

Speaking requests:

Contact Liz Cole
Evil Twin Booking Agency
215 473 0308
liz (at) eviltwinbooking (dot) com

Funding made possible by The Puffin Foundation

  • Greg Palast and Ted Rall in Sag Harbor Live!

    Election Games: Billionaires and Ballot Bandits Canio's Cultural Cafe and WPKN Radio 89.5 FM present:

    Friday June 22, 6:30PM - 8PM at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 977 Sag Harbor - Bridgehampton Turnpike, Bridgehampton, NY. The meeting house is midway between Bridgehampton and Sag Harbor.

    Get tickets here!

    (Show me more...)

    How Bain Capital helped BP
    blow up the Deepwater Horizon

    A Book Review by Greg Palast, for
    on Poisoned Legacy: the Human Cost of BP's Rise to Power (St. Martin's Press) by Mike Magner.

    Here's my bead on Magner's book....

    I almost fell off the barstool when I read that it was Bain Capital (Mitt Romney, former CEO), that told oil giant BP it was a good idea to cut costs. (Show me more...)

    Palast in London with Warren Ellis
    to launch Vultures' Picnic: June 26

    Greg Palast, Warren Ellis, Anna Chen, Laurie Penny
    London - 26 June - ULU 'The Venue' at 7pm - 9 pm

    Greg Palast will be joined by special guests Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan, Crooked Little Vein), Anna Chen (Madam Miaow Says - Blog), Laurie Penny ( of The New Statesman, Penny Red), John Hilary (War on Want) and Nick Dearden (Jubilee Debt Campaign)

    … for the launch of the UK edition of Palast's new book,
    Vultures' Picnic: A Tale of Oil, High Finance and Investigative Reporting…

    In association with Jubilee Debt Campaign, Greenpeace and Occupy London.

    Seats are very limited, so reserve yours here now. (Show me more...)

    Billionaire Ballot Bandits - I've caught'em

    Karl Rove has you by the ballots.  With a $200 million war chest from a coven of billionaires, don't count on getting your vote counted.

    There's only one thing to stop him:  A COMIC BOOK.

    Please help us raise the cash to get this printed. The nation’s top elections-heist investigators can publish our new voter-protection comic book, BILLIONAIRES & BALLOT BANDITS.

    Donate $99 today and we'll list your name in the special thanks of the book for the 99% - plus a signed copy!

    Or, if you can't swing that, at least get a signed DVD which you can pre-order. (Show me more...)

    Killings, cancer, corruption and Azerbaijan:
    Eurovision in the Islamic Republic of BP

    by Greg Palast for Left Foot Forward
    Saturday, 26. May, 2012

    Palast's book Vultures' Picnic will be released in Britain June 26. Catch Palast with Special Guest Warren Ellis.
    More info here.

    Will “Beyond Petroleum” oil giant BP pick the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest today in Baku, Azerbaijan? If so, I wouldn’t be surprised.

    When I was arrested by the military police of Azerbaijan during my investigation of BP for Channel 4′s Dispatches in 2010, one of the cops who surrounded our crew in the desert told us, with great pride:

    “BP drives this country.”

    Indeed it does.

    In 1992, the newly independent former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan elected a kindly Muslim Professor, Abulfaz Elchibey, as President.

    But the voters had made an error: (Show me more...)

    Vote like an Egyptian?

    by Mark Bebawi
    It’s rare for us to have guest articles, but Pacifica Radio host of The Monitor, Mark Bebawi, has insight into an issue where to be dumb is to be deadly.  Mark, born and raised in Cairo, wrote his master’s dissertation at Oxford on the Egyptian Brotherhood.  George Bush sent me his copy.  (Or was that The Pet Goat?)
    So, to cut through the crapola about doings in Cairo, I’ve asked Bebawi to write a short “Egypt for Idiots” about the election today, a special for our readers.  

    For all the talk of revolution and the Arab Spring, what happened last year in Egypt was not regime change. It was more of a clothing change – a suit was removed and a military uniform was donned in a country that went from a nominally civilian dictatorship to a military council. But fundamentally the same people are in charge now as were during the Mubarak presidency.
    In spite of this, the presidential election in Egypt is historic. It is the first time the outcome is not predetermined.  There are 13 candidates on the ballot and none of them will get a Mubarak-like 90 plus % of the vote. So who will people be voting for (Show me more...)

    Kennedy, The New York Post and the truth

    What a terrible task to take on at such a dark moment when I would prefer to keep my thoughts private, but someone must speak.
    I am, and I hope you are, sickened to see Rupert Murdoch's New York Post savage our colleague Robert F. Kennedy Jr. while he and his children are in great distress.
    I will not answer, and thereby repeat, the cruel libels thrown at Kennedy by the Post.
    But let me get this on the record: Kennedy is, and this is no exaggeration, the most committed family man I know. Every single day, he shuts down work, no matter the flood of urgent demands from around the world, for family time, for his kids. He is deeply religious, with a piety and intelligence he communicates with his family so impressive it makes me doubt my atheism.
    Kennedy uses his family name, not to further his career, but to widen his children's understanding and involvement in the world and to try to teach our ignorant nation lessons in moral conduct that his kids have already learned well.
    To blame Kennedy for his wife's illness (Show me more...)


    Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family of our friend and colleague, Bobby Kennedy, and his children, on the tragic death of his wife and their mother, Mary.

    Our thoughts tonight are with your family.

    - Greg, Leni & Zach 

    Arrest of BP Scapegoat:
    Real Killers Walk

    by Greg Palast – Special for Buzzflash at Truthout

    The Justice Department went big game hunting and bagged a teeny-weeny scapegoat.  More like a scape-kid, really.

    Today, Justice arrested former BP engineer Kurt Mix for destroying evidence in the Deepwater Horizon blow-out.

    (Show me more...)

    BP Cover-up
    Part 2: Bribery, George Bush and WikiLeaks

    by Greg Palast - Exclusive for
    Friday, 20. April, 2012

    Evidence now implicates top BP executives as well as its partners Chevron and Exxon and the Bush Administration in the deadly cover-up –– which included falsifying a report to the Securities Exchange Commission.

    Yesterday, revealed that, in September 2008, nearly two years before the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, another BP rig had blown out in the Caspian Sea––which BP concealed from U.S. regulators and Congress.

    Had BP, Chevron, Exxon or the Bush State Department revealed the facts of the earlier blow-out, it is likely that the Deepwater Horizon disaster would have been prevented.

    Days after the Deepwater Horizon blow-out, a message came in to our offices (Show me more...)

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