Making politics fun for Progressives & Democrats

New Rules with Bill Maher, Republicans are childish dicks, June 22 2012

These conservative children did not just happen into their politics. They were put their by their parents, who more than likely home schooled them. Indeed Maher hits it right on the head with the recent viral video of the woman on the school bus being harassed by middle school kids which his the same thing Limbaugh and Hannity do all day every day to whatever liberal or minority they can demean and demonize. It is that high intellect that makes talk radio and Fox News the success they are.  You don’t  need much edumacation or book learning to grasp their message of ME, MY, MINE, I and SCREW THEM. Keep it simple for the simple minded.  It is where the money is easiest to get. Ask any priest, preacher, rabbi, mullah or alien abductee counselor.

Last week Australia was found to be the happiest land in the world. They also have the most atheists and the less religion. Theologists weigh in saying religions follows misery, the happier people are the less need for it, the more miserable they are the more need for it.  Look around, how true how true.

Bill maher new rules june 8 2012 scott walker

Bill Maher Romney Ad for Old White People

romney ad for white old people

  The Greatest generation my ass.  Being old is an excuse for homophobia, racism and shitting in your pants. Old white people don’t vote the issues that matter but instead vote their archaic bigotry. Plavix is the problem.Video & Full Article

Bill Maher Monologue, Republican Congress Contemptible June 22 2012

  Republicans in the House of Representatives have found Eric Holder in Contempt for being the Attorney General while Black. Also for fighting the Republican Defense of Marriage Act (which denies equal rights to gays) and for fighting against the SHOW US YOUR PAPERS PABLO laws in Arizona. They seem to have covered all theirVideo & Full Article

secondcity: Stephanie Cutter takes to drink. Outtakes, Obama vs Zillionaires.

Susie Cutter Outtakes: Honest Obama  campaign contributions run up against Citizens United

  We often see a charming and professional Stephanie Cutter bringing us up to date on President Obama’s campaign. This isn’t one of those nights. The outtakes show a Stephanie who has faced up to the facts that Citizens United superPAC (or rich anonymous guys) is setting loose a flood of expensive television advertising. OTOHVideo & Full Article

TeaParty Report: Immigration solutions from the City of Sin

Tea Party Report Susie Sampson goes to Tea Party convention in Vegas for word on immigration

  We were speculating about what had become of the silent Tea Party just last night. Susie Sampson has tracked them to the City of Sin, Las Vegas, where they’re having a meeting of the minds. Susie asked a few attendees what they thought of Obama’s immigration declaration. What a wacky mixed bag of answers,Video & Full Article

Songify the News: Congressman reveals spendthrift DOJ Muffin gouging

Muffin Man  reports to Congress about DOJ

  From the halls of Congress to the U.S. Military Academy, accidental singers solve the world’s problems one troublesome muffin at a time. Featuring NicePeter. This story begins on September 22, 2011. Rep Ted Poe of R-Texas alerted one and all that the DOJ is not interested in saving money. In fact, a portion ofVideo & Full Article

Lukovich: Fox News Fast and Furious!

fox news fast and furious

  Fox News and talk radio are running this one into the ground knowing full well that polls show Americans 2 to 1 are seeing this for the personal witch hunt it is. Get that black Attorney General! Those in middle American see this as the same over reach of federal power as they –Video & Full Article

Colbert: Penguin Perverts and Baby Stoners

colbert penguin perverts

  I once saw Michael Medvid go literally nuts reviewing the penguin movie HAPPY FEET. And he was rather calm compared to Limbaugh and Fox News. RADICAL LEFT WING PROPAGANDA!  TO OUR CHILDREN!!  OMG!  The movie fed CHILDREN the lie and the hoax of not only global warming, but the communist content of environmentalists!  TheVideo & Full Article

FOD: Left Wing Nut Crazy Talk!

left wing nut

  Well there you have it! The counter to Ted Nugent and Ann Coulter. The socialist banter of a hardcore Leftist. The Marxist nonsense of a Liberal. One of those card carrying NAACP communists that Florida Congressman Allen West likes to shout about. That devil fire in his discourse, the hate, the bile, the bigotry,Video & Full Article