Welcome to Jackson Street Books
We've opened a storefront in downtown Hoquiam, doing business as Books On 7th Street.
We now have our stock available for online browsing. Look around, and do ask if there is anything else you are looking for. We have many books not-yet-listed. Our store hours are Wednesday to Saturday 11am to 6pm.
Stop by on your way to the beach!
You can follow our adventures in bookselling at the Blogspot. Our latest venture is our storefront on Second Life. If you don't have a Second Life, download the free software and send an IM to BookemJackson Streeter or Dano Bookmite and we'll help you get started. You can join us for author events and (soon!) our reading group.
On Saturday mornings, we post a Book Report at Jesus' General's place.
We also special order books and perform out-of-print searches.
Live music at the bookstore!