News Summary
Cutting thru the Propaganda
Since the New Deal, Republicans have been on the wrong side of every issue of concern to ordinary Americans; Social Security, the war in Vietnam, equal rights, civil liberties, church- state separation, consumer issues, public education, reproductive freedom, national health care, labor issues, gun policy, campaign-finance reform, the environment
and tax fairness. No political party could remain so consistently wrong by accident.
The only rational conclusion is that, despite their cynical "family values" propaganda, the Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy to betray the interests of the American people
in favor of plutocratic and corporate interests, and absolutist religious groups. 

Why? Because they're evil GOP bastards!
Exposing the ugly truth
about the Republican Party's diabolical plot to replace constitutional democracy with an oligarchic
fascist theocracy...

It's the only rational explanation!
Why does the Republican Party zealously pursue policies so obviously counter to the best interests of ordinary Americans? 

It can only be
because they're...
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Need more proof that today's Republicans are evil bastards?

Who Is 'Any Person' in Tribunal Law? It Could Be You.

It Can't Happen Here? The Case for Ballot Tampering in the 2004 Elections

The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis

It's official: Gore won Florida in 2000

The Florida Republican Recount Riot: A Consortium report on how paid
GOP operatives circumvented the democratic process through mob violence

Timeline of Bush administration's Iraq war lies

Caught on Film: Bush rhetoric versus reality

The October Surprise: 
The Reagan campaign committed treason against the US to ensure the defeat of Jimmy Carter in 1980, and got away with it

Whitewashed: Reagan's neocon genocide in Latin America

How heretical cult leader / convicted felon Sun Myung Moon achieved such influence over the Republican Party (and shameless televangelist lackeys like Jerry Falwell)

Bill Moyers on media consolidation and the decline of American journalism

Theocracy Watch: American Taliban endangers freedom from religion

List of influential right-wIng think tanks & foundations

Jack Hughes Essays 
Compare these analyses to the pap you were fed from the corporate media.

State of the Union: Disaster 
(Feb. 2006)

Iraq: Staying the Course with Lies, Arrogance and Stupidity  (Dec. 2005)

Bush, DeLay & the GOP Sociopathocracy (Oct. 2005)

Fighting for the American way of life: Can freedom survive when democracy fails?

(Sep. 2005)

Bush, the GOP, Good, Evil and the Culture of Perpetual Scandal  (Jan. 2005)

Election 2004: The death of American democracy; or, are Americans too dumb to vote?  (Nov. 2004)

Forget 'Liberal Bias' -- for the Busheoisie It's 'Reality Bias.'   (Oct. 2004)

Mythology versus Reality: Re-Fighting the Vietnam War  (Sep. 2004)

The Fantasy-Camp Presidency of George W. Bush 
(July 2004)

The Secret Transcript of the Secret Meeting of Cheney's Secret Energy Task Force 
(May 2004)

Is Karl Rove Suffering from Spin Fatigue?
  (April 2004)

Grouse Media and the GOP Propaganda Machine  (Feb. 2004)

George W. Bush: When Hatred is Justified  (Dec. 2003)

The Banner Flap & Bush's Pattern of Deception
  (Nov. 2003)

Iraq: Not Going According to Plan  (Sep. 2003)

An Open Letter to the DNC  (June 2003)

Republicanoids, and Why They're Such Evil Bastards  (May 2003)

Bush & Iraq: A War in Search of a Justification  (April 2003)

Trent Lott and the GOP's Dirty Little Secret  (Jan. 2003)

Bush Wags the Dog  (Nov. 2002)

The "Under God" Pledge of Allegiance Flap
  (July 2002)
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June 2012
Evil GOP Bastard of the Month
Tea Party Nutjob, Birther Conspiracy Theorist & GOP Congressman
Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)
    At a May 12 fundraiser at the Elbert County Fairgrounds, Coffman wrapped up a 12-minute speech to donors with an unprompted discussion of President Obama’s citizenship and national identification.
    “I don’t know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don’t know that,” Coffman said. “But I do know this, that in his heart, he’s not an American. He’s just not an American.”
    After a short pause, which Elbert County Republican Chairman Scott Wills recalled as “deafening silence,” Coffman was met with applause, tentative at first.
   Later, Coffman told KUSA “I misspoke and I apologize” in a written statement
     When asked to explain his comment while in "polite society," Coffman could only robotically repeat -- over and over -- "I stand by my statement that I misspoke and I apologize." 
Watch the Tea Party Self-Destruct
When progressives don't vote, these kooks
take control of the government.

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Mega-Millionaire Says: Tax the Rich!
Nick Hanauer at the 2012 TED Conference

Via BuzzFeed