This Week on Ring of Fire!

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern

This week on Ring of Fire:  Bill McKibben, author and founder of, will join us to talk about his recent Rolling Stone article “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math.”

Author Guy Lawson will join us for a discussion on his new book “Sam Israel, The Secret Market, and Wall Street’s Wildest Con.”

Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program will tell us why the US Chamber of Commerce is pushing fracking.

Mark Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center will be here to tell us how right wing conspiracy theorists are pushing their hate-filled agenda against Obama.

Author Chris Mooney will tell us why our recent extreme weather events will be the new normal under climate change.

And Craig Holman from Public Citizen will talk to us about the DISCLOSE Act that would make political spending by corporations more transparent.

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Catch all of your favorite Ring of Fire segments, including TV appearances, on our YouTube page.  And check out Sam Seder, Monday through Friday, on The Majority Report.

Papantonio: Republican Hate Peddlers Divide America

Mike Papantonio talks about how the hate coming from right wing talking heads, and now even fringe CEOs, is helping to divide the country and spread violence across America.

Papantonio: The Gun Conversation The NRA Is Afraid Of

Mike Papantonio talks with The Nation’s John Nichols about the necessity for restrictions on high-powered assault rifles in the wake of the Colorado Theater shooting.