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Thom Hartmann and Greg Palast Ask You to Support Truthout and BuzzFlash Why You Should Be Frightened by Romney's Core Entitlement Values The GOP Is So Used to Throwing Punches, It Doesn't Know How to Take One Suppressing Democracy by Stealing the Right to Vote Is the Ultimate Election Fraud McCain on Romney: ‘Palin Was the Better Candidate’...No, Seriously, He Said ThatHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- WI GOP's Photo ID Law Struck Down Yet Again as Unconstitutional, Unduly Burdensome
- Bain Capital started quietly with *foreign* capital, wealthy offshore investors
- Nancy Pelosi plans to retake House, 1 seat at a time
- William Rivers Pitt: Mitt's Kampaign Klown Kar
- Bill McKibben on the Long Hot Summer
- Why You Should Be Frightened by Romney's Core Entitlement Values -- Steve Jonas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Krugman: California represents the worst of current U.S. economic crisis
- Pennsylvania Citizens Ask: "Why Are We Building More Prisons While the State Cuts Back on Education?"
- Shell Seeks to Weaken Air Rules for Arctic Drilling
- The HSBC scandal shows the time for politicians to act on bank reform is now
- Fake Michigan driver’s license found on suspect Bulgaria bus bombing that killed Israeli tourists
- Romney’s London fundraisers will take him to heart of scandal-plagued banking industry
- Glenn Greenwald to Move From Salon to the Guardian
- British Company Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Into Florida Keys
- "Interest rate swap deals have allowed the big banks to hold local governments and agencies hostage for tens of millions of dollars."
- Beyond Foxconn: More Dirt on the Factories Making Your iPhone
- Syria: Rebels keep pressure on Assad, fight near government buildings
- Poorest Americans Turning To Payday Loans To Afford Food, Electricity
- The GOP Is So Used to Throwing Punches, It Doesn't Know How to Take One -- William Rivers Pitt for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Will Electric Cars Take Off in Israel?
- GOP Slashes Planned Parenthood Funding
- Romney Admits Cayman Island Accounts Set up to Avoid Paying Taxes in US
- Suppressing Democracy by Stealing the Right to Vote Is the Ultimate Election Fraud - Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Still more holes in Mitt Romney’s tax returns?
- Bank Contractors Break Into Occupied Homes, Terrify Residents, Lawsuits Say
- Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns
- Remembering William Raspberry
- Right Wing Wackos Attack Hillary Clinton's Chief Personal Assistant as Part of "Muslim Brotherhood." A New Low for a Group of People Already in the Gutter as Michele Bachmann Leads the Charge
- "Some Republicans still not sold on Mitt Romney’s campaign"
- Obama Says Romney Is Hiding Something in Tax Returns
- WikiLeaks Is Almost Broke
- Sen. Sherrod Brown's Wife Makes Conservative Blogger Look Silly
- Terror attacks against Israelis in Bulgaria
- The Unhappy Truth About Positive Psychology
- How Big Business Has Triumphed in State Legislatures on Civil Liberties, Higher Education and Energy
- Eighteen Prominent Republicans Who Want Romney to Release More Tax Returns Right Now
- Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs Eleven Years Ago And The Results Are Staggering
- Romney vs. Obama on Regulation and Big Money
- The Geopolitics of Compassion
- Obama Wants Review of Prisoner’s Commutation Request
- Murder Mystery of Assad’s Brother-in-Law
- House passes bill demanding sequester details from Obama
- Dana Milbank: Dick Cheney offers the GOP familiar advice on spending
- Senate GOP: Not Agreeing To Our Tax Demands Is Like Playing Russian Roulette With The U.S. Economy
- Romney’s New Plan To Go After Obama’s Biography Is A Gamble
- U.S. leads the world in cutting CO2 emissions — so why aren’t we talking about it?
- Did Sean Hannity Offer to Pay for George Zimmerman's Defense?
- Report: In 1994, Romney Was Running for the Senate Against Ted Kennedy and Used Same Excuse of "Being on Leave" When Bain Demolished the Workers of a Company Called AmPad
- Pressure Continues to Mount for Romney to Release His Tax Returns. Mitt is in a Rare Position for a Republican Presidential Candidate. He's Stuck Playing Defense for Weeks on End.
- Capital One to refund $150 million to credit card customers
- Chris Hayes: How the Powerful Rig the System, From Penn State to Wall Street
- Katrina vanden Heuvel | Unleashing the power of real girls
- Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs Eleven Years Ago And The Results Are Staggering
- The Retroactive Romney Machine
- Romney’s New Tax Incentive for Outsourcing U.S. Jobs
- Guardian Newspaper Reports £44m Losses, Redundancies Expected
- Walmart Heirs Have As Much Wealth As Bottom 40 Percent Of Americans Combined
- Gloomy Forecast for States, Even if Economy Rebounds
- A "Victory" in My FOIA Lawsuit Against the FBI
- Louis C.K. on Daniel Tosh’s Rape Joke: Are Comedy and Feminism Enemies?
- Bernanke Outlines Range of Options for Additional Easing
- Study finds costs associated with voter IDs
- USDA Prepares To Greenlight Gnarliest GMO Soy Yet
- House GOP unveils death by 1,000 cuts
- Marissa Mayer Stares Down ‘Glass Cliff’ at Yahoo
- Obama Finds His Groove on Working Class Identification, While Romney Stumbles Like a Drunken Member of the Royal Family
- Moroccan women build land rights movement
- Cybersecurity bill shows signs of life in Senate
- Unions’ Past May Hold Key to Their Future
- GOP, liberals doubt Dem leaders' tough rhetoric on taxes
- Protecting Groundwater: A Guide To Fracking Risks And Best Practices
- Minnesota Town Bans Signs in Yards Unless They're Pro-War
- Intense fighting rocks Syrian capital, fueling perceptions of a turning point
- Supreme Court Immigration Ruling in Arizona v. U.S. Got It Backward
- Coalition urges tax hikes, entitlement cuts to tame national debt
- In Victory for Women, Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Birth Control Mandate
- The "We Don’t Care, Less Care For You, Couldn’t Care Less" Party -- Will Durst for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- McCain on Romney: ‘Palin Was the Better Candidate’...No, Seriously, He Said That -- William Rivers Pitt for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Mr. Romney: If You're Listed as the Owner of a Car, You Are Responsible for It? So What's the Difference with Bain? -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- In the name of fighting health reform, a growing number of states are ignoring their obligations to the neediest citizens.
- Military contractors to testify on potential defense cuts
- Since When is Focusing On Romney's Business Record "Swift Boating"? -- Dee Evans for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Jon Stewart mocks Romney: ‘Retroactive retirement’ worst use of a time machine ever
- David Brooks, Joe Klein, and the Courtier Press
- Tipping Point? National Review, Rick Perry Call On Romney To Release Tax Returns
- 15 Prominent Republicans Who Want Romney To Release More Tax Returns Right Now
- Blair-Bush Iraq War Transcript May Be Suppressed
- The Average Canadian is Now Richer Than the Average American
- US Corn Crop Shrinking By The Hour
- Senate Republicans filibustered a bill that would have shed some light on dark money.
- Obama Campaign Sues Ohio For Shortening Early Voting Period
- VIDEO: The Bain Ad That Romney Should Fear the Most
- Human Corpses Are Prize In Global Drive For Profits
- Revealed: Key Files on Big-Ticket Political Donations Vanish at Federal Election Commission
- Cultivating Influence: The 2008 Farm Bill Lobbying Frenzy
- John McCain: I Didn’t Pick Romney Because ‘Sarah Palin Was The Better Candidate.’ LOL at Your Leisure. No, Really, This Happened. Cue Obama Ad in 3...2...1...
- Obama Spokeswoman: Romney Campaign ‘Off The Deep End’
- Top Romney Spokesperson Urged Kerry’s Presidential Campaign To Release More Tax Returns In 2004
- Kinder Morgan: Vancouver Not Ready For a Major Oil Spill, Experts Warn
- There Are Spies Among Us, and There Shouldn't Be
- Former DC Schools Chancellor Rhee Still Scamming and Posing as Education ‘Reformer’
- Norquist Jumps the Shark: The anti-tax king goes postal on a conservative Republican senator
- After G4S, Who Still Thinks Outsourcing Works?
- America’s Drones Are Homeward Bound
- US Drought Grows to Cover Widest Area Since 1956
- Marissa Mayer Becomes First Ever Pregnant CEO Of Fortune 500 Company
- After National Gathering, Is There Room for Insurrectionary Anarchism in Occupy?
- Fiscal Crisis in States Will Last Beyond Slump, Report Warns
- Senate Republicans Fight to Protect Secret Donors
- William Raspberry Dies: Washington Post columnist wrote about social issues including race, poverty
- NYPD's 'Stop-and-Frisk' Mess Gets Messier
- The Prodigal Frum: "He spent his life inside the GOP establishment. Now, he’s on the warpath against the right. What’s gotten into David Frum?"
- Koch Bros. Get Into Local News Business
- Romney Mega-Donor Adelson Attracts No Attention for Shady Dealings Abroad--(But Gets Propositioned By Sarah Silverman)
- GOP Stonewalls Climate Hearing Amid Extreme Weather
- FDA Approves First Drug To Prevent HIV Infection
- VIDEO: Jon Stewart Destroys Romney’s Weak Bain Capital/Tax Return Defense
- Romney and His Time Machine
- Must We Go Here Again? Birthers, Neo-Birthers, and Right-Wing Sleaze
- Romney Camp Decries ‘Crony Capitalism,’ Can’t Name Single Ethics Reform To Stop It
- Unleashing the Power of Real Girls
- Charlie Sheen to Donate at Least $1 Million to Help Wounded Soldiers
- Mitt Romney Ad Taken Down Over Copyright Claim
- 36 Percent Of Fukushima Children Have Abnormal Growths From Radiation Exposure
- Top Romney Surrogate: Investing In Green Energy Is Turning America Into The Soviet Union
- VIDEO: Thom Hartmann: Civil War - The Makers vs The Takers?
- 'Fox & Friends' Deceptively Edits Obama's Comments On Small Business
- Persian Gulf Shooting: Boat Not Warned Before Being Fired Upon, Official Says
- British Bank Chief Says Geithner Didn’t Warn of Rate Fraud
- Meteorologist: Heat Wave Shows Global Warming is Real
- As DISCLOSE Act Stalls, Super PAC Reserves $6 Million in Ad Time for House Races
- The Power of Anonymity: "Republicans have been the main beneficiaries of corporate and independent spending sprees. The party’s lock-step opposition to letting voters see who writes the big checks is an embarrassment to Congress."
- McCain Campaign's Full 2008 File on Mitt Romney
- Survey Finds Large Majorities In GOP Districts Support Reducing Military Spending
- PA Cyberschool that Once Educated Santorum's Kids Now Tied to FBI Probe
- Are Millennials the Screwed Generation?
- Raising Taxes on Rich Seen as Good for Economy, Fairness (.pdf report)
- The Rise (and Fall?) of Adidas
- Walmart: 50 Years of Gutting America’s Middle Class
- Five Reasons the Super-Rich Need Government More Than the Rest of Us Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Ripping off the Public of Billions of Dollars Should Land You In Jail, Not the Forbes Wealthiest Persons List - Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- REPORT: Biggest Donor To Romney And GOP Did Business With Chinese Mob
- Mitt Romney’s unsolvable Bain problem
- Listen to Greg Palast: Donate to BuzzFlash and Truthout. "I rely on Buzzflash and Truthout to carry my investigative reports from BBC over the electronic Berlin Wall into America. Buzz and Truth are not "alternative" news sites - they are The news sites - because there is no alternative." Greg Palast. Donate Now.
- Chris Hedges: We Live in the Biggest Company Town on Earth
- The Toothless Accountability Systems Behind the Penn State Scandal
- Howard Zinn | To Disagree Is to Be Put on the Enemies List
- As the West Burns: Speaking Truth to Fire
- Wendell Potter: Why GOP Governors Will Embrace ObamaCare's Medicaid Expansion - After the Election
- Democrats Mock GOP For Protecting Own Health Care In Repeal Vote
- E.J. Dionne Jr.: A Challenge to Conservatives
- Matt Taibbi: Romney's 'Free Stuff' Speech Is a New Low
- Nikki Haley Slashes Support for Violence Victims Just When They Need It Most
- Battle Over Planned Parenthood Funding In Indiana May Be First Test Of Coercion Theory From ACA Decision
- Former Romney Partner At Bain Makes Case For Outsourcing
- Seven Tea Party Freshmen Spent More Than $100,000 In Taxpayer Money On Personal Cars
- Surveys Give Big Investors an Early View From Analysts
- Senate Democrats are readying a one-year, $272 billion bill extending income tax cuts for all but the highest earning Americans that would also boost their capital gains and dividends taxes next year to 23.8 percent.
- Islamophobia - for Muslims, read Jews. And be shocked
- Romney Supports Voter ID Laws That Could Disenfranchise 25% Of African-Americans
- Obama Seeks to Criminalize Linking to Online Piracy Websites
- Seeds of federal health care law were planted in Illinois Senate
- Is the Heat Wave of 2012 What Climate Change Looks Like?
- Syria, The Movie: Monsters and Defectors
- Ohio Medicaid expansion uncertainty raises questions for MetroHealth, Cleveland Clinic, others
- Battle Over Planned Parenthood Funding In Indiana May Be First Test Of Coercion Theory From ACA Decision
- Modernize the Country of Origin Label
- Raging youth unemployment fuels fears of social collapse in Spain
- Republicans Attack Obama For Giving States Flexibility On Welfare Reform
- FDA Engaged in Widespread Spying on Whistleblowers
- The nation’s governors are unnerved by the course that’s being set in Washington, and many dread that neither party will be able to fix what’s broken after November.
- Heated Emails Point To Growing Divide In Texas Education Board Elections
- College Costs Shift to Students
- Are Drones Moral Killing Machines?
- New York Activists Blockade Foreclosure Auctions to Stop Banks Selling Homes
- How A Koch-Affiliated Group Is Infiltrating State News Coverage in Mainstream Papers
- Web Divorce: NBC Splits from MSNBC
- In Pennsylvania, the Rosa Parks of voter ID faces down GOP voter suppression
- Naomi Wolf: The Criminal Connection at the Top of the Financial Pyramid
- Bill Keller: Democrats Should Defend the Health Care Law
- Did Ginni Thomas Leak the Goods on the Healthcare Reform Decision Because She and Clarence Were so Angry?
- Guatemalan Femicide: The Legacy of Repression and Injustice
- The 1% Connection: Mexico and the United States, Crony Capitalism and the Exploitation of Labor Through NAFTA | Mark Karlin
- Scandal-Plagued Congressman Jerry Lewis To Give Lecture On “Ethical Lobbying” — To Audience Of Lobbyists
- "North Korea Removes Its Army Chief From All His Posts"
- Waiting for Criminal Indictments in Trillion Dollar Interest Illegal Scam -- And Waiting for Millionaires and Billionaires Who Break the Law to Be Held Accountable. Instead, They Are Treated Like Upstanding Members of the Global Elite Whose Companies Get a Traffic Fine.
- Editorial head at Journatic says he's leaving company after outsourcing scandal shows rotten face of corporate media
- Romney’s Palin Problem: Where’s Her Convention Invite?
- Alabama’s GOP Governor Calls On Romney To Release More Tax Returns: ‘Release Everything To The American People’
- Monsanto trying a sneak attack through the new House Farm Bill
- Republican Congressman: States Can Ban Birth Control, but Not Foie Gras
- How Changes at a Newspaper Are Unifying a City New Orleanians rally to keep the Times-Picayune publishing seven days a week and to support staffers who are losing their jobs.
- Up in the Air Hillary Clinton, a lone explorer, and the search for Amelia Earhart.
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Limerick Ode To Wimpy Mitt Romney
- Romney "Tax Issues" Now Follow Him To The Olympics