"KPFK's 'BradCast': Ron Paul Senior Advisor Doug Wead on the Still-Presidential Candidate's Curious (and Often Successful) Delegate Strategy"
(15 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 6/21/2012 @ 8:28 am PT...
Is it true that Ron Paul (R-TX) is a global warming denier?
I have heard that he does not believe the scientific consensus that global warming is man-made (anthropogenic)?
What about his views on peak oil as well?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 6/21/2012 @ 8:49 am PT...
Ron Paul is entitled to a speech as nominee into consideration at the convention, when Louisiana delegates, where he WON the caucus in a landslide, are counted. Noises are being made that maybe they won't be counted, but let those who know parliamentary procedure watch the video synopsis I post. Note the first 2:15 is boring, being motions and points made which the self declared chair ignored contrary to Roberts Rules of Order --- making him subject to removal by the body. The actual removal comes after that. The newly elected chair, a recent hip replacement recipient was driven to the ground despite shouts that he was handicapped, and was taken away by ambulence. The rules chair you see in the video, who objected to a false rules chair giving a false rules committee report had fingers broken by the security hired by the party establishment, as he was dragged off. The second video shows Henry Herford, there is a third video with the rules chair assault. In fact the whole thing is on video. Please spread this, as Romney's folks now deny they said they would support the Ron Paul delegates in credentials committee to be seated. With Louisiana, Paul has five states to be nominated at convention.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 6/21/2012 @ 10:39 am PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 6/21/2012 @ 12:26 pm PT...
Doesn't matter as long as Election fraud isn't covered or investigated adequately.
Here is the Accenture software! This voter registration and voter history software reportedly assigned voters who are Republicans as Democrats, and vice versa, and in Tennessee it has been proven to lose voter histories. NOW YOU CAN EXAMINE IT YOURSELF! (Crosspost from /r/voterfraud)
Note that one of the service items reveals that it was tripling votes for "random" voters in the 2004 primary. Files I have obtained show that it doubled or tripled votes in the 2008 primary, and also in the May 2010 and Aug 2010 primaries in Tennessee. However: It is not random. It only appears to be random when voters are sorted by fields other than precinct/voter ID. In fact, it is doubling and tripling recorded votes in white Republican suburbs.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Parke Bostrom
said on 6/21/2012 @ 4:32 pm PT...
You seem really excited about these Ron Paul supporters showing up at local, district and state conventions to participate in the "democratic" process.
Don't you realize that this process is very undemocratic - at least if your definition of democracy is: "one person, one vote"?
The multi-level caucus system is a form of poll tax. Only people who are willing to invest time, money and energy are able to show up, travel to the various conventions and advance through the multiple rounds.
Many Ron Paul supporters are motivated, and are willing to pay this poll tax, which is why they can win in caucus states, and why Ron Paul has an advantage in these states. But were it not for the poll tax, Ron Paul would not have been as successful.
And, of course, the winners of these private, corrupt, and poll-taxed contests are given preferential ballot access in public elections.
Your thoughts?
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Madison VOICES
said on 6/21/2012 @ 6:20 pm PT...
Respectfully, don't understand the facination with ron "LET HIM DIE LET HIM DIE LET HIM DIE" paul,
He has no integrity on the issue of election-integrity nor anything else.
Being the one lone vote makes it pretty easy to make bold proclamations. Hiding for decades in the party of endless unfunded wars, big government, and deficit and having primaries possibly stolen from you each and every election cycle is not a brave man.
He serves a purpose and by pretending to be a voice for change (which he knows will never happen in the republican party that treats him like a side-show) is just another propaganda tool whether he fully-understands it or not.
And given the HUGE amounts of money he can raise off his meaningless grandstanding, he probably DOES fully-understand.
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree
And remember, ron named his son after one of the most hypocritical and evil figures ever hoisted onto the public by the propaganda shills in the mainstream media.
Ayn Rand morality, indeed...
Other than the "dead whale on a flatcar" syndrome (will attract a crowd), I don't get the merit of featuring ron paul here.
Respectfully, I will not add to this thread or respond --- its not my blog, but that's how I and most progressives see it.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2012 @ 5:39 am PT...
Sorry Madison, but Ron Paul is one of the few in Washington that has any sort of integrity on anything. During his terms in Congress, Ron's office has returned a portion of its annual budget to the US Treasury every year. Ron has also not taken a Congressional junket nor has he participated in the lucrative Congressional pension program. As a physician, he's delivered over 4k babies and whether you're pro or anti abortion, it's still impressive since all of us living folk came from somewhere.
2ndly, to address the other poster about the so-called poll tax that Paul supporters supposedly exploit.. Anyone can participate in these caucuses if they so choose. If you look at the way the Constitution set up electoral government, they set it up so that the electors chosen would pick the President not the majority of the people, hence we have a republican form of government via Art IV, Sec IV of the Constitution. More so, in the GOP, there isn't a democracy in regards to how delegates get picked, they are picked in a republican fashion. Basically, this prevents the delegates to be picked in proportional primaries that were voted on by the general public that presumes to be republican and/or outsiders weighing in on the GOP from their own perspectives. It's those that are more knowledgeable about the issues and with the most passion that prevent the process from being taken over by an unintelligent mobocracy. Just like the social cons took over the party in '88, the libertarian/conservatives are reclaiming this season. Democracies are bad in that they allow 50%+1 to vote away your natural right to something. If you have a right to natural right to something, nobody has the ability to take it away. And since the vast majority of societies in general aren't keen on the issues, that's why republics lend more to thrive for longer until they get inundated to a democracy which is the way this country seems to be heading.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 6/22/2012 @ 12:26 pm PT...
Parke Bostrom @ 5:
Your thoughts?
My thoughts, for the moment, are that I very much enjoy your contention. I don't necessarily agree with it, nor, unfortunately, have time to discuss why, as I'm working on a detailed story. But I appreciate the contention and the argument.
I'll just respond for the moment then, by saying that private politically parties may do whatever the like, essentially. They run their own forms of democracy, inside the party, if you will. Most Americans seem to think they have a right to decide who the Republican Party or who the Democratic Party chooses as their nominee. They don't, as I see it. At least not if they are not a member of that political party.
Don't like the way that private political party selects their nominee? Among the available choices then: Help change the way that party selects their nominee (somewhat as the Paul supporters are doing); Work with another party instead; Create your own party; Let the parties choose their own nominees and hope you can find one to vote for when it's general election time.
I love seeing folks stand up for their options in their own political processes (rather than taking the exceedingly lazy and self-defeating "both sides suck, so I'm gonna do nothing about it" position which "both sides" actually love for you to take!) That's what the Paul folks are doing, and so I'm delighted to see it!
Not sure if that directly responds to your query or not or whether it either agrees or disagrees with your general premise.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 6/22/2012 @ 12:31 pm PT...
Madison VOICES@ 6 -
Respectfully, don't understand the facination with ron "LET HIM DIE LET HIM DIE LET HIM DIE" paul,
Respectfully, in return, I think you are still missing the boat here. Hope you read all of Jeannie Dean's responses to you in the previous thread on this, where you offered a few similar rants.
Ya know I love ya, but you are missing the point. There is no fascination (at least on my part) with Ron Paul. It is with his supporters who are courageously standing up to the machine to fight for their own self-governance, even against the most vicious, deceptive, dishonest political machine this country has ever known.
Whether they are right or wrong in their policy positions has nothing to do with it. Progressives (and Occupy folks) should pay close attention to what the Paul supporters are doing, and consider doing same.
I don't have time at the moment to explain further, but I hope that helps clarify the reasons for some of my coverage here. Want real choices and real democracy? Then it's time to support those who are fighting for same, whether you agree with their political positions or not.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Rick H.
said on 6/22/2012 @ 1:56 pm PT...
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Dr. Pitts
said on 6/23/2012 @ 9:55 am PT...
Madison you spread dis-information like all progressives! First Ran was not named after Aynn Ran... His Full name is Randall! The other "facts " you mentioned are just as incorrect..Face it Obama and his Progressive agenda has taken this country to the brink of bankruptcy!
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Dr. Pitts
said on 6/23/2012 @ 10:32 am PT...
Madison you spread dis-information like all progressives! First Rand was not named after Aynn Rand... His Full name is Randall! The other "facts " you mentioned are just as incorrect..Face it Obama and his Progressive agenda has taken this country to the brink of bankruptcy!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 6/23/2012 @ 2:28 pm PT...
Dr. Pitts @ 12:
Face it Obama and his Progressive agenda has taken this country to the brink of bankruptcy
Oy. What "Progressive agenda"? The shrinking of government workers during his term? The lowest growth in government spending since Eisenhower? His trillion $ giveaways to the private insurance industry? His expansion of gun rights and wars and the military industrial complex?
Or is the the fact that he has done nothing about restoring our public airwaves to we the people, so that corporations could con gullible dupes like you into actually believe that "Obama and his Progressive agenda has taken this country to the brink of bankruptcy"?
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Are You Kidding, Ken?
said on 6/24/2012 @ 3:04 am PT...
Ken said on 6/22/2012 @ 5:39 am PT:
Ron Paul is one of the few in Washington that has any sort of integrity on anything.
Yes, the "integrity" he's showed all the times he denied any responsibility for --- or even knowledge of --- the obscenely racist tracts contained in his newsletters over the course of several years WAS (to put it mildly) breath-taking.
As a physician, he's delivered over 4k babies ...
So THAT's why he's a self-described "unshakable foe of abortion" who's "strongly pro-life": loss of income !
And here I was worried that he favored stripping women's rights over their own bodies because he was a misogynist (not to mention a hypocritical libertarian).
Anyone can participate in these caucuses if they so choose.
And if people don't like the subversion of America's democratic processes, they should just get on their yachts and winter in Acapulco !!
If the rest of your campaign ad/comment made any sense, I'd take the 3 minutes necessary to refute IT as well.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 6/25/2012 @ 5:30 am PT...
Thanks for doing this essential (and all too often overlooked) work, Brad. The fact that the GOP is so willfully undermining the democratic process within its own voter base speaks volumes, and it blows my mind that so many news outlets are not covering this. Keep up the great work!