re “With Mitt” rhymes so closely with “nitwit” seems to have escaped Romney’s strategists

Romney’s folks are learning what is meant by the loss of control that goes with social media, as people are using the hashtag #Amercia on Twitter to provide such bon mots as:

  • If you’re applying for a job, and you misspell the name of the company you want to work for, you won’t get that job. #Amercia
  • Mitt Romney: wrong for wemon, wrong for minotiries, wrong for #Amercia.
  • Mitt’s gonna be holding an app designer down and cutting his hair today. #amercia
Congressional Republicans Go Squishy on Liberal Elements of Obamacare

The purpose of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is to expand the number of the insured in order to increase the revenue to the giant insurance corporations in order to offset the loss of revenue caused by the more progressive elements of the law, particularly the end of denials coverage due to preexisting conditions and allowing parents to cover children up to the age of 26.

All of this chicanery could be avoided if the insurance corporations would do what Republicans claim that only businesses can do: Solve the insurance crisis themselves by creating plans that are affordable to everyone.

The individual mandate was a right-wing invention. It was created by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. But now Republicans in Congress are looking at polls showing that while voters still don’t like the right-wing individual mandate — which has been vilified in the conservative media for three years now — but do like the liberal provisions in the law, like ending denial of coverage and extending coverage to young-adult children.

Therefore, the GOP leadership in the House and Senate is signalling that, if the Republicans on the Supreme Court overturn the Affordable Care Act, as they are expected to do next month, congressional Republicans will propose new laws to reinstate the popular but revenue-draining aspects of the law but without any provision to replace the mandate as a vehicle to recoup the insurance corporations’ lost revenue:

How Many Wives Does Mitt Romney Really Have?

Wiferism is the new birtherism.

Protest against Baptist Preacher’s Call for Concentration Camps for Gays Draws 2,000 in North Carolina

Morganton (N.C.) News Herald:

More than 2,000 protestors armed with signs and slogans lined Newton’s Southwest Boulevard on Sunday morning. They were there in reaction to the May 13 sermon by Charles Worley, pastor of Providence Road Baptist Church. In the sermon, originally posted on the church’s website, Worley called for all gays and lesbians to be imprisoned behind an electric fence.

Romney Flip Flops on Ryan Budget: Cuts Would Cause ‘a Recession or Depression, So I’m Not Going to Do That, Of Course’
Another semantic core meltdown from the GOP's Romneybot 2000

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

“I think it’d be marvelous if the Senate were to pick up Paul Ryan’s budget and to adopt it and pass it along to the president,” Mitt Romney told Wisconsin voters early last month — referring, of course to the federal budget passed by Republicans in the House on a party line vote that would cut trillions out of the budget over 10 years, including $3.3 trillion from programs that benefit low-income families.

But now Romney appears to view the draconian cuts he endorsed just a few weeks ago as decidedly un-marvelous. In a softball interview with right-wing Time Magazine reporter Mark Halperin published this week, Romney has executed one of his trademark 180-degree flip flops when it comes to cutting the budget:

What Rove Has in Store for Gullible Swing Voters



In just 28 years, Dr. Robert Spitzer went from hero to betrayer among advocates of gay civil rights. In 1973, he led efforts to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. But in 2001, he released a study that suggested that homosexuality could be cured. Now he has recanted the 2001 study and apologized to gays who have been harmed.

Read More


  • 64%

    Of Americans surveyed by Pew Research said the United States does not have a responsibility to do something about the conflict in Syria, while 25% said the U.S. does have a responsibility to intervene.

  • 48% to 34%

    Margin by which former Gov. Charlie Crist (I) would trounce Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida’s 2014 gubernatorial race if Crist ran this time as a Democrat, a new Florida Opinion Research poll finds.

  • 68% to 19%

    Margin by which Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, and those with no religious preference) identify as pro-choice. This represents the strongest propensity toward the pro-choice position of any major U.S. demographic (as distinct from political) subgroup. This group is also more heavily pro-choice than Democrats, but its views are similar to those of political “liberals,” 74% of whom are pro-choice and 19% pro-life.

Poetic Justice

In an attempt to fight off campaign inertia,
Mitt Romney’s renamed our country for ya.
While there’s no way of telling
If you lose votes for bad spelling —
Welcome, fellow citizens, to AMERCIA!


  • Get that ass!

    - Tennessee Williams whispering to Gore Vidal while skeet shooting with Sen. John F. Kennedy in Palm Beach, in 1958, referring to the senator’s derriere. When Vidal repeated the comment to the future president, grinning he replied, “Now that’s very exciting!”

  • There is no more naked celebrity in America than Donald Trump. He doesn’t do subtlety. He doesn’t do ‘thought.’ To say he has a political calculus is a wild overstatement. His strategy amounts to no more than junior high school algebra. The equation is: Trump + infantile public statement x infinite repetitions on TV and Twitter = maximum publicity for flailing Trump products and insatiable Trump ego.

    — Frank Rich, commenting on what he calls “Mitt’s Bleach-Bottle Bimbo” in New York magazine.

  • This is not brain surgery. It should be an FBI person, maybe a CIA person. If you want to run for president, you’ve got to go with the proper documentation and get it certified that you meet the qualifications to be the President of the United States.

    — Michigan U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra (R), telling the Detroit Free Press he’d like to “create a federal office in Washington that would verify that presidential candidates meet the minimum requirements to hold the office.”

    Editor’s note: We suggest a name for the office — the BBI, or the Birther Bureau of Investigation. We have some creative ideas for the badge design, too, that involve the “not brain surgery” meme.


  • On the campaign trail, Mitt Romney added another rhetorical superlative to his record when he criticized the slow but steady employment improvement by saying, “We should be seeing numbers in the 500,000 jobs created per month.” In fact, such a figure would be an aberration.

    Although the most recent employment numbers reflected 19 months straight of growth, the 115,000 jobs figure from March, 2012 is one everyone would like to see go higher. But Romney’s half-million jobs a month figure has never been consistently maintained, and has in fact only been reached a few times, according to the New York Times’ Peter Baker.

    Baker looked at the past 50 years and found only five instances where job growth reached 500,000 in a month. First, the following presidents never attained Romney’s ideal:

    • John F. Kennedy (1961 – 1963)
    • Lyndon B. Johnson (1963 – 1969)
    • Richard M. Nixon (1969 – 1974)
    • Gerald R. Ford (1974 – 1977)
    • George H.W. Bush (1989 – 1993
    • George W. Bush (2001 – 2009)

    The list of presidents who did see that rate of growth is short, and to some, surprising.

    Both Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton saw the creation of 500,000 jobs once each during their eight years in office.

    The only president in the last 50 years to see it happen twice (and in only four years at that) was…Jimmy Carter.

    The final president to see that level of employment growth was Barack Obama in 2010. No doubt Obama will meet — and break — fellow Democrat Carter’s record in his second term.

  • The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein recently refuted the Republican/Tea Party touchstone that Obama has placed a higher tax burden on Americans than other presidents. Klein shows you have only to look to Ronald Reagan for evidence.

    Today’s problems, Klein says, are radically different from Reagan’s era, and they began under Clinton, who allowed the crumbling of the wall between insured and uninsured investing and the deregulation of the mortgage industry, and were exacerbated under Bush II, who continued deregulation and used deficit spending to finance tax cuts for the rich and the war he declared in Iraq.

    Contrary to popular belief, taxes are lower under Obama than they were under Reagan. In 1983, when Reagan was trying to get the economy out of recession, revenues were 17.5 percent of GDP. In 2010, when Obama was trying to guide the economy into a recovery, revenues were 14.9 percent of GDP.

    Taxes are so low under Obama in large part because of the Bush tax cuts and the effects of the financial crisis. But they’re also low because of the tax cuts passed by Obama in the stimulus bill.

    Klein adds that the long-term outlook under the Obama plan is good.

    In 1988, when Reagan left office, revenues were 18.2 percent of GDP. Under the Congressional Budget Office’s alternative-fiscal scenario — which is their most realistic projection — revenues only rise to 18.4 percent of GDP by 2021. If Obama manages to pass his most consistent tax-policy demand and sunset the Bush tax cuts for income over $250,000, that would rise by less than half a percentage point. In other words, taxes were never as low under Reagan as they are under Obama, and Obama’s policies would not lead to a significantly different tax burden than Reagan’s policies did.

    Finally, Klein notes that Obama isn’t done yet so while we can definitively rate Reagan’s initiatives, Obama’s are a work in progress.

  • We’ve all heard the Republican argument that if we continue to keep personal income taxes low for Scrooge McDuck, he will take this personal money he would otherwise pay in taxes and which he could spend on any number of things – a newer car, travel, really, really expensive and delicious june bugs – and invest it in enterprises that produce jobs.

    Republicans tells us, as did former Gov. Mitt Romney, “With over 20 million people who are unemployed or who have stopped looking for work, the last thing we should be doing is raising taxes on job-creators, entrepreneurs, and small business owners across America.”

    Except they’re dead wrong. Michael Linden, at the Center for American Progress, crunched the numbers.

    In the past 60 years, job growth has actually been greater in years when the top income tax rate was much higher than it is now.

    For instance, in years when the top marginal rate was more than 90 percent, the average annual growth in total payroll employment was 2 percent. In years when the top marginal rate was 35 percent or less—which it is now—employment grew by an average of just 0.4 percent.

    And there’s no cherry-picking here. Pick any threshold. When the marginal tax rate was 50 percent or above, annual employment growth averaged 2.3 percent, and when the rate was under 50, growth was half that.

    In fact, if you ranked each year since 1950 by overall job growth, the top five years would all boast marginal tax rates at 70 percent or higher. The top 10 years would share marginal tax rates at 50 percent or higher. The two worst years, on the other hand, were 2008 and 2009, when the top marginal tax rate was 35 percent. In the 13 years that the top marginal tax rate has been at its current level or lower, only one year even cracks the top 20 in overall job creation.


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