LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
July 13, 2012
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White House/Pete Souza

What Would MLK Say About Obama’s Drones?

This week on Truthdig Radio: Civil rights leader Julian Bond; Tom Cruise, Ron Kovic and Oliver Stone; good news about jobs, and the edge of sports.
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AP/Jae C. Hong

Job by Job

The effort to reduce unemployment is a grueling plant-by-plant, job-by-job process conducted by people operating far from the simplistic rhetoric of the political campaign.
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Tricks of the Trade

"Dial M for Murdoch" offers a clear picture of the sordid relationship that existed between the Murdoch press, the police and senior politicians.



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The Painful Price of Numbness

Drugs are all anesthesia from pain. The ruthless Mexican cartels crave money, which they make from the Yankee craving for numbness. They sell unfeeling, and we buy it, at tens of billions of dollars and thousands of Mexican lives per year.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  138 READS
We Don’t Want Your Stinking ‘Likes’

Companies in pursuit of “likes” on Facebook are discouraged to hear that many of those clicks are coming from fake profiles set up to spread spam.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  71 READS
China’s Economic Growth Slows

Growth for the world’s largest exporter hit its slowest pace in three years as demand for Chinese products waned in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere, prompting the country’s leaders to encourage investment with stimulus measures.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  21 READS
OWS Raid: ‘Red Scare History Burst Through My Door’

In the early hours of July 10, armed SWAT officers burst through the doors of an apartment belonging to organizers of Occupy Seattle as part of an ongoing investigation into the May Day riots. Phillip Neel, one of the residents of that apartment, talks about the ordeal.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  381 READS
What Would MLK Say About Obama’s Drones?

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Civil rights leader Julian Bond says, “Things are better than they used to be; they’re worse than they should be.” Also: Tom Cruise, Ron Kovic and Oliver Stone; good news about jobs, and the edge of sports.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  1240 READS

The central problem in Greece is the government’s failure to collect what taxpayers (especially wealthy taxpayers like Mitt Romney) actually owe under the law.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  780 READS

Penn State’s Board of Trustees commissioned former FBI Director Louis Freeh to investigate how child molester Jerry Sandusky—for years one of Joe Paterno’s most trusted and loyal assistants—could have committed his awful crimes under the noses of university officials. The answer is simple and shocking: Those officials simply looked the other way.

Posted on Jul 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  531 READS
Online Streaming of ‘Daily Show,’ ‘Colbert Report’ Discontinued

Say it ain’t so! Comedy Central’s popular faux-news programs “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report” have stopped streaming full episodes online because of an ongoing battle between Viacom and DirecTV.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  2681 READS
Romney’s Bain Discrepancy, Limbaugh’s Thwarted Theory, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital controversy and Maine’s governor making another Nazi comparison.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  1711 READS
Truthdig on Link TV

Catch Robert Scheer, Chris Hedges and Dennis Kucinich’s speeches from the 2012 Truthdig Retreat in Santa Fe on Link TV all month. Check your local listings for airtimes, and check back with Truthdig for the complete footage.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  410 READS
WikiLeaks Claims a TKO Over Visa in Iceland

An Icelandic court gave WikiLeaks a legal boost by ruling that a company formerly run by Visa broke contract laws by blocking credit card donations to the whistle-blowing site. Visa responded by saying the ruling might not apply to its operations.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  659 READS
Medical Mystery Takes a Toll on Cambodian Children

Medical professionals are puzzling over why a hand, foot and mouth disease has killed so many children in a relatively small outbreak in Cambodia.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  307 READS
How Everyone Else Made Trump’s Fortune

“You’ve gotta have money to make money,” the old saying goes. A father with a burgeoning, government-supported real estate empire and a CEO seat reserved for his son isn’t a bad start.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  902 READS
British Government Looked for UFOs, Documents Show

Newly released top-secret files reveal that Britain’s Ministry of Defense took seriously the possibility of alien contact and assigned “UFO desk officers” the task of monitoring potential threats from outer space.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  524 READS
Paterno and Others Hid Facts, Inquiry Says

An investigation into the Penn State sexual abuse scandal determined that head football coach Joe Paterno and other senior officials knew for as long as 15 years that assistant coach Jerry Sandusky may have had sexual relationships with young boys.

Posted on Jul 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  360 READS
Misdiagnosing Romney’s Campaign

Could it be that Mitt Romney is correct from a strategic point of view to tell us little about what he’d do as president?

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1938 READS
The Pain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain (Folk)

As Spain’s prime minister announced deep austerity cuts Wednesday in order to secure funds from the European Union to bail out Spain’s failing banks, the people of Spain have taken to the streets once again for what they call “Real Democracy Now.”

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1818 READS
‘Democracy Now!’: Are Israeli Settlements Legal?

“Democracy Now!” hosts a debate inspired by the determination of a panel appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel’s settlements in the occupied territories are legal.

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  532 READS
Europe Still Trying to Squeeze Into America’s Jeans

Nearly every step in the federalist direction has produced unnecessary complication and strain in the EU. Portugal is not Iowa. Italy cannot become California.

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  790 READS
NPR: Crony Capitalism and America’s ‘Berlusconi Spiral’

Is the United States on a course toward crony capitalism? Italian-American economist Luigi Zingales and NPR examine similarities between the politics and economics of Italy under Silvio Berlusconi and of the U.S.

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1152 READS
Romney Booed at NAACP Speech, Lower Taxes and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including the Republicans’ 33rd(!) attempt to repeal Obamacare and gay marriage getting put to a vote in Maryland.

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  673 READS
More Cuts and Pain Coming to Spain

In exchange for a eurozone bailout of $123 billion, Spain’s conservative government Wednesday slashed $80 billion from its budget over the next two and a half years through a combination of sales tax hikes and spending cuts. That’s in addition to $92 billion dropped by the country’s previous administration.

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  202 READS
Medals for Drone Pilots?

The Pentagon is considering awarding distinctions to personnel in air-conditioned rooms who use remote control airplanes to kill people 7,500 miles away.

Posted on Jul 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  648 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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