All Your Fault

Romney’s Presidential Plant

Eyes on the Prize

Dave Spence Called Out for Dodging Conservative Club Event

Lake News Online reported today that Republican candidate for governor Dave Spence backed out at the last minute from a planned event with the Lake Area Conservative Club. According to the report, the Spence campaign claimed “that the club was not honest with them when setting up the appearance. The campaign was under the impression that Spence would be the only candidate to attend.”

Spence’s rival for the Republican nomination for governor, Bill Randles, was quick to criticize candidate Spence for his absence. During an appearance on 104.1 FM KSGF Mornings with Nick Reed, Randles stated “If you are so unconfident about your candidate that he will not appear with another Republican in front of Republican crowds, how in the world do you think he is ready to stand up in front of the media and the Democrats and Jay Nixon.”

Spence also drew heat from the Camdenton Tea Party in an email blast sent out this morning. Below is the email from the Tea Party group for your reading pleasure.

From: Camdenton Tea Party
Date: June 13, 2012 7:30:24 AM CDT
Subject: Randles to Speak at Lake Area Conservative Club

Good morning,

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Boehner the Basher

Missouri AFL-CIO calls on Nixon to veto SB749

This action alert, sent earlier today to the full Missouri AFL-CIO list, calls on Gov. Jay Nixon to veto Missouri Republicans' misguided SB789.  

With women now making up more than half of America’s workforce, it is crucial that we, as the labor movement, continue to defend the rights of all women and all workers against any effort to allow employers to dictate the quality of women’s health care. Just before session ended, politicians pushed through SB749, the Birth Control Refusal Bill. It would allow bosses to deny workers access to birth control, an unacceptable erosion of workers' rights on the job.

Governor Nixon can stop this attack on workers with a veto of SB749.Click here to send him an email and urge him to veto this extreme legislation.

SB749 allows employers to refuse coverage for birth control and sterilization services "based on religious beliefs or moral convictions." Working people should be able to continue to make decisions based on their own religious beliefs and moral convictions, not those of their employer.

All women and men should have access to quality health care, not determined by political agendas. When extremist politicians passed anti-worker and divisive legislation, including an attempt to roll-back protections against workplace discrimination, Governor Nixon stood up for working people and vetoed the bills. Click here to send an email and urge Governor Nixon to veto SB749 and thank him for standing up against these anti-worker attacks.

In unity,

The Missouri AFL-CIO 

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ICYMI: Dave Spence Attacks Workers

GOP Governor wannabe Dave Spence clearly doesn't learn from other people's lessons.  Late last week, after having to be asked twice, Spence endorsed Right to Work, an attack on workers that Missouri voters have rejected in the past, saying "It’s time we explore it." Now Spence has announced that on June 19, he'll be appearing - at the Ritz, no less - with Ohio Gov. John Kasich who suffered a huge defeat when voters in his state resoundingly rejected SB 5, the union-busting, Right to Work for Less bill that was defeated by a 2:1 margin.

If Spence is confused about what Right to Work is, here is a quick recap.

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by Jean Carnahan
June 8
If you put enough sugar on anything and serve it in a chocolate-dipped cone with colored sprinkles, the public will swallow it. That goes for weird food and weird political ideas as well.