Bill O’Reilly Threatens To Retire If His Taxes Go Up – Again!
Bill O’Reilly is very disturbed about President Obama’s plan to raise his taxes. Tonight, he told former Obama advisor Austan Goolsbee that he's "looking at" a tax rate of 60% and if that happens, he’ll retire. You may recall O’Reilly made the same threat last September. He also repeated his threat to quit investing “at the level I am now” if his capital gains taxes rise to 40% and to move his money to the Cayman Islands and/or Switzerland.
Read moreRomney Picks Up Fox’s Dishonest Attacks On Obama’s Small Business Remarks
Yesterday, Fox News played a deceptively-edited clip of President Obama talking about how government has helped small business owners and turned it into a talking point that Obama was dissing entrepreneurs. Now, Mitt Romney has picked up on those attacks and has even made a YouTube video based on them.
Read moreCavuto Guest Explains How To Spin Cutting Food Stamps
On Your World last week (7/12/12), Crystal Wright, of, discussed the Republican plan to cut $16.5 billion in food stamps. It was presented as a given that the cuts were a good thing. The only real “issue” was how to spin it so as not to look uncaring.
Read moreJohn Stossel Suggests Unpaid Internships Better Than College
Last week, I posted about John Stossel urging younger Americans to aim lower in their job searches and, while he was at it, argued for abolishing the minimum wage. A day later, Stossel suggested students do away with pay altogether as he talked up the benefits of unpaid internships which, he told us, teach young people more than colleges do – and are free!
Read moreBernard Goldberg Wishes Romney Had Lectured The NAACP About Out-Of-Wedlock Births
Bernard Goldberg, of all people, was Bill O’Reilly’s guest last night to discuss the "collapse" of the African American family. That’s right, O’Reilly chose not a sociologist but Fox’s white news and media analyst to discuss this sensitive subject. And not for the first time, either. So it’s a safe bet that O’Reilly knew that Goldberg would take a hard-line approach. But even he couldn’t swallow the “honesty” that Goldberg wished Romney had used when he spoke to the NAACP last week – “honesty” that amounted to lecturing them that he can't help them get jobs until they reduce the number of unwed pregnancies.
Read moreFox & Friends Helps Romney Go On Offense Against President Obama
Mitt Romney may be floundering but he and his pals at Fox News know that Republican Rehab is what friends are for – Fox & Friends, that is. So when Romney visited with the curvy couch crew this morning, there were no pesky questions about Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital and what role he did or did not play in outsourcing jobs. No, siree. Instead, they helped him go on offense against President Obama – and offered a few not-so-subtle hints about how he might regain his footing.
Read moreFox Cribbed Its Crackpot Relationship Tips
A few days ago, we posted about 10 crackpot tips Fox News' Amber Milt posted on FNC's magazine site, M, that were supposed to spice up your lovelife. Crackpot tips like - I kid you not - making your man think you've videotaped him going to the bathroom and then telling him it was just a joke. It turns out that Mitt cribbed at least some of those pranks.
Read moreFlorida Gov. Rick Scott: The Solution For The Uninsured Is To Keep Them Out Of The Emergency Room
Fox News Sunday discussed entitlement reform and “the swing states that could decide the general election” today with two Republican governors, Terry Branstad of Iowa and Rick Scott of Florida. No Democrats took part. When asked about how to deal with people who don't have health insurance, Scott replied that "The way to fix that" is to put patients in privately-owned managed care organizations (one of which he just may have a financial interest in) "which will help make sure they get to a primary care doctor or get to a specialist... so they don’t end up in an emergency room."
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The Five" Fires Volley In Fox News Holy War Against Rep. Andre Carson
Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich, would be so proud of Fox News in that they bring new meaning to his quote, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." As I have reported, Fox News knows the value of taking a propaganda meme and repeating it throughout their programming - and voila, what starts as a right wing meme becomes right wing truthiness. As News Hounds Ellen pointed out, Fox's smear of Democratic US Rep. Andre Carson, for his comment about how the US should look to religious schools, such as madrassas, for ideas on innovation, occurred on both Hannity (twice) and The Factor. Not surprisingly, the good Christians on The Five, joined in the crusade - or is it jihad against Carson. Either way, it's the gospel of hate that's preached in the Fox church of the poisoned mind.
Read moreFox Nation Finds It "Funny" That A D.C. Cop Threatened To Shoot Michelle Obama
Fox Nation has a report about a Washington, D.C. motocycle police officer who allegedly wished to shoot Michelle Obama. Sadly, but not surprisingly, many of the readers wished he had - and some added their racist sentiments while they were at it. Overall, they voted the article "funny." (H/T Ira R.)
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