The Democratic race for the presidency is coming to an end. Over the next few days, a flood of super delegates are poised to go Obama's way. At the moment, Obama needs just 180 delegates to reach the 2,025 mark, thus securing the nomination. Sure, Hillary did say today that the nominee must actually get 2,210. Even though that is technically incorrect, and yet another example of political positioning by the Clinton family, maybe the idea of her staying in the race could work to Obama's benefit.
West Virginia is scheduled to vote this next Tuesday, and Clinton will coast to an easy win there. Just think, how would it look if Obama lost to someone who had already dropped out of the race? How about Kentucky one week later? She will win that too. If she drops out and still wins those contests, the media will gossip, "He is the Democratic nominee and his own party is abandoning him." It would make him look terrible. So in the end, maybe Hillary should stay in until at least May 21st, the morning after Kentucky and Oregon voters head to the polls. Or, Clinton could wait until after June 4th, meaning the Democrats would have campaigned in all 50 states before this thing was wrapped up. By campaigning in every state, Obama and Clinton have helped register a record number of Democrats, thus helping the party locally in those areas.
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The only thing we ask from Senator Clinton is for her to put her kitchen sink strategy to bed, and only focus on her vision for the country. If she cares about the party, she cannot attack Obama as viciously as she has. So stay in. Help strike a deal so seat the delegates from Florida and Michigan at the convention. Then bow out.
Obama is now the nominee. Hillary put up a great fight. If Hillary and her surrogates tone down their attacks a bit, we should even encourage them to stay in the race so that when she departments she does it in a way that brings the party together, positioning itself for the contest versus McCain this November.
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