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Independent News Sources
Multiple War Crimes of Obama, Bush expertly explained in 12-minute video
What’s Next in Egypt?
America’s Independence Day Hypocrisy
Bugging device found in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London: Surveillance Group Limited
U.S. Double-standards in its Appeals to Geneva Convention in Syria
World Socialist Website
Historian Allen Guelzo speaks on the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
German chancellor holds phony Jobs Summit
International gangsterism in Snowden manhunt
White House delays health care requirement for businesses
Prosecution case vs. Bradley Manning threatens First Amendment rights to free speech and press
News Trust
Key players in Egypt's politics
After Morsi: 6 thoughts on the ouster of an undemocratic, elected president
Want to Fight Government Domestic Spying? Join a 'Restore the Fourth' Protest This Independence Day
Egypt celebrates military coup
4 Veggie Burgers That Don't Suck
Africa Files
Africa likely to lose in G8 ‘tax haven’ deal (6/29/2013)
Pricing carbon: A failed strategy that won’t save the climate (6/29/2013)
Youth: Giving shame to whom honour is due (6/29/2013)
Nelson Mandela (6/28/2013)
Why Nigeria needs a criminal tribunal and not amnesty for Boko Haram (6/27/2013)
Havana Times
Cuba’s Public Transport System: Adjustments are not Enough
Spoken Word Fest in Havana July 8-14
Southpaw Wilber Pérez Handcuffs Dutch Bats as Cuba Roars Back
Cuban Outfielder Cut from Mexican Team
A Cuban Author and his Treatment for Cultural Claustrophobia
Brad Blog
KPFK 'BradCast': Illegal NSA Surveillance Programs 101
Learning to Hate: How I Fell for the Rightwing Propaganda War Against Progressive Talk Radio
'Green News Report' - July 2, 2013
Lee Camp: 'How to Boil a Human' (And Enrage Alex Jones Supporters) [VIDEO]
Rep. Grayson Warns About Details of Classified 'Trans-Pacific Partnership' Agreement
Buzz Flash
Five Adjectives That Scream "Don't Vote Republican!"
Mitt Romney's Most Unexcellent Adventure
BuzzFlash Commentary Will Soon Be Posted on Truthout
We Wrecked Iraq, We Pulled Out, We Redeployed in Anaheim
The Massive Voter Fraud of the GOP
Global Research
Will Israel’s Gas Hopes Come True? Accused of Stealing Gas from the Gaza Strip
Breast Milk Scandal Strikes Aptamil Manufacturer Danone, Accused of Misleading Mothers
25 verdades sobre el caso Evo Morales/Edward Snowden
25 verdades sobre o caso Evo Morales/Edward Snowden
What Really Caused the Coup Against the Egyptian President: Egypt’s Support for Intervention in Syria Was the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back
Venezuelan Analysis News
Venezuelan Government: “Serious Abuse” Barring Evo Morales Flight over Snowden Suspicion
Venezuela’s Maduro Attends Gas Exporting Countries Forum, Signs Agreements with Russia
120,000 Venezuelans With Disabilities Certified for Accreditation and Benefits
Venezuelan Universities March For and Against Strike
Eighth PetroCaribe Summit Focuses on Economic Integration between Venezuela and Caribbean
Help Support Project Censored and Donate Today!
British firm denies bugging Ecuador's embassy
Report: Mandela in permanent vegetative state
International reactions to Morsi's removal
Egypt army cracks down on Muslim Brotherhood
Minor girls killed in Afghan bomb attack
Op Ed News
How to Thwart Democracy? In Egypt the Military is Supreme
Wash Post Columnist's Myopic Call to Repeal the Internet
What are Boom and Bust? Alternative Economics 101 - Chapter 5: Tax Your Imagination!
Traveling tg Haiti
What Was the Most Important Thing People Learned in the 20th Century?
The Guardian
Joey Chestnut downs record 69 franks at Coney Island contest
Egypt: Adli Mansour sworn in as interim president - live updates
Arizona Hotshots firefighters 'died from burns and inhalation problems'
Letters: Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood and the battle for the soul of Egypt
Mobs make fickle friends. Egypt is not Les Misérables | Simon Jenkins
IPS News
Top Judge Sworn in as Egypt Interim President
U.S. States Tighten Voter Restrictions
Oiling the Palms of Cameroon’s Farmers
Snowden Is No Trifling Matter
U.S. Walks Tightrope in Wake of Egypt Coup
Tajik MP is Against Mixed Marriages “Especially with Chinese“
Scholarships For Breast Enlargements in Spain?
How Edward Snowden Divides Russians
Snowden Air Search: “Be Strong” Morales, Latin American Presidents Tweet
VIDEO: Eviction of a Chilean School
Media Roots
Digital Currencies and Privacy Protection
MR Original – Our World
Academia and the War Department
MR Transcript: Dr. Noam Chomsky on Imperialism, Drones & Propaganda
Media Roots Radio – Fear is a Commodity
The Electronic Intifada
Palestinians sue US groups over support for settler attacks
The Month in Pictures: June 2013
Israel imposes new fuel restrictions on Gaza
Israeli apartheid "more sophisticated" than South Africa's, says new book
Dershowitz and Finkelstein: comrades at heart?
PRESS TV: Latest News
Israel increases raids on Palestinians
Iran condemns Morales plane diversion
Tunisia Tamarod movement emboldened
Beirut to pursue Iran diplomats case
Visa deal with Iran will resume: Georgia
US must explain to world: Ecuador
Obama war criminal, hypocrite: Irish MP
US border security plans irk Mexicans
US threats on Russia, China dismissed
US is world’s biggest villain: China
San Francisco Bay View
California prisoners inspire the world
Support the Pelican Bay hunger strike
Four months after JR’s suspension, problems with racism persist at KPFA
Cellmate or not, indeterminate SHU confinement is torture
August Wilson’s ‘Seven Guitars’ comes to West Oakland’s Sista Thea Bowman Theater
Mann News
Police destroy 40 cars in Bethlehem village
Car crash in Wadi al-Nar, several injured
Abbas: Egypt events will not affect reconciliation
Security: Egypt arrests Brotherhood supreme leader
Egypt unrest slows down Gaza construction
The Americas Blog
UNASUR Statement on Interference with Bolivian Presidential Plane Over Snowden
Amnesty International Condemns Violations of Snowden's Human Rights By U.S. Government
Snowden’s Revelations Go from Being a “Serious Breach” to Not “Significant” as Obama Administration Shifts Message
Ecuador Ruins U.S. Policymakers Fun
Hollywood Celebrities, Prominent Whistleblowers, Latin America Experts and Others Urge Correa to Grant Snowden Asylum
Haven for Snowden: Icelandic Pirate Party pushes for granting NSA leaker citizenship
Gitmo inmate accuses Guards of sexual assault
'French PRISM' revealed: All communications tracked, metadata collected
Snowden asylum case: ‘European leaders are slavishly obedient to American policy’
Snowden’s next stop: Latin America split on Snowden extradition