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Big Daddy Sen. Robert C. Byrd

State of emergency declared for W.Va.

by: heath_harrison

Sat Jun 30, 2012 at 22:27:29 PM EDT

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - President Barack Obama issued an emergency declaration for West Virginia on Saturday following violent storms that downed trees and power lines across the state, leaving more than 680,000 without electricity as temperatures in the 90s continued.

The emergency declaration authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide help and coordinate relief efforts.

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Crews work to restore power across W.Va.

by: heath_harrison

Sat Jun 30, 2012 at 19:03:12 PM EDT

How are you folks doing after Friday's storm?


HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- AEP continues to work to restore power to customers across the tri-state.

According the Appalachian Power in West Virginia, 323,000 of the 500,000 customers in the state are currently without power after Friday's storms.

This is the kind of stuff they're dealing with.

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Thank you, Senator Byrd!

by: Carnacki

Thu Jun 28, 2012 at 14:02:44 PM EDT

KagroX points out on the Twitter:

Current GOP plan to "repeal the mandate" using reconciliation violates the Byrd Rule. http://bit.ly/LRZAlW

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I have my earplugs on

by: Hollowdweller

Thu Jun 28, 2012 at 10:39:53 AM EDT

To prevent hearing damage due to the deafening sound of wingnut heads exploding due to the Supremes upholding the ACA. That Roberts cast the deciding vote was just icing on the cake!

Despite the Obama Hatred in this state it will help a LOT of WV'ians.

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by: Carnacki

Thu Jun 28, 2012 at 11:03:05 AM EDT

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Republicans (and Rahall) play politics with Fast and Furious

by: Carnacki

Wed Jun 27, 2012 at 15:16:19 PM EDT


Quite simply, there's a fundamental misconception at the heart of the Fast and Furious scandal. Nobody disputes that suspected straw purchasers under surveillance by the ATF repeatedly bought guns that eventually fell into criminal hands. Issa and others charge that the ATF intentionally allowed guns to walk as an operational tactic. But five law-enforcement agents directly involved in Fast and Furious tell Fortune that the ATF had no such tactic. They insist they never purposefully allowed guns to be illegally trafficked. Just the opposite: They say they seized weapons whenever they could but were hamstrung by prosecutors and weak laws, which stymied them at every turn.

Indeed, a six-month Fortune investigation reveals that the public case alleging that Voth and his colleagues walked guns is replete with distortions, errors, partial truths, and even some outright lies. Fortune reviewed more than 2,000 pages of confidential ATF documents and interviewed 39 people, including seven law-enforcement agents with direct knowledge of the case. Several, including Voth, are speaking out for the first time.

How Fast and Furious reached the headlines is a strange and unsettling saga, one that reveals a lot about politics and media today. It's a story that starts with a grudge, specifically Dodson's anger at Voth. After the terrible murder of agent Terry, Dodson made complaints that were then amplified, first by right-wing bloggers, then by CBS. Rep. Issa and other politicians then seized those elements to score points against the Obama administration, which, for its part, has capitulated in an apparent effort to avoid a rhetorical battle over gun control in the run-up to the presidential election.


"Republican senators are whipping up the country into a psychotic frenzy with these reports that are patently false," says Linda Wallace, a special agent with the Internal Revenue Service's criminal investigation unit who was assigned to the Fast and Furious team (and recently retired from the IRS). A self-described gun-rights supporter, Wallace has not been criticized by Issa's committee.

A detailed look at how in their zeal to find anything to attack President Obama, Republicans (and Nick Rahall - see Heath's post below) have jumped the gun.

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Rahall to vote with GOP on Holder contempt

by: heath_harrison

Wed Jun 27, 2012 at 14:56:37 PM EDT

The Hill:
Democratic Reps. John Barrow (Ga.), Collin Peterson (Minn.) and Nick Rahall (W.Va.) will all vote in favor of contempt in addition to Rep. Jim Matheson (Utah) when the measure comes to the House floor on Thursday.
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Mountain Keepers festival set for this weekend

by: heath_harrison

Wed Jun 27, 2012 at 02:42:02 AM EDT

Join Larry Gibson and Ken Hechler for the weekend festivities:
On Saturday, June 30th and Sunday, July 1st, the annual July Fourth "Mountain Keepers" Music Festival will be held at Kayford Mountain's Stanley Heirs Park. The two day event will feature local and regional musicians playing a variety of bluegrass, gospel, country and old time music, as well as pot-luck meals. This is a free concert that will celebrate Appalachian life and attendees are encouraged to bring a covered dish.

The purpose of the concert, according to local citizen activist Larry Gibson, is to "bring family and friends together for a weekend of celebrating West Virginia's heritage and freedom."   June 30th and Sunday, July 1st will see people from all walks of life, bound by their common love of our mountains and people.  Festival organizers will have trained security present to ensure this event is as safe as possible and all are invited to peacefully enjoy this Festival.  This festival will also feature a performance by former US Congressman Ken Hechler who will sing, "Almost Level [Heaven], West Virginia."

Complete schedule available HERE

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Newt Gingrich's big F-U to his supporters

by: Carnacki

Tue Jun 26, 2012 at 13:38:41 PM EDT

Grifters gotta grift.
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Blair Mountain park sought

by: heath_harrison

Mon Jun 25, 2012 at 17:55:25 PM EDT

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- One hundred labor professors and historians sent a petition to West Virginia's legislators Monday, urging them to create a permanent park honoring the Battle of Blair Mountain.
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Odds and ends

by: heath_harrison

Sat Jun 23, 2012 at 18:47:22 PM EDT

Some news of note from the past week or so:
- Campaigning for GOP gubernatorial nominee Bill Maloney, secessionist and Texas governor Rick Perry restates his desire to destroy Social Security.

During a statewide radio interview with Hoppy Kercheval on MetroNews Talkline on Wednesday morning, Perry said he wants to eliminate the current Social Security system and attacked incumbent Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin for supporting it.

- Mountaintop removal ban introduced in Congress.

- Democrat Sue Thorn continues to press GOP Rep. McKinley on his waste of taxpayer money:

"Spending taxpayer money on direct-mail pieces during election years is wrong," Thorn said. "My opponent campaigned against this abuse in 2010 but seems to have abandoned those convictions to get re-elected."


- Remember Hiram Lewis, the Don Blankenship-backed GOP candidate who failed to unseat Attorney General Darrell McGraw in 2004?:

Lewis is charged with malicious wounding and wanton endangerment involving a firearm after allegedly shooting Steven Bogart, 55, on June 13.

Photo: West Virginia Regional Jail Authority

- House passes McKinley's coal ash motion, 260-138.

"This unrelated amendment is not only ensuring that coal ash continues to poison our communities, it poisons a much-needed transportation bill and puts at risk the 2.9 million jobs that this legislation will provide," said Lisa Evans, a senior administrative counsel, for Earthjustice, an environmental group founded by the Sierra Club.

- Alpha Natural Resources seals the Upper Big Branch mine where 29 died.

- National group seeks to overturn W.Va. "Stand Your Ground" law.

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More reaction to Rockefeller

by: heath_harrison

Thu Jun 21, 2012 at 16:33:20 PM EDT

- The Daily Mail reports on a statement by California's U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer:

"I believe when the next historian writes a book about leadership, courage and integrity in the United States Senate that this speech today will be featured in that book," she said. "And I'm so proud to know you, senator."

and Maria Gunnoe tells their reporter that she couldn't stop reading his speech:

"I was just reading it for the fifth time," she said in a telephone interview Wednesday evening. "I can't quit reading it, actually. I've read it and thought about it and go back to it and read it again."
Gunnoe said Rockefeller "truly cares" about people in mining communities.

- Politico speculates on a retirement announcement.

- Rockefeller responds:

"This speech has been building in me for about 3-4 years, and the last year-and-a-half it really, really built. It was a speech that I had to give," Rockefeller told POLITICO.

Asked if he was concerned that it would imperil his re-election bid, Rockefeller said: "You can't worry about all that stuff. I'm getting some good feedback. There's always a first reaction, which is predictable, often there's a secondary and tertiary reaction, which is more thoughtful."

- and the rightwing, as expected,  is freaking out over it.

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Secessionist, exorcist back Maloney

by: heath_harrison

Wed Jun 20, 2012 at 18:28:58 PM EDT

The crazies come out for the GOP's nominee.
MetroNews (links mine):
Perry was in Boston on Wednesday morning before a planned trip to Charleston on Wednesday evening to help raise money for Maloney. (...) On Tuesday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal visited Morgantown to attend a fundraiser for Maloney.
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Sue Thorn short-listed in Progressive Dream Team contest

by: acockbur

Wed Jun 20, 2012 at 18:04:07 PM EDT

Tired of apologizing for West Virginia politicians? Here is something to take the taste out of your mouth:

Vote for Sue at US Action.

Welcome to the Progressive Dream Team contest! Choose from among these seven great progressive congressional candidates in key districts around the country. Help your favorite go for the gold: click on "learn more" to find out about each candidate, and then click on the "Vote for" button under their name to make your choice.

The gold medal winner, the candidate who receives the most votes by midnight Eastern on Tuesday June 26th, will receive a fundraising email to our list on their behalf ahead of the critical end of quarter deadline June 30th. Silver will receive a message on our Facebook page, and bronze will receive a tweet.

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Rockefeller to coal owners: 'Discard the scare tactics'

by: heath_harrison

Wed Jun 20, 2012 at 17:52:24 PM EDT

Thank you, Senator.
"It's not too late for the coal industry to step up and lead by embracing the realities of today and creating a sustainable future," Rockefeller said. "Discard the scare tactics. Stop denying the science. Listen to what markets are saying about greenhouse gases and other environmental concerns, to what West Virginians are saying about their water and air, their health, and the cost of caring for seniors and children who are most susceptible to pollution."

Full speech here:

And from his new column:

In West Virginia, we need allies - not adversaries. But coal operators have yet to step up as strong allies and partners ready to lead, innovate and fight for the future.

Instead of moving the conversation on coal forward, some in the industry have demanded all-or-nothing, time and again, for the ill-sighted purpose of a sound bite or flashy billboard. These efforts make no progress, they don't pursue attainable policy change, and they certainly don't create or save jobs.

Change is upon us - from finite coal reserves and aging power plants, to the rise of natural gas and the very real shift to a lower-carbon economy.

Denying these factors and insisting that the EPA alone is going to make or break coal is dishonest and futile. Feeding fears with insular views and divergent motivations will leave our communities in the dust.

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Gephardt to keynote this year's Jefferson-Jackson dinner

by: heath_harrison

Wed Jun 20, 2012 at 11:08:44 AM EDT

From press release:
The West Virginia Democratic Party is pleased to announce former Congressman, and House Democratic Leader, Dick Gephardt (D-MO) as our keynote speaker for the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner (JJ Dinner). This year's event will be on Saturday, August 11th, at the Charleston Civic Center.
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Profiles in cowardice

by: Carnacki

Mon Jun 18, 2012 at 17:24:39 PM EDT

West Virginia's Joe Manchin (Joe Manchin Party), Earl Ray Tomblin (Joe Manchin Party) and Nick Rahall (occasional D) are skipping the DNC as a way to distance themselves from the Democratic Party and President Barack Obama.
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Sue Thorn profiled by Politico

by: heath_harrison

Sat Jun 16, 2012 at 00:54:41 AM EDT

Lengthy piece on the campaign from Erica Martinson:
"I care about coal miners and that we have jobs. But it also is something that we aren't going to have forever," Thorn said. "We can't wait until the last ton of coal has been dug before we decide what we're going to do" for a sustainable state economy.
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Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco visit Kayford Mountain

by: heath_harrison

Sat Jun 16, 2012 at 00:29:24 AM EDT

Their account of a trip to Larry Gibson's place is good reading for the weekend.
The Daily Beast:
"They're gonna destroy my state, and the government's gonna give them the incentives to do it," he says. "My grandchildren and great-grandchildren won't have any heritage here. They won't have any mountain culture here, 'cause they're wipin' it out. I had the best of time of my life not knowin' I wasn't rich or comfortable or wealthy. How could I enjoy myself outdoors if I wasn't wealthy? Who measures wealth? How do you do it? All the energy we have, all the people they destroyed, all the fatalities on these mine sites, and they keep makin' reference to this as cheap energy."
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Mitch vs. Mitch

by: heath_harrison

Fri Jun 15, 2012 at 23:47:47 PM EDT

mitchlMitch McConnell, 2012
With less than four and a half months until Election Day, Senate Republicans are shutting off the bipartisan spigot when it comes to confirming President Barack Obama's nominees to the nation's top courts and will present a unified front against his circuit court picks through November.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) made the decision to blockade nominations official Wednesday when he informed his colleagues that he would invoke the "Thurmond Rule" from now until after the elections.
-- Roll Call

I wonder how he felt about the issue when his party controlled the White House?

mitchrMitch McConnell, 2007
"Like the three presidents before him, President Bush will spend his last two years in office with the opposition party in control of the Senate. Like them, he has a right to expect that his nominees will receive an up or down vote."
-- From prepared remarks, January 4, 2007

Mitch McConnell, 2005
"... the Republican conference intends to restore the principle that, regardless of party, any President's judicial nominees, after full debate, deserve a simple up-or-down vote."
--Senate Floor Speech, 5/19/05

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  • Sen. Joe Manchin III
  • Joe Manchin for Senate (2010/2012)
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