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Gun Rights
Edited by Andre Campos

The right to keep and bear arms (RKBA) or right to bear arms is the concept that people have a personal right to weapons for individual use, or a collective right to bear arms in a militia, or both.

The people's right to have their own arms for their defense is described in the philosophical and political writings of Aristotle, Cicero, John Locke, Machiavelli and Jefferson. Though possessing arms appears to be distinct from "bearing" them, the possession of arms is recognized as necessary for and a logical precursor to the bearing of arms.

Don Kates, a civil liberties lawyer, cites historic English usage describing the "right to keep and bear their private arms." The phrase in the Pennsylvania ratifying convention states:

"The people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and their own state, or the United States, or the purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for disarming the people or any of them, unless for crimes committed..."

Pages and Listings are in reverse chronological order:
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Zimmerman's bail set at $1M in Trayvon Martin case
07-05-2012  •  AP 
The neighborhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin can be released from jail on $1 million bond while he awaits trial on a second-degree murder charge, a judge ruled Thursday. Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester granted bond to George Zimmerman f 
Powell Gammill
Freedom Engineering
Doctor's report: Zimmerman declined specialist for broken nose
07-03-2012  •  Reuters 
A newly released medical report in the Trayvon Martin case says George Zimmerman had scalp wounds, black eyes and a broken nose from their altercation the night he fatally shot the Florida teenager. 
Powell Gammill
Google Shopping Censors All Gun, Ammo & Accessories Results
07-02-2012  • 
Google sent out an email to Google Adwords customers saying that they are going to pull all Google Shopping results for guns, ammunition, gun optics and gun accessories (Shopping results, not general search results). 
Donna Hancock
“Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church” Opinion
Food For Thought
“Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church”
Chuck Baldwin
   Last weekend, the Chicago Police Department collaborated with over 20 local churches in a giant effort to encourage Chicagoans “to get guns out of their homes.” WBBM News Radio has the story.
“Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church”
06-29-2012  •, Chuck Baldwin Live 
Last weekend, the Chicago Police Department collaborated with over 20 local churches in a giant effort to encourage Chicagoans “to get guns out of their homes.” 
Robert Lee
House votes to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt
06-28-2012  •  Washington Post 
The House of Representatives voted to make Eric H. Holder Jr. the first sitting attorney general held in contempt of Congress in U.S. history after he withheld documents that Republican lawmakers demanded as part of an investigation into a flawed gun 
Powell Gammill
Jon Stewart on 'Fast and Furious'
06-27-2012  •  youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog) 
Another grand slam for Stewart. (By the way, compare Stewart to left-wing 'Fast and Furious' apologists Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher in this segment of Real Time with Bill Maher where Reason Magazine's Nick Gillespie also comes down hard on the 'Fast 
Powell Gammill
Law Student Puts Cop In His Place - Carrying A Concealed Weapon Edition
06-27-2012  •  youtube (h/t The Agitator) 
"I was detained by Portland PD without suspicion of criminal activity. His sole reason for stopping me is my legally carried firearm. He seizes my weapon with no reasonable suspicion that I've committed a crime. He demands ID without 
Powell Gammill
A lot at stake for U.S. gun lobby in contempt vote
06-27-2012  •  Reuters 
The reason, the NRA said in its literature, was that the administration wanted to boost statistics about guns flowing into Mexico to support a push for new laws to regulate American gun dealers. 
Powell Gammill
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, Of Pretty Much Everyone
06-24-2012  •, by Abby Zimet 
Fearmongering, thy name is Wayne LaPierre, the inimitable, hysterical head of the NRA, who does it better than anyone. In a chilling new compilation video, The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence shows how. 
Robert Lee
14-year-old boy shoots man breaking into S. Phoenix home
06-22-2012  •  ABC 15 Phoenix 
Phoenix police Officer James Holmes said the teen was home with his 8, 10 and 12-year-old siblings when a woman started knocking on the door. The 14-year-old did not recognize her so he didn't answer the door of the home near 55th Avenue and Base 
Ronald Bogner
Judge Napolitano Points Out Obama Complicity in F & F 'Executive Privilege' Declaration
06-21-2012  •  YouTube via RTR.ORG post 
Video title: "Judge Napolitano: Executive Privilege Only Applies If Obama Involved" - 4:59 long. 
Ed Vallejo
Police chief fired over Trayvon Martin shooting
06-21-2012  •  AP 
The Sanford City Manager said he relieved Chief Bill Lee of duty because he "determined the Police Chief needs to have the trust and respect of the elected officials and the confidence of the entire community." 
Powell Gammill
George Zimmerman's Reenactment of Trayvon Martin Shooting
06-21-2012  •  ABC News (video) 
"....when I shifted my jacket came up…and it exposed my firearm. That's when he said you are going to die tonight. He took one hand off my mouth, and slid it down my chest. I took my gun aimed it at him and fired."  
Powell Gammill
United Nations To Convene Month Long Conference For International Gun Control
06-17-2012  •, SAFF 
Its time once again to just say, “NO,” to the UN. As Spain deals with a bailout to “save” the economy and the country, and while the country is engaged in its worst financial crisis in recent memory, the Spanish Parliament took time this week to pus 
Robert Lee
Why Not Canada?, by C.N.
06-13-2012  • 
I am often surprised to hear about people planning for an eventual societal collapse and hearing that you are choosing to remain in place where your worst fears are being realized.  
Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Olympic swimmer backs teammates who posed with guns
06-11-2012  •  Rawstory 
Olympic swimmer Eamon Sullivan has backed his Australian teammates Nick D’Arcy and Kenrick Monk, saying he saw “nothing wrong” with them posing with guns in images posted on social networking sites. The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) said Satu 
Powell Gammill
Holder Claims Emails Using Words ‘Fast and Furious’ Don’t Refer to Operation Fast and Furious
06-08-2012  •  CNS News 
Attorney General Holder claimed during congressional testimony that internal Justice Dept emails that use the phrase “Fast and Furious” do not refer to the controversial gun-walking operation Fast and Furious. 
Powell Gammill
shire silver
Florida bond hearing set for Trayvon Martin killer
06-07-2012  •  Reuters 
The neighborhood watch volunteer charged in the killing of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin will get a new bond hearing at the end of this month after his bail was revoked last week, court officials said. 
Powell Gammill
Florida 'stand your ground' law yields shocking outcomes depending on how law is applied
06-04-2012  • 
Those who invoke "stand your ground" to avoid prosecution have been extremely successful. Nearly 70 percent have gone free.  
Powell Gammill
                                                 Subscribers Only
Magazine Article  •  Gun Rights
Why not guns?
by Jesse Matthewson
Violence exists around the world, and no society currently exists without it. Individuals commit acts of violence daily against other individuals, governments commit acts of mass violence against entire populations of individuals.
Make a Comment   •   Send Letter to Editor
Iraq vet brutalized over guns in D.C.
05-28-2012  •  Washington Times 
Army 1st Sergeant Matt Corrigan was woken in the middle of the night, forced out of his home, arrested, had his home ransacked, had his guns seized and was thrown in jail -- where he was lost in the prison system for two weeks -- all because the Dist 
Powell Gammill
Encouraging the Admirable Qualities of Man (Sic) With Lots and Lots of Guns
05-28-2012  •, by Abby Zimet 
For reasons that are unfathomable to us, the right-wing Daily Caller is giving away to readers one gun per week until Election Day. 
Robert Lee
ATF Requests Records Of Gun Owners In Alaska
05-25-2012  •, Paul Joseph Watson 
Is the federal agency compiling a list of firearms owners? 
Robert Lee
A Grave Warning . . .
Prototype Quadrotor with Machine Gun!
05-24-2012  •  FPSRussia - 
"From a Professional 'Russian' " 
Ernest Hancock
A year before shooting, Zimmerman criticized Sanford police over beating of black homeless man
05-23-2012  •  Washington Post 
George Zimmerman accused the Sanford police department of corruption more than a year before he shot Trayvon Martin, saying at a public forum the agency covered up the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white officer. “I would just li 
Powell Gammill
Gander Mountain Caves to Anti-Gun Pressure Cancels Pro-Gun Workshops
05-23-12  •  AmmoLand Shooting Sports News 
Anti-gun activists bombarded Gander Mountain with bullying phone calls and emails regarding this week’s planned NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshops, urging them to cancel. 
Fredy Riehl
Several George Zimmerman witnesses change their accounts
05-23-2012  •  Orlando Sentinel 
Evidence released last week in the second-degree-murder case against George Zimmerman shows four key witnesses made major changes in what they say they saw and heard the night he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford. Three changed th 
Powell Gammill
Freedom Engineering
Trayvon Martin case 911 call: Two experts reach two much different conclusions
05-19-2012  •  Washington Post 
In the last 45 seconds, there is a faint voice, a distant yell, and the urgent dialogue between a woman and a 911 operator. “There’s just someone screaming outside,” the caller begins on the recorded line. 
Powell Gammill
Witness Told Cops He Saw Trayvon Martin Straddling George Zimmerman And Punching Him "MMA Style
05-18-2012  •  The Smoking Gun 
The man rsaw “a black male, wearing a dark colored ‘hoodie’ on top of a Hispanic male who was yelling for help.” The black male, “was mounted on the Hispanic male and throwing punches ‘MMA (mixed martial arts) style.'” 
Powell Gammill
Page 44 of 44
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Headlines: Witness Told Cops He Saw Trayvon Martin Straddling George Zimmerman And Punching Him "MMA Style -- Trayvon Martin case 911 call: Two experts reach two much different conclusions -- Several George Zimmerman witnesses change their accounts -- Gander Mountain Caves to Anti-Gun Pressure Cancels Pro-Gun Workshops -- A year before shooting, Zimmerman criticized Sanford police over beating of black homeless man -- Prototype Quadrotor with Machine Gun! -- ATF Requests Records Of Gun Owners In Alaska -- Encouraging the Admirable Qualities of Man (Sic) With Lots and Lots of Guns -- Iraq vet brutalized over guns in D.C. -- Why not guns? -- Florida 'stand your ground' law yields shocking outcomes depending on how law is applied -- Florida bond hearing set for Trayvon Martin killer -- Holder Claims Emails Using Words ‘Fast and Furious’ Don’t Refer to Operation Fast and Furious -- Olympic swimmer backs teammates who posed with guns -- Why Not Canada?, by C.N. -- United Nations To Convene Month Long Conference For International Gun Control -- George Zimmerman's Reenactment of Trayvon Martin Shooting -- Police chief fired over Trayvon Martin shooting -- Judge Napolitano Points Out Obama Complicity in F & F 'Executive Privilege' Declaration -- 14-year-old boy shoots man breaking into S. Phoenix home -- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, Of Pretty Much Everyone -- A lot at stake for U.S. gun lobby in contempt vote -- Law Student Puts Cop In His Place - Carrying A Concealed Weapon Edition -- Jon Stewart on 'Fast and Furious' -- House votes to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt -- “Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church” -- “Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church” -- Google Shopping Censors All Gun, Ammo & Accessories Results -- Doctor's report: Zimmerman declined specialist for broken nose -- Zimmerman's bail set at $1M in Trayvon Martin case --
Roberts Roberts Brokerage Inc.  
A Grave Warning . . .  
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The Iron Web Larken Rose The United States is fast losing its reputation as the land of happiness an
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