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Fox's Kilmeade On WI Exit Polls Showing Obama Leading Romney: Were Voters "Telling The Truth?"

June 06, 2012 7:26 am ET

From the June 6 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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On Election Eve, Fox & Friends Goes All In For Walker

Fox Spins Walker's "Worst In The Nation" Jobs Record On Eve Of Recall

This Is Why People In Wisconsin Don't Like Fox

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    • Author by DAWUSS (June 06, 2012 7:30 am ET)
      No, they were just out to wind you up, Killie.
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      • Author by Andy Kreiss (June 06, 2012 7:43 am ET)
        14 1
        I was going to ask "Why?". I suppose your answer is as good as any.

        That's the great thing about the theories and speculation and wild guesses that pass as analysis on Fox. They're never hindered by any of those nuisances like motive or logic.
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        • Author by David2012 (June 06, 2012 7:49 am ET)
          Brian, you and your network wouldn't recognize the truth if it snuck up behind you and put its fangs in your hindquarters.

          "Why don't we here at Fox care about truth?"

          Careful, though. Even thinking that question might make your head explode.
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          • Author by David2012 (June 06, 2012 7:49 am ET)
            Make "hindquarters" in line two into "headquarters".
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            • Author by vgranucci2016 (June 06, 2012 11:44 am ET)
              Hindquarters works.
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            • Author by wolf kotenberg (June 06, 2012 2:57 pm ET)
              I vote for hindquarters
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              • Author by David2012 (June 07, 2012 5:07 pm ET)
                There isn't a difference.

                As Confederate wags said about General John Pope when he took command of the Army of Virginia, a short-lived independent command that was not part of the Army of the Potomac, after he said that "my headquarters will be in the saddle":

                His headquarters and his hindquarters are in the same place.
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        • Author by chazmanr (June 06, 2012 10:52 am ET)
          They're never hindered by any of those nuisances like motive or logic.

          The most hilarious thing (and perhaps most inappropriate) that I ever heard a professor say to a student (it was in Poli-Sci):
          "It must be nice to be a conservative; it requires so much less mental baggage."
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          • Author by MiG (June 06, 2012 1:58 pm ET)
            I once told a superior that his level of intelligence was a good barrier against insults. He took that as a compliment.
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    • Author by teh.stoopid.lib (June 06, 2012 7:37 am ET)
      11 1
      Yes moran, there was a big meeting before everybody voted to discuss the big practical joke the voters wanted to play on the media. "Hey guys, wouldn't it really freak 'em out if we all said we are voting for President Obama in November? Haha we should totally do that!"
      Also, why would Romney bother spending money there when he has a couple of Kocks to do it for him?
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    • Author by Egbert Sousι (June 06, 2012 8:25 am ET)
      No, they were all born Kenyan Indonesian islamo-terror babies.

      But still expect the Wisconsin lower chamber* to introduce a Walker-endorsed bill requiring Voter ID for all exit polls. Problem solved.
      * Yesterday's election put the Dems, I mean union thug Jesus-hating Marxist Leninists, in control of the Wisconsin senate.
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      • Author by Chameo (June 06, 2012 10:19 am ET)
        And now Scottie baby is talking about changing the state constitution to get rid of recall elections. Gosh, I wonder why.
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        • Author by mary59 (June 06, 2012 11:22 am ET)
          Now it'll be interesting to see if Walker gets indicted/and or how much over-reach he has to do before some 55% of voters get what's going on!

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          • Author by shaggles (June 06, 2012 11:49 am ET)
            4 1
            An indictment will be greated by the right wing noise machine as 'They couldn't get rid of him in the election so they're going after him in the courts. Typical left wing thugs.' Funny thing is that's pretty much what the right did to Clinton.
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            • Author by Conchobhar (June 06, 2012 12:56 pm ET)
              Limbaugh's already started, with the "criminalizing differences in opinion" meme. Of course, if your opinion goes too far left (even if it doesn't go far enough) it should be criminalized.
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        • Author by bintx (June 06, 2012 12:16 pm ET)
          2 3
          Well, since the Democrats have taken over control of the Senate, he knows that he's just blowing smoke.
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    • Author by phlcstgan (June 06, 2012 8:30 am ET)
      Much like Scott Walker, the Dumbest Man on Television retains his office.
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      • Author by Jimijams (June 06, 2012 9:43 am ET)
        I doubt if they give Kilmeade his own office, or if they do, it is a closet with a desk shoved into it with the chair on top.
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      • Author by skatscan5624 (June 06, 2012 6:02 pm ET)
        And basically Brian's disbelief in the poll results means he KNOWS that conservative Republicans are a bunch of LIARS!
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    • Author by Jimijams (June 06, 2012 9:42 am ET)
      How about this one, the governor of a state is a little bit different then the president of a country.
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    • Author by CoolSlaw (June 06, 2012 9:46 am ET)
      Were voters telling the truth when they voted for Walker? Hey who knows, it's all just tea leaves and crystal balls, right Kilmeade?

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    • Author by buddtee (June 06, 2012 10:44 am ET)
      No they all got together and thought it would be funny if they fib about their support of Obama just so they could pull a fast one off at FOX news.
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    • Author by captaincrunch (June 06, 2012 10:50 am ET)
      3 1
      To demonstrate the level of ignorance with which we are dealing:

      In a follow-up discussion to Bill O'Reilly's appearance on The View on October 14, 2010 β€” in which Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar walked off after O'Reilly said that people did not want a mosque built at Ground Zero because "...Muslims killed us on 9/11" β€” Kilmeade dismissed the View debate as "elementary" and said:

      They were outraged that somebody was saying ...
      β€œThere was a certain group of people that attacked us on 9/11. It wasn't just one person, it was one religion. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.

      With the exception of Timothy McVeigh, Jose Padilla and John Wilkes Booth and others!

      PS: I don't mind that Brian is probably gay, but why won't he just come out and let us all know he's gay?
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    • Author by clearstate (June 06, 2012 11:11 am ET)
      Typical Fox meme for any poll that shows that Obama is in the lead. Either the voters were not telling the truth the poll or polls really don't tell you very much and shouldn't be trusted.
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      • Author by skatscan5624 (June 06, 2012 6:03 pm ET)
        And those lying voters? They admit the liars are REPUBLICANS!
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    • Author by shaggles (June 06, 2012 11:17 am ET)
      Why would they lie? OTOH it's somewhat misleading to call this an "exit poll." An exit poll is usual about how you just voted and is considered very accurate. In this case they were polling people as they exited but asking them about an upcoming election. I don't see this as any more accurate or significant than any other poll.
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      • Author by notsure5 (June 06, 2012 4:26 pm ET)
        Yeah, they were being asked what they think they will do in five months. Anything they say is automatically the truth, unless there is a reason for them to lie (there isn't), and regardless of what they actually do in five months.
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    • Author by pete592 (June 06, 2012 11:22 am ET)
      Why does Kilmeade hate the voters?
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    • Author by Wes C. Addle (June 06, 2012 11:53 am ET)
      Nice analysis Fox & Friends.Right on the nose.

      We'll see if Romney spends a lot of money in Wisconsin?! Seriously? Man, cliffhanger.

      And people were just lying in the exit polls. 9 points to the president is a lot of lying.

      And Kilmeade, you just continue to prove that the difference between you and a Bachelor contestant is almost negligible. A powerful intellect there, Archimedes.
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      • Author by shaggles (June 06, 2012 5:05 pm ET)
        I think their mistaken assumption is that everyone who voted for Walker will also vote for Romney. And of course liars tend to assume everyone else behaves just the way they do.
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      • Author by skatscan5624 (June 06, 2012 6:04 pm ET)
        So that means Republicans are liars if the cons on Fox and Fiends are correct.
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    • Author by Maimonides 03 (June 06, 2012 12:43 pm ET)
      It is poszsible for some people to prefer President Obama even when supporting Walker. I find it odd, but certainly possible.

      When FOX disagrees with something, or something conflicts with the MESSAGE, they feel something is wrong. They want to cast doubt or fear. Those two concepts, doubt and fear, are what they use to sell everything. When have you seen logic or rational discussion used on FOX to sell an idea? NEVER.

      The right knows that their ideas are broken, but they can convince enough of their base that their ideas work. Ideasand false memes they still promoted on the right even though they are broken:

      -they are fically responsible
      -they are tough on national security
      -lowering taxes, ncreases revenues
      -they love small government
      -they love freedom
      -they are patriots
      -they protect your rights
      -private health care is te best
      -corporations are people

      The list goess on.
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    • Author by foole (June 06, 2012 12:56 pm ET)
      "Cheeseheads are notorius liars!" - Brian Kilmeade
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      • Author by skatscan5624 (June 06, 2012 6:05 pm ET)
        Scratch that. REPUBLICAN cheeseheads are notorious liars!
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    • Author by cugagcmu805031 (June 06, 2012 1:10 pm ET)
      A WI poll showed why people probably voted the way they did yesterday:

      "Asked about the use of recall, 60% said it should be reserved for misconduct, 27% said it should be available for any reason, and 10% said it should never be used."

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      • Author by jonimacaroni1 (June 06, 2012 2:32 pm ET)
        1 1
        And I bet that the Obama admin had done internal polling and figured that out a long time ago, and that's why they didn't get involved in trying to oust Walker. They thought that there was a good chance that Walker would win, given the unlimited funds available to his side from the Koch brothers, and so they didn't waste their credibility fighting for a losing cause. The people of Wisconsin didn't think a recall was a good idea. I don't think they like Walker very much, but they didn't think a mid-election recall was appropriate either.
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        • Author by foole (June 06, 2012 4:05 pm ET)
          I do believe recalls make people hinky. Particularly politicians who could find themselves in the same boat. The last thing the country needs is for recalls to become commonplace. I still wanted to see the beedy-eyed little liar lose, but I can understand why people wouldn't be thrilled with the recall process.
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          • Author by CoolSlaw (June 06, 2012 7:13 pm ET)
            Let's stop kidding ourselves, the republicans came out to support a not particularly popular incumbent, and the democrats who fought hard, and rallied, and were driven by such passion, and put so much on the line... lost big.

            We couldn't even get rid of Scott Walker with his terrible jobs record, radical agenda, and possible criminal misconduct hanging over his head.

            Read the writing on the wall. Liberalism is dying quickly. Fascism is on the march and it's got deep pockets to spend on gullible citizens.
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        • Author by Chameo (June 06, 2012 8:57 pm ET)
          I think there's more to it than not wanting to be on the losing side. I think the WH recognized that actively campaigning against Walker in a recall election would be seen as the federal government getting involved in a state matter. When Ed Schulz started beating that drum a week or so ago, I literally recoiled. The president on the ground in Wisconsin stumping to essentially oust a sitting governor would have sent a really dangerous message.
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    • Author by NiceguyEddie (June 06, 2012 1:21 pm ET)
      What possible motivation could they have to LIE, @$$hat?

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      • Author by TexasWanderer (June 06, 2012 5:19 pm ET)
        There's an easy explanation. They realized that the poll takers were stealth New Black Panther members who were working with the Obama administration to create a database of people to send to the FEMA camps after Obama gets re-elected and takes away all of the guns and establishes a socialist-marxist-fascist-communist government that takes orders from his Kenyan controllers.

        Or maybe Brian is just an idiot.
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        • Author by NiceguyEddie (June 07, 2012 7:41 am ET)
          Are you TRYING to write their propaganda for them?


          Well done! :)

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    • Author by westmassman (June 06, 2012 2:51 pm ET)
      Were Voters "Telling The Truth?"

      In a word Yup!! They were doing something Fox never does
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      • Author by glibberish (June 06, 2012 5:57 pm ET)
        Good point. It probably is hard for them to recognize the truth so they attribute nefarious motives to the voters. It's always projection.
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    • Author by overmars jr. (June 06, 2012 5:01 pm ET)
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