Chuck Sheketoff

Chuck Sheketoff is the Executive Director and a founder of the Oregon Center for Public Policy, a non-profit, non-partisan research institute that uses research and analysis to advance policies and practices that improve the economic and social opportunities of low- and moderate-income Oregonians, the majority of Oregonians. Prior to starting the OCPP in 1997, Chuck lobbied the Oregon Legislature on behalf of the low-income clients of legal aid programs (1993, 1995) and the Oregon Law Center (1997). Chuck participates in BlueOregon to inform debates among Oregon progressives with an eye toward getting Oregon back on track.

PublishedTitle Comments Likes
Jul. 25, 2012Oregon Ties for Nation’s Lowest Business Taxes 3 6
Jul. 18, 2012The Oregon Estate Tax’s $2 Billion Loophole 9 10
Jun. 15, 2012When You Think “Immigrant,” Think “Small Business Owner” 4 2
Jun. 06, 2012Waging a Winning Fight Against Wage Theft 1 3
Jun. 05, 2012Breaking News: Oregon’s Economic Growth Shines Again 16 7
Apr. 27, 2012Our Economy Can Afford Better Pay for All Workers 2 3
Apr. 18, 2012Oops! Fact that matters overlooked by ALEC 4 8
Apr. 16, 2012Oregon is in shameful company this Tax Day 9 7
Mar. 30, 2012News: Oregonians have more income 5 7
Mar. 07, 2012We're a Low-Tax, High-Fee State 2 6
Feb. 16, 2012Laffer is #Laffable 1 4
Feb. 15, 2012High Income Taxes Accompany Stronger State Economies 9 11
Dec. 22, 2011If Oregon Capital Gains Income Were a Pizza . . . 1 6
Dec. 16, 2011Topics Go Missing From Oregon Business Plan 4 5
Dec. 15, 201146,700 Oregonians may learn 3.3 million reasons why US House unemployment bill is wrong 1 2
Dec. 07, 2011This Is Why We Need State Corporate Tax Disclosure 3 4
Nov. 18, 2011Dear PolitiFact Oregon: Check Out Today’s Oregonian 11 16
Nov. 17, 2011455 Million Reasons to Say "Thank You" to Voters 9 8
Nov. 16, 2011Taxing Poor and Near-Poor Families: Sadly, Oregon Stands Out 11 2
Nov. 14, 2011Will Congress Vote for Economic Catastrophe By Adopting a Balanced Budget Amendment? 1 3
Nov. 08, 2011Poverty Is Even More Shocking than Previously Estimated 2 1
Nov. 05, 2011An Otherwise Good to See News Story in The Oregonian 6 5
Oct. 27, 2011Thanks Obamacare! 10 3
Oct. 11, 2011What Was Not Inside Intel’s Economic Report 8 6
Oct. 06, 2011Adopt a Job Creator 1 4
Oct. 04, 2011Message to Governor Kitzhaber: The road to excellence in education begins with poverty reduction 23 8
Sep. 23, 201191.2% - Kudos to 2009 Legislature and Governor Kulongoski 3 8
Sep. 21, 2011One Chart Shows Obama Is Right About "Buffett Rule" 11 3
Sep. 20, 2011The Tea Party Zone 1 7
Sep. 15, 20112012 Minimum Wage Hike Good for Oregonians and Good for Economy 4 2
Sep. 01, 2011If CEOs cared about the economy . . . 2 3
Aug. 30, 2011Read About and Speak Out for the Middle Class 4 7
Aug. 12, 2011Corporate-Funded Study Says Oregon Has Nation's Fifth Lowest Biz Taxes 31 6
Aug. 10, 2011Portland's Personal Income Growth Beats National Average 1 3
Aug. 10, 2011Millionaires pay no federal income taxes 16 3
Aug. 04, 2011Sorry, Oregon Business Council and ECONorthwest, but the rich stay put despite tax increases 15 8
Jul. 27, 2011Tax Code Sunsets and the Dawn of Majority Rule 6 4
Jul. 01, 2011Responsibly Confront the National Deficit 16 4
Jun. 20, 2011SB 817: Will Wall Street Score an End-of-Session Win? 9 3
Jun. 16, 2011Hurry and make money by grabbing your share of leaking subsidy 15 3
Jun. 15, 2011The Four Flaws of a Capital Gains Income Tax Cut 4 4
Jun. 06, 2011June 7: A Date That Will Live in Fiscal and Economic Infamy 9 4
Jun. 05, 2011How Much do Poor Kids Matter Compared to Corporations and the Rich? 1 4
Jun. 02, 2011Oregon’s Mushrooming Millionaires 32 5
May. 27, 2011We're Not Broke 30 3
May. 26, 2011The corporate lobbyist who said "no" to scheduled "tax cut" 8 4
May. 25, 2011Can it be that they will coddle the thieves? 1 2
May. 25, 2011Will Lawmakers Prioritize Oregon’s Middle Class? 2 3
May. 17, 2011A message for lawmakers on Friday: It's time for corporations to pay up 0 1
May. 12, 2011State Economic Report Undercuts Loophole Lobby’s Call for Special, Speculator Tax Cut 1 3

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