PLUS: A reminder about the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...
By Brad Friedman on 7/20/2012, 10:23am PT  

Context-specific ad? Or just horribly unfortunate placement?

[Hat-tip Reddit's crowd-sourced coverage of Aurora, CO massacre.]

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Addendum... One quick thought for now, just to preempt the well-funded Rightwing push-back that is sure to come in the next few hours, so as help bury any talk, any whisper, of new regulations on the sale of guns in this country, let me mention this: As a supporter of the U.S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment, I think it's important that folks are reminded what that amendment actually is, since it's so often misquoted. Here it is in full [emphasis added]:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Hope that helps.

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UPDATE 12:56pm PT: Rep. Louie Gohmert, the idiot Republican Congressman from Texas, explained earlier today how, if Colorado only "had concealed carry [permits] the guy would have been stopped before he killed so many people."

Thankfully, the host of the show from the rightwing Heritage Foundation that he was speaking to, explained that "Colorado does have concealed carry permits."

Moreoever, as David Weigel explains, no, even if one of the movie goers had been packing heat in the crowded movie theater, the massacre would still not likely have been prevented.