"The Soon-to-be-Indicted Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio's Connection To Electoral Fraud"
(93 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 1/10/2006 @ 11:44 am PT...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Bob strauser
said on 1/10/2006 @ 11:51 am PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 11:52 am PT...
This is HUGE...will the corporate news media report on it? Will CNN, MNSBC or anyone make this front page news? Who will we get to carry this banner....weak Dems? Will Barbara Boxer step forward? Will Conyers do anything besides collect names an a petition? My God...this is the worst thing I have ever seen in the history of this country...(makes a few dead people who voted for JFK look like throwing popcorn at a movie house)
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Bev Harris
said on 1/10/2006 @ 11:55 am PT...
GREAT story, Brad!
By coincidence, just today I ran across one of the congressional record transcripts with the early pushers of HAVA. Guess who's on there (besides, of course, the main pusher, Bob Ney):
Well, Cunningham, from San Diego, who recently pleaded guilty to corruption charges.
Lance Gough of Chicago, who previously was indicted on corruption charges, though the charges were later dropped.
Ken Blackwell, who should be indicted.
HAVA transcript - Find the indicted guys
I haven't been through the whole transcript. How many more should be on indictment watch?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/10/2006 @ 11:56 am PT...
The class-action suits against Diebold just took on a whole new flavor. Trolls, please pay attention here.
These revelations will certainly inspire a discovery claim by the plaintiff's lawyers for the text of all communications between Ney, Abramoff, Diebold, and the Indian tribes. If anyone still believes the cases will be about nothing more than a single false/fraudulent/erroneous/mistaken/untrue claim made on Oct. 22, 2003...well, as they say in the South Bronx, "Fug-GED-aboudit!"
It should put more pressure on Diebold to settle the case, because 1) It increases the chance that they'll lose, and 2) Ney and his G.O.P. pals in Ohio will beg them (maybe beg isn't the right word, let's say "politely threaten") not to proceed in court.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Pete Bogs
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:05 pm PT...
Alito is being asked about the 2000 election and the Supreme Court's involvement in it... he's claiming he's not really familiar with it... he won't look into the 2004 election fraud either if he's confirmed...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:11 pm PT...
Scuse me a minute while I whip up a Unified Scandal Theory.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:12 pm PT...
when will the mainstream media report this? how can we get this out?? why is it that this kind of story never makes it to the mainstream press so that the rest of America can see it?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Susan Elizabeth
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:16 pm PT...
Let there be " truth " and justice **
Enough is Enough of these corrupt GOP ( Group of Parasites ) Crooks !
They are Bullies ! and they they need to be stopped -
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:22 pm PT...
*crossing my fingers*
Oh please oh please oh PLEASE let Blackwell be indicted please please please please.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Blue Shark
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:36 pm PT...
...Brad "Pulitzer" Friedman...Leader in the army of citizen patriots.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:37 pm PT...
Cuyahoga County Election Board Head Michael Vu will not return phone calls. I've been bugging him for a year. That's Ohio for you! This is the guy to get hold of if you are interested in the national election of 2004. Cleveland, Ohio.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Beth Feehan
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:41 pm PT...
Is it any stretch to think that keeping power in control of a few people who have the same ideological bent is the goal here? Abramoff, Rove, Norquist and Reed all were College Republican National Committee Chairmen. They're philosophically and ideologically tied to maintaining power, at whatever cost.
There should be an investigation into where that organization's money goes and how Diebold has ingratiated itself with state election officials by doing what companies do best--donating money to the party in power.
Heads up to those in the government who believe that the American public is stupid and not looking. We are looking. We're sick of the way you run our country and you will all be put in jail by the time we're finished.
The question is, who is going to step in to fill the void. The Democrats aren't currently leaving us any valid people to take charge, stop putting their tails between their legs and have some integrity. We need to stop believing in these two parties who let us down, rob us blind and care only about getting re-elected and realize that the American voter is the answer and we do have the power to throw out these criminals.
If we'd only stop watching reality tv...
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 12:50 pm PT...
OH GOODY! I sent this to our local news channel, and to Keith Olbermann of course!
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 1:02 pm PT...
For disabled-accessible voting machines, counties can buy the (hybrid) AutoMARK ballot-marking device which can overlay a touchscreen interface and produce a paper ballot for optical- scan counting.
Lots of folks in the communities of sight-impaired, blind and mobility-impaired like the machine. It's federally certified; counties in California and other states are picking it for its paper ballot and its accessibility to the disabled.
There's also Avante's optical scan AccuTrakker (instead of Avante's DRE AccuTrakker), and I believe that might also be disabled accessible with an op-scan output. I am less familiar with Avante's device than with the AutoMARK. ES&S entered a joint agreement with the manufacturer, Automark Technical Systems ATS, to market it, but ES&S it not the developer and maker.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
rhonda sfs
said on 1/10/2006 @ 1:06 pm PT...
wow.......truth does a body good........
exile them all to iraq, or n. korea.......
ney can use his stolen antique coins for expenses....
thankx brad for another good day of truthstew.......
love from my beauitful bay of sfs........
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Proud American Liberal
said on 1/10/2006 @ 1:13 pm PT...
Wham! Great story! Excellent reporting. Now watch your back. Swiftboats ahead.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Jeff McTiernan
said on 1/10/2006 @ 1:16 pm PT...
Don't know if this was covered but thought it was interesting.
January 10th, 2006 1:03 pm
Howard Dean: Judge Alito fails the test
The Providence Journal
IT'S BEEN widely acknowledged that President Bush had a bad year in 2005. One of the problems America faces as a result is the White House's willingness to make decisions based on what's good for the administration politically, rather than what's right for America.
The nomination of Federal Appeals Court Judge Samuel Alito to replace Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is an example of this. The president hopes to make up ground with his right-wing base, instead of appointing someone who will have the confidence of a wide range of Americans.
Over the past few months, as we've learned more about Judge Alito's core beliefs and the kind of Supreme Court justice he would be, it has become clear why the Senate should reject his nomination.
Judge Alito's decisions --- such as his attacks on the Family Medical Leave protections and his willingness to excuse the grossest form of sexual harassment in the workplace based on technicalities --- have harmed working people. Judge Alito has also attacked Americans' personal liberties by approving the inappropriate strip search of a 10-year-old, and by defending construction of all-white juries by unscrupulous prosecutors of black defendants.
A Supreme Court justice must show impartiality and fairness. Judge Alito does not meet that test.
Further complicating Judge Alito's nomination is a lack of credibility, which has emerged as he has tried to distance himself from his record and past statements.
He has supported government's overreaching into women's personal lives. He has memory lapses regarding membership in the ultra-conservative Concerned Alumni of Princeton. And he failed to recuse himself from a major mutual-funds case, despite having pledged --- under oath during confirmation hearings for his Third Circuit judgeship --- to do so.
On Nov. 3, The Boston Globe reported that Judge Alito had held $390,000 worth of Vanguard mutual funds when he ruled for the company in a civil case before him. After the chief administrative judge for the circuit reviewed the case, on complaint, he vacated Judge Alito's decision, and assigned the case to another panel. Judge Alito complained vigorously.
He has since failed to offer a credible explanation of why he broke his promise to recuse himself from the case.
Every American should shudder at the prospect of an ethically tone-deaf judge sitting on the one institution in Washington not yet in the pocket of the extremists who compose the right wing of the Republican Party.
For the past five years, a culture of corruption, arrogance of power, and insensitivity to the appearance of conflict of interest has plagued key Republican office holders: from Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's ownership of stock he falsely claimed was in a blind trust to the repeated evidence that Haliburton --- formerly run by Vice President Cheney --- benefited from no-bid contracts in Iraq to revelations that our government may be illegally spying on Americans and paying journalists for positive stories. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner has traveled the world, racking up $177,000 worth of lobbyist-funded trips. Rep. Tom DeLay has been indicted for money laundering. Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff has pleaded guilty to three federal criminal charges. Presidential adviser Karl Rove still has a security clearance despite having leaked the identity of a CIA agent during wartime. The vice president's chief of staff has been indicted for lying to a grand jury.
We need honesty and backbone in Washington, most especially on the Supreme Court.
I oppose Judge Alito's nomination for the court. I want to be proud of our government again. That can happen only if the rule of law and the integrity that it requires are clearly foremost in the consideration of every decision made by the court.
There are simply too many writings in Judge Alito's record currying favor with the extreme right that show a willingness to favor government power over individual liberties. How can we believe that he would put aside his personal beliefs and keep an open mind when he has already broken one promise made to the American people?
America needs strength now, and America needs a Supreme Court in which personal and political considerations do not appear to influence any decision, at any time.
Judge Alito's nomination must be rejected. And if President Bush could find it in his heart, he needs to nominate someone for the Supreme Court who will bring us together, not continue to drive us apart.
Howard Dean is chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
The link is here but you need a subscription.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
John Schoo
said on 1/10/2006 @ 1:33 pm PT...
I am disturbed that 98% of the lobbyists in America are giving the other 2% a bad name.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/10/2006 @ 2:02 pm PT...
Where does Feeney fit into DIEBOLD? That's probably coming soon.
Does the MSM think that it's news, if a presidential election in America was stolen? And people around the world died because of it? If this isn't in the MSM, who's suppressing it? We all saw the articles where the Bush administration has on many occassions approached the NYTimes & WaPo to suppress news.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
bolwong for dollars
said on 1/10/2006 @ 2:07 pm PT...
Never fear - xHastert and Dreier are going to clean it all up !!
Dreier's Pickle --- LA Times editorializes that Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), who has been tapped to spearhead ethics reform in the House, "is really in a pickle. There is no fast way to get rid of the scandal, and no stomach in the House leadership for legislation that would close the profitable revolving door between legislative offices and the lobbying industry. DeLay's own 'K Street Project' ... demanded that firms purge themselves of Democrats and focus on helping Republicans. Predictably, lobbyists rushed to hire GOP legislative aides and former officeholders. The project is one reason the lobbying scandal isn't very bipartisan" ...
So I guess that's the end of his "Camp David" spa weekends and bowling parties sponsored by corporate America ...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Bowling or Dollars
said on 1/10/2006 @ 2:09 pm PT...
Not to worry - Denny and Dave will clean it all up!
Dreier's Pickle --- LA Times editorializes that Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), who has been tapped to spearhead ethics reform in the House, "is really in a pickle. There is no fast way to get rid of the scandal, and no stomach in the House leadership for legislation that would close the profitable revolving door between legislative offices and the lobbying industry. DeLay's own 'K Street Project' ... demanded that firms purge themselves of Democrats and focus on helping Republicans. Predictably, lobbyists rushed to hire GOP legislative aides and former officeholders. The project is one reason the lobbying scandal isn't very bipartisan" ...
So I guess that's the end of his "Camp David" spa weekends and bowling parties sponsored by corporate America ...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 2:28 pm PT...
So now we know why we are seeing the "controversial Senate hearings" all over the MSM, C-Span..etc. They are " down playing this hot potato" ..Great Timing.., don't you think..?
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/10/2006 @ 2:30 pm PT...
Yep you hit the nail on the head Catherine, Brad.
The question is really at this point, how deep does the whole scam go.......
I'm in the process of getting some very key facts & information regarding the elections.........Bev Harris the HAVA document you got there is interesting. That would mean these guys WERE involved with Greenberg Traurig, all of them were, and what we need now is any and all payment stubs and history from Abramoff, Scanlon, directly to Bob Ney.....
Doug E.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Easter Lemming
said on 1/10/2006 @ 2:45 pm PT...
Wow, very important news and more corrupt links. This post could use a spell check, however.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Sam Samson
said on 1/10/2006 @ 3:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 3:34 pm PT...
Wow!!! We knew it was out there!! Great going Brad!!!
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 3:45 pm PT...
Great background on this incredible level of corruption. Hopefully, the dominos are falling with Abramoff. As most Americans know instictively is that both the election of 2000 as well as the election of 2004 were hacked - the successful hacking on Diebold machines in Miami confirming it. Ohio was the Florida of 2004 - of that we can be certain. Don't we tout the true test of a democracy being a "fair election"? We did in Iraq, didn't we? This level of hypocrisy is resulting in the decline of this country in the world view, economically, and morally. What's next for us? Illegal war/illegal spying on citizens - where does this corruption stop? It should stop with the "people". It's up to the people to uphold their rights under the constitution where "no man is above the law" . Remember the framers of this nation when they said - "of the people, for the people, and by the people" - that's what a true democracy is all about.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 4:28 pm PT...
Any chance this will reach all the way into the GA SoS's closed-door decision to be the first state in the country to put touchscreens in every precinct in the state? Oh how I would love to see that entire process exposed.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 5:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 5:17 pm PT...
Re ney (& other republicans):
"...The American Prospect's Art Levine broke a superb expos� last May concerning Ney's alleged payoffs from a number of the Indian tribes that now-disgraced, once-uber-lobbyist Abramoff was representing in exchange for promises to support their hope for new gambling legislation back in 2002..."
Re democrats:
"...DEAN: Senator Byron Dorgan and some others took money from Indian tribes. They're not agents of Jack Abramoff. There's no evidence that I've seen that Jack Abramoff directed any contributions to Democrats..."
Pare those two statements down & they are uncomfortably similar:
"...Ney's alleged payoffs from a number of the Indian tribes..."
"...Dorgan and some others took money from Indian tribes..."
I smell a tendency toward a double standard, and we don't want to go there. Yes, there's a difference between money taken legitimately & money taken in a quid pro quo. But let's rein in our judgements for the moment.
I hope Dean is right, and I like what he's been saying lately, but I don't think we should jump the gun. If it comes out that some democrats are involved, so be it. They'll go down too & rightly so.
Fitzgerald has said they intend to follow the leads in the Plame case to wherever they go. Let's hope the prosecutor in this case has the same intent.
*I see there's another Joan here. Hi, Joan*
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/10/2006 @ 5:32 pm PT...
I'm all over the whole deal....
Everyone is making sure the prosecutors have the same intent..
Over 14 FBI offices are involved in the Abramoff scandal, with special agent Michael Mason being especially observant of everyone...
Note: Most of these career prosecutors are related to Fitzgerald and Comey so they have Zero intention of covering up any evidence like Gonzales is proned to do
Doug E.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Can We Count?
said on 1/10/2006 @ 5:42 pm PT...
Boy, do Steny Hoyer and Chris Dodd ever have a lot to answer for..... A crook like Ney and a snake like McConnell for "partners"?! How gullible, naive, uninformed and ignorant, or just plain 'in cahoots' can Hoyer and Dodd be...
BRAD: This is simply OUTSTANDING investigative reporting.
That is all.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 6:24 pm PT...
Try a search: Abramoff+Atta for some really disturbing connections.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/10/2006 @ 6:58 pm PT...
How can these guys think they won't get caught eventually? Great investigative journalism, Brad. You don't see this much anymore. Keep up the good work.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/10/2006 @ 7:01 pm PT...
Crede: I've been following the Abramoff-Atta connection for a while. Interesting. He was on one of Abramoff's casino boats, wasn't he? That's pretty huge, eh?
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 8:13 pm PT...
I e-mailed this piece to Newsweek's Jonathan Alter and a writer I know from CNN...
Click here to ask Barbara Boxer to lead the fight for fair elections!
I'm still thinking that Senator Boxer finally just won't be able to toe the party line any more and will finally have to speak up to save America. Sign the petition above and maybe it'll happen...
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 1/10/2006 @ 8:16 pm PT...
Best thing i have read since 11/2/04
I live in Ohio and saw and heard the theft
1st hand. Kerry kicked bush's ass here.
I think the dam is about to burst. With Ney
arrest this will come out.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2006 @ 3:56 am PT...
I forwarded this article to the St Pete times with the header, "Pay attention Lightweights", some real journalism going on here
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2006 @ 4:07 am PT...
theres a neo-con editor (or a DLC) over there, because they fluff the stories up sooo bad, they took Brads Clint
Curtis story and made Feeney look like a hero, and Clint look like a conspiracy nut
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
rosemarie Myerson
said on 1/11/2006 @ 6:31 am PT...
This is the lodestone that I have been searching for. I have studied electronic voting since 2001 and from this article, I now I understand all. Ney controlled the House and he was bought. Can anyone get the Washington Post or NYTimes to investigate this story. HAVA took two to three billion dollars of taxpaye's money to "modernize" voting and give "the handicapped" a paperless way to vote. The country was forced to buy pooly tested electronic voting equipment the results from which are controlled by the manufacturers who are indebted to Ney and the Republican party. The Reprublicans, in turn, can win elections. For example see Georgia 2002 the first state to go completely electronic . In Georgia 2002 despite a 15% advantage for the Democratic candidates the day before the election, the electronic voting results showed a solid Reprublican sweep. no one did anything and so next we find that the machines in Ohio and Florida did a lot of strange things and Bush carried those two states.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/11/2006 @ 7:27 am PT...
Rosemarie, everything you say is 100% correct. Here is the e-mail address for the public editor at the New York Times:
Good luck with the Times or the Washington Post. I've sent two e-mails to the above address; they've been ignored. If these two corporate-owned papers had any intention of attacking the election fraud issue, they'd have done so long before now. The battle is ours to fight at the blogosphere level.
I have the Times delivered daily. I read it from cover to cover. Not once since Nov. 2, 2004 has it devoted a single objective article to any aspect of that election. Not once has any of its columnists (including liberals Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, and Bob Herbert) devoted space to the election fraud question. The only article the Times printed about the claims of fraud in Ohio was headlined, "Conspiracy Theories Debunked..." Do you think this is simple neglect, or have the editors chosen to censor their reporters and columnists?
As recently as last month, when O'Dell resigned from Diebold and two class-action suits were filed against the company on the same day, the Times published not a word about it (not even in the business section!). The following Sunday, after the Florida test revealed a hackable Diebold machine, the Times editorialized about the company's failure to honor its responsibilities to the democratic system. This, after not publishing a word about any of this in its news section.
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Kathleen Wynne
said on 1/11/2006 @ 8:01 am PT...
Nick Comment #12:
I posted in an earlier blog that, at the Cuyahoga County Recount Certification meeting, I have Michael Vu (the director of the BOE in Cuyahoga County) on tape admitting to other Board of Election members that the ballots from those precincts "randomly" chosen for the recount were counted in private to "facilitate" it for the observers. This act clearly violated Ohio election law and Vu even went so far as to state that this had been done in previous recounts.
I have sent several video tapes to the attorney prosecuting the case in Cuyahoga County, Kevin Baxter, to be presented as evidence against the higher level election officials in Cuyahoga County for their complicity in this matter. I also contacted the attorney of record, who filed the complaint against Cuyahoga County's recount procedures, and informed him of the new evidence.
When I asked him if it turned out that no one was held accountable for this violation of Ohio election law, could we take it to a higher court? He told me, NO. There would be no recourse because the prosecutor had wide latitude in which to investigate the case and could not be overruled by another court, if we felt the investigation was lacking in due diligence.
To date, all of the election employees questioned have plead the fifth.
It should be very intersting to see how this investigations eventually turns out, now that the prosecutor has what he calls the "best evidence" in the case.
Will they continue to plead the fifth or will someone start tallking? That is the question.
Kathleen Wynne
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/11/2006 @ 8:08 am PT...
For Kathleen Wynne: Presumably, the plaintiffs' attorneys in the class-action suits against Diebold wll be aware of the Cuyahoga County situation, and can issue subpoenas as part of the discovery process.
It's one thing to plead the fifth in an inquiry, quite another to ignore a subpoena. I hope I'm reading the law correctly here. Lawyers?
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
Linda Gomez
said on 1/11/2006 @ 9:51 am PT...
Give Brad the Medal of Freedom!
My first time posting here..................
well, Congressman Ney is beside himself claiming he was duped by Abramoff for entering his casino support in the Congressional record..........Suuuuuure Bob.
Like Congressman Delay, he is ethical and did nothing wrong.........suuuuuuure Bob.
these people live in a bubble next to GWB.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/11/2006 @ 10:24 am PT...
Welcome aboard, Linda. This is the least exclusive club in the world. Even trolls are allowed to join.
Ney has single-handedly blocked every bill calling for paper trails, both before and after Nov. 2004. Rush Holt's bill is still gathering dust, despite strong bi-partisan support. It hasn't even been admitted for debate.
The dots now connect from Ney to Diebold to DeStefano to Abramoff to the Indian tribes and back to Ney. Blackwell and the Noes are somewhere on the sidelines at the moment, but I promise you they're both paying attention. The party's almost fact, some of the guests have already left.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2006 @ 12:47 pm PT...
Little by little, the picture is taking shape.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2006 @ 1:04 pm PT...
Thank you for the work you are doing. Is there some way to compile all the articles dealing with the corruption of Bush and the Republicans detailing their efforts to undermine the Constitution and our civil liberties, vote fraud, etc.? Those who listen to the MSM do not know what they are doing. This information needs to be distributed to everyone. You have a connection with John Conyers. Is there anyway that you can bring about a joint effort by Democrats (they don't pay any attention to me!!) to distribute this information?
Thank you,
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 1/11/2006 @ 1:22 pm PT...
This is such a great article, Brad!
I'd like to elaborate on the closing remarks--
"to ensure that all of those poor disabled folks would have at least one voting machine of the type manufactured by Diebold Inc., in every single precinct, in every single county, in every single state in the country in 2006. It's mandated by law, after all, by Bob Ney's Help America Vote Act of 2002."
First a small correction. HAVA doesn't actually require any electronic machines--though, as pointed out earlier in the article, the media and election officials seem eager to give the impression that it does. (HAVA just requires that disabled voters be allowed some mechanism to vote in private. has info on non-electronic methods that accomplish this.)
One further elaboration on the quote: those election officers that have fallen for the mistaken idea that they must have at least one electronic device to facilitate disabled voters, may not realize that by including only ONE of these devices, they have risked compromising the security of their ENTIRE voting system--even for voters who don't use the electronic machine. Tampering with the central counting computer can alter the election results to ensure "the right winner." As the Hursti attack demonstrated, ONE memory card can throw the results of ALL the votes counted on a central counting computer.
I hope this article gets more folks to sit up and pay attention to the dots you have so skilfully connected.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
Begonia Buzzkill
said on 1/11/2006 @ 1:41 pm PT...
Our friends at CSPAN have a little treat for us. Here's a movie of Jack Abramoff introducing Tom DeLay to Young Republicans as, "Tom Delay is who all of us want to be when we grow up."
Abramoff should learn to speak Farsi . . they have a saying that would serve him well: "never tell your best friend your secrets as your best friend has his own best friend."
DeLay's claims that he "hardly knew Abramoff" fall flat on the public especially in English! .....Ney's choreographed denials are priceless.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Kathleen Wynne
said on 1/11/2006 @ 2:08 pm PT...
Robert #46:
Since Cuyahoga County used punch cards in the 2004 election and I'm pretty certain they used ES&S scanners to count the ballots, I don't think the lawsuit against Diebold would have any relevance in the Cuyahoga County case.
However, I do look forward to what is found in the discovery process against Diebold in these class action lawsuits.
Kathleen Wynne
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
Bev Harris
said on 1/11/2006 @ 2:24 pm PT...
I agree that this is an important article. Well received at this site, but I'm disappointed at its reception so far elsewhere --- including my own site, where I posted it prominently and immediately.
This is one of the more important, breakthrough articles to come out in the last year. I'm not sure the general public (other than those of us who live, eat and breathe this issue) really realizes the relevance of what Brad has just reported:
HAVA's chief architect Bob Ney was porking up to the trough promising Indian tribes he'd put their gambling initiatives into an ELECTION REFORM BILL.
The he ditches the deal (but keeps the money).
I know, the Tigua Indian deal was covered briefly on Nightline, and Brad wrote of it, but we still just couldn't believe it! Kathleen Wynne spoke with the Lt. Governor of the Tigua Indian Tribe today, and he was THERE IN THE ROOM WITH NEY.
All this, and bribo-matic Abramoff in the midst of it.
I mean, can it get any sleazier? Actually, yes it can, and it will, but even we have been gagging things down in small doses.
At any rate, folks, chop this up into smaller bites or do what you have to do to help others wrap their head around what's really going on. I know how hard it is to write up a documented, thorough story as complex as this. Brad did an amazing job, but people aren't responding with the outrage his work justifies. It's like the U.S. Congress just hit America in the face with a pie, and we can't decide whether to eat it or clean it up.
Bev Harris
Black Box Voting
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
Bev Harris
said on 1/11/2006 @ 2:35 pm PT...
clarification: Not there in the room with Ney today. He was there as they were discussing slipping the Tigua gambling intiative into HAVA.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 1/11/2006 @ 2:48 pm PT...
Brad, minor suggestion--slip in a few more section headings (in bold) that highlight the key content.
It is a complex story and anything you can do with visual formatting to put across the key points will be helpful.
It's as if there are several stories involved, and each is a scandal in itself. It's hard to follow the background just because the actual events are such a nasty network of people and events.
Maybe we need someone out there to create a nice flow chart showing how the money and influence circulates around. It would have a circle in the center with people like Ney, Diebold, DiStefano, Coffee, DeLay, Abramoff(?), other voting machine vendors, campaign funding pots of gold, etc..
Outside the circule but feeding money into the system are the Indian tribes and other special interest groups (examples? there must be many others in addition to the Indian tribes).
Can't figure out yet where Blackwell fits into the money trail. Sure would be nice to find a check somewhere with his name on it. How does he benefit? Power & influence, getting a free ticket up the political ladder? How to show this on the diagram? Indirectly through benefiting from campaign funding that was indirectly supplied by Indian tribues and other special interests?
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/11/2006 @ 3:00 pm PT...
Not true...Some of the tabulating machines in Cuyahoga & elsewhere were Diebold, plus the Lucas County used exclusively Diebold optical-scanners and never told was the only county to really use the scanners.
Discovery process would most likely implicate what happened in Lucas County and with its memory cards....It could tie in to Cuyahoga county if they get a court order to examine the tabulators....then you have ES&S touch-screens where it goes messy, because there could soon be a class-action suit against ES&S. It would be more interesting if they adjoined the suit already there with ES&S complaints and just went after both.
Either way we'll soon see everything that happened with this HAVA and who paid who won't we? That's important, HAVA is what made this whole thing become mainstream.
Cheating machines can be used just as quickly in gambling as voting, and I bet Abramoff was a mastermind of that knowing his heavy duty gambling enterprise.
Also Robert they can issue subpoenas for anyone who pleads the fifth, pleading the fifth only means the person isn't talking.
Doug E.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 1/11/2006 @ 3:10 pm PT...
"of the people, for the people, and BUY the people" - all I can say is "keep on keepin' on."
Thank you, for everything from the first effort to the present payoff.
Neil (another 1st timer) but not last in keeping informed.
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 1/11/2006 @ 3:18 pm PT...
Maybe the story needs an "idiot's guide", something like
"US Democracy for Dummies"
1. Make laws that encourage electronic voting
2. Give everyone the impression that the new laws require electronic voting.
3. Tell people the laws are really just to help disabled voters.
4. Avoid laughing. Don't let anyone know that the voting machines can be rigged--and that's why they're such a good idea.
5. Make sure your key staff work for the voting machine companies.
6. Keep the money circling around all your friends, and hide it by keeping it moving or by putting it into non-profits or supposedly non-political PACs that have sincere-sounding names.
7. If anyone complains about fraud just blame voters.
8. Make sure you get all your election officials on your team, and ensure they all stay there by getting moved right up the political ladder (Florida, Ohio, etc.).
9. Find special interests with lots of dosh and string them along with tall tales.
10. No matter what take good care of those elections. Make sure the results come out right. Protect your friends who are election officials and protect your friends who supply and "service" the machines.
11. Make sure to ensure the right kind of support in the media. With the help of your powerful friends, see that the "right people" have a nice easy career path and lots of access to your powerful buddies.
12. Have great fun on election day because you know you'll get the "right result" because you've managed everything so well.
13. Pass more laws so that people can't even challenge elections. To be really sneaky, put these laws out to the people--but make sure you control the machines that count the votes. Presto! More "Democracy" USA-style.
14. Praise Democracy and Freedom every chance you get.
15. Just to be sure, set up your own phony "citizens group" for voting issues and make sure your group is the only one that can get a seat on the phony commissions that pretend to study election problems.
16. Try not to think of these things at the the last minute, but don't worry--even if it's just a day or two before an important event it won't matter because your media buddies will make sure to put the mike in front of the "real" citizens groups cause they know you'll look after them.
17.Gamble occasionally in places where the casino owners want you to do favors for them. This is another great way to keep plenty of money circling around, especially if you run out of Indian tribes.
18. Just keep the money circulating around and keep saying it's for lots of different, nice-sounding things.
19. Never put all your eggs into one basket. Make sure you have buddies in AccuPoll, too, not just Diebold.
20. Don't use just your own staff, use your friends' staff, too. Better yet, move them around all the time, just like you keep the money circulating around. That way no one can ever keep track of anything.
21.You scratch my back & I'll scratch yours--the true American way.
22. And make sure you've got the right judges in place, of course. This is an insurance policy so that no "awkward" lawsuits go anywhere. Help up the political ladder goes a long way.
23. Practice talking about all these things in a way that seems sincere and committed. Don't laugh at all the dupes--not even in your emails.
24. Be very careful what your friends put into their dumpsters.
25. If things go pear-shaped (e.g. if there were a few problems with 23 & 24) just say you didn't really know any of them very well, actually.
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
Bev Harris
said on 1/11/2006 @ 9:30 pm PT...
Thanks for the additional link / prompt to send to mainstream media, now posted on your front page.
American citizens may be jaundiced enough by now to accept a certain amount of sleazy lobbying/tradeoffs/barter/bribes on ordinary legislation. However, the HAVA implementation directly produced $4 billion worth of government purchasing that threatens millions of votes with tampering, millions more with error-prone machines, purchasing was rushed through before the standards were set, and counties are ALREADY having to jettison systems that fail or can't meet new standards, wasting even more tax dollars.
I'm betting the oinking HAVA architects misjudged Americans' commitment to having our votes counted. This isn't just about wasted tax money ($4 billion and counting) but it's about fundamental alterations of the way we count votes, in ways that are profoundly disturbing to more and more Americans.
HAVA lured members of the Congressional Black Caucus with measures supposedly designed to reduce vote suppression, but the main support for it was from lobbyists and special interests planning to make a buck on your vote.
You've just touched the tip of the iceberg with the sleaze behind voting machine procurement, but you showed it poking up all right, while all the voting-machine buying counties are hurtling toward the iceberg on the Titanic.
When people see how shoddy these machines really are; how many of them violate specs even going back to 1990; the sorry performance of the audit logs that supposedly substantiate that they functioned correctly; and all the hiding some public officials are doing to keep people from looking under the hood on these machiens, they'll start looking at who was involved in making HAVA happen.
A bill that appears to have broad support was actually muscled through by some tarnished special interests, and it's time to subpeona some vendors and get them under oath.
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
Vicky Perry
said on 1/12/2006 @ 5:29 am PT...
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
Jeff J.
said on 1/12/2006 @ 5:55 am PT...
Fantastic article Brad!
Are the prosecutors in the Abramoff case legit and do you think they'll follow all these links and evidence to the conclusions you've highlighted? And are the judges who'll hear these cases clean?
Even if the MSM refuses to follow these stories, if the prosecutors do their jobs and the plaintiffs in the class action suits open up all the right doors, perhaps we'll be able to expose these criminals and all the fraud they've been involved in.
I hope there will ultimately be a link to the White House in all of this as well. (And Blackwell too.)
Watch your back Brad and keep up the great work. You make the MSM investigative journalists look like the slugs they really are. Thank you for helping to protect our democracy.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/12/2006 @ 6:23 am PT...
Bev Harris makes an interesting point when she says most Americans have come to accept a certain amount of sleaziness in Washington. This extends beyond lobbying to elections, clearly.
I was waiting for my train to D.C. a year ago last November 6, heading for the Common Cause hearing, when I ran into an old friend from New Canaan who was heading to Boston. I told him the election four days earlier had been stolen.
Peter smiled. "Bob, the public is entitled to a fair election, not a perfect election," he said. He didn't say where the line should be drawn between them. Peter didn't want to be rude, but it was obvious he thought I was exaggerating a few local incidents into a grand conspiracy that was impossible. He isn't a strident Bush supporter by any means, just a mainstream guy who trusts the system.
We're never going to win over the trolls and the Bush loyalists, all of whom have an end justifies the means mentality, the end being keeping liberals out of office at all costs. But we can still win over the Peters out there...reasonable people whose anger will rise when they finally realize what happened in 2000 and 2004. They'll be embarrassed for having allowed themselves to be duped by crooks.
The New York Times might be another story. That's why Brad Friedman has replaced Bill Keller as the 21st-century Oracle of Delphi.
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
Lena David
said on 1/12/2006 @ 7:30 am PT...
Thanks for your hard work Brad. Your steadfast investigations are bearing fruit. With a few more like you, we can save our country.
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
Lena David
said on 1/12/2006 @ 7:36 am PT...
Please sign Congressman Conyers' petition. He is giving us a voice and tragically, unlike the 500,000 signers of the Downing Street Minutes petition, he has 36,000 to date, please let people on messageboards know about the strongly worded IMPEACHMENT petition and Rep. Conyers' uses that word several times. Contact to spread the word. If we don't take this chance and give Rep. Conyers the support he needs, then it is our fault and not Congress. If we don't have the courage or concentration when things are finally starting to happen, then it is us who is the enemy.
Conyer's Action Items
Conyer's Blog
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
Lena David
said on 1/12/2006 @ 7:40 am PT...
: :hehe:
Elizabeth Holtzman --- "The Impeachment of George W. Bush"
Finally, it has started. People have begun to speak of impeaching President George W. Bush--not in hushed whispers but openly, in newspapers, on the Internet, in ordinary conversations and even in Congress. As a former member of Congress who sat on the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon, I believe they are right to do so.
Katrina, Bush and Cheney Grounds for Impeachment
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
Lena David
said on 1/12/2006 @ 7:48 am PT...
Xymphora blog has information on the brutal murder this week of NYT journalist Mr. Bloombaum, he had just published a story linking Reagan/Bush Senior to the NSA scandal. :angry:
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 1/12/2006 @ 10:04 am PT...
I loved seeing this sordid tale linked to over at Bartcop
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 1/12/2006 @ 10:14 am PT...
Chris Floyd at "Empire Burlesque" has linked to this piece specifically, Brad. Way to go!
What an ugly, ugly, rotten, stinking mess this country's "government" is in as of January, 2006...
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 1/12/2006 @ 1:29 pm PT...
Today is January 12, 2006-Big Surprise is about to scare NEOCONS
To meet Jeff Fisher on Friday the 13th in San Francisco at 2 Stockton at Market
Cody�s Bookstore- Approx. 5:30 P.S.T. He will be talking about the proof that he had to withhold on December 8th, 2004 with President Jimmy Carter.
After the CSPAN broadcast on December 8th, 2004 where he has been criticized by many individuals he openly admits that he was very scared and nervous. The reason that nobody knew why his emotions were in turmoil was because he had just received a blocked ID phone call that told him that his companion would be in grave danger if he told the committee too much. He has remained quiet because he wants to protect this person at all costs. The person is safe now so he feels that the time is right to expose the culprits.
He has told our pastor on the phone that he is bone tired of living in a homeless shelter, but he says it was an important time to learn that America has abandoned countless Americans at the stroke of a pen. He also told us that it is time for a real change of leadership in America.
He says its time for America to elect a black man to represent us in the White House. He says it�s not the color of a mans skin that makes him a leader, it�s his soul. He feels that Al Sharpton and Patrick Kennedy would make this country whole in spirit again.
When our pastor asked him what do you want? He replied, �All I want to do is help my friend who protected and supported me when no one else would.� He also added �I would like to be able to work with the party on issues that I have become experienced in, such as homelessness and the plight of urban black America�
On a final note he said that voting reform will only take place if Democrats develop true strength and say No to the President and the GOP on every issue. He said that there are some who have attained that strength, they showed that when they challenged the Electoral College on January 6th, 2005. He said it was a shame to only see Barbara Boxer as the only Senator to show such internal strength.
Call and thank her,
Barbra Boxer
Fax 415-393-0710
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/12/2006 @ 4:12 pm PT...
Tom: Is Jeff Fisher still maintaining that the election was rigged by young men trained at a special camp in Florida to hack election machines?
It sounds as if the "proof" he told me personally (at the Common Cause hearing) that he'd given to Conyers and that he couldn't talk about with me in detail at that moment has now morphed into a boilerplate political argument for greater minority representation in government.
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/12/2006 @ 5:42 pm PT...
I hear the story and I got alot of skepticism about it....I'm waiting back for answers from someone and if Jeff is legitimate everyone will know...
Bob Ney time for you to be indicted, you fucking bastard.
Doug E.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 1/13/2006 @ 9:00 am PT...
Brad, just listened to your Jay Marvin interview. Good going. This message needs to get some red state exposure in the worst way - too many do not know that once the voting process is compromised in this way, it can be compromised again and again - and it does not require "their" party to be in charge. This is a danger to democracy not only here but to democracy and even to peaceful existence all over the world; look at our foreign policy under the Pres-per-curiae from 2001-2004. With truly aggressive leaders who will stop at nothing, no country is "safe" from us, not even the ones we've sold our economy to. Maybe especially not them. And we have been rolling up the system of checks and balances at home by remaking the judiciary in his image. DoJ and the FBI seem to be our only hope for saving our own democracy, as slow as they have been in uncovering this astonishing web of corruption. Legislators are hostage to the voting process as well, so the greater the market penetration of the few, very few, corrupt companies who control that software, the more powerless the legislators become. Thank you for trying to track it all down and report on it. I wish you had not *had* to do it.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 1/13/2006 @ 9:03 am PT...
Brad, just listened to your Jay Marvin interview. Good going. This message needs to get some red state exposure in the worst way - too many do not know that once the voting process is compromised in this way, it can be compromised again and again - and it does not require "their" party to be in charge. This is a danger to democracy not only here but to democracy and even to peaceful existence all over the world; look at our foreign policy under the Pres-per-curiae from 2001-2004. With truly aggressive leaders who will stop at nothing, no country is "safe" from us, not even the ones we've sold our economy to. Maybe especially not them. And we have been rolling up the system of checks and balances at home by remaking the judiciary in his image. DoJ and the FBI seem to be our only hope for saving our own democracy, as slow as they have been in uncovering this astonishing web of corruption. Legislators are hostage to the voting process as well, so the greater the market penetration of the few, very few, corrupt companies who control that software, the more powerless the legislators become. Thank you for trying to track it all down and report on it. I wish you had not *had* to do it.
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 1/13/2006 @ 12:54 pm PT...
Brad - U struck oil on this one. Ensure John Conyer Jr. gets this information and Fitzgerald. Bring down the curtain made out of newspaper printed in the USA. Kick ace!
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/13/2006 @ 2:55 pm PT...
Regarding the Jeff Fisher story:
Regarding the Jeff Fisher story about election hacking, I got an interesting response from someone I trust:
"If is true it is a little heavy
handed on the part of officials. Can not help much with knowing if any of the info has validity.
When I met him he was in the company of a lady named Jennifer (Last
name unknown but she seemed to be well known by everyone in the room). She might be able to help.
Anyone here ever heard of Jennifer before? The search for the truth continues...
Doug E.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 1/13/2006 @ 3:42 pm PT...
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/15/2006 @ 10:03 am PT...
WOW! This is a great news story!
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]
said on 1/15/2006 @ 3:42 pm PT...
Brad: I don't want to be a downer, but, I think, if you are going to get MSM coverage of this, you need to boil it down to bullet points for them. The MSM stays scrupulously away from electile dysfunction itself, and showing Ney's role in it would mean mentioning it. If it came in crisp bullets implying a sexy truthiness from which the frontal exposure to the elephant in the room might follow, they might be cooed into taking it on.
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/15/2006 @ 6:35 pm PT...
I agree with this. Break it down into bullet-points by showing at the top how Distefano works and does lobbying for Diebold, Accupoll along with any other lobby work Coffee does. Then in a quick sound-byte fashion show Ney working with DiStefano, Chris Dodd & Hoyer on HAVA.
That's all you need....then the whole web is out there and journalists can begin untangling it.
The whole mess at the top of this is much more devious, it extends from Wall Street to the voting companies to everything in between. That big, overall picture will take a long time for the public to really adjust to and it will come with cost.
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]
said on 1/16/2006 @ 6:43 am PT...
Outstanding work Brad and Co. I've sent this to everybody I can think of.
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]
said on 1/16/2006 @ 11:36 am PT...
I hope that every politician who has taken gifts, trips, cash etc. gets sent to prison for selling out to special interests and not representing the electorate
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 1/16/2006 @ 4:37 pm PT...
Jeff Fisher never mentioned a Jennifer to me, and there was no woman with him at the time that I noticed. He did say his wife back home in Florida didn't believe that he was being monitored by the F.B.I., which frustrated him a lot.
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/17/2006 @ 1:37 am PT...
Its a long story. Jeff Fisher and Al Rogers work alongside a woman named Jennifer. Clint Curtis has met her at their event twice, from what I know. Jennifer Masaryk is her name.
Doug E
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]
said on 2/10/2006 @ 2:19 am PT...
Bob Ney continues under great scrutiny in the Abramoff scandal. He also has announced he is campaigning for re-election. What follows is an article by him in yesterday's Athens News, and a brilliant commentary by the paper's editor, Terry Smith~~~
Commentary: Congressman Ney: The state of our union must be made stronger
By Congressman Bob Ney
Thursday, February 9th, 2006
In his recent State of the Union speech, President Bush laid out several important initiatives that demand action to advance the long-term security of our nation and its people. The state of our union is strong but can and must be made stronger. American troops, workers and families deserve and require the proper tools and support to continue driving our country's successes. We must continue supporting our brave men and women fighting in the War on Terror and ignore the talk of a cut-and-run strategy. It is equally important to stay focused on strengthening our economy at home by helping working families struggling with rising health-care and energy costs. By continuing support for our courageous troops and shoring up our economy at home, I am confident that our state of the union will be even stronger next year.
We must remain on the offense and fully engaged in the War on Terror. I agree with the president that we must complete the mission in Iraq and secure that region so that the terrorists can no longer use it as a training ground to plan future attacks against our country. I was privileged to visit our brave men and women serving in Iraq in December. They are the very best that America has to offer. Like all Americans, I want to bring our troops home as soon as possible, but endorsing a policy of cut-and-run in Iraq, as some, such as House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, have proposed, would not only embolden our enemies but it would be a tremendous disservice to the brave men and women in our military who have sacrificed so much to advance democracy and freedom abroad, while protecting their fellow citizens.
With our troops fighting terror abroad, we must remain focus on American families and workers at home. While I disagree with the president on the issue of free trade, and continue to believe we must do more to combat the unfair trade practices of Communist China, it is very important that we avoid a tax hike on working families by making the tax cuts permanent, especially the death tax and the marriage penalty. I firmly believe that working people make better decisions with their money than the government and that with a level playing field, no one can out-perform the American worker.
We must also continue fighting to make our country less dependent on foreign oil and make quality health care more affordable for our citizens. Last week, I watched with pride as we broke ground on a new ethanol bio-refinery in Harrison County that will create over 170 new jobs and $73 million in investment to the region. This initiative is a terrific example of what the president talked about in the State of the Union, in terms of promoting new sources of alternative energy and strengthening the economy. On the health-care front, I am very supportive of efforts to expand access to medical saving accounts and will continue to fight for medical malpractice reform. The House has twice passed comprehensive legislation to rein in the trial lawyers and lower health-care costs - only to see the proposal die in the Senate. The Senate needs to act on this critical legislation to keep doctors in hospitals and lawyers out.
The state of our union is strong, but it can and must be made stronger. We cannot cut and run from our mission in Iraq. We must support our troops in their fight against terrorists and murderers. With fair trade, our workers will continue to drive our economy's engine that must become less dependent on foreign oil and supplanted by ethanol and other alternate energy sources. These priorities, combined with greater access to affordable health care, will allow our union to strengthen and thrive.
Wearing Thin: Ney relies on cliches and catch phrases rather than serious analysis
By Terry Smith
Athens NEWS Editor
Thursday, February 9th, 2006
The column by U.S. Rep. Bob Ney on this page is a manifesto for his own tight political corner --- loyally backing the president for the most part, while staking out the trade-related areas where he abandons Bush doctrine in order to maintain his political viability in the Ohio Valley.
The problem for Ney --- already besieged by national suspicions of extraordinary corruption --- is that Americans are increasingly unwilling to accept Bush's simplistic formulas for economic and national security. People are also less accepting of cheap sloganeering and character assassination. And unless they're robotic Republicans or movement conservatives, they're not thrilled about Ney's ethical record, whether it brings criminal charges or not.
That said, who can say that he doesn't truly believe the things he says in his column? Just because someone uses a lot of cliches and shamelessly panders to American verities doesn't mean he's not sincere about them. Taking a step toward pathological empathy, I'll even grant that someone soaked in the backwash of an influence-peddling scandal may have the capacity to shake off the mud and play clean in other arenas.
But Ney, even if he's sincere and means well, even if he's exonerated legally --- and in for a penny, in for a pound --- even if he gets a clean ethical bill of health, even then, he's still dead wrong on the issues, and he's still trying to sell them by deceiving and manipulating his constituents.
For example, Ney, inventor of the jingoistic "freedom fries" in the early run-up to the Iraq war, has appropriated the Bush/Cheney-certified "cut-and-run" put-down for anyone with an alternative view on how to untie Bush's impossible knot in Iraq.
He doesn't offer our soldiers overseas any assurances, ideas or even the tiniest recognition of the mess they're in, other than his rote regard for their courage and commitment.
And that means less than nothing, since nearly everybody voices the same high regard for the troops. Unlike Rep. Ney, though, most of us aren't in a position to help those troops by using our power and influence to look out for their actual welfare and that of this country. Rather than dumbly following Bush's tired, open-ended script in the war against terrorists and Iraq, Ney could at least publicly acknowledge that there's a tipping point where remaining in Iraq, with all its tragic and mounting costs, will no longer benefit anybody.
Instead Rep. Ney hands us patriotic cliches and bad history. He states that we need to support Bush in completing our mission in Iraq, "so that the terrorists can no longer use it as a training ground to plan future attacks against our country."
He says this despite the indisputable facts that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or al Qaeda, and that post-Saddam Iraq has become the mother of all terrorist training grounds, as a direct result of our invasion and occupation.
It's becoming increasingly clear to both our allies and our own intelligence agencies that Iraq, under Saddam's thumb, was far more secure than it's likely to be under an Iran-leaning Islamic government or more likely, carved up into armed mini-states that hate each other as much as they hate us.
On domestic issues --- save in areas of trade where he can't risk crossing unions and industry in his Rust Belt district --- Ney parrots the simplistic, feel-good formulas of George Bush. He trumpets the administration's short-sighted budget, health-care and environmental policies that assure his constituents that everything will be OK, while ignoring the black clouds on the horizon.
Ney is completely on board with Bush's insistence on extending tax cuts, mainly for the wealthy, while seemingly unconcerned about their devastating effect on the existing budget deficit, the future budget deficit, and the long-term debt of our children.
Rather than asking all Americans to sacrifice in order to fight the war against terrorism, conserve energy on behalf of national and environmental security, or pay as we go on entitlements and domestic spending, Ney, like Bush, is all about deceptively rosy projections, cliche-ridden but meaningless rhetoric, and a refusal to tackle the serious dilemmas facing our country.
When it comes to addressing one of the most serious problems, health care, we can depend on Bob Ney to focus on "solutions" that don't address the problem. Like his president, he attacks the side issue of "trial lawyers," while ignoring the 900-pound gorillas in the pharmaceutical and insurance industries that always block serious health-care reforms. But we shouldn't be surprised; these corporate interests are masters at working the K Street system in which Ney was such an active player.
Only time --- and federal prosecutors, perhaps --- will tell whether Ney's desperate fallback on empty cliches, issue avoidance, and blind loyalty to an increasingly unpopular president will still play in the 18th Congressional District. If, God forbid, he manages to get re-elected with all this hanging over him, he and his constituents deserve each other.
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]
said on 4/29/2006 @ 9:00 pm PT...
Noe is tied to Abramoff and his wife to Elections in Ohio.
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]
telewizory lcd
said on 5/1/2006 @ 4:16 pm PT...
Very good site. You are doing great job. Please Keep it up... .!
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]
telewizory lcd
said on 5/1/2006 @ 4:22 pm PT...
Very good site. You are doing great job. Please Keep it up... .!
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]
said on 5/1/2006 @ 6:58 pm PT...
I grew up in Ney's district and Diebold provides lots of good there. I'm sure he uses that to justify his efforts on Diebold's behalf. He probably can defend it as bringing home the bacon to his constituents. It would hurt the local economy bigtime if those jobs went away, so I don't fault him so much for greasing the skids on the company's behalf.
Diebold used to dominate the ATM market. They were an early leader in that technology. Now, their products have been eclipsed by those of other companies. I would guess these voting machines are now their most valuable product line.
OTOH, the stink of his dealings with Abramoff is going to be hard to wash off. When the story first broke, the local newspaper in Newark, Ohio did a man-on-the-street interview and the prevailing sentiment was that this was an attempt to tar-and-feather a good member of Congress. Considering that The Hammer figured out that the scandal was going to lead to a messy re-election bid, it will be interesting to see if Ney sticks it out and if he does, how his race turns out.
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]
said on 5/1/2006 @ 7:53 pm PT...
I grew up in Ney's district and Diebold provides lots of good jobs there. I'm sure he uses that to justify his efforts on Diebold's behalf. He probably can defend it as bringing home the bacon to his constituents. It would hurt the local economy bigtime if those jobs went away, so I don't fault him so much for greasing the skids on the company's behalf.
Diebold used to dominate the ATM market. They were an early leader in that technology. Now, their products have been eclipsed by those of other companies. I would guess these voting machines are now their most valuable product line.
OTOH, the stink of his dealings with Abramoff is going to be hard to wash off. When the story first broke, the local newspaper in Newark, Ohio did a man-on-the-street interview and the prevailing sentiment was that this was an attempt to tar-and-feather a good member of Congress. Considering that The Hammer figured out that the scandal was going to lead to a messy re-election bid, it will be interesting to see if Ney sticks it out and if he does, how his race turns out.
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]
said on 5/2/2006 @ 12:31 pm PT...
this bunch of Hillbillies, are enough to make one vomit.
You could call them traitors, but that would be an
understatement. :angry:
People like Ney, Limbaugh, Hannity, all proceed from
the same sewer, and will, in the end, corrupt the
political system, beyond redemption.
Roting in Hell, is too good for the entire lot.
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]
said on 10/13/2006 @ 7:06 am PT...
We must also continue fighting to make our country less dependent on foreign oil and make quality health care more affordable for our citizens. Last week, I watched with pride as we broke ground on a new ethanol bio-refinery in Harrison County that will create over 170 new jobs and $73 million in investment to the region. This initiative is a terrific example of what the president talked about in the State of the Union, in terms of promoting new sources of alternative energy and strengthening the economy. On the health-care front, I am very supportive of efforts to expand access to medical saving accounts and will continue to fight for medical malpractice reform. The House has twice passed comprehensive legislation to rein in the trial lawyers and lower health-care costs - only to see the proposal die in the Senate. The Senate needs to act on this critical legislation to keep doctors in hospitals and lawyers out.
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]
M. Budowalne
said on 10/25/2006 @ 6:27 pm PT...
I agree with this. Keep up these useful pieces.
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]
said on 11/13/2006 @ 7:45 pm PT...
What is the source of funding for the National Secretary's of State and National Association of Election Directors? Did they lobby to stop standards and oversight by the US Elections Association Commission?
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]
said on 11/13/2006 @ 7:57 pm PT...
What is the sources of funding for the National Association of Secretary's of State (NASS) and the National Asociation of Election Directors (NAED)?
Did they lobby to stop the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from establishing standards and oversight?
Where would I look for this information?