Truthdig Columns
07/03 Europe Bails Itself Out, for Now
06/26 Euro Must Have Reform, Not Americanization
06/19 Rise of the Managerial Class
06/12 Drone Warfare Foretells an Ever-Expanding and Illegal War
06/05 Any International Syrian Solution Is Tangled Up in Russia
05/29 The Age of Drones
05/16 Greece’s Balkan Inheritance Is Heavy
05/08 Elections Could Shift EU Away From Austerity, but Should They?
05/01 Catholicism and the GOP: An Awkward Tango
04/25 Forget Le Pen, It’s Down to Two
04/17 China Scandals: Crisis in the Communist Party
04/10 American Decline: Debated, Contested, Obvious
04/03 Toulouse Killings Send Tremors Through French Presidential Election
03/28 Regardless of Obama’s Gaffe, Nuclear Missile Defense Remains a Useless Endeavor
03/20 U.S. and NATO Make Afghanistan Plans Beyond 2014
03/13 Wars and Potential Wars Abound
03/06 The French Aren’t Thrilled With Their Presidential Candidates Either
02/28 Drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan: Recognition of Futility or Retreat From the Coming Storm?
02/15 Greek Unrest the Result of Suppressed Democracy
02/07 Europe Decides Not to Play America’s Game
01/31 Focus on Iran and China Could Hasten American Decline
01/25 Is a Nuclear Iran Really to Be Feared?
01/17 Election Will Decide Which New Wars Will Be Waged
01/10 Karzai’s Bagram Demands Add Stress to U.S. Policy
01/03 Ron Paul’s Popularity a Sign of a War-Weary America
12/29 Fewer and Fewer Reasons for the West to Fixate on the Mideast
12/20 History Tells Us Not to Dismiss a Democratic Challenge to Obama
12/13 Germany Dominates Europe Once Again
12/06 Fiction, Fantasy and the Euro
11/30 The Fog in Our Future
11/22 Why Does Obama Suddenly Want a War With China?
11/16 Where Does Occupy Go From Here?
11/08 How Libya Plays Into NATO’s Identity Crisis
11/01 One Nation, Gone Awry
10/25 The Arab Spring Gets Messy, and Even Messier for the U.S.
10/18 Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party Movements More Alike Than Not
10/11 China Fears Are Misplaced
10/05 American Government’s Indifference to Popular Protest
09/27 Afghanistan Is Obama’s Gordian Knot
09/20 Strauss-Kahn and His Paris Reception
09/13 How to Save the United States and Israel From Themselves
09/06 Bin Laden’s Unintended Legacy
08/30 A Come-to-Jesus Moment for American Religion
08/23 Victory in Tripoli: They Did It
08/16 Assassination as Foreign Policy
08/09 The Man Who Doesn’t Want to Be President
08/02 The World Has Been Watching
07/26 Norway Attacks and Europe’s Failed Immigration Policies
07/20 Slapstick, Denial Highlight Murdochs’ Testimony
07/12 Robin Hood in Reverse
07/05 Democracy Building Is Back in Fashion
06/29 Greece and EU Attempt to Avoid Disastrous Default
06/14 Turkey in Position to Lead Region Out of Tumultuous Century
06/07 On His Way Out, Gates Talks About ‘Access’ to Asia
06/01 Budget Problems, America? Try Ending Your Many Wars
05/24 Libyan Intervention Exposes European Disunity
05/18 Strauss-Kahn Scandal an Embarrassment for France
05/03 A Fork in the Road: Where the U.S. Goes From Here
04/12 U.S. Republicans Blindly Attack Social Justice
04/05 U.S. Can’t Resist Meddling in the Middle East
03/29 Unexpected Revelations in Libya Intervention
03/22 The Libyan Question: Now What?
03/15 American Ignorance Keeps American Power in Check
03/08 Western Intervention in Libya Should Not Fly
03/01 Arab Revolutions Need Not Be Americanized
02/22 New Regimes Have Reason to Resent America
02/15 How the U.S. Should Respond to the New Arab World
02/09 Self-Obsessed Washington’s Confused Response to Egypt
02/01 American-Israeli Policy Tested by Arab Uprisings
01/18 The Lives of Dictators
01/11 China’s Growing Military Might and American Rashness
01/05 Economic Suicide
12/28 A Far From Happy New Year
12/21 Foreign Policy Review Suggests a Losing Effort
12/15 Colonialism Still at Heart of Africa’s Problems
12/08 Leaks Disclose Complicated U.S. Strategy
11/24 Cultural Rebirth in the Old World
11/16 NATO Summit Unlikely to Answer the Most Important Questions
11/10 Obama’s Royal Passage to Asia
11/03 Why the Rest of Europe Isn’t Happy With France and Germany
10/27 The Shifting Balance of Power
10/20 French Demonstrations Mark the End of an Era
10/13 Gorbachev’s ‘New Policy Forum’ Hints at the Future
10/05 Nuclear Armament Still Our Central Issue
09/28 Are Obama’s Hands Tied?
09/21 U.S. Could Be Alone as Europe Turns Inward
09/14 A New Season in Military Fashions
09/08 A French Leftist Ritual Takes On Sarkozy
09/01 Guess Who’s Coming to the Table?
08/17 There’s Nothing Surgical About Cluster Bombs
08/10 Germany’s Good Fortune Tips the Scales Against Its Neighbors
08/03 Shifting War Strategy Smacks of Desperation
07/27 Afghanistan: The Pentagon’s Lost War
07/20 Will China Rule the World?
07/13 Reality and Reform for How the EU Keeps Its Peace
06/29 When the ‘Right War’ Goes Wrong
06/22 Runaway Defense Spending Not Winning Any Wars
06/16 Historical Lessons Warn Against Modern U.S. Foreign Policy
06/08 Newest National Security Strategy Is an Elaboration of the Old
06/02 Who Runs America’s Response to the Oil Blowout?