Kim Severson

Kim Severson


Atlanta bureau chief for the New York Times and food enthusiast.

Atlanta, Georgia ·

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Uh, still blowing like crazy here a couple of hundred feet from the gulf. Gonna shut off the flashlight and the phone and sleep.

There is simply no squishy auto-related assertion you can get past . The woman is gold.

TWC reporting that has only moved 60 miles since 9 am this morning

Also, animal lovers might like to know there are 20 pets at Mississippi's first pet-friendly storm shelter.

Here we go ... “: BREAKING: MEMA reported tornado touchdown around 5:18-5:20pm on 17th Street in Gulfport, MS

Lest you think is over, rain still pounding. Power out at hotel. Hoarding snacks so the TV crew here doesn't eat all remaining food.

Citing 285 Miss. residents lost to Katrina, Gov. Bryant says 'Our goal is to not lose 1 human life during this event.'

Miss. guv Phil Bryant and US Rep. Steven Palazzo gives the press an update on what's up with .

WOW! ": Tombs, caskets floating in flood water from above ground cemetery near Braithwaite, LA. "

Seriously, this thing just won't let up. Sustained winds since about 6 pm last night. Feels even stronger now. .

Tide's falling here, 'but it's not in no big rush,' says Biloxi mayor AJ Holloway.

": Mississippi River Water levels at Baton Rouge have increased 7.78 feet in the past 24 hours! From Army Corps "

Unexpected amounts of water here in Biloxi. Mayor AJ Holloway says we could be in the worst of it now.

Driving around with Biloxi mayor AJ Holloway. He didn't expect this much water. Would have evacuated more people.

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