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Letters to the Editor

  1. Letters: Congress guilty of its own contempt

    I laughed when I heard that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder had been cited for contempt of Congress. Just more Republican politics in this election year. What an honor for Holder. Put me on the list with him. Most of us have nothing but disgust and contempt for this do-nothing Congress.

    • Jun. 25, 2012
  2. A view of the area where the new bridge to Canada and its service plaza are planned in Delray on the Detroit side. ROMAIN BLANQUART/DETROIT FREE PRESS

    Letters: Build it, and jobs will come

    The case for the New International Trade Crossing as the economic development project of our lifetimes is crystal clear and receives strong support from business, labor and local government leaders throughout southeast Michigan.

    • Jun. 24, 2012
  3. Letters: How the 13th check costs Wayne County pension funds

    There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about who makes decisions regarding the Wayne County retirement system. An independent eight-member pension board makes all investment portfolio decisions and opts to pay out the costly 13th check bonus to retirees each year. My one representative on this board has been part of a minority that has been outvoted on most decisions, including the 13th check....

    • Jun. 24, 2012
  4. Letters: Combat troops appreciate all the thank-yous

    In response to Jeff Seidel's May 28 column, " Thank you to those we can't thank enough; Military heroes deserve our gratitude and support": I am an active duty Marine stationed in Camp Lejeune, N.C. And perhaps it is that my family misses me so much, but I received a copy of the column in the mail, and I have to say that it touched my heart.

    • Jun. 23, 2012
  5. Letters: In failing districts, give new school models a try

    In response to your June 20 editorial ("Two giant leaps into uncharted charters"): How many chances do you give communities with failing schools to reform themselves?

    • Jun. 22, 2012
  6. Detroit's last historic streetcar departs by train for a new home in Mexico City in 1956. DETROIT FREE PRESS FILE PHOTO

    Letters: Listen up! Give service workers some respect

    Mitch Albom has outdone himself with his Sunday column ("Certainly, sir. ... What did you say again?"). Mr. Moneybags' panties are in a snit because some "clearly annoyed" counter worker asked him -- gasp -- to repeat himself.

    • Jun. 21, 2012
  7. Letters: This choice should be for women only

    To answer the question raised in the Sunday letter to the editor “The question of life”: Yes, I support the right to kill a person who hasn't yet been born. The powers that be in the Republican-controlled Legislature can create all the laws they want to prevent abortion, but women who want an abortion will always find a way to get one....

    • Jun. 20, 2012
  8. Letters: A return to bad times

    Lately, I've been trying to decide just what century the regressive Republicans are trying to take us back to ("An attack on women -- and democracy," June 16). The new anti-abortion laws, enacted in Michigan and other states, would send women back prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade. Back to those bad old days when desperate women sought help from back alley abortionists.

    • Jun. 19, 2012
  9. Letters: More on the 'V' word

    Brian Dickerson and I, and many others of all political persuasions, agree that our legislative leaders couldn't have handled the recent situation with Reps. Lisa Brown and Barb Byrum with less competence (“GOP's V-word police upstage bridge coup,” June 17). With so many important things to solve, it's truly unfortunate that they (Rep....

    • Jun. 18, 2012
  10. Letters: The power of money vs. the right to vote

    How come so many of the states are making it tougher to vote? Everything I have read on the subject tells me there are actually very, very few illegal votes. While we are busy waving the American flag and saying we will fight forever to make sure no illegal vote is cast, the people with all the money are controlling the elections. We have no idea where this money is coming from or, most important, what country it is coming from....

    • Jun. 17, 2012
  11. A group of protesters demonstrate at the state Capitol last week to oppose legislation that would tighten rules for abortion providers. GREG DERUITER/SPECIAL TO THE FREE PRESS

    Who's really waging the war against women?

    I am tired of the so-called GOP's war on women. Planned Parenthood is waging war on women by aborting innocent girls and boys, and President Barack Obama is in bed with Planned Parenthood. Sex-selection abortions have been documented by

    • Jun. 17, 2012
  12. Letters: Who's really waging the war against women?

    I am tired of the so-called GOP's war on women. Planned Parenthood is waging war on women by aborting innocent girls and boys, and President Barack Obama is in bed with Planned Parenthood. Sex-selection abortions have been documented by

    • Jun. 15, 2012

Freep Opinion