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Fox and Friends does not like Obama's use of PLAs

In a long-overdue expansion of the barracks at the United States Military Academy at West Point to alleviate overcrowding, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and President Barack Obama want to ensure that the work is done under a project labor agreement. PLAs have been shown to improve conditions and wages for union and non-union workers and are a boogeyman of pro-corporate right-wingers, who constantly lie and distort what PLAs do and refer to them as paybacks to union bosses. Crooks and Liars has extensively covered the right-wing assault on PLAs, but suffice it to say that nearly everyone involved would benefit from a project labor agreement being used at West Point.

After securing the funding for new barracks to alleviate severe overcrowding at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) is now pressing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build the project under a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) in order to ensure efficiency and lower costs. Forty percent of rooms at the prestigious military academy are currently housing three students despite being built to lodge two. The proposed new construction would house 650 of West Point’s 4,400 cadets. Hinchey hopes a PLA will help employ construction workers locally in the region.

“PLAs have been effective in ensuring that projects are completed in a timely manner and within budget. Partnership agreements with the Hudson Valley Building and Construction Trades Council have helped to ensure the highest quality of work on local construction projects,” Hinchey wrote in a letter sent on June 12 to Lt. General Thomas P. Bostick, who is the Chief of Engineers for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“Furthermore, an increased use of local labor on construction projects at West Point would certainly foster a more active partnership between the USMA and the local communities in my district, where many members of the Academy’s staff live…I understand the urgent need for this project, and I know that it is critically important to sustaining the morale and quality of life of the cadets. This is why I strongly supported the funding for this project as a member of the House Appropriations Committee. I am confident that the use of a PLA will help to ensure that this project is completed effectively and efficiently while also strengthening the relationship between the Academy and our local communities.”

The use of a PLA would go far to comply with an Executive Order, signed by President Obama in February of 2009, that encourages the use of PLAs on federally funded construction projects. The EO reversed the Bush era policy of eschewing the agreements which package diversity requirements with safety and wage standards.

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At a campaign stop in Michigan on Tuesday, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney complimented the local "chicken and, you know, noodles."

"Now, I saw a picture this morning that was kind of embarrassing," the candidate explained to supporters in Frankenmuth. "It was kind of embarrassing. It was me at Zehnder's restaurant when I was 17 years old. And someone was telling something very funny. My dad was laughing uproariously, but I was really -- I'd lost it. I was completely guffawing in this picture."

"I have no idea what was said but I sure remember being here in Frankenmuth," Romney continued. "And the wonderful chicken. You have a lot of chicken here in Frankenmuth. Oh yeah, chicken and, you know, noodles. It's good German food right here. What a wonderful place."

He later added: "This is so much fun. It's so much fun running for president. This is kind of historic, you know that? To all be together on a morning like this and to be in the bright sunshine and in a beautiful place and to be running for president with your help."

"This is not about me. You're not here because I'm some spectacular speaker, you all know that. You're not here because the Republican Party is the answer to all things, you know better than that. You know, instead, that this is America. And America is the answer to all good things."

During a visit to Michigan earlier this year, Romney also became sentimental about the trees, lakes and cars.

"It seems right here. Trees are the right height," he said. "I love the lakes. Something very special here. ... I love cars. I don't know -- I mean, I grew up totally in love with cars.... I love cars. I love American cars."

At another event, he added that he also loved the streets in Michigan.

“This feels good, being back in Michigan," the former Massachusetts governor explained. "You know, the trees are the right height, the streets are just right. I like the fact that most of the cars I see are Detroit-made automobiles.”

“I drive a Mustang and a Chevy pickup truck. Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs, actually. And I used to have a Dodge truck. So, I used to have all three covered."

At a campaign stop in Pennsylvania on Sunday, the GOP hopeful told a crowd that he had been astonished by a touch screen computer used to order food at the Wawa gas station chain.

“I was at Wawas,” Romney explained. “I went in to order a sandwich. You press a little touchtone keypad, alright? You just touch that and, you know, the sandwich comes up. You touch this, touch this, touch this, go pay the cashier. There’s your sandwich. It’s amazing!”

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Republican Ohio congressional candidate Samuel “Joe The Plumber” Wurzelbacher released a campaign video on Tuesday, in which he warns that "gun control" led to the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust.

"In 1911, Turkey established gun control," Wurzelbacher points out as he places several shells in a 12-gauge shotgun. "From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians unable to defend themselves were exterminated."

"In 1939, Germany established gun control," the candidate continues. "From 1939 to 1945, 6 million Jews and 7 million others unable to defend themselves were exterminated."

Wurzelbacher then takes aim and blasts various fruits with his shotgun.

"I love America," he concludes.

In the description for the YouTube video, Wurzelbacher sheds some light on why he blames the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide on "gun control."

"If you hunt or just like shooting guns, the 2nd Amendment will always be a good thing," the description says. "History also tells us it's our last line of defense in the face of an out-of-control government. And killing fruits and vegetables is... what? Better watch the video to see..."

(h/t: Politicker)

Mike's Blog Round Up

Lawyers, Guns and Money: The corporatization of public universities.

Mahablog: Lying under oath is okay now?

BagNewsNotes: That journalistic assault on the President.

Barticles: Okay, so when would be good for you?

Guest post by Batocchio. Email tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.

Open Thread

Yeah the head of the NRA is a little meshugge. h/t Cliff Schecter via Jamie.

Open thread below....

C&L's Late Night Music Club with Boz Scaggs

Crossposted from Late Nite Music Club
Genre: Blues
Title: Desire
Artist: Boz Scaggs

Ya know, sometimes, I like some soulful bluesy music.This man certainly is very very talented. The album "Silk Degrees" was both overblown, and overplayed. But this song largely went unnoticed. Boz put a lot more music out after "Silk Degrees". I dunno, this one, I guess we could call it mood music. For when you're in the mood.

What's your musical mood tonight?

Artist: Boz Scaggs
Price: $9.57
(As of 06/20/12 06:42 am details)

Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Steven Crowder Edition

When last we heard from Steven (“FoxNews’ brightest, funniest young Conservative mind") Crowder he was lamenting the fact that too many people today were "shacking up like whores."

Today, he's comparing welfare recipients to hungry animals. That's nice.

But I also see that Steven calls himself a "Christian" and even appeared in the Christian flop film, To Save a Life. Now it's possible I could've attended a really bad Catholic school, but I honestly don't remember anything in the Gospels where Jesus warns how feeding the poor and hungry breeds dependence. On the other hand, I do remember this:

Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.'


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Even after his reporter effectively heckled President Barack Obama during an official statement last week, Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson says that it's inconceivable that his publication would not get a White House press pass.

"Here's the White House's mistake," Fox News co-host Bob Beckel told Carlson on Monday. "The idea that they gave The Daily Caller a White House pass is the craziest idea I've ever heard."

"We're bigger than the Chicago Tribune!" Carlson objected. "We're bigger than the Boston Globe. They can't not give us a pass!"

"Sure they can," Beckel pointed out. "All you got to do is not give one."

"Good luck with that," Carlson grumbled.

Even conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted that Neil Munro's "timing was off" when he interrupted Obama's announcement about new immigration policy on Friday.

"The bottom line is he's doing what a lot of people who cover the White House aren't doing, which is pressing for answers to his questions," Carlson explained.

"Shouldn't he wait?" Hannity wondered. "If he thought it was the end of the statement, fine. It didn't seem like it was at the end of the statement."

"It's an etiquette question, but it's not the core question," Carlson opined. "The core question is, is the White House Press corps holding the president accountable for his policies and getting answers to the questions the public wants? And Neil Munro is."

"How many times has Obama been interrupted in the middle of one of his speeches by someone calling out a compliment?" he asked. "Like 13 times in the past six months. He stops and says, thank you. The second someone asks a question he doesn't like, 'Oh, it's heckling. It's an outrage.'"

(h/t: Media Matters)

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Jon Stewart takes a look at the foolish goings-on last week in the Michigan State Assembly, an assembly where apparently you cannot say the word "vagina" although you are free to legislate what is done with them.

In response to several proposed anti-abortion bills, Michigan lawmaker Lisa Brown unleashes a pretty decent vagina zinger on Republicans during floor debate.

And a partial transcript from the video.

[In] Michigan last week, Republican lawmakers were introducing several bills that would create more stringent regulations on abortions and abortion providers, which, in and of itself, would obviously not be news. But it is news for this one glorious bit of floor debate.

MICHIGAN STATE REP. LISA BROWN, D-WEST BLOOMFIELD (6/13/2012): And finally, Mr. Speaker, I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no!

(wild audience cheering)

Zing!! That's Michigan Democrat Lisa Brown, with a pretty decent vagina zinger. Which, by the way, is my favorite Celestial Seasonings tea.

This is how fundamental democratic institutions and progressive organizations get co-opted by corporate interests. Find an issue like, say, education reform, partner up with right-wing interests to undermine public education as a fundamental right of every child in this country, and let billionaires direct the flow of dollars into competing efforts.

Along the way, it's useful to toss some corporate money at progressive organizations in order to give the appearance  that right-wing corporate policies are somehow progressive. This is exactly what has happened with Stand for Children and Change.org. Their union-busting petition microtargeted at Chicago teachers highlights how they have been played "at the edges" to promote ideas that are not at all progressive.

This video and the paragraphs above may be all you need to be convinced. But if you want the details, continue reading below the fold.

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