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If Student Concerns Are Not Addressed, There May Be a Youth Uprising in the US Court Halts Law Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans Without Due Process Stop the Secret White House Kill List The Democrats Must Begin Advocating for the Working Class and Not Wall Street Farmworkers Face Rape and Sexual Abuse Epidemic in the Fields![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- US Commission on Civil Rights to Investigate "Stand Your Ground" Laws for Racial Bias
- Greening the Knowledge Economy: A Critique of Neoliberalism
- Spain to Accept Rescue From Europe for Its Ailing Banks
- Health-care exchanges in many states held up by pending Supreme Court ruling
- How a Free Market Run Amok Destroys "Family Values"
- 7 Plutocrats That Bankrolled the GOP Primary -- and What They Want in Return
- The Private Sector IS doing fine
- In a world of super PACs, Mitt Romney rules Allies moved fastest to exploit new system
- Killer Capitalism – Greek crisis produces fatal medicine shortages
- Same-Sex Marriage Brings Healing to Me - and My Tribe
- With Energy Efficiency, We All Win
- CIA Gets Nod to Step up Pakistan Drone Strikes
- Things could not be any worse for those forced to buy individual health insurance in New York State
- Is a crime wave sweeping Israel? Israel's police say the crime has always been there; others are not so sure.
- Colin Powell: Another War Criminal Cashes In
- Virginia voter ID law does not apply to Tuesday’s primary election
- Facebook’s Long-Term Problem
- Who Wants Peace in Colombia? Forrest Hylton: The far right is not interested in a peace process
- Americans Are as Likely to Be Killed by Their Own Furniture as by Terrorism
- Guatemalan President Decides to Dismantle Peace Archives
- The 10 Worst GOP Governors: What Horrors Did They Unleash in 2012?
- Oregon Court: Alleged rapist has right to victim's Google search history
- Hillary Clinton leading US fight against Climate Change
- Cuba injects doctor diplomacy into Africa Oil-pumping African nations pay hefty sums to staff their hospitals with thousands of Cuban doctors, with most of the money going to the Cuban government.
- Let’s get the truth about fracking
- National Town Hall Held in Washington D.C to Address Jobs Crisis
- Oil spill worries Albertans
- Karzai: U.S. failed to consult Afghans on airstrike
- Why we're losing: The corporations have unionized
- In Springfield, Illinois, No Solutions
- Buffett lunch sells for record $3,456,789
- Climate denial: The GOP war on science should be the Democrats' greatest political weapon
- Latino Growth Not Fully Felt at Voting Booth
- Gail Collins: Texas runs America In a Salon interview, the New York Times writer who made Mitt's dog famous takes dead aim at the Lone Star State
- Forgiving Siemens: Unraveling a Tangled Tale of German Corruption in Greece
- Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought
- Mexico, agriculture, wave Words the government uses to spy on you
- Egypt's Mubarak in critical condition
- Saudi Arabia and the counter-revolution With much of the Arab world in a do-or-die stampede toward greater democracy, Saudi Arabia is looking to consolidate the old way of doing things.
- Elizabeth Warren Slams Mitt Romney, Says He Should Learn the Differences Between Corporations and People (VIDEO)
- Tomgram: Bill McKibben, Climate-Change Deniers Have Done Their Job Well
- Court Says Regulators Must Evaluate Dangers of Nuclear Waste
- Murdered vet's family files $20m lawsuit against Sheriff Arpaio.
- Grand thoughts on the Grand Canyon A naive Easterner on a visit to Arizona’s domesticated wilderness.
- The Almost Scoop on Nixon’s "Treason"
- Shareholders overhaul Chesapeake Energy's board
- The GOP’s Gay Trajectory
- Naomi Wolf | The Paycheck Fairness Act's Realpolitik
- Michigan Looks to Pass Nation's Most Anti-Abortion Law
- Egypt Transition on Brink of Collapse
- Did Republicans Deliberately Crash the US Economy?
- Spain to Seek Bailout From Eurozone for Troubled Banks; Could Cost Up to $125 Billion
- IRS Revokes Tax Status of Political Non-Profit. Is Karl Rove Next?
- Republicans Block Online Disclosure of Campaign Television Ad Spending
- Nudity and Violence: Canadian Students Strip in Protest, Clash With Police (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
- If Student Concerns Are Not Addressed, There May Be a Youth Uprising in the US Ross Mittiga for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Not Wasting the Waste: Creating Environmental Sustainability
- Four Decades Ago, a Senator Warned About the Revolving Door of the Military-Industrial Complex
- States to Residents: Forget Promises to Restore School Funding
- Why Did So Many Workers Vote for Walker? How can a government of the 1% receive so much support from the 99%?
- Rio+20 Earth Summit: Leaked Draft Portends Another Failed Climate Summit
- One State Where the GOP Base Loves Mitt ... (Hint: It's definitely not Massachusetts)
- Fake Badges and Worse: Mitt’s Other Trooper Scandal
- Attorney General Names Pair of US Attorneys to Lead Leak Investigations
- Speaking Truth to Chevron: An Interview With Nigerian Eco-Feminist Emem Okon
- "Everything Legal Is Not Moral": Why We're Taking Solitary Confinement to Court
- Chairman Lies to Shareholders, Mocks Protesters
- Five "Stand Your Ground" Cases You Should Know About
- Obama 2012: The Lesser Evil?
- Ruling Clears Way for 9/11 Health Fund to Cover Cancers
- National Forests Attract Oil and Gas Bidders
- Robert Greenwald | The Kochs' Double Whammy
- Wage Theft Epidemic: Bosses Pocket 15 Percent of Workers' Pay
- Stand Your Ground? Texas man kills teacher over noise complaint
- The Right's New Tactic to Pit the Middle Class Against Itself
- New Russian Law Assesses Heavy Fines on Protesters
- America's Last Prisoner of War
- Theological Society Backs Vatican-Criticized Nun
- Lessons of the Wisconsin Uprising
- Miami Attack May Push Action on "Bath Salts" Ban
- Wal-Mart Workers Band Together for Better Wages and Affordable Benefits
- Quebec Sues Big Tobacco for $60 Billion, Becomes Fifth Province to Launch Suit
- From NATO to the DNC: Does More Repression Mean We’re Winning?
- Obama Campaign Responds: Romney promised to cut jobs for firefighters, police, and teachers
- Why Romney's Distinction Between "Economic" and "Social" Issues Is False
- Can We Recall Bad Reporting on Wisconsin Budget Deficit?
- Other Winners and Losers from the June 5 Primaries
- Birthers, Billionaires and Fox: The GOP Freak Show in Full Effect
- Suicides Outpacing War Deaths for Troops
- Court Halts Law Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans Without Due Process -- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Over Six Million Young Adults Insured Thanks to Obama's Health Care
- Governor Rick Scott's Popularity is Dropping Lower Than the Sub-Basement
- Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To Sabotage US Economy with Frank Luntz
- Following the Money on Financial Reform
- Stop the Secret White House Kill List - Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Election Countdown 2012: Gov. Rick Scott Dares the DOJ to Sue Florida, and more
- Alan Grayson: Today marks 11 years since the Bush tax breaks for the rich were enacted.
- How Inequality Wrecks Everything We Care About
- Approval Rating for Supreme Court Hits Just 44 Percent in New Poll
- “Buddy, Please Put Your Hood.”
- Boehner Aide Received $100,000 Bonus From Medical Device Lobby Group Before Overseeing Tax Repeal of Industry
- Paul Krugman: Reagan Was a Keynesian
- Obama Begins With Tenuous Advantage Over Romney
- 30 Elected Florida Republicans Stop Rick Scott’s Voter Purge
- Alberta Hit by Another Oil Pipeline Spill
- Liberal Activist Brett Kimberlin Engages Right Wingers In a Battle of High-Stakes Hard Ball
- Fareed Zakaria: Romney Is Wrong on Tax Cuts
- Second Thoughts on Publicly Displaying 10 Commandments
- Halliburton gets tripped up by Indian bean farmers*
- Forty years after Watergate, investigative journalism is at risk
- How Big Banks Run the World - at Your Expense
- Polls show majority of Americans believe climate change a serious problem, but US Presidential campaigns do not mention it
- An Abortion Provider Speaks Out: "Being Patient-Centered is Being Pro-Choice"
- The Birther Queen, Jacko’s Rabbi, And More: Five Elections Overshadowed By Wisconsin
- Christopher Hayes: Why Elites Fail
- Second Thoughts on Publicly Displaying 10 Commandments
- Jeb Bush Blasts GOP, Says Party Is ‘Short-Sighted’ On Tax And Immigration Policies
- Obama warns of congressional inaction on student loan bill
- Reid: Bet on filibuster changes if Obama, Dems win in November
- David Sirota | The War on Whistle-Blowers
- "Where Is the Right to Privacy? It Doesn't Exist If You're a Muslim"
- How the NRA and Its Allies Helped Spread a Radical Gun Law Nationwide
- Healthcare Reform Helps Millions of Young Adults
- House Democrats Propose Increasing Minimum Wage to $10
- Court Halts Law Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans
- Farm bill 2012: Bill wins measured White House support
- 40 Million Strong: Underwater Homeowners Can Fight and Win ... If They Get Organized
- Case Closed: The Stimulus Worked
- Robert Reich: Why We Have to End the Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy
- Prosecute The Big Banks? ‘Nothing’s Off The Table,’ NY Attorney General Says
- Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant Operators Find Pinhole-Size Coolant Leak
- Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders on Gaza Flotilla
- Dirty Little Red State Secret: ALEC is Behind the GOP’s Voter Purge
- Obama's Kill List Is Not an Option
- Chicago: Officer uses stun gun on pregnant woman during parking dispute
- Bradley Manning defense gets report on WikiLeaks damage to US interests. Judge rules that Obama administration must hand over documents assessing leak of diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks.
- Is There a Silver Lining in Walker's Victory?
- The Democrats Must Begin Advocating for the Working Class and Not Wall Street -- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- 5th Federal Judge Deems Anti-Gay Marriage DOMA Unconstitutional
- How the NRA and Its Allies Helped Spread a Radical Gun Law Nationwide. Marc Rubio Was a Forceful Supporter in the "Gunshine" state.
- Blackwater guards finally face manslaughter charges
- Climate Change: The Road from Failed Recall in Wisconsin to the Failed State in Mali is Not Long; & It Runs Through North Carolina
- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, described by climate activist Bill McKibben as the "Everest of dirty money", was in Vancouver last week at the Canadian Oil and Gas Export Summit.
- For-Profit College Reform: How Democratic Power Lobbyists Helped Water It Down
- "Marijuana law just creates criminals"
- Hottest Year on Record Thus Far
- Obama: Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy Will Not Be Extended, Period
- "Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each. This is one of many stunning revelations in new IRS data that deserves a thorough airing in this year’s election campaign."
- A Report From Obama’s “Humane” Drug War: “My son screamed for his mother for what seemed like an eternity”
- New economy fallout – ‘wage theft’ from paychecks
- Sherrod Brown: An End to "Too Big to Fail"
- China Bars Foreign Tourist From Visiting Tibet
- Romney Quietly Hires Consulting Firm With Sordid History Of Destroying Democratic Voter Registration Forms
- Twelve "Pots and Pans" Protestors in Support of Quebec Students Arrested in Chicago.
- The Almost Scoop on Nixon's Treason
- 8 Ways Delusional Right-Wingers Are Blowing Wisconsin Out of Proportion. The triumphalism is more a manifestation of conservatives' wishful thinking than a reflection of any objective reality.
- Twelve "Pots and Pans" Protestors in Support of Quebec Students Arrested in Chicago. The BuzzFlash videos will return. Temporarily, we are experiencing technical difficulties.
- NYT: "Europe’s Woes Give Democrats a New Line of Attack"
- US Losing Patience With Pakistan, Says US Secretary of Defense
- Movements Representing Principles and Values Should Steer Clear of Political Parties - Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Farmworkers Face Rape and Sexual Abuse Epidemic in the Fields -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Report: Assaults On Women In Egypt's Tahrir. Who Is Behind Them?
- John Nichols: The Wisconsin Result Shows That Big Money Matters More Than It Ever Has
- Muslims Sue to Stop NYPD Surveillance
- Drone Kill List: Not News?
- Farmworkers Face Rape and Sexual Abuse Epidemic in the Fields - Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Talk Nation Radio: Chase Madar on the Passion of Bradley Manning
- Space and Missile Systems Center will reschedule industry days
- Bush Blocked Iran Nuke Deal: A former top Iranian negotiator says Iran offered the West a deal in 2005 that would have eliminated the possibility of Iran developing a nuclear bomb.
- What Wisconsin Means: Redouble Efforts to Rebuild Progressive Movement
- Free Markets vs. Family Values
- Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Slam Republicans for Filibustering Paycheck Fairness for Women
- Rosa Parks, Even In Death, Might Strike A Blow For Justice
- America’s New Swing Region
- Arun Gupta | Wisconsin's Recall Election Was an Ominous Crucible of US Politics
- Warren and Brown Set Scheduled Dates
- Greening the ghetto: From survival to sustainability
- Beef from Brazil: JBS Faces Allegations of Amazon Deforestation
- Paycheck Fairness Act is defeated in Senate
- Indiscriminate use of drones in Middle East causes too many civilian casualties, warns former CIA counterterrorism head.
- New Jersey Sued for Pulling Out of Climate Initiative
- VIDEO: Why We Need A Stronger Volcker Rule
- Glenn Greenwald: Sliming critics of the President's policies as Terrorist-lovers was once an exclusively right-wing tactic: no more.
- BP in Deep Water with Scientific Integrity Advocates
- The Threat of Quebec's Good Example
- Romney Emails on Massachusetts Health-Care Law
- Newly Released FBI “Domestic Terrorism” Training on Anarchists, Environmentalists, Show COINTELPRO Tactics
- Proposition 8 Heads for the Show
- Greece and the Euro: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover
- Drone Strikes: Playing God in Pakistan
- The Tumultuous Journey of Proposition 8
- New map, new rules shake up California primaries
- One Year Longer, One Year Weaker: Wisconsin and the Left
- The Lost Narrative of Mitt Romney
- Missing-in-Action: Obama and Wisconsin
- Romney-backed Konarka solar panel firm files for bankruptcy
- The Threat of Quebec's Good Example
- Ray Bradbury dies: Author of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and ‘Martian Chronicles’ was 91
- Paycheck Fairness Act Fails in the Senate, as Expected
- House Forces D.C. To Continue Ban On Using Medicaid To Pay for Abortions for Poor Women
- Mark Karlin: Right wing money and Democratic Party establishment created conditions for GOP victory.
- States and the federal government will have to work hard to make sure that new insurance exchanges in President Obama's healthcare law actually create more competition, a new study says.
- Live Video of Wisconsin Election Returns Beginning at 8 PM Central Time. Click Here. The BuzzFlash videos will return. Temporarily, we are experiencing technical difficulties.
- Madison Capitol Times Coverage of the Wisconsin Recall Failure
- Exit polls show neck and neck recall race in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin: Hardly any voters in this race decided late, exit polls show
- The History of Getting to the Gubernatorial Election in Wisconsin
- The Infamous Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus Still Seemed to Be Running Her Election Show
- Live Video of Wisconsin Election Returns Beginning at 8 PM Central Time. Click Here.
- How to Help Protect the WI Recall Elections
- Wisconsin Turnout Through the Roof
- US Justice Department to Monitor Elections in California, New Mexico, South Dakota and Wisconsin
- Milwaukee Wards Running Out of Ballots
- GOP Voter Supression Efforts in WI Make the Miantream Press: "In Wisconsin, reports of voter suppression efforts" - CBS News
- Waukesha Stonewall: Officials Refuse to Say Who’s In Charge of Monitoring Elections, Counting Results
- WI RECALL: Election Day Underway, Dirty Tricks, Lost Student Votes, Kathy Nickolaus, 'Recount'?
- Milwaukee Calls In Extra Poll Workers Amid Heavy Turnout
- Wisconsin Voters Report Receiving Robocalls Telling Them Not To Vote
- Beyond Citizens United: Politics Is an Industry, Not Just a Campaign -- Danny Schechter for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- When Christians Rip Off Christians -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Was Nixon Right: If a President Does It, Is It Legal? -- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- GOP Ally of Big Coal Smears Environmental Activist With Kiddie Porn Accusation
- After GOP Blocks Pay Equity, Sen. Barbara Mikulski Calls On Women To Start A ‘New American Revolution’
- Occupy Wall Street is Still Alive and Kicking: 3 Reasons Why Occupy Has Not Disappeared
- "An extensive investigation in Bloomberg Markets magazine finds that Koch Industries has made multiple 'improper payments' (read: bribes) to win business in Africa, India and the Middle East; rigged prices with competitors; and used foreign subsidiaries to sell equipment to Iran."
- Colin Powell: Another War Criminal Cashes In
- Senate GOP Blocks Pay Equity Bill
- ‘Sluts’ Unite Against Republicans, Rush Limbaugh
- Mitt Romney Hints At YET ANOTHER New Auto Bailout Position
- "A federal appeals court refused Tuesday to reconsider a landmark ruling by two of its member judges that struck down California’s ban on same-sex marriages."
- Anarchopanda Tackles the Anti-Mask Regulation
- VIDEO: Sen. Sanders on Wall Street Now: ‘Insane Gambling Casino’
- 7 Key Moments in Daniel Klaidman’s ‘Kill or Capture’ About Obama’s Drone War
- Robert Parry | The ‘Blame Obama’ Syndrome
- Newer Findings Dispute View of Morning-After Pill as Abortion
- Harper v. Canada: 2011 Election Scandal Brings Scrutiny to PM's Controversial Past
- How Republicans Are Preventing Thousands Of Wisconsin Students From Voting Today
- Republicans Again Try To Politicize Tucson Shooting Memorial
- Green Bay Packers Players Urge Wisconsinites To Vote In Recall Elections
- BP Accused of Attack on Academic Freedoms after Scientists Subpoenaed
- Anti-Choice Terrorist: God Told Me To Threaten Her
- No, It Has Not 'Always Been This Way'
- Attorney: Zimmerman's Bond Request Delayed
- Scott Walker's Closest Aide Revealed in Court as Source of Damaging Leak; Flips on Embattled Governor
- Emails Reveal How Romney Persuaded Skeptical Dems To Adopt Health Care Mandate In 2006
- Romney-Backed Solar Company Fails Days after He Faulted Solyndra
- Quebec: They Created a Monster that Will Haunt Them
- AFL-CIO: 11 Horrible Things Scott Walker Has Done
- Jesse Kelly (R-Ass) Calls Gabrielle Giffords 'A Hero Of Nothing'
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Drones
- 50,000 Petitioners Tell Justice Dept.: Focus On Prosecuting Bankers
- A Wisconsin Recall FAQ
- From Maryland To Minnesota, Has Obama’s Support For Gay Marriage Changed The Game?
- Wisconsin Gives Progressives Something to Build On
- (Bailed Out) AIG CEO Robert Benmosche: 80-Year-Old Europeans Need To Be Working
- What Wisconsin Means — and Doesn’t
- Supreme Court Backs Secret Service Arrest of Man Confronting Cheney
- The Downside of Obama’s Decision to Skip Wisconsin
- Obama Uses Myths About Vietnam to Silence Anti-War Protest Today
- Biblical Abortion: A Christian's View
- How Bank of America Execs Hid Losses — In Their Own Words
- Wealthy Individuals and Corporations, Not Middle Class Wage Earners, Have Taken Your Money - Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Can We Accept Becoming a Nation of Low-Minded Racists and Self-Serving Billionaires? - Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Illinois Law Makes It a Felony to Record Comments of Police in Public - Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Trump Swallows Pagan Baby At Romney Fundraiser
- Nip Mitt In The Bud!
- Trickle-Down: Erupting Urinal Soaks House Press Gallery
- Why Romney’s Police Impersonations Could Really Alienate His Base