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Penguin USA
Publication date
December 1, 2002
Book category
Adult Fiction
0.50 by 5 by 7.75 in.
0.45 lbs.
Original list price
The author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Ironweed recreates the trials and tribulations of Albany life between world wars by following Roscoe, chief architect of Albany's notorious political machine, as his attempts to quit politics forever are thwarted by new political wars, a mysterious death, self-destructive party feuds, and shocking threats to his beloved and her family. Reprint. description: Product Description:
The first novel from William Kennedy in more than five years and universally acclaimed as his most powerful work since the Pulitzer Prize-winning Ironweed, Roscoe shows Kennedy at his very best. It's V-J Day, the war is over, and Roscoe Conway, after twenty-six years as the second in command of Albany's notorious political machine, decides to quit politics forever. But there's no way out, and only his Machiavellian imagination can help him cope with the erupting disasters. Every step leads back to the past-to the early loss of his true love, the takeover of city hall, the machine's fight with FDR and Al Smith to elect a governor, and the methodical assassination of gangster Jack "Legs" Diamond. "Thick with crime, passion, and backroom banter" (The New Yorker), Roscoe is an odyssey of great scope and linguistic verve, a deadly, comic masterpiece from one of America's most important writers.
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