Huge algae blooms discovered beneath Arctic ice

Clouds of phytoplankton via AFP

A NASA mission to study the tiny algae vital to the ocean’s food chain has turned up a massive amount of phytoplankton where scientists least expected it — under the Arctic ice.


Rep. Levin blasts GOP for ‘increasingly undisguised’ effort to sabotage job growth

[Image courtesy of Connect 2 Canada, Creative Commons licensed]

Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) on Thursday blasted Republicans for failing to act on the transportation funding bill while touting the repeal of the medical device tax as a “jobs bill.”


House Dems propose $10 per hour minimum wage

A man gets paid in peanuts. Photo:, all rights reserved.

A group of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives proposed this week a bill that would raise the nation’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 per hour.


Same sex marriage opponents in WA seek to overturn law

Same sex marriage via AFP

Opponents of Washington’s new same sex marriage law have submitted enough signatures to place a repeal of the law on the November ballot.


Virginia 13-year-old suspended after he ‘touched the flag’

African American man holding flag on beach (Shutterstock)

The parents of a 13-year-old boy in Virginia Beach who was suspended for touching the American flag say that their son was unfairly treated because he is black.


Environmental collapse now a serious threat: scientists


Climate change, population growth and environmental destruction could cause a collapse of the ecosystem just a few generations from now.


Europe requires new cars to slash carbon emissions by a third

New cars sold in Europe will have to slash their carbon emissions by a third…

Scientist Peter Gleick reinstated to former job after Heartland Institute exposé

The scientist who exposed the inner workings of the ultra-conservative Heartland Institute, triggering the defection…

Data: Amazon deforestation at record low

Study: CT scans put children at heightened risk for leukemia

Tech News

Samsung vows U.S. launch of S III despite Apple suit

South Korea’s Samsung Electronics vowed to press ahead with the US launch of its newest…

Majority of U.S. seniors now going online: poll

WASHINGTON — It’s taken a while, but a majority of Americans aged 65 and older…


El Huffington Post opens in Spain

El Huffington Post opened in Spain on Thursday, poking fun at the government’s handling of…

Estonian president blasts Krugman over GDP graph

Estonian president Toomas Hendrik Ilves mocked Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman on Wednesday over a…


UN troops shot at while trying to get to Syrian massacre

Gunmen fired shots at UN monitors trying to get into a Syrian massacre after the reported massacre of dozens of…

El Huffington Post opens in Spain

El Huffington Post opened in Spain on Thursday, poking fun at the government’s handling of the economic crisis in typically…

Egypt ex-President Mubarak’s health deteriorating in prison

The health of Egypt’s ex-president Hosni Mubarak has deteriorated since his transfer to prison after he was sentenced to life…

Prince William qualified to command search-and-rescue helicopter

Prince William has qualified to command a Royal Air Force search and rescue helicopter, the royal household said Thursday. “Flight…

U.S. News

F-16s scramble for Obama aircraft alert

LOS ANGELES — Two F-16 fighters were scrambled Thursday after three small planes violated a…

Boy shoots self in head because ‘manhood’ questioned on Skype

An 18-year-old Philadelphia boy is not expected to live after he accidentally shot himself in…

Holder: DOJ only going after people ‘taking advantage’ of pot laws

Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday denied that the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) was trying…

Jeb Bush: George W. Bush deserves ‘tip of the hat’ for Obama’s foreign policy

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Thursday said that President Barack Obama owed a…

3 State Dept. employees to testify in Manning Wikileaks court-martial

Three State Department employees are due to testify at a preliminary hearing Thursday for US…