As Mitt Romney's campaign has pursued its strategy in these late spring-to-early summer months, there's been one glaring gap: specifics. No one really has much of an idea what Romney wants to do in terms of policy or what issues he particularly wants to prioritize. Pundits have noticed. Let's recall Peggy Noonan's admonishment to Romney: "Mr. Romney has to give us a plan. He has to tell us his priorities. To lead is to prioritize, to choose." This is a sentiment that's filtered into the Sunday morning political discussion. And meanwhile, the vacuum he's been permitted to open has been very well filled by the negative ads that the Obama campaign has launched in the swing states, ads that went heavy on attacking -- that's right! -- Romney's record at Bain.
Predictions are always hazardous when it comes to the economy, the weather, and the Supreme Court. I won't get near the first two right now, but I'll hazard a guess on what the Court is likely to decide tomorrow: It will uphold the constitutionality of Obamacare by a vote of 6 to 3.
Domestic violence remains a grave social concern in Malaysia, affecting and disrupting the lives of entire families. The Domestic Violence Act (DVA) was passed in 1994 after almost a decade of advocacy efforts, but still, according to the Royal Malaysia Police and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, 3173 cases were reported in 2010.
Nora celebrated life to an insatiable degree, yet without any of the manic energy one associates with people who have "insatiable appetites" for life. She had a calm and elegant way of savoring every moment.
Nora Ephron is gone -- and I can't believe it. She'll be cherished as a wife and mother, and a devoted, giving, treasured -- and irreplaceable -- friend. Indeed, she was as talented at friendship as she was at everything else she tried.
For Nora Ephron, life was something to celebrate. And explore. And bitch about. And then celebrate again. You didn't have to read all of her brilliant essays to immediately see that the woman had a titanium-strength point of view --and she was achingly funny about it.
They really are different than girls. Except when they're not.
Attorney General Holder has made a compelling offer -- one that serves the needs of the investigation, and one that is quite similar to the deal I accepted last Congress.
Nora Ephron wrote about aging with honestly so that the rest of us could feel better about our necks, our knees and our plastic surgery choices.
The question is explored broadly in Dark Pools: High-Speed Traders, A.I. Bandits, and the Threat to the Global Financial System.
Whatever the reasons, it's refreshing to see that on something, our elected representatives can get along (at least in the Senate) and the system can still work.
Harassing Eric Holder into resigning or pushing to have him prosecuted for contempt are clearly partisan strategies designed to obstruct this mission. In this election season, Republicans have abandoned all pretense of cooperation in a crisis.
If we are serious about dealing with the deficit and creating jobs in America, the wealthy are going to have to start paying their fair share of taxes. We also have to end the massive tax loopholes and subsidies that exist for major corporations.
From the time I started writing about food -- the time I started writing, really -- Nora Ephron was my ideal reader, the audience of one I hoped would somehow see my stuff and think the voice worth listening to.
Is morning coming to America? Possibly, but it also feels very much like Dickens, where it could be the best of times and the worst of times.
Why should anyone be religious when so many of the wars and prejudice have been based on religion?
What Rio+20 has demonstrated is that we can no longer stand by and wait for world leaders to provide solutions to prevent us from reaching the tipping point, or point of no return.
Music is my passion. It¹s allowed me to get where I am today, and my success in the industry helped me start other projects and businesses. I don't listen to just one genre, so my music collection and playlists reflect all types of artists and music.
In the past two years, Teach For America has nearly doubled the number of African American corps members from 390 to 720, and has increased the number of Latino corps members from 300 to 550.
As emerging technology surges through the fast-emerging economies of the world, a power shift unprecedented in scope is inevitable. As marketers, we need to be prepared for it, and we need to be able to harness it.
Did you hear the one about Chuck Norris being homophobic? Yeah, not so funny anymore is he? This action star (and I use the word 'star' loosely) has taken a stand against allowing gay leaders and scouts in the Boy Scouts of America.
Seth MacFarlane's Ted joins the ranks of Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and Observe and Report among razor-sharp cultural satires cleverly disguised as dumb comedies.
We dreamed of starting a family when we could, and getting married as soon as it became legal.
But marriage is still illegal in California, and because of that, Tom's parents -- who were opposed to him being gay and opposed to our relationship as a result -- had all the legal rights, and I had none.
Nora casually reminded me about that little cooking movie she had just made with Meryl Streep. Of course! Then she started telling me about this chicken recipe that she had made the night before. In honor of her memory, I thought I'd share "Nora's Famous Chicken" with all of you.
As a young Republican, it is important to me to point out that my generation is not inherently loyal to President Obama, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi. To be blunt, it's time for the Grand Old Party to get a little bit grander and a lot less old.
The Newsroom is a paint-by-numbers Sorkin effort, given a frisson of media interest and buzz only because the workplace this time is the media itself. Nothing gets us going like someone we don't like preaching to us about our shortcomings.
While most people have the occasional bad hair day, I have the occasional good hair day.