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Fed chairman on debt: 'Trillion there, a trillion here... doesn't make much difference' - TheDC

Ben Bernanke
Bernanke and Sen. DeMint discuss deficit policy

Vice President Rand Paul? - TheDC's Matt Lewis

Rand Paul
'He's everything you like about Ron Paul, without the crazy.'

Maddow: Without unions, 'Democrats do not have a way to compete' - TheDC

Wisconsin Budget Unions
'That is the reality now in Wisconsin. It is the reality in states where they have essentially eliminated unions rights'


Photo of J. Peder Zane
Author, Design in Nature
The Democratic Party is the world's most powerful plutocracy.
Photo of Doug Bandow
Senior Fellow, The Cato Institute
The administration's targeted killing policies raise fundamental questions about the nature of our government.
Photo of Dan Benishek
Congressman (R-MI)
The attorney general consistently disregards the rule of law.
Photo of Ann Coulter
Political Commentator
The results of Tuesday's Wisconsin election will reverberate for years to come.
Photo of Larry Kudlow
Host, "The Kudlow Report"
Investors see Walker's victory as a harbinger of things to come.
Photo of Thomas Grier
Political Commentator
Why Scott Walker's victory should worry David Axelrod and Jim Messina.
Photo of Sen. John Thune
Senator (R-SD)
A new EU tax would apply to US planes, even when they're over US airspace.
Photo of Emily Esfahani Smith
Managing Editor, Defining Ideas
Is happiness having it all, materially? Or is it something else?
Photo of Kenneth Timmerman
President, Foundation for Democracy in Iran
If Israel takes military action to defend itself against Iran, how will US policymakers react?
Photo of Yates Walker
Conservative Activist
American pride is on the wane because we've forgotten who we are.


Photo of Richard Epstein
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Facing down today's problems requires resurrecting the wisdom of the Founders.
Photo of Mark Judge
Author, A Tremor of Bliss
The coverage would be slightly different.
Photo of David Cohen
Former Deputy Assistant Sec. of the Interior
Some liberals tend to confuse their skewed partisan talking points with indisputable truth.
Photo of Kathleen Hartnett White
Senior Fellow, Texas Public Policy Foundation
Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is basing its decisions on implausible assumptions, biased models and statistical manipulations.
Photo of Tom Rogan
Administration officials are sacrificing national security in order to assist the president's campaign.

Watch the trailer for Quentin Tarantino's latest film, 'Django Unchained' [VIDEO] - TheDC

Django Unchained
'The 'D' is silent'

Candidate endorsed by FreedomWorks gave money to, voted for Democrats - TheDC

Wright McLeod FreedomWorks
Georgia congressional candidate backed Bill Richardson in 2008 over Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

Ariz. initiative to abolish party primaries gets on November ballot - TheDC

Arizona State Captiol
Initiative supporters hope to eliminate 'partisan sniping and gridlock'

Donations to 'Joe the Plumber' pour in from beyond Ohio - TheDC

Joe The Plumber Congress
GOP congressional hopeful has collected 93 percent of donations from 25 non-Buckeye states

Dock from Japan tsunami washes ashore in Oregon - AP

Coastal Debris
'That doesn't happen with a log or a thrown-out tire. I've never seen anything like this'

FEC forms: Mysterious presidential candidate reported raising billions in 2008 - TheDCNF

Texas man claims to have raised about $120 million more than Obama

Former AG Alberto Gonzales: Rubio wouldn't help Romney with Latino voters - TheDC

Alberto Gonzales
Latinos will vote for Rmney 'based upon what they think about his policies, not who his running mate is'

Obama, Biden, Romney, Google all skip D-Day commemorations - TheDC

The invasion of Normandy
President, first lady spend 68th anniversary of Normandy invasion raising campaign cash

All four Wisconsin GOP Senate candidates claim Walker's victory helps them - TheDC

Scott Walker
Each candidate says Wisc. voters want a bold leader

Obama either did or did not make an oral sex joke [VIDEO] - TheDC

Barack Obama
'[Michelle] didn't go all the way down'

Pelosi to McCain: 'Really sad' to say leaks were 'politically motivated' - TheDC

Nancy Pelosi
McCain has accused senior administration officials of intentionally leaking sensitive information

Rick Perry booed at Texas GOP convention - TheDC

Rick Perry
Texas governor angers party faithful by taking sides in Senate primary race

Boehner shuffles staffers - TheDC

John Boehner
House speaker: 'This transition is about preparing fully for the responsibilities ahead'

Mark Levin: Make Scott Walker the Speaker of the U.S. House - TheDC

Radio host: 'You do not have to be a member of the House of Representatives to be selected as the Speaker'

Congress to vote on 'job killing medical device tax' - TheDC

Bill to repeal a new Obamacare tax is likely to pass in the House today, but may falter in the Senate

High school students protest for their right to dress 'slutty' - TheDC

Miley Cyrus
Students at Stuyvesant High School fight against school's oppressive dress code

Author says Hillary is 'overweight' and 'tired,' but eyeing 2016 - TheDC

Hillary Clinton
'There's no question in my mind, she and Bill -- two for the price of one -- will run in 2016'

IKEA avoids raunchy sex labels for furniture - TheDC

Ikea Bangkok
Swedish company hires locals to translate product names, uncovering a few naughty ones

EPA justifies spying on farmers, claims there are no drones - TheDC

EPA defends spying on farmers
Manned planes snap photos of Midwest farms, EPA says

Jackson Jr.: Obama should honor '08 pledge, back $10 minimum wage - TheDC

Jesse Jackson Jr.
'In 2011, he wanted to see the minimum wage raised to $9.50. It is now 2012'

$16 million sweeter: Romney schools Obama, DNC in May fundraising - AP

Mitt Romney
May was the first month that Romney raised more than Obama

Scarborough rants about NY Times coverage of Romney's California villa - TheDC

MSNBC host doesn't remember intense focus on John Kerry's wealth during the 2004 election

Second-highest ranking DC official resigns in disgrace - TheDC

DC Council Corruption.JPEG
DC Council chairman Kwame Brown resigns after criminal charges announced

TheDC Morning: Liberals LOVE conservative leaders ... in retrospect - TheDC

Reagan Speaks At Republican National Convention
For instance, liberals despised Ronald Reagan when he was in power. But when President George W. Bush occupied the Oval Office, suddenly Reagan was reimagined by liberals as a moderate far different than that radical George W.

Congressmen, military chaplains denounce same-sex ceremony on La. base - TheDC

Military School Gay Pride
'The liberal social experiment with our military continues'

Defense secretary fed up with Pakistan - TheDC

Defense Secretary Leon Panette, US Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker and Gen. John Allen
Panetta: 'We are reaching the limits of our patience'