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Schilling’s State-Backed Biz Bankrupt

Curt Schilling, famed former pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, and champion of conservative causes hasn’t proved to be a particularly talented businessman.

Rhode Island lured his video game venture 38 Studios to the state with the promise of $75 million in guaranteed loans.

Today the company filed for bankruptcy.

But perhaps of more concern for Schilling, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies “are working together to investigate activities that have recently come to light at 38 Studios.”

Paul Werdel
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Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong

The depressing upshot of this winter’s recovery-that-wasn’t is that the economy will probably limp along through the rest of the year, unless it actually gets knocked down by a collapsing Euro or some other outside force.

Beneath the obvious political and human costs of that volatility, though, lies the potential that everything we think we know about the chaotic post-election legislative landscape is totally wrong.

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Brian Beutler

The pace of campaign polling is heating up. And we have a series of new releases tied to PollTracker coming this month. First up a completely redesigned PollTracker at TPM and more. Stay tuned.

Josh Marshall
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Romney’s new campaign attack against President Obama is sourced to a new book called The Escape Artists. But the author of the book says the claim is false.

Josh Marshall
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Quick Note

We’ve decided to change the date of our annual survey from today to next Tuesday. Again, it’s very important to the health and growth of the site. So please keep your eyes out.

Josh Marshall

Geography Is Hard

The crew of Fox & Friends is very excited for their summer road trip to the Republican and Democratic conventions.

They’ll be heading to Tampa, to Charlotte, AND to North Carolina.


Paul Werdel

Strength in a Union (Readers Respond)

We’ve had an avalanche of responses to TPM Reader HS’s rough email on public sector unions. Here’s one of many, focusing on what I think is a key point. From TPM Reader BB

I’m sure one of many emails that you received concerning the financial guy commenting on public employee unions. Full disclosure: public school teacher from WI that signed and collected recall petitions, marched in Madison in the winter and cannot wait to vote for anyone else other than Scott Walker. But I also believe that the author of the email is voicing a popular sentiment concerning public employee jobs and unions in general.

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Josh Marshall

Pearls of Wisdom

From TPM Reader JL

Obama delayed the recovery? I think Jay Carney better get used to saying “sounds like someone’s been spending too much time with Donald Trump.”. I know he used Trump once already today but really, I don’t think the Trump card can be played too often.

Josh Marshall

Tough Love, Or Actually No Love

I always stress that my reprinting a reader email doesn’t mean I necessarily agree with it. This one, as you’ll see, requires restating that upfront. But I’m reprinting TPM Reader HS’s note because I think he’s speaking for what is a real animus or lack of sympathy for public employees unions afield in the electorate in these straightened times. Bracing stuff. That’s what I take from the little discussed victories for public employee pension cuts in two major California cities on Tuesday. But I think it’s foolish to ignore and important to read.

I can think of a few things that the Wisconsin Governor’s recall mean.

Unions, particularly public employee unions, are not that popular.

Yes, Scott Walker is a dick. Yes, I think he wants a right to work state. I tend to side with the Wisconsin Public Employee Unions.

But it is also difficult for me to feel much sympathy or even understand Unions. I received a degree in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate in 1987, and have been in Sales and Marketing for most of the last 25 years in the Tech and CE sector.

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Josh Marshall

Okay, That’s Crazy

Mitt Romney says President Obama slowed down the recovery on purpose in order to get health care reform passed. Watch.

Josh Marshall

America: We Love Us Some Mitts!

In today’s Crosstabs, why have Mitt Romney’s favorables rebounded so quickly?

For full sized video, click here.

Josh Marshall

The Manufactured Story Of The Week

If you follow politics closely, you probably know by now that Bill Clinton broke dramatically with President Obama on Tuesday and recommended that all of the Bush tax cuts be extended. Permanently? For a few years? Who cares really. All that’s important is that Clinton said some thing that could be construed (if you squinted and cocked your head just so) as breaking from Obama on fiscal policy.

It started with a heavily promoted CNBC interview, Republican operatives pushed the suggestion aggressively, and by the end of the day we had stories like this one from the Chicago Tribune, headlined “Bill Clinton backs extending Bush tax cuts, for now,” distributed with a tweet that read “Bill Clinton breaks from Obama, endorses Bush tax cuts.”

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Brian Beutler

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Schilling’s State-Backed Video Game Company Files For Bankruptcy

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Why Public Worker Pensions Could Become A 2012 Flashpoint

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