Top Items:
Rodney King dead at 47 — Los Angeles (CNN) — Rodney King, whose beating by Los Angeles police in 1991 was caught on camera and sparked riots after the acquittal of the four officers involved, was found dead in his swimming pool Sunday, authorities and his fiancee confirmed. He was 47.
The Moderate Voice, Mashable!, Hit & Run,, Scared Monkeys, American Power, Outside the Beltway and
Rodney King Dead at 47 — See More: RODNEY KING , R.I.P. RODNEY KING — R.I.P. — 6/17/2012 7:43 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF — RODNEY KING — DEAD AT 47 — EXCLUSIVE — UPDATE 9:27 AM PT — According to our sources, King's fiancée is telling friends King had been drinking …
Discussion:, KABC-TV, The Raw Story, Gawker and Mediaite
Ian Millhiser / ThinkProgress:
Top GOP Pundit Bill Kristol Praises Obama Immigration Order As ‘The Right Thing To Do’ — On Fox News Sunday this morning, host Chris Wallace asked Bill Kristol, a leading GOP pundit and apologist for the Iraq War, how he felt about President Obama's recent announcement that the Department …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Outside the Beltway, Booman Tribune and Politico
Reid J. Epstein / Politico:
Romney dodges immigration questions — Mitt Romney refuses to say whether he'd repeal the Obama administration's decision to stop deporting certain undocumented immigrants. — In an interview with Bob Schieffer aired Sunday on CBS's “Face the Nation,” the presumptive Republican presidential …
Little Green Footballs and ThinkProgress
Ben Geman / Ballot Box:
Immigration ruling ‘fully within’ Obama powers, says adviser Plouffe — Senior White House adviser David Plouffe insisted Sunday that President Obama's decision to defer deportation of certain illegal immigrants who came to the country as children was “fully within” the president's authority and not made with the 2012 election in mind.
The Hill, Michelle Malkin, Twitchy, CNN and The Hill
Lindsey Boerma / CBS News:
Romney: Immigration needs long-term fix, not stop-gap
Romney: Immigration needs long-term fix, not stop-gap
David Plouffe / CNN:
TRENDING: Immigration change not political, Plouffe asserts
TRENDING: Immigration change not political, Plouffe asserts
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Explain to me again why they are called “reporters”? — When Neil Munro shouted out a question to Obama yesterday as Obama was reading a statement in the Rose Garden about his unilateral thumbing of Congress and the American people in the eye, a firestorm of condemnation erupted among media-types on both the left and right.
Datechguy's Blog, The Conservatory, The Daily Caller, The Lonely Conservative, blogs and Politico
Tim Mak / Politico:
Neil Munro bad, media worse, say conservative bloggers at RightOnline
Neil Munro bad, media worse, say conservative bloggers at RightOnline
his vorpal sword, The Gateway Pundit, and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Michael Calderone / The Huffington Post:
Sam Donaldson Rejects Comparison To Reporter Who Interrupted Obama
Sam Donaldson Rejects Comparison To Reporter Who Interrupted Obama
Discussion: blogs, Weasel Zippers, PERRspectives, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, Mediaite and CNN
Nathaniel Popper / New York Times:
C.E.O. Pay Is Rising Despite the Din — YOU call this a revolution? — Probably the most-heard complaint about big business these days, one seemingly tailored for the 99 percent, is how much money corporate C.E.O.'s routinely pull down. Many ordinary Americans probably cheered when stockholders …
The Real Story Of Barack Obama — A new biography finally challenges Obama's famous memoir. And the truth might not be quite as interesting as the president, and his enemies, have imagined. — David Maraniss's new biography of Barack Obama is the first sustained challenge to Obama's control …
protein wisdom and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Washington Examiner:
‘Angry’ money gives funding edge to GOP and Romney — Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign event at the Cornwall Iron Furnace on June 16, 2012 in Cornwall, Pennsylvania. Mr. Romney continues hs campaign swing through battle ground states …
Betsy's Page
Mike Allen / Politico:
Playbook: Prankster Mitt leaves note — How ya doin', Knucklesnorts?" — ROMNEY TO SCHIEFFER: “Europe is capable of dealing with their banking crisis if they choose to do so” ... PLOUFFE TO STEPHANOPOULOS: “This is within the power of the Europeans to act”
Shay / CBS Charlotte:
New Law To Keep Booze Flowing For Democratic Convention — RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Adding a twist to blue laws in an increasingly red state, North Carolina's Republican-led legislature is toasting a measure intended to keep the booze flowing at the Democratic National Convention.
Outside the Beltway
Rachel L. Swarns / New York Times:
DNA Gives New Insights Into Michelle Obama's Roots — REX, Ga. — Joan Tribble held tightly to her cane as she ventured into the overgrown cemetery where her people were buried. There lay the pioneers who once populated north Georgia's rugged frontier, where striving white men planted corn and cotton …
Tyler Cowen / New York Times:
Broken Trust Takes Time to Mend — PRESIDENT OBAMA caused a stir recently when he said that “the private sector is doing fine” and pinned many of the nation's economic troubles on a decline in public-sector employment. He cited some interesting numbers, but he didn't draw the right lesson …
xpostfactoid and EconLog
Joe Weisenthal / Business Insider:10 minutes ago
CONSERVATIVES LIKELY TO WIN GREEK ELECTION — UPDATE II: — It's starting to look like the conservatives are going to pull out the victory. — The latest wave of exit polls show New Democracy expanding its tiny lead of the left-wing SYRIZA coalition. — Whereas in the first exit poll …
Hot Air and Calculated Risk
Ben Geman / Ballot Box:
Romney says he'd still reject 10-to-1 budget cuts to revenue deal — Mitt Romney is doubling down on the now-infamous rejection of a fiscal policy deal that would provide $1 in new taxes for every $10 in spending cuts. — During a Republican primary debate last August, all GOP candidates …
John_Frank / Raleigh News & Observer:
Beau Biden takes shot at Mitt Romney, hits Gov. Bev Perdue — Beau Biden, the son of the Democratic vice president, went “off script,” as he called it, to fire a shot a Republican Mitt Romney but hit Gov. Bev Perdue at the same time. — At the N.C. Democratic Party's annual fundraising dinner …
Moe Lane and The Daily Caller