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TYT on Current TV Clips from June 12, 2012

Iceland proves that bailing out the middle class works better than bailing out banks
Cenk explains why Iceland is a perfect example for how bailing out citizens instead of banks can help an economy recover. Between 2001 and 2010, the median net worth in the U.S. dropped 20 percent. Meanwhile, Iceland invested in their middle class, provided debt relief for 25 percent of its citizens, and now the economy on the rebound. "We were told here in the United States, both by Republican and Tim Geithner, 'That can't work; it'll destroy our economy," Cenk says, but Iceland disproves that by now doing better than the U.S. and the Eurozone.

Power Panel: Why isn't the GOP attacking union worker pensions class warfare?
Political writer Cliff Schecter and conservative commentator Lenny McCallister join the Power Panel to break down why Republicans get away with attacking union pensions without being blasted for starting class warfare. "One thing that Republicans have that they can hide behind is the fact that you have some examples of fiscal irresponsibility behind pensions," McCallister says.

Cenk and Buzzfeed Politics get to the heart of why Attorney General Eric Holder may be holding out on Rep. Darrell Issa
Buzzfeed's Zeke Miller helps make sense of the showdown between Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Ca.) and Attorney General Eric Holder over the investigation of "Operation Fast and Furious." Why won't Holder simply turn over the documents Congress demands? Miller says, "It's similar to what we'd see as the Executive Privilege argument within the White House. These deliberative documents are sort of central to the decision-making process. If people fear that they're going to be turned over to Congress, going to be turned over to the oversight committee's in either party... that it sets a dangerous precedent that will prevent people from being honest to their superiors."

[BLOG] From the show: Fast and Furious trial, Iceland's economy, and GOP class warfare

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TYT on Current TV Clips from June 11, 2012

Cenk on Preserve Marriage Washington's referendum to block gay marriage law: 'This is because you hate gay people'
Joseph Backholm, chair of Preserve Marriage Washington, tries to explain to Cenk why he and over 200,00 Washington residents signed petitions for a referendum blocking same-sex marriage in the state. "Same-sex couples do have relationships, they do have children and they raise them, and they have all the rights and benefits of marriage in Washington state that can be given to a married couple," Backholm says. "Joseph, can we get real about this? It's because of the Bible," Cenk says. "But you know you're wrong about that too, right?"

GOP strategist claims 'there's nothing we can do' about climate change
GOP strategist Jack Burkman and Mother Jones reporter James West join the Power Panel to determine whether brush fires in Colorado and flooding in Florida should be linked to climate change. "This isn't an inside the beltway conspiracy," West says. "The evidence has been mounting for many, many years." But Burkman says, "Even if it is true -- so what? There's nothing we can do about it anyway."

The media focuses on Obama leaks blame-placing because Republicans and Democrats agree it's okay to bomb civilians and U.S. citizens
Cenk breaks down the media swarm around the 'kill list' and Iran cyber attack intelligence leaks in Obama administration, and then calls out the news for playing the blame game instead of driving home the real point -- the president has a kill list that could even target Americans in other countries. "But no one's ever talking about that. They're not even outraged by that," Cenk says.

[BLOG] From the show: Job gaffes, same-sex marriage, and extreme weather

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TYT on Current TV Clips from June 7, 2012

Bill Press: 'Being criticized by Michelle Malkin is like being criticized by an ant'
Bill Press responds to the right-wing attacks against him from FOX News and conservative talking heads like Michelle Malkin for saying the U.S. should get a new national anthem. "They're very good at the name-calling aren't they?" Press says of FOX News. "Communist, socialist, fascist -- they don't even know what the words mean. They just throw them out there."

Power Panel: Were the political repercussions worth the drone strike used to kill Abu Yahya al-Libi?
Michael "Epic Politics Man" Shure and columnist Glenn Greenwald join Cenk's Power Panel to debate whether authorizing the U.S. drone strike that killed Abu Yahya al-Libi and at least 7 other "suspected militants" was worth the political ramifications. "If your goal is to reduce the threat of terrorism aimed at the United States, then I would asked the question, 'What's causing that terrorism?'" Greenwald says. He cites studies that have shown that '"the reason so many people in the world who support al-Qaida... is because we're continuously bombing their countries, killing their women and children, killing their innocent men -- their civilians -- and interfering in their affairs."

If Obama isn't going to prosecute David Axelrod, then the U.S. needs to free Bradley Manning today
Author Denver Nicks joins Cenk to dissect the hypocrisy in the U.S. government prosecuting whistleblower Bradley Manning but not following up on how the public learned about President Obama's "kill list" or the Stuxnet cyber attacks on Iran. "There doesn't seem to be any concerted effort to prosecute or even locate the people who were responsible for those leaks," Nicks says. "However, here we have Bradley Manning on trial for leaking massive amount of much more lowly classified information."

[BLOG] From the show: The GOP's 'grand scheme', Apple plants in China, and another Republican Clown of the Day

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TYT on Current TV Clips from June 5, 2012

`Epic Politics Man' Michael Shure is addicted to the Diamond Jubilee
Michael Shure, TYT's "Epic Politics Man," reveals his intense obsession with coverage of the Diamond Jubilee celebrating Queen Elizabeth's 60 years on the throne. "Yes, there is corruption here in America. There are Stand Your Ground laws and gun laws and voter ID laws and everything that's making us crazy... This is not substantive news," Shure says, "but it's a good break. And it's interesting to see the way the world works."

Eric Holder and David Axelrod's fight over defense methods set the stage for White House moving toward more drone strikes
Daniel Klaidman, author of "Kill or Capture" breaks down the fight between Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama former senior advisor David Axelrod that highlights the White House's struggle to agree on on counterterrorism measures. "But the reality is that these guys often fight," Klaidman starts and Cenk interjects. "I know, but there is a right and wrong here, and it appears that Axelrod was wrong," Cenk says.

New York's "stop and frisk" tactics don't target criminal masterminds, they target young blacks and Latinos
Vanguard correspondent Christof Putzel talks to Cenk about how New York's "stop and frisk" tactics unfairly target young residents, usually black and Latino. And while conservative commentators like Bill O'Reilly claim NYPD simply has a good eyes for pretty criminals, Putzel says thathis observations while filming the documentary "War on Weed" proved that that wasn't really the case. "Almost everybody we saw are all young," Putzel says. "They're young kids. These are nor offenses. A lot of them don't have records."

'Clown of the Day' Bryan Fisher compares gays to pedophile, rapists, and zombies
TYT asked viewers to vote on a "Clown of the Day," and you guys picked Bryan Fischer from the American Family Association for actively supporting discrimination against gay people. For claiming that gays are just as bad as zombies and cannibals, Cenk says Fischer has reached, "a special level of clownish-ness." Congratulations, loser!

[WEB EXTRA] Income for Wall Street executives went up 20 percent in 2011 even though 33 of the top companies lost money
Cenk calls out Verizon for laying off 39,000 people in the last 3 years while the companies CEO made over $22 million in 2011. Sometimes even company owners get shortchanged by executives. "If you lose money, then the executives shouldn't get compensated, right," Cenk says, after finding that 33 of the 50 biggest financial companies had negative financial returns for shareholders last year. "Not in this world; not in this day and age... In 2010, executive compensation increased 26 percent. In 2011, it increased 20.4 percent."

[BLOG] From the show: Wisconsin recall, "Stop and Frisk," and the Clowns of the Day

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TYT on Current TV June 4 Highlights

Prosecutors told Gov. Walker he is a target of investigation, cannot be cleared before recall election, Shuster says
Correspondent David Shuster reports live from Wisconsin about the possibility that Gov. Scott Walker could be indicted in a long-running investigation of possible embezzlement and corruption among his staff, even if he is not recalled by voters this week. "Walker and his staff stonewalled the investigation early on," Shuster says, and the FBI got involved. "Scott Walker and his legal team have been asking to be cleared by the Justice Department for the last five or six weeks," which guidelines would generally require for a public official in the midst of an election. "The prosecutors have repeatedly said no, and I'm told that at least a week and a half ago, they said the reason we are not going to give you that cover is that you are a target of the investigation who may be indicted."

Is any drone strike that might kill women and children no different than straight-up murder?
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Paul Waldman and James Poulos -- whether Jeremy Scahill was right to call any drone strike "murder." Waldman says, "We've extended the battlefield to include the entire planet," which makes it easier to justify killing "bad guys."

Meet Mitt Romney's billionaire club of supporters -- and find out what they'll expect in exchange if he wins
Cenk talks to "Rolling Stone" contributing editor Tim Dickinson about his investigation into Mitt Romney's billionaire's club of supporters, including "the other Koch brother," the heirs to the Marriott Hotel fortune and the CEO of New Balance. "It's purely in their financial interest to get this guy elected," Dickinson says.

[WEB EXCLUSIVE] Bruce Springsteen's music should be the soundtrack to a new American Revolution
Cenk and 'TYT' Springsteen Correspondent Ben Mankiewicz talk more about Mank's recent trip to Europe to see six Springsteen concerts -- and the amazing reception that the Boss gets abroad.

[BLOG] From the show: Bruce Springsteen takes on the bankers

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David Pakman Show Joins TYT Network

--Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks announce live that The David Pakman Show is joining The Young Turks Network.

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TYT on Current TV May 31 Highlights

Cenk on Yemen civilian deaths: 'I'm not against all drone strikes, I'm against dumb drone strikes'
Cenk tears into even more evidence that our drone program -- especially in Yemen -- is killing many civilians and doing far more harm to the supposed War on Terror than any good. Cenk says, "Do you get that if you're losing your sons and you feel the other side isn't, you wanna change that equation? What does that create? It creates more people trying to fight us. I'm not against all drone strikes, I'm against dumb drone strikes."

Power Panel: Should President Obama do more to help recall Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker?
Cenk asks his Power Panel --'s McKay Coppins and syndicated columnist Cliff Schecter -- whether President Obama has done enough to help support efforts to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. "If he went in, he could bring a ton of momentum to the race," Coppins says, "but if he goes in there and they lose the election, he's got egg on his what could be a very important swing state." Schecter says, "Maybe Obama needs a little more John McCain in him. This is a risk but it's a calculated risk. I don't think they look at the longer picture. High risk, high reward -- worth the risk in this case."

Should 'TYT' ban Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin as they once did she-who-shall-not-be-named?
Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin attacks Michelle Obama for her work on -- get this -- health issues and nutrition. Cenk asks the TYT gang whether Malkin should join the ranks of one other conservative commentator who shall not be named (ahem, Ann Coulter) and be banned from any mention on the show. What do you think?

[WEB EXTRA] Focus on presidential race is 'a good way to distract people from the underlying lack of power that voters have'
Matthew Stoller, a writer and fellow with the Roosevelt Institute, sticks around to talk more with 'TYT' about the role of money in politics and why Americans actually need to be more power-obsessed, not less. "The focus on the race is a good way to distract people from the underlying lack of power that voters have," Stoller says. "The question is not who to vote for, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama... The question should be, how can the public reestablish a way to block the stream of profit and commerce -- that they could do when they could strike -- and thereby establish leverage with policy makers and economic elites... We should put the question of the election aside, because this is almost a meaningless spectacle."

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What Did Obama Mean by Change?

No reporter has ever asked him as far as I know. I don't know if any will ask this time around. What did you mean by "Change" anyway? He ran a whole campaign on it and does anyone really know what Barack Obama meant he was going to change?

I'm in the camp that he hasn't changed a damn thing. People will counter with Lilly Ledbetter. It's a lovely law, but does anyone really believe that's what was meant by the grandiose statement "Change"?

Of course I use Lilly Ledbetter as a symbol. President Obama obviously has more accomplishments than that. He really did change the laws and many people's perceptions on gay rights for example. Don't Ask, Don't Tell is history. The government is no longer defending the Defense of Marriage Act. And the President of the United States is finally for gay marriage. But did people really think Senator Obama meant he would change gay rights legislation? Is that what the 2008 election was about?

A little bit of financial reform (which so far has proven to be as ineffectual as progressive critics predicted) certainly doesn't qualify as "Change." Thirty million more Americans insured -- maybe, hopefully, by 2014 -- is a good thing. Is it transformational? Has Washington changed as we know it? Have we gotten "Change"?

Here is the common sense interpretation of what "Change" is -- changing the way Washington works. In fact, this is exactly what was promised, specifically by Barack Obama. He even made a campaign ad about it:

That's an example of the same old game playing in Washington. I don't want to learn how to play the game better; I want to put an end to the game playing.

And by God, what have you done to that effect? I would venture to say, almost without refutation, absolutely nothing. Even the most ardent Obama supporter can't in good conscience or sound mental state argue that President Obama has changed the way Washington works. He's just played the game a little better, if you're being charitable on how you keep score on that count.

But here's what should really burn you up -- he hasn't even tried. Not even close. Has there been a single piece of legislation backed by the White House that would stop the way lobbyists or big corporate interests or any special interest groups buy our politicians? In 93% of the cases, the person with more money wins their Congressional race. Democrat or Republican. Obviously the controlling factor is not ideology, party or even votes. It's money. And it's obvious.

And the president has done what to "Change" that?

Nonetheless, I'm insanely optimistic and naive. So, I say we give him one more chance. But there is no way you should just trust him and hope for the best. He has to actually do something this time instead of just hanging a campaign placard up.

Congressman John Yarmuth of Kentucky has introduced a bipartisan bill that would amend the constitution to say that money cannot control our elections. Will the president make this one of his top priorities? Will he campaign on it? Will he do everything in his power to pass it if he is re-elected?

If he does, then we should let bygones be bygones. The slate is wiped clean and God bless second terms and the concept of redemption. If the president makes a real effort on the campaign trail to emphasize this as one of his core issues, then progressives should turn out to do everything they can to get him elected, whether it's voting, donating or volunteering. We're not asking for much in return -- just deliver on your original promise.

On the other hand, if he can't even do this, then it's obvious that the Democrats will never, ever help us. It will be painfully clear that they are part of the same corrupt system and have no interest in ever changing it. In fact, they love that system because it is what keeps them in office.

But this is not a decision for me to make. It is for the president. Which way will he go? Will he continue to play small-bore politics? Will he continue his rhetorical games and hope we don't realize that he is being too clever by half? Will he play the same old Washington games and hope to play them just a little better? Or will he actually lead and bring us real change?

Despite all the broken promises and all the cute political tricks, I still have the audacity of hope. I'm just waiting for President Obama to put it out one last time, so we can really go to war against Washington -- all of it. Democrats and Republicans alike. The public has a pox ready for both of their houses and only one man has the antidote. Let's see what he does.

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TYT on Current TV May 29 Highlights

Even after another massacre, 'I'm not sure that help is on the way' to Syria, Cenk says
The most recent massacre in Syria included 49 children, documented in a clip that Cenk decides not to show on TV, calling it "the most gruesome video I have ever seen." Although the U.S. and other countries have expelled Syrian diplomats in response, Cenk says, "I'm not sure that help is on the way."

White House 'kill list' of terror targets is 'unprecedented' and should prompt outrage from Democrats -- but probably won't
Cenk interviews BuzzFeed and "Rolling Stone" reporter Michael Hastings about the "kill list" of counter-terrorism targets being considered by President Obama for assassination. "It's somewhat unprecedented the fact that these decisions are being made from the Situation Room, from the White House itself," Hastings says.

Rich students don't have to worry about getting arrested for missing a class
Cenk talks to Ana Kasparian about the schools-to-prison pipeline and in particular the case of Diane Tran, a Texas student who was thrown in jail for truancy, despite being a hard-working AP scholar struggling to support her family. "The poor are definitely more affected by the situation," Kasparian says, but funding cuts also add pressure. "Instead of adding human judgment, they say, 'Let's just get these students out of here.'" Cenk adds, "In this country, imprisonment is the answer to everything."

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No Show Today - Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day there will be no online show today. We'd love for you to head over to our Facebook page and recommend stories for us to cover this week. Or Tweet your story suggestions to Thanks!

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TYT on Current TV May 24 Highlights

Questions you won't hear on any other political show: Is Nancy Pelosi too conservative?
Rep. Nancy Pelosi's proposed tax cut plan would grant "middle class" benefits to anyone making under $1 million. Cenk asks his Power Panel -- David Pakman and Lenny McAllister-- whether this is far too conservative -- and expensive -- a plan to take seriously. Pakman says, "It's about 23 times the average per capita income in the U.S., and that's not going to be stimulative tax cuts." McAllister says, "With the presidency at stake, this is something where both sides unfortunately are playing politics to try to trap each other into soundbites that can be used in the election season."

Mitt Romney's got a new education plan -- but he should really look to Finland if he wants to be improve our schools
Schools in Finland are among the best in the world, whereas the U.S. routinely ranks somewhere down around 25th or 30th. Cenk talks to reporter Anu Partanan about her coverage in "The Atlantic" that explains how one country is getting an A+ in education. "It really starts with the teachers," Partanan says. "It's very hard to get into university to become a teacher... It often seems that the Americans get it the wrong way around. It's not that hard to be a teacher in certain states. As I understand it, in Texas you can take a three-month online course." Cenk says, "You'd be surprised how easy it is to get any job in Texas -- you should see who they hand their governorship to."

Online PACs aren't letting SOPA sponsor Lamar Smith off the hook in the Texas primary
Rep. Lamar Smith sponsored the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA -- and two different online groups are mobilizing billboards and TV ads to at least slow down his bid for a 14th term. Cenk says, "Congress messed with the internet, and the internet is messing with them back. I love this."

[BLOG]  From the show: Does George Zimmerman have a cozy relationship with the Sanford police?

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GOP strategist Jack Burkman tells Cenk the war in Iraq was a "brilliant success"

Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Andy Kroll from "Mother Jones" and GOP strategist Jack Burkman -- whether Mitt Romney's foreign policy is a failure because he's surrounded himself by neo-con advisers. When Burkman points to "the brilliant success" of the war in Iraq, Cenk loses his mind. "Is this a character? Is this a put on? We spent over a trillion dollars in Iraq and it was a gigantic, colossal mess." Kroll points out, "Anything that draws attention to who he's got on his foreign policy roster is something that Mitt Romney doesn't want."

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TYT on Current TV May 22 Highlights

Price of gas goes down -- so Romney should be giving President Obama a high-five sometime soon, right? Right?
Remember when Newt Gingrich and other conservatives convinced seemingly everyone that President Obama could single-handedly control gas prices? Even Mitt Romney said that Obama should get "full credit or blame" for the cost going up or down. The average cost of a gallon has dropped 25 cents since April, and yet Romney hasn't come forward to congratulate anyone. Cenk says, "Have you heard it yet? I haven't heard it yet... I just want to remind you one more time how clownish all these conservatives and these Republicans were when they were claiming that gas prices were all Obama's fault and he deserved all the blame."

Cenk slams tea party for being 'sell-outs,' 'hypocrites' and 'frauds' who now protect bankers, especially 'tea party whore' Joe Walsh
Cenk gets all worked up about a Think Progress report by Josh Israel, "How Banks Bought the Tea Party." Cenk says, "Every one of those 15 tea party freshman, forget criticizing banks and the bailouts. You frauds! You hypocrites! You sell-outs!" The most guilty, Cenk says, is Rep. Joe Walsh, who yelled at a constituent for asking about whether banks were at fault for economic problems. "You see how he got in her face? That's a constituent that put him in office! And he gets in her face: 'How dare you ever say anything about the banks! Don't you know I'm a tea party whore and my job is to protect those guys?' You sicken me the way you sold out your cause entirely."

Power Panel: Will independent voters be turned off by attacks on Romney's business record, or do they already?
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Karl Frisch and Linda J. Killian -- whether attacks on Mitt Romney's business record will appeal to independent voters, who make up about 40 percent of the electorate. Killian says, "Independent voters say they don't like negative ads, but they work when they take advantage of something that's already in voters' minds, and they obviously already have in their mind that Romney isn't like a real person, and that he doesn't care about average people." Cenk says, "And that's why we call him 'Robocorp.'" Frisch says, "We're going to see this going back and forth. If Mitt Romney's going to get up there and demonstrate his experience as an executive... then he has every right to expect that we're going to talk about Bain and what he did there."

[BLOG] From the show: Will Republicans credit President Obama for the drop in oil prices?

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TYT on Current TV May 21 Highlights

Police presence in Chicago for #NATO summit rivals war zones, Hastings says, and anarchist protestors encouraged violence
Michael Hastings of joins Cenk from Chicago to give an update on Occupy protests at the NATO summit, where a handful of activists have been charged with conspiring to commit domestic terrorism. "There was a massive, massive police presence in Chicago," Hastings says. "I've never seen anything like it in an American city. I've barely seen it in the middle of war zones. Now, 85 or 90 percent of the crowd was peaceful. But there was an element to the crowd that wanted to push and push and push until some kind of violent reaction happened," Hastings says. Cenk says, "Those anarchists drive me crazy."

Of course Cory Booker defends private equity! It's a quarter of his campaign finance!
Cenk tears into Newark, N.J., mayor Cory Booker for defending Bain Capital and other private equity backers after an anti-Mitt Romney ad criticized his connections. Cenk says of Booker, "I'm the kind of Democrat you can give money to, because I'll never do anything about the corruption on Wall Street, ever!"

Power Panel: Can any Mormon or Muslim run for office in this country and get a fair shot?
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Dean Obeidallah (who also happens to be a Muslim) and BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins (who also happens to be a Mormon) -- whether Obama adviser David Axelrod is right to say that Mitt Romney's religion should be off limits for political ads. "Any Mormon who sees Mitt Romney and watches him in action knows that he's been shaped by his faith," Coppins says. "Do we see any evidence that Mitt Romney wants to apply Mormon teachings and Mormon principles in the way he governs? I don't know that we do, but that's a fair question." Obeidallah says, "President Obama's not even a Muslim, yet in two states in the South -- Alabama and Mississippi -- half the Republicans think he's a Muslim because they hate Muslims."

[WEB EXTRA] Epic Politics Interview: Julian Bond says NAACP's support for same-sex marriage helps dispel myth that blacks are hostile to gay rights
Michael Shure talks to the NAACP's chairman emeritus, Julian Bond, about the board of directors' historic vote in support of equal marriage rights. "The black community has been -- unfairly, I think -- characterized as being overwhelmingly hostile to this idea of gay rights and gay marriage," Bond says. "Even though we didn't time this to fit with President Obama's statements on gay marriage, his statements helped us enormously. When he said he believed in equal marriage, it made it okay for ordinary black people to say, 'I believe in it too.'"

[BLOG] From the show: NATO protests, White House visitor logs, and Cory Booker's big mouth

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Politics Of The Avengers? Govt Secrecy Killing Us? Could You Be Evil? (The Point)

What is the politics, if any, of The Avengers? Is government secrecy killing us, and is the Obama administration going after whistleblowers like Bradley Manning? Are people naturally good or evil and can we all be happy? Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) leads this weeks panel to discuss these issues and more with Patrick Meighan (writer - Family Guy), Kinsey Schofield (correspondent, Young Hollywood), and Shari Young Kuchenbecker (psychology professor and author of 'Raising Winners'). Special thanks to Chase Madar (author of 'The Passion Of Bradley Manning'), and Philip Zimbardo (professor emeritus at Stanford University and founder of HIP*) for sending in points.

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TYT on Current TV May 18 Highlights

[WEB EXTRA] `TYT' Trending Topic: JPMorgan loses big money, but not President Obama's support
JPMorgan lost at least $2 billion in derivatives trading, and CEO Jamie Diamon's trademark blunt assessment of the mess wasn't enough to save the company from a deluge of media attacks, including Cenk's commentary on "The Young Turks." Cenk says, "We found out last Friday it's a casino, and [Diamon] is the guy running it. They made a bad bet, and they lost a tremendous amount of money."

In Trayvon Martin shooting, there is absolutely one guilty party: Guns
Cenk is ready to declare a guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin shooting, but it isn't a person. "To me, guns are the biggest problem," Cenk says. "That kid would be alive today if George Zimmerman didn't have a gun... Your fetish for guns and feeling so manly over having a gun is killing people, it's killing thousands of people... We turned a whole country into an OK Corral... The country is sick with it... I know, progressives aren't supposed to fight back on this. Nobody's supposed to fight back. We're just supposed to lie down and go, 'OK, NRA, I know you represent the gun manufacturers.' But at least someone's got to stand up to you, and it's going to happen right here."

'Professor Cenk' breaks down Bain Capital's buyout of GST, which it drove into bankruptcy
"Professor Cenk" breaks down the "vulture capitalism" behind Bain Capital's leveraged buyout of GST, which it bought in 1993 and declared bankrupt in 2001. "What Republicans and conservatives often say is, 'Hey, listen, we're making the markets more efficient. We're creating jobs. We're creating all these great things for the economy.' That's one way you can make money, but another way you can make money is by shifting costs around, by putting the burden on other people and taking the money for yourself."

Gayest president ever, biggest bankster 'bad apple' of the year & other stories you missed on 'TYT'
If you weren't watching "The Young Turks" on Current TV this week, you missed Jerry Springer, guest TYT Supreme Court Chief Justice, ruling who was the gayest president ever, Cenk & co. excoriating JPMorgan CEO Jamie Diamon for the companies multi-billion dollar losses on risky trading and much more. Be sure to tune in every night at 7/6c, and go to to find Current on your TV.

[BLOG] From the show: Facebook goes public, Mitt covers his privates, and Glenn Beck wants to know what's in Jeremiah Wright's box

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TYT on Current TV May 17 Highlights

Right-wing plan to bring back failed Rev. Wright strategy assumes America is as hateful as Joe Ricketts & co.
Cenk tears into the super PAC plan funded by Chicago's Joe Ricketts, which calls on Republicans to find an "extremely literate conservative African-American" who can help in attacks against President Obama. "That disgusts me," Cenk says. But the plan's suggestion to use Rev. Jeremiah Wright doesn't add up -- in 2008, $7 million worth of ads already made the most of the "radical" minister's influence on Obama. "It didn't work, you knuckle heads. Fox News gave them all the free advertising in the world -- they ran it over and over again. But the assumption with Joe Ricketts and these guys is, 'God, if only America knew how angry his black pastor was, maybe they would hate him like we do!' No, because America isn't as hateful as you are. That was your miscalculation."

I didn't feel safe under my own government,' #NDAA plaintiff tells Cenk
Tangerine Bolen, a journalist and founder of Revolution Truth, joins Cenk to talk about the National Defense Authorization Act's indefinite detention provision, which was struck down by a federal judge. "I didn't feel safe under my own government," Bolen says. "We are completely prepared to fight it in any way we need to legally," even if appealed to the Supreme Court. "We have a lot of people in the wings to become plaintiffs."

GOP quickly replaces Boehner-care back-up health care plan -- to be used if Affordable Care Act gets repealed -- with a 'vision'
Current correspondent Jacki Schechner joins Cenk to talk about the GOP's backup plan in hope that the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act. But "Boehner-care" was immediately considered too controversial, so Republicans back-tracked and said if the ACA is repealed, they'll introduce their "vision" for health care reform. "Not an actual plan, but a unicorn and fairy dust vision," Schechner says. Cenk says, "Because what we needed was more Republican visions."

[WEB EXTRA] Michael Shure shows you how to quit Ameritrade in protest of Ricketts' racist super PAC plan
Michael Shure calls TD Ameritrade to cancel his day trading account in protest of founder and CEO Joe Ricketts' plans involving an anti-President Obama super PAC.

[BLOG] From the Show: Judge blocks NDAA's authority to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens

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TYT on Current TV May 16 Highlights

Cenk on Mitt Romney's proposed budget: 'You, dear sir, are a liar. You wouldn't help the deficit at all.'
Cenk breaks down Mitt Romney's proposed budget, which is full of what we'll call "wreckonomics." Cenk says, "Mitt Romney would not decrease the deficit, he would increase the deficit by $8.8 trillion. You, dear sir, are a liar. You wouldn't help the deficit at all. You would just simply take the money and redistribute it to the very top. It's your own tax plan. So please stop lying to the American people."

Power Panel: Can Sarah Palin's support make or break a GOP candidate's race?
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- James Poulos of "The Daily Caller" and Benjy Sarlin from "Talking Points Memo" -- how much of an impact Sarah Palin's robo-calls supporting Deb Fischer affected the Nebraska GOP primary for Senate, which Fischer ultimately won. "Give her some credit," Poulos says. "There is evidence that Palin's endorsement didn't hurt." Sarlin says, "There's so much going on already, it's hard to tell what the decisive factor was."

Actor Richard Kind on closing tax loopholes: 'Sometimes you have enough money'
Cenk talks to actor Richard Kind about his White House Correspondents Dinner rant about the economy -- captured on camera at a party that weekend -- and the insidious evil that are tax loopholes. "I'm not a politician," Kind says. "I'm a guy who lives a nice life. But what I do believe is that sometimes, you have enough money."

[WEB EXTRA] Cenk mocks 'Celebrity Jeopardy!' cable host contestants -- but can't perform under pressure when quizzed by Epic Politics Man
As "power players" take on "Celebrity Jeopardy!" this week in Washington, DC, Cenk and Michael "Epic Politics Man" Shure revisit the absolute worst cable news host in "Jeopardy!" history -- Wolf Blitzer -- and some of the low-lights from Chris Matthews and Dana Perino this week. Shure quizzes Cenk with a few of the recent questions, causing Cenk to completely freak out and forget every capital of every city he ever knew.

[BLOG] From the show: The GOP's budget battle, swing state independents and "Power Players" bombing on Jeopardy!

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TYT on Current TV May 15 Highlights

Special TYT Supreme Court Chief Justice Jerry Springer rules: 'Obama is, in fact, the first gay president'
Cenk convenes a very special TYT Supreme Court with Michael Shure, Ana Kasparian and Jayar Jackson under the jurisdiction of guest Chief Justice Jerry Springer to determine whether's assertion that James Buchanan was actually the "first gay president," as Newsweek has also said of President Obama, because of his support for same-sex marriage. Citing Abraham Lincoln and stories of other 19th century men who often shared beds, Springer says, "It is true, Obama is, in fact, the first gay president." Cenk appeals, Shure argues context, Jackson says who cares and Springer asks, "Is there any point at which this matters?"

Louisiana is the prison capital of the world, and its own sheriffs are the ones who profit
Ana Kasparian tells Cenk about the real (only) winners behind Louisana's unfortunate designation as the "prison capital of the world": the local sheriffs' departments, which run the jails. One in 86 Louisana residents in jail -- the highest in the U.S. and three times the incarceration rate in Iran and seven times China's. "There are some things that should not be for profit, and imprisoning our own citizens is definitely one of them," Cenk says.

Cenk slams Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin for skipping out on tax bill by renouncing U.S. Citizenship
In advance of Facebook's big IPO, co-founder Eduardo Saverin -- who was sympathetically portrayed in the film "The Social Network" by Andrew Garfield -- has renounced his U.S. citizenship and will become a resident of Singapore. As an immigrant and internet entrepreneur, Cenk has something to say about that: "Classy, really classy. Without the U.S. justice system you would have been nowhere. When it comes time to pay your taxes, you're going to run away to Singapore and not pay. We really appreciate you appreciating this country. Jesus Christ."

[BLOG] From the show: Was James Buchanan the first gay U.S. president? Jerry Spring rules for the TYT Supreme Court

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