The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) was established in 1992 with the purpose of giving public opinion a greater voice in international relations. PIPA conducts in-depth studies of public opinion that include polls, focus groups and interviews. It integrates its findings together with those of other organizations. It actively seeks the participation of members of the policy community in developing its polls so as to make them immediately relevant to the needs of policymakers. PIPA is a joint program of the Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA) and the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM). is an international collaborative project whose aim is to give voice to public opinion around the world on international issues. As the world becomes increasingly integrated, problems have become increasingly global, pointing to a greater need for understanding between nations and for elucidating global norms. With the growth of democracy in the world, public opinion has come to play a greater role in the foreign policy process. seeks to reveal the values and views of publics in specific nations around the world as well as global patterns of world public opinion. was initiated by and is managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes. PIPA's current studies and electronic archives can be found by visiting WPO.
The Program on International Policy Attitudes is a joint program of the Center on Policy Attitudes and the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM).
The Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA) is a group of social science researchers that was established in 1992. Its purpose is to give the public a greater voice in the public policy process by seeking to discern public opinion on public policy and to communicate its findings to the policy community, academia and the press. It does this by:
The Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) was established in 1987, and is based at the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland. It is located just outside Washington, DC, in College Park, Maryland -- a site that reflects CISSM's roots in the academic community and close ties to the world of policy. By involving faculty, students, and visiting scholars from a wide range of disciplines the Center enlivens and broadens campus discussion. Through its research, conferences, and publications, CISSM reaches beyond the University to the policy community to improve communications between scholars and practitioners.
Chairman, I.M. Destler, University of Maryland Gloria Duffy, Commonwealth Club Alton Fry, Council on Foreign Relations William Frenzel, Brookings Institution Alan Kay, Americans Talk Issues Foundation Catherine Kelleher, University of Maryland Anthony Lake, Georgetown University Benjamin Page, Northwestern University Robert Shapiro, Columbia University Frederick Steeper, Market Strategies Daniel Yankelovich, Public Agenda Foundation