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Brian Dickerson

  • Recent columns
  1. Brian Dickerson: In polarized America, there's very little agreement but juries still have to find it

    After years of investigation and six weeks of testimony, the case of United States v. Bobby Ferguson is back to Square One. But are we really so surprised?

    • Jun. 28, 2012
  2. Brian Dickerson: GOP's V-word police upstage bridge coup

    Poor Rick Snyder. The more heroic his efforts to rehabilitate Michigan's image, the more legislators in his own party seem determined to upstage him with their own retrograde theatrics. Take last week, for instance, which ought to have been a new high-water mark in Snyder's campaign to reposition the Great Lakes State in the national consciousness.

    • Jun. 17, 2012
  3. Brian Dickerson: How Detroit's consent deal fiasco would play out at home

    Did you hear about the lawyer who could barely make ends meet even though he was the only lawyer in town? A second lawyer moved to town, and they both got rich. -- Old lawyers joke, origin unknown

    • Jun. 14, 2012
  4. Brian Dickerson: Meet GOP's newest mail-order bride

    We voters are an endearingly irrational lot. Among our more peculiar quirks -- confirmed election after election, in precincts of every political complexion -- is our tendency to remain loyal to our local member of Congress even as we express contempt for Congress itself.

    • Jun. 10, 2012
  5. Brian Dickerson: GOP shows universities who's boss

    The purpose of a college education,” one of my favorite professors liked to declare at the beginning of each semester, “is to introduce you to your betters. He believed that humility is the foundation of all learning — which may explain why the Republicans who control the Michigan Legislature are so suspicious of learning in general and college professors in particular....

    • Jun. 7, 2012
  6. Brian Dickerson: We're all at risk when some feel excluded from jury box

    The price a community pays when some residents feel excluded from the jury box was brought home to me unforgettably on a Saturday night more than 30 years ago.

    • Jun. 3, 2012
  7. Brian Dickerson: McCotter's miscue in 11th District might not matter as redistricting puts GOP ahead of the game

    Memorial Day weekend began inauspiciously for Michigan Republicans when Secretary of State Ruth Johnson called her old state legislative colleague, U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, last Friday afternoon to deliver some shocking news: McCotter, a fifth-term congressman from Livonia, was unlikely to appear on his party's Aug. 7 primary ballot.

    • May. 31, 2012
  8. U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, shown Sept. 12, 2011, in Washington, isn't making it easy on himself to win re-election. Mark Wilson/Getty Images

    Brian Dickerson: Thaddeus McCotter turns election cakewalk into Mt. Everest

    Michigan Republicans went to an awful lot of trouble to make sure that all U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter had to do to win re-election was qualify for a spot on his party’s primary ballot and avoid a felony conviction between now and November. But he's botched the first prerequisite of an election run by failing to file the right number of legitimate signatures to appear on the August primary ballot.

    • May. 29, 2012
  9. Brian Dickerson: A heavy burden, borne by the few

    When I was a little boy, I loved Memorial Day -- the parades, the flyovers, the rows of men in dress uniforms wielding rifles and swords with muscular delicacy. Now, like the ever-growing majority of Americans with no kin in the military game, I get uncomfortable just thinking about men and women in uniform.

    • May. 27, 2012
  10. Brian Dickerson: Broken windows theory of community policing will get major test in Detroit

    Three decades after he and his late colleague, James Q. Wilson, first described their "broken windows" theory of policing in a celebrated magazine article, criminologist George Kelling is bringing to Detroit their now-conventional wisdom about how to maintain law and order.

    • May. 24, 2012
  11. Brian Dickerson: Putting a value on Facebook

    Familiarity breeds contempt. Also resentment, envy, suspicion, schadenfreude -- the whole rag-bag of sour sentiments that arise from the discovery that you have become dependent on a partner about whom you know frighteningly little.

    • May. 20, 2012
  12. Sacred Heart principal Dennis Starnes spoke Friday. He said he supports Dominic Sheahan-Stahl, but he'll obey the diocese. JEFF SCHRIER/Associated Press

    Brian Dickerson: Sacred Heart Academy graduating class takes lessons to heart in controversy

    The real purpose of an education is fulfilled only when students who have mastered a body of instruction begin applying it in ways their teachers could not have anticipated.

    • May. 17, 2012
  13. Brian Dickerson: Lawmakers playing politics with higher ed budget should go back to school

    A recent survey from the Chronicle of Higher Education discovered that almost 30 percent of the Michigan Legislature’s 148 members hold no college degree. Only 19 of the 50 states boast a less-educated legislative branch.

    • May. 17, 2012
