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Hand out this pdf to help voters get absentee ballot

Check your voter registration and polling place

Bring it - Photo ID info

Free Id, but birth certificate cost is a poll tax

Student Voting

GAB opinion on residency

Residency rules 2011

Meetings are at Social Justice Center, 1202 Williamson, Madison

WI Citizens for Election Protection

For information, contact Paul Malischke malischke@yahoo.com

Join our email group by sending an email to malischke@yahoo.com

Submit your election fraud complaint to the GAB

Submit a letter to your newspaper

Voter Information - see Wis. League of Women Voters

FAQ on Wisconsin's Elections

News and info from Public Radio wisconsinvote.org

To Request an Absentee Ballot for the Summer Elections:

 Paste the info between the lines below into an email, and send it to your municipal clerk.  If you live in Madison, email it to voting@cityofmadison.com

In order to receive an absentee ballot, you must be registered to vote at your current address.

While court injunctions are in place as of April 19, there is no need to include a copy of your ID with this request.

Check your registration https://vpa.wi.gov/VoterSearchScreen.aspx

Find your Clerk’s address https://vpa.wi.gov/AddressSearchScreen.aspx

I request an absentee ballot for these elections:

June 5th      Recall final election for Governor and Lt. Gov.

Aug. 14th      Primary election for Congress, State Legislature, County Clerk

Print your name:  ___

Print residence address:  ___

City: ___                              , Wisconsin     ZIP:  ___

Phone:  ___

Email:  ___

(Phone and email are optional, but will be helpful to resolve problems.)


Mailing address (if different than residence address) – Send ballot to: 



Important Dates for Voter Registration and Elections     Wisconsin 2012

Voter Registration

Tuesday May 8 - Election Day registration, proof of residence required. Recall primary for Governor, Lt. Governor, 4 Senators

Wednesday May 9 – Begin 1 week of open registration

Wednesday May 16 – Last day for open registration.  Forms due to clerk at 5 pm., or postmarked by May 16.

May 21 to June 1 – Registration (proof of residence required)& in-person absentee balloting at clerk’s office.

Tuesday June 5 - Election Day registration, proof of residence required.  Final election for Governor, Lt. Governor, 4 Senators

During open registration, proof of residence is not needed.   Exception:  for a first time voter in Wisconsin, proof of residence is needed unless the registration form is signed an appointed Special Registration Deputy.  Open registration ends 20 days before the election.  After that, registration takes place at the clerk’s office, but proof of residence is required.  Registration at the clerk’s office ends the Friday before the election.  Registration is also available at your polling place on Election Day, but early registration is highly recommended.

In-Person Absentee Balloting

May 21 to June 1 – Registration & in-person absentee balloting at clerk’s office

Absentee Ballots by Mail

Requests for an absentee ballot must be received by the clerk by the Thursday before the election.  However, due to mail delays, you are advised to mail your request well before that day.  When you receive your ballot, follow the enclosed instructions closely to ensure that your ballot is counted.

Elections – all on Tuesdays

May 8 – Recall primary – Governor and Lt. Governor, 4 state Senators

June 5 – Recall election - Governor and Lt. Governor, 4 State Senators

August 14 – Primary Election Day for Congress, state legislature, county offices

November 6 – Election Day for President, Congress, state legislature, county clerk

University Dates

Friday May 11 – Last UW-Madison class day

Sunday May 20 – Commencement for UW-Madison and Edgewood


If you are a resident for 28 consecutive days before the election, you meet the residency requirement.  After establishing residency, if you leave with the intent to return, you are eligible to vote using the residency thus established.   If you move to another location in Wisconsin within 28 days of an election, you vote at your old polling place.

28 days before the May 8 election is April 10

28 days before the June 5 election is May 8

Ballot Printing

If there are no requests for recounts, the GAB will certify the May 8 results on May 17 at 5 p.m.  Ballots for June 5 may not be printed until after certification.

Websites that provide general news and insight into election administration:

Voting News Daily roundup of election integrity issues
Wi Citizens for Election Protection New group as of June 2011
Electionline.org  Premier site for daily news
Election Protection National organization with info for each state
Election Law Blog Rick Hasen covers major election administration and campaign finance news, with emphasis on legal matters
FEW email group Read our recent messages
Election Law Journal Academic articles
Republican Party Examples of Vote Fraud
Voters Unite Election Problem Log - voting machine flaws
Usability Profess. Ass. Testing usability for ballots - for local election officials


Election law & administration blogs

Web page by Paul Malischke malischke@yahoo.com  Last updated May 07, 2012