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The US Progression of Amassing the Nation's Wealth in a Few Hands Must End Bernie Sanders | Who's a Greedy Geezer? Romney and The Donald: "Stupid" is the New "Smart" The Poison of Drone Warfare Seeps Into the Future Surge in African American Support for Same-Sex Marriage Ignites ConservativesHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- John Boehner: Student Loan Interest Rate Deal Unlikely
- Thousands Rally in Toronto as Solidarity for Quebec Spreads Like Wildfire
- Urban Outfitters Loves Mitt
- American Nuns Fight Back Against Vatican Crackdown
- Koch-Fueled Event Brings out Tea Partiers for Walker and Kleefisch from Wisconsin and other States
- Romney Finally Releases His Personal Money Figures
- All 67 Florida Election Supervisors Suspend Governor Rick Scott's Voter Purge
- In Victory for Marriage Equality, Appeals Court Rules DOMA Discriminates Against Same-Sex Couples
- Texas Refinery Gets Huge "Upgrade," Can Now Run Tar Sands
- The State of Open Records Laws: Access Denied
- This Week in Poverty: Will Janitors Strike in Houston?
- The Legend of the Spat-Upon Veteran
- Imagining the Post-Occupy Social Movement
- Planned Parenthood Slams Mitt Romney in Major Ad Buy (Video)
- Wisconsin Recall Shocker: Apart from deciding Scott Walker’s fate, it is also the recall election of four other Wisconsin State Republican senators.
- Obama's Troubles in One Chart
- Protest Groups Converge to Denounce Secretive Bilderberg Conference
- Glenn Greenwald | Deliberate Media Propaganda
- Leon Panetta: US to Deploy 60% of Navy Fleet to Pacific
- A Killer in the White House
- From Gangs to Gardens: How Community Agriculture Transformed Quesada Avenue
- "No Matter What the Result, We Will Continue to Resist," Says Mexican Electrical Workers Union Leader
- California Prison Throws 78 Prisoners in Solitary for More Than 20 Years
- Globalization Head-On: Women Confronting Poverty
- Egyptian Court Sentences Mubarak to Life in Prison
- Robert Reich | The Job Stall
- How Our Government Incentivizes the Overproduction of Junk Food
- Will Brewing Corruption Scandals in Ohio Have an Impact on November's Election?
- New York Hunger Striker to Trinity Church: "Forgive Us Our Trespasses"
- Bitter New Jersey Primary Pits President Obama Against Bill Clinton
- Is Ohio About to Enact the Worst Fracking Law Yet?
- Meet the Corporate Front Groups Fighting to Make Sure You Can't Know What's in Your Food
- A Global Call: Eco Warriors, Arise!
- The Underreported Story of Scott Walker and Foreclosure Fraud
- Conservative Jewish Movement Sanctions Same-Sex Marriage
- Voting Rights: Darkness in the Sunshine State
- Are California’s Lobbyists for Privatized Education Involved in Criminal Activity or Potential Legal Conflicts of Interest?
- Bob Dylan’s Presidential Medal of Freedom Says Times Really Have Changed
- The Biggest Climate Victory You Never Heard Of: The fight against coal in the US has achieved great success due to activists' passion and commitment.
- The Attack of the Communist Bicycles!
- GOP Plan to Win Power by Killing Jobs
- Zimmerman Ordered Back to Jail in Travyon Martin Case
- Republicans Hold US Economy Hostage
- The US Progression of Amassing the Nation's Wealth in a Few Hands Must End -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout The Popular BuzzFlash at Truthout Videos Will Be Back. Currently, We Are Experiencing Some Technical Changes.
- Medical marijuana legalized in Connecticut
- A 13th person was granted immunity from prosecution in the two-year-old John Doe probe into Governor Scott Walker’s former Milwaukee County aides.
- Did Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Officers Kill a Latino Vet? Autopsy Suggests Violent Arrest Led to Death
- How Our Government Incentivizes the Overproduction of Junk Food
- Who's a Greedy Geezer? -- Senator Bernie Sanders for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- New York Police Continue to Harass, Arrest and Violate the First Amendment Right of Protesters and Journalists
- Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran
- Zimmerman's Bond Revoked in Trayvon Martin Killing
- Win or Lose on June 5, Advocates Agree Wisconsin Progressive Movement Must Continue
- America’s Clean Water Under Siege by U.S. House of Representatives
- Obama, Democrats Blame ‘Do-Nothing Congress’ For Job Woes
- Medea Benjamin on How Drones May Be Used Against US Citizens Soon
- VIDEO: "Inside Job" Director Charles Ferguson: Where Are the Criminal Prosecutions for Financial Crisis?
- Do We Need A Poor People's Coming-Out Movement?
- National Review Writer: Conservatives Should ‘Beat’ Young People Who ‘Think Socialism Is Better Than Capitalism’
- Warning to US Journalists: Do NOT Ask Difficult Questions of Powerful CEOs
- VIDEO: Maddow Calls Out Romney for ‘Bald-Faced Lie’
- Paul Krugman | The Austerity Agenda
- Bill Clinton Slams Walker For ‘Divide And Conquer’ In Wisconsin
- Tax Exempt Cheats: The Mormon Church Egregiously Breaks the Law to Fund Mitt Romney
- Citizens Get Conflicting Messages About Their Right to Record
- After 15 Months in Orbit, Secret Space Plane Finally Returning to Earth
- VIDEO: Romney Campaign Stumbles Again On Russia
- "Our Elections Are Being Poisoned"
- Fifty Protesters Disrupt Comcast’s Shareholders Meeting
- Hot, Repressive and Locked in an Internet War: A Grim Vision of America’s and the World’s Future
- Autopsy Blames Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Officers In Death Of Latino Military Veteran
- GOP’s ‘Obamacare’ Pivot Invites New Predicament
- There Is No Miami Zombie Apocalypse, Just Mentally Ill People With No Safety Net
- VIDEO: Jon Stewart Rails Against Bloomberg’s Soda Ban
- Elections Officials Throughout Florida Refuse To Use Rick Scott’s Inaccurate Lists To Purge Voters
- Feds Want Warrantless Spying Loss Overturned, Saying the Law Can’t Touch Them
- Media And Politicians Reject "Women's Issues," But Voters Don't
- Court Orders Ban on Enforcement of Illinois Eavesdropping Law
- The President's Kill List
- Big Paychecks, Tiny Tax Burdens: How 21,000 Wealthy Americans Avoided Paying Income Tax
- North Dakota Shale Boom Displaces Tribal Residents
- White Supremacist With Ties To Neo-Nazi Groups Elected To Pennsylvania County GOP Committee
- Drug Bans Hamper Brain Research, Says Seuroscientist
- 'First Amendment Rights Can be Terminated': When Cops, Cameras Don't Mix
- One Man Army Bernie Sanders Goes To War With the Koch Brothers
- Families Caught in Foreclosure Crisis Unite in National Campaign
- Jay Townsend, GOP Spokesman: 'Let's Hurl Some Acid At Those Female Democratic Senators'
- Pity Those Media-Pummeled Republicans
- "A federal judge blocked much of Florida’s year-old voter suppression law today as an unconstitutional infringement on speech and voting rights."
- US Economy Added 69K Jobs in May, Fewest in a Year
- Foreclosure Protest Puts Minneapolis Officials in Tight Spot
- Eugene Robinson | Romney Plays His Trump Card
- John Edwards Not Guilty On One Count, Mistrial On 5 Counts
- FBI Targets KGB (Kasich Goon Brigade) in Ohio
- Crushing Canada
- William Rivers Pitt | Not With a Bang, But a Derp: It's Mitt
- Romney and The Donald: "Stupid" is the New "Smart" -- Mark Perkel for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Poison of Drone Warfare Seeps Into the Future -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Surge in African American Support for Same-Sex Marriage Ignites Conservatives -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Steering from the Abyss
- Rove-Run Crossroads Ad Slams Obama over Company that Got Taxpayer Money from Governor Romney. Derp.
- Hayworth Spokesman: ‘Hurl Some Acid At Those Female Democratic Senators’
- Romney Feared White House Conspiracy To Stop Secret Solyndra Presser
- What Comes Next?: Building on Occupy and the 99% Spring
- It’s Official: Bill Clinton Heading to Wisconsin to Campaign Against Scott Walker
- Climate Change: Carbon Dioxide Levels In World's Air Reach 'Troubling Milestone'
- JPMorgan CIO Swaps Pricing Said To Differ From Bank
- North Carolina Bill Would Have State Ignore Faster Rising Seas
- If You're "Probably Up to No Good," President Obama Wants to Kill You
- Hatfields & McCoys & Democrats & Republicans
- VIDEO: Quebec Student Movement Grows with Popular Support
- Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional, Federal Appeals Court Declares
- Bank Of America Reaches A New Low In Scumbaggery
- Palm Beach Elections Supervisor Rejects Florida’s Voter Purge List, Says Effort Is ‘Not Credible’
- Oklahoma Rape Victim Denied Emergency Contraceptives. Doctor Cites Religious Objection As Reason
- The Billion-Dollar Mitt Machine
- Five Points About Politico's Hatchet Job On NYT and WaPo
- Walker’s Budget Bill Legal Fees Could Hit $850K
- Sample Anti-Drone Ordinance for Your City
- Derp Derp Derp Hoekstra Now Says Birther Questions ‘Absolutely Ludicrous Discussion’ Derp Derp
- Occupy Wall Street Bangs Pots and Pans with Students in Quebec
- Return of the Birthers
- Wal-Mart Drops ALEC
- Canada Protests: And Now, Where Do We Go?
- Newly Released FBI “Domestic Terrorism” Training on Anarchists, Environmentalists, Show COINTELPRO Tactics
- Frank Rich on the National Circus: Mitt’s Bleach-Bottle Bimbo
- Is the Government Holding Back Crucial Documents?
- CNN Moves To The Right and Loses 52% of Its Viewers
- Ron Paul's Velvet Revolution: The Texas congressman's die-hards are planning a "Ronvoy" to Tampa. They promise to behave.
- Researchers Discover Massive New Cyberweapon
- Murdoch Scandal: Former News of the World Editor Charged with Perjury
- JCPenney Features ‘Real-Life’ Same-Sex Couple In Fathers’ Day Ad
- VIDEO: Jon Stewart Thanks The Comedy Gods For The Gift Of Donald Trump
- Why Are Democrats Losing the Wisconsin Recall?
- Gun Violence: Shootings Leave 6 Dead in Already Jittery Seattle
- Former Justice John Paul Stevens Predicts Cracks in Citizens United Decision
- As D.C. Race Looms, Komen Foundation Still Paying Price For Planned Parenthood Fight
- Republican Senate Candidate Says Voters Shouldn’t be Allowed to Elect Their Senators
- Dan Rather Report: Hugo Chavez's Cancer has 'Entered the End Stage'
- Why the Drive to Recall Scott Walker is Justified
- Islam Is a Religion, and Therefore Protected by the Constitution
- Glenn Greenwald: Obama’s Secret Kill List "The Most Radical Power a Government Can Seize"
- City of Buffalo is Transferring $45 Million from JPMorgan Chase to First Niagara
- Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Says Marco Rubio is Not Qualified to be VP
- Soaked With Oil Cash, Republicans Block Military’s Push To Use Clean Energy
- Romney: Going Negative, Subtly
- Bush and His Republican Lackeys are Responsible for the Current Deficit: Case Closed -- Colonel Colin J. N. Chauret, USAF Retired, for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Eating Monsanto GMO Corn Can "Turn Your Gut into a Living Pesticide Factory," Article Contends -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Scott "John Doe" Walker Transfers $100,000 in Campaign Funds for Legal Defense in Investigation in Which He Has Not Been Charged But Is Clearly the Subject of Law Enforcement Interest
- Lobbying Group Is Being Heard as Moderate Voice on Israel
- "Mitt Romney loves to attack Barack Obama’s record of job creation as president. Too bad Mitt’s record as Massachusetts governor pales in comparison."
- Meet Maureen Russo: An Eligible Florida Voter Governor Rick Scott Just Purged From The Voting Rolls
- Demonizing Mexican-American Studies is Unjust
- Who Will the President Kill Next? It’s a Secret
- Demonizing Mexican-American studies in Arizona is unjust
- Pilot Kicks Sexist Passenger Off Her Plane
- Voter Purge Will Be Accelerated in Florida. This is the Suppression of Voters from 2000 Repeated Again, a Violation of Democracy.
- Talk Nation Radio: Marcy Winograd on Leaving the Democratic Party and Opposing War
- Julian Assange Loses Extradition Appeal
- "A Texas congressional candidate who favors marijuana legalization beat eight-term incumbent El Paso Rep. Silvestre Reyes Tuesday in the Democratic primary for the congressional district closest to Mexico's Ciudad Juarez."
- Homophobe Beat: VIDEO: Four year-old gets standing O for singing “Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make It To Heaven” in church
- Tabloid News of Note In Canada: "An Ottawa coroner has confirmed a package delivered Tuesday to the Conservative Party of Canada's headquarters in downtown Ottawa contained a human foot."
- Greg Palast: Killings, cancer, corruption and Azerbaijan: Eurovision in the Islamic Republic of BP
- Number of the day: $3 million - what Chicago paid to defended CPD repeaters against alleged illegal searches
- The Ostroy Report: Dump the Trump
- Secret pro-Scott Walker group jams phones of opponent Dem. Tom Barrett with spam texts
- Choose a Progressive Gift. Support BuzzFlash and Truthout.
- Rachel Maddow: Florida's Governor Purges Voter Rolls, Again!
- NYT: Lawsuit Accuses City’s Jails of Condoning Inmate Abuse
- Four Senate Seats Also on Wisconsin June 5th Recall Ballot
- "Pots and Pans" Protests for Freedom of Speech Spread Across Quebec Against Oppressive Government -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout 300,000 Protested Crackdowns on Dissent and College Tuition Increases in Montreal Last Week .
- Romney is Now the Official Nominee of the Grey Old (Tea) Party
- EXCLUSIVE: From Hopeful Immigrant to FBI Informant: The Inside Story of the Other Abu Zubaidah
- How the "Job Creators" Really Spend Their Money -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Heartland Institute’s Unabomber Billboard Bombs -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Collateral Damage in the War on Protesters: Neighbors of the NATO3 Cuffed, Held at Gunpoint
- "Montreal’s downtown economy is suffering the after-effects of the emergency law adopted to end the student conflict, states the vice-president of public relations for Tourism Montreal, Pierre Bellerose. “Since the introduction of Bill 78, hotel reservation cancellations have multiplied, even though April was a good month,” he laments. He explains that outside of Quebec, the introduction of the emergency law on May 18 has received greater media coverage than the student conflict itself. “The Ontario market is particularly affected due to national media outlets such as CTV and CBC, which are broadcasting images of violence.”
- Dirty Tricks In Wisconsin: Secret Group Shuts Down Phones Of Scott Walker’s Democratic Challenger With Spam Texts
- Florida Supervisor of Elections: Gov. Scott’s Voter Purge Will Remove Eligible Voters From Rolls
- What The Pushback On Obama’s Spending Claim Ignores
- Another Israeli Cyber Attack on Iran?
- Elizabeth Warren vs. the Establishment
- David Brooks Goes Epic Fail Once Again
- Hope: The Sequel
- Republican Resigns From National Labor Relations Board Over Leaks To Ex-Romney Aide
- Mitt Romney Takes On Teachers’ Unions
- Scott Walker's Recall Hypocrisy
- Scott Walker Recall: Progressive Group Sends $100,000 To Wisconsin
- Gov.: Drones Over Virginia 'Great'; Cites Battlefield Success
- Germany Sets Solar Power Record: 50% of Electricity Demand
- Corporate Raider is Not a Good Model for Public Service
- Meet Bill: The 91-Year-Old Decorated WWII Veteran Targeted By Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Voter Purge
- Debt-Hit Greece 'Running Out Of Medication'
- Generation Broke: Local millennials say between the high cost of living and student loan debt they are barely scraping by. Why that’s bad for all of us.
- Homophobia Threatens to Turn Democracy into a Fundamentalist Theocracy
- In No State Is a 40-Hour, Minimum Wage Work Week Enough to Afford a Two-Bedroom Apartment
- Ikea Products Made From 600-Year-Old Trees
- Oglala Sioux Tribe Poised To Take Control Of First Tribal National Park
- Robert Reich | How to Avoid the Austerity Trap But Still Deal With the Budget Deficit
- George Will Calls Trump A ‘Bloviating Ignoramus With A Low IQ,’ Trump Then Fires Back
- Aung San Suu Kyi's Bangkok Trip Marks Beginning of Landmark World Tour
- Center's Activities Provide Glimpse into Network of Conservative Advocacy Groups
- Donald Trump Lets Loose With Birther Rant After Romney Reaffirms Support
- VIDEO | The World Tomorrow: Occupy
- Three Years After Taxpayer Bailout, Bank of America Ships Jobs Overseas
- The Face of Collateral Damage: Photos of missile debris help trace the path of a CIA drone missile that killed a young girl
- War Machine Smoke: Nearly Half New US Vets Seek Disability Benefits from Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
- "What I've learned about conservatives in the last few months"
- All the Media Money Can Buy
- Why Scott Walker Must Go: the Endless Parade of Lies
- Greek Stocks Soar on Pro-Bailout Party's Poll Gain
- Insurers Forcing Patients to Pay More for Costly Specialty Drugs
- Top Conservatives Warn GOP Not To Waver On ‘Obamacare’
- Stop Letting Mitt Romney Off Easy
- Cleveland Occupy Arrests are the Latest in FBI's Pattern of Manipulation
- On Twitter, Koch Group Offers Illinois Residents Free Food, Trips to Wisconsin to Support Governor Scott Walker
- Greg Palast: BP Covered Up 2008 Caspian Sea Deepwater Blowout and Already Knew Cap Wouldn't Work
- Why Cory Booker and Corporate Friendly Dems Who Fear Attacking Wall Street Are a Big Problem for Democrats
- Mitt Romney to Officially Clinch Republican Nomination Tuesday
- Mitt Romney Hires GOP Super-PAC Guru and Ex-Corporate Lobbyist
- AP Exclusive: California 9/11 Fund Raided for Deficits
- Tuna Carry Fukushima Japan Quake Radiation Across Pacific to California
- Ohio Set To Execute Severely Mentally Ill Inmate Next Week
- Drones: How Obama Learned to Kill
- US Winds Down Longer Benefits for the Unemployed
- The War in Syria Escalates with the Brutal Killing of 32 Children
- The Blair-Murdoch Connection and the Lies of Tony Blair Exposed
- Inside the NYT CEO's Exit
- Ostroy Report | Birthers: Why Don't You just Call Obama a Ni**er?
- This Memorial Day Let’s Start Caring for Our Nation’s Veterans: No More Ducking the Real Cost of US Wars!
- Article from the Past Reveals a Lifetime of Dirty Politics for Scott Walker
- Let's Slam the Door on Private Prisons Once and for All
- Many hospitals, doctors offer cash discount for medical bills
- Pro-LGBT church destroyed by fire in Minnesota
- Five Facts About the Fallen to Remember on Memorial Day
- Tea Party Icon Rep. Allen West Defends Key Provisions of "Obamacare"
- GOP blames Obama for student debt in swing-state NH, ignores origins of problem
- What This Election Is Really About
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Trump Swallows Pagan Baby At Romney Fundraiser
- An Open Limerick To Mitt Romney
- Bush Portrait Unveiling Accomplished