LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
June 14, 2012
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College Budget Cuts Make Life Grueling for America’s Young and Unemployed

Students now piece together a degree at different schools the way the underemployed desperately piece together a paycheck.
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Ivo Mijnssen

Russia’s Answer to Broken Roads

Like the United States, Russia struggles with crumbling infrastructure, but Moscow has devised a novel solution: lower standards.
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Robert Scheer and KPFA’s Philip Maldari: A Spirited Debate

Robert Scheer and KPFA's Philip Maldari chat about issues including state politics, Rambo Obama's use of executive power, the facade of the two-party system and the unresolved economic crisis.



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See You at the Club: Fed Fat Cats Dip Into the Till

American families have lost 20 years of growth while at least 18 bankers and tycoons sat on Fed boards that coincidentally bailed out their institutions.

Posted on Jun 14, 2012 READ MORE  |  933 READS

When Mitt Romney was a college freshman, he told fellow residents of his Stanford University dormitory that he sometimes disguised himself as a police officer—a crime in many states, including Michigan and California, where he then lived.

Posted on Jun 14, 2012 READ MORE  |  576 READS
Obama Breaks Promise, Seeks to Give Multinationals Free Rein

A document from President Obama’s free trade negotiations that was leaked Wednesday morning revealed an administration proposal to allow multinational corporations doing business in the United States to police themselves via an international tribunal staffed by lawyers on the companies’ payroll. The scheme obliterates a 2008 promise by Obama to do just the opposite.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  645 READS
Sen. Sanders Votes Against Nuclear Regulator

At a hearing Wednesday held by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spoke against confirming Kristine Svinicki for another five-year term on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, citing her history of voting in the interest of a power company and against the Vermont public.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  194 READS

For those who believe money already has too much power in American politics, 2012 will be a miserable year.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  877 READS
Across That Bridge, Again

As the election season heats up, an increasing number of states are working to limit the number of people who are allowed to vote.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  388 READS
Russian Culture Minister: Put Lenin Underground

The embalmed corpse of the father of Russian communism has been on display for curious tourists in a marble tomb in Moscow’s Red Square since shortly after his death in 1924. But Lenin may be given his final resting place in the coming months during Vladimir Putin’s third term as president.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  98 READS
College Budget Cuts Make Life Grueling for America’s Young and Unemployed

Students now piece together a degree at different schools the way the underemployed desperately piece together a paycheck with a string of shifts at different employers.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  835 READS
This is the 30th Year in a Row Woody Allen Has Directed at Least One New Movie

According to his IMDb filmography, this is the 30th year in a row that the filmmaker has directed at least one feature film, starting with 1982’s “A Midsummer Night’s Sex Comedy.” He was only slightly less prolific in the 16 years prior.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  363 READS
Diesel Smoke Causes Cancer, Researchers Confirm

After a week of considering the evidence, a working group of the World Health Organization determined that diesel exhaust is carcinogenic in human lungs. Underground miners, bus drivers and railroad workers are especially vulnerable, but the risks from traffic exhaust extend to the general population.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  272 READS
Giffords Aide Wins, Jamie Dimon Testifies and More

A look at the day’s political events, including the Arizona special election winner, JPMogran Chase CEO Jamie Dimon heckled and Sheldon Adelson’s latest multimillion-dollar donation.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  320 READS
Syria: Semantics and Bloodshed

An already dire situation in Syria is getting worse as Russia continues to arm the Syrian military and Saudi Arabia and Qatar send anti-tank missiles to the Syrian opposition with the Obama administration’s support.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  149 READS
North Carolina Lawmakers Legislate Sea Level Rise

State senators in North Carolina passed a measure Tuesday in open defiance of the laws of nature, making it illegal to take into account events such as melting polar ice caps when forecasting the rate of ocean level rise along the state’s 300 miles of vulnerable, tourist-saturated coast.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  538 READS
Global Backing for Obama Takes a Hit

Global approval of Barack Obama’s foreign policies has taken a pounding in his first term as president, especially regarding the U.S. military’s use of drones, a Pew Research survey of 21 countries shows.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  313 READS
Iran Rights Lawyer Is Locked Away

Abdolfattah Soltani, a well-known Iranian lawyer who co-founded an organization that defends the rights of women, minorities and political prisoners, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for his work and for what Iran’s hard-line judiciary called spreading anti-government propaganda and endangering national security.

Posted on Jun 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  114 READS
Drone Warfare Foretells an Ever-Expanding and Illegal War

President Barack Obama’s acts consciously undermine the civilized order of modern society. The United States has quite deliberately made itself an outlaw state.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  2325 READS
China’s CO2 Emissions Higher Than They Seemed

A paper published this week in Nature Climate Change shows China’s carbon emissions could be 20 percent higher than previous estimates, a disparity that would cast doubts on current predictions of the pace of climate change.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  415 READS
Russia’s Answer to Broken Roads

Like the United States, Russia struggles with crumbling infrastructure, but Moscow has devised a novel solution: lower standards.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  2483 READS
Syria Accused of Using Children as Human Shields

U.N. investigators say Syrian troops are armoring their vehicles with children in order to deter enemy fire. A report on children and armed conflict also says Syrian authorities are torturing children and the opposition may be recruiting minors.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  341 READS
OECD: Governments Must Raise Retirement Age

A new report issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has advised governments to increase the retirement age in their countries. In the face of longer life expectancies, a higher retirement age is the only way to keep pension programs solvent, it says.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  440 READS
Dubya’s Presidential Tab, Jon Stewart on Political Gaffes and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including Arizona’s special election, the fiscal damage done by George W. Bush’s presidency and the latest on the controversial Florida voter purge.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  980 READS
New York City Homelessness Rises Under Bloomberg

This spring more than 43,000 people, including a record 17,000 children, slept in New York City homeless shelters each night. The average length of a family’s stay in a shelter has increased to nearly one year, with the number of people sleeping in shelters currently at an all time high.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  306 READS
Robert Caro, LBJ and the Pursuit of Power

Robert Caro has so far spent 36 years writing the saga of Lyndon Johnson—more time than the ambitious Texan spent climbing from Congress to the White House. Caro just released his fourth installment, “The Passage of Power,” which chronicles Johnson’s exit from a strong position in the Senate into the relative powerlessness of the vice presidency.

Posted on Jun 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  353 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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