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  1. I think we all can agree that tomorrow's edition of NY1's "In The Papers" is going to be epic.
  2. @ginahoslerlamb I was just thinking about you. Girl, you're going to have a busy morning tomorrow.
  3. I try not to revel in the death of anyone, but I make an exception for that evil bastard.
  4. I read things and truly, truly wonder when someone is going to point out that the emperor(ess) has no clothes. SIGH.
  5. @J_McClain I know! I just told Mike that I'm going to be so upset when it's finally over.
  6. @annaoler Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
  7. @janeminty Yes, but I'm finishing my dissertation(!) in the next two weeks, so I can't take anything on until after 5/13. :(
  8. @janeminty I wish you were in HR. Mama needs a job.
  9. @maura I had to explain Usenet in class a couple of weeks ago. There was so, so much blinking...
  10. @jrsuicide Plus, buck up buttercup, another part of childhood is dying today. Another space shuttle launch! Second-to-last!
  11. @jrsuicide I agree somewhat. I'm more annoyed at those who are all sanctimonious about it but then ignore the other stuff anyway.
  12. Oh no! It's a huge media event that some people want to talk about and others want to ignore: WHAT TO DO?! I guess the answer is "complain."
  13. I am so bummed that I am not drinking mimosas and eating munchkins with @newyorktwo right now.
  14. Cracking up at all the people half-heartedly mouthing along to the hymns. I have so been there...
  15. Remember when William was the hot one? It's on you now, Harry.
  16. Yeah, I'm getting up to watch that thing tomorrow morning. Judge my love of media spectacle all you want.