Judge Garzon and Julian Assange Join Forces to Expose the Truth
On a certain level, I wonder whether Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who is now defending WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, agreed to take the assignment for personal reasons.
In recent years, Garzón has come to international attention for pursuing a number of high profile international cases. In 1998 for example, the judge sought to apprehend brutal Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, Washington's ally during the Cold War. Not stopping there, the pugnacious judge issued an order for British authorities to detain Henry Kissinger no less.
But what really seems to have raised the ire of the U.S. was Garzón's attempt to indict six former Bush officials for crimes against humanity, including Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo (Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel, Douglas Feith (Undersecretary of Defense for Policy), William Hayne (Donald Rumsfeld's Chief Counsel), Jay Bybee (Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel), and David Addington (Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff).
The Bush 6 constituted a legal team which authorized torture at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba and elsewhere. One might think, on the surface at least, that the incoming Obama administration would want to bring these figures to justice. However, WikiLeaks cables reveal to the contrary that Obama officials pressured to have Garzón removed from the Bush 6 case, which was ultimately dismissed.
If that was not bad enough, cables also reveal that the U.S. pressured the Spanish government to have Garzón drop his investigation into the death of a Spanish journalist who was killed by American shelling in Baghdad. Moreover, Garzón was obliged to abandon efforts to get to the bottom of allegations made by Spanish Guantánamo detainees that they had been tortured. The intrepid Garzón had also sought to investigate the use of Spanish bases for CIA "rendition" flights, which resulted in suspects being transported to third countries which practiced torture. Once again, according to WikiLeaks cables, Garzón was obliged to cease and desist from his important legal work.
Perhaps, as a result of these WikiLeaks disclosures, Garzón feels a certain degree of personal solidarity with Julian Assange. Having irked the powers that be in Washington once before, the Spanish judge is now entering the public spotlight once again.
Nikolas Kozloff is the author of Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left. Follow him on Twitter: @NikolasKozloff
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The Continuing Scandal...The Bush Legacy& Tyranny
The connection to Garzon and Assange is not too difficult. Karl Rove has had a
long standing dialog and friendship with Carl Bildt (PM '91 & '94 in Sweden), maybe
16 years or more. This relationship has some real perks...namely, no questions
asked in perpetuating Rendition, Torture and CIA accompaniment. Oh yes, and
Human Trafficking.
Failed to mention that? The GOP Connection to coercing Spain to persecute
Garzon is now legendary (revealed in WikiLeaks!!!). The GOP Connection with
Rove and Crossroads is conclusive. And you just nod your heads and say,
'what a pitty.' No, the Criminality by The Administration (largely through burrowed
in Bushies) and the GOP to perpetuate this Farce is up. Paying for the Govern-
ment to defend it's own criminal actions is an offense to the Taxpayer on a
level of outright robbery and theft. Worse is the belief that "if the President does
it then it is Legal." Hardly. People using that excuse need to go to prison to
prevent further erosion of liberty and promoting sedition as a "natural thang."
The overhaul of the Security and Surveillance Systems of the US is long overdue.
It happened during the Vietnam War and it has gotten so out of hand with these
insipid Fascist rationalities as to worship the Banksters, Pols, Corporatist phonies,
and Defense Industry Vamps. Not to mention the so-called "private security
contractors," better known as Mercenaries. WTF? It's about The Money and
how the Trail leads to......pretty obvious ain't it? This is part of the Greatest
Scandal in history. Keep fighting it Government Apparatchiks. Your time is
very, very limited. After all, the Great Recession isn't really a Recession. It is
largely now confirmed as a Depression due to corruption never seen before in
history and your involvement is unequivocal. Choose you side pretty soon -
people or corporations with a corrupt government. Just a paycheck, right?