Today's Doonesbury
The Explainer
The Slate Book Review
The Future of Food
How changes in technology and farming will change the way we eat.
The Evolution of Everyday Objects
Mad Men
Slate Goes to the Movies
No More Strapless Wedding Gowns!
They're unflattering, unsophisticated, and annoyingly ubiquitous.
By Katherine Goldstein
The Crisis in American Walking
Death in Yellowstone
Permanent Record
The surprising stories I uncovered in a trove of report cards from the 1920s.
By Paul Lukas
Where’s _why?
What happened when one of the most unusual, beloved programmers disappeared.
By Annie Lowrey
The Conversion
How, when, and why Mitt Romney changed his mind on abortion.
By William Saletan
The Greatest Paper Map of the U.S.
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- Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Beasts of the Southern Wild
It’s nothing if not original. But that doesn’t mean it’s good.
Leave My Millionaire Alone
Conservatives are decrying efforts to get donors to disclose their campaign contributions as a thuggish threat to free speech. Really?
That’s Not Funny
A wonderfully melancholy new season of Louie. Plus: The sad spectacle of Charlie Sheen’s Anger Management.
Here’s Looking at You, Kitty
When cats gaze at pictures of other cats, do they know what they’re seeing?
Louie, Season 3
Why Louis C.K.’s unclassifiable show is the most indispensible series on TV.
Supreme Court Year in Review
Who lost Obamacare? Let’s evaluate the leading suspects.
Does Romney’s Business Experience Matter at All?
The Slate/SurveyMonkey Political Survey answers today’s campaign questions: Is Obama’s popularity slipping? Would Romney have done better over the last four years? Do Americans want a CEO in charge?
Really, Rielle?
The backfiring memoir of John Edwards’ mistress.
A Much Higher Education
UVA has its president back. But the fight to save our universities has only just begun.
Food’s Class Warfare
Do poor people eat badly because of limited options or personal preference?
Let’s Copy How Finland, South Korea, and Canada Teach Science
Lessons from teachers whose countries excel at science education.
Let’s Copy How Finland, South Korea, and Canada Teach Science
Lessons from teachers whose countries excel at science education.
The Culture Gabfest, “Vamp” Edition
Listen to Slate's show about the new Pixar movie Brave, Aaron Sorkin’s latest offering The Newsroom, and the legacy of film critic Andrew Sarris.
The New King of Hawaii
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is buying the island of Lanai. Locals wish Bill Gates had bought it instead.
The Atlantic Guide to Womanhood
Advice from our nation’s new leading women’s magazine.
Search and Destroy
One Stryker battalion lost more men in Afghanistan than any other. Who was the gung-ho colonel in charge?
Do Family Road Trips Have To Be Horrible?
Once upon a time, road trips were awesome. How to recapture that spirit when caravanning with kids.
Ugly Buttons
How did the remote control get so awful and confusing?
Bad Company
Is Mitt Romney’s career a betrayal of capitalism?
- Tuesday, June 26, 2012
May I Suggest a Few Revisions?
How Supreme Court justices—and their clerks—actually write their opinions.
Evasive Maneuvers
Mitt Romney doesn’t want to say anything, specifically.
How To Make a Viral Hit in Four Easy Steps
Want to know the secret to BuzzFeed’s monster online success? Click here!
Supreme Court Year in Review
Perhaps Justice Scalia is reading the wrong Constitution?
Don’t Hate This Man
Ralph Nader is still a hero.
Snack Laundry Lunch Clean Snack
A new study reveals what people really do when they work from home.
The Littlest Tasters
How do food manufacturers conduct sensory research on consumers too young to read, write, or make rational decisions?
Saving Obamacare
How to update the Constitution's approach to limiting federal power.
The Imperial President of Arizona
The Supreme Court’s immigration ruling dramatically expanded executive power.
Montana Quilters Have Their Own License Plate
The curious rise of specialty tags.
The Secrets of Super-Efficient Grocery Shopping
Hint: The deli counter is your enemy.
Here She Comes, Miss (Elected) America
More beauty queens than ever before are running for office. Is the pageant getting smarter or our political culture getting dumber?
- Monday, June 25, 2012
Cato at Peace
Ed Crane steps down to end the Koch brothers’ attempted coup at Cato, and libertarians cheer.
Hang Up and Listen: The Power and the Glory of the Knuckleball Edition
Slate’s sports podcast on R.A. Dickey, the 40th anniversary of Title IX, and the legacy of the Dream Team.
Supreme Court Year in Review
The court’s conservatives don’t care how much you hate Citizens United.
How Twitter found my stolen bicycle.
Toilet Paper
In a live chat, Prudie advises a man whose co-worker always takes the office newspaper to the bathroom.
The obscure Texas court case involving airline service agents that could spell the real end for America’s unions.
"With Great Delicacy & Tenderness"
Improving on the Constitution's protection of religious freedom.
Why You Should Love Grasshopper Tacos and Kelp Pasta
How overcoming the yuck factor can help save the world.
Why Johnny Can’t Add Without a Calculator
Technology is doing to math education what industrial agriculture did to food: making it efficient, monotonous, and low-quality.
- Sunday, June 24, 2012
- Saturday, June 23, 2012
- Friday, June 22, 2012