Evangelical Christian Movement: Voting and Elections

During the earlier series on the Evangelical Christian Movement I skimmed over the discussion of the Movement’s political influence in the U.S. It’s a story that’s been covered at length by the mainstream media [New York Times, Huffington Post, CNN]. There is no doubt the Movement is having a powerful impact on our upcoming Presidential [...]

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The Invisible War

Last week I had the privilege of seeing The Invisible War (Kirby Dick, Amy Ziering). The Invisible War explores the epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the U.S. military, and by using personal stories and the government’s own figures and statistics from Department of Defense reports over the years, the film paints a very gruesome picture of what is means to serve in the military if you’re a woman. It’s powerful, and appalling, and outrageous. I thought I knew what I was getting into when I went to see a documentary about rape in the military, but I was not prepared for the full story The Invisible War presents.

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Apparently she's not a fan of esoteric questions...or antlers.

How do you define Equality?

If there could be said to be a single cohesive idea behind (Mainstream) Feminism [See ed note], I think it would be that feminism is the pursuit of gender equality. But Equality is a highly contentious concept. Are we seeking distributional equality? Equality of outcomes? Equality of welfare? Equality of opportunity? Do you value preferences? [...]

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New York State Senator Teaches Women “Feminine Presence” for Professional Development

Yes it is still 2012, but NY State Senator Marty Golden thinks that was professional women need most is a class on “Posture, Deportment and the Feminine Presence.” The pay gap still exists, working women face often insurmountable challenges in making sure that their work is done and their kids are cared for, childcare costs are astronomical, the U.S. is one of the only industrialized countries in the world without paid parental leave, and low-income women with children (even very young children) face losing necessary (and meager) benefits unless they work large numbers of hours in an economy with few open jobs.

And Senator Golden thinks the problem is that women don’t know how to offer a properly feminine handshake.

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Summertime!  And I’m Back!

Summertime! And I’m Back!

Hey All, Guess what? That’s right! I’m guest blogging for a couple of weeks! As most of you know, I’m a frequent commentor around these parts. I’m obsessed with my dog, gardening, and how big, esoteric philosophical questions impact actual human beings. For you that means I’m probably going to post pictures of Chi. In [...]

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It’s Guest-Blogger Season

It’s my favorite time of year: When Feministe hands over the keys to the blog to some of our favorite writers and thinkers. We selected a great bunch this summer, and I hope you’re as excited as we all are to read and chat with them. A reminder that guest bloggers have full reign to post whatever they want and to moderate comments as they see fit; we intentionally invited a diverse group who have widely differing views, so be open-minded and engaging. Don’t be dicks. Adhere to our comment policy. And remember that guest bloggers are guests in our house, and so we treat them respectfully. And we will kick out anyone who is rude to our guests.

Finger-wagging and warnings done with. Enjoy the guests! They will introduce themselves as they come through.

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A hymen primer for romance novelists

On the list of psychological dangers presented by poorly written romance novels (e.g., the fetishization of virginity, the romanticization of abusive stalker vampires), the portrayal of the actual devirginification process itself doesn’t necessarily hover right at the top. But as a writer and a pedant, good God do I get cheesed off by anatomical inaccuracy. And while I’m not aware of scores of young women having penetrative sex for the first time and saying, “Whoa, whoa, whoa–that is not how it was in Fifty Shades of Grey!” (although they may well be out there), I feel the record should be set straight.

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Laurie’s Work Featured in the Huffington Post: 30 LGBT Artists You Should Know

I was delighted to be invited to participate in the Huffington Post’s 30 LGBT Artists You Should Know. Now that the piece is up, I’m honored to be in the company they chose. The works include Frida Kahlo, David Hockney, Robert Rauschenberg, Hannah Höch, Rotimi Fani-Kayode and 25 other artists. It’s really worth watching the whole show.

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