Archive for July 11th, 2012

Make a wish

Posted on July 11, 2012 by Patrick Vecchio under Personal Narrative [ Comments: 7 ]

My wife and I were sipping summer drinks on our back porch the other night—whiskey sours, or pink lemonade and gin. I was watching the stars fight with the streetlight at the corner. I moved to a spot where a hemlock near our porch eclipses the light. The stars won. A golden dot swam steadily and silently across the sky, southeast to northwest. It was gone in a minute. A satellite.

“We used to sleep out and watch the stars,” I told Sherry. “Just unroll our sleeping bags on the ground and go to sleep.” Full story »


Posted on July 11, 2012 by Lisa Wright under Arts & Literature, Environment & Nature, Photography [ Comments: 3 ]