From the LAT …
Tattoos on the body of the slain Sikh temple gunman and certain biographical details led the FBI to treat the attack at a Milwaukee-area temple as an act of domestic terrorism, officials said Sunday.
Mitt Romney is attacking the Obama campaign for suing the state of Ohio for restore right to vote early, as was the case in the 2008 election.
The Romney campaign is arguing that the Obama camp is actually trying to limit military voting. And his supporters are eating the claim up on Facebook, where Romney posted the claim. But as the day goes by even rightwing commentators seem to be realizing that this is simply a lie.
The whole episode is tailor made to expose how corrupted the press corps is. The entire thing is a demonstrable lie, and all in the service of keeping vote participation as low as possible. In other words, a Fehrnstrom Special. Very curious to see whether the biggs report it as such.
There’s a flipside to the point Josh makes below.
After flirting briefly with the outrageous notion that he could bring unemployment down to four percent, Romney’s taken to claiming that under his leadership unemployment will fall to about six percent in his first term, give or take a few tenths of a percent.
That’s fairly consistent with the “Romney boom” his advisers are promising. But here’s the thing: it’s also basically what most economic models say predict will happen no matter what, given safe assumptions.
Read More →Has anyone noticed that the Romney advisor behind the ‘Romney Economic Boom’ is the guy responsible for one of the most spectacularly wrong and wildly optimistic economic predictions of the 1990s?
This week the Romney campaign was knocked on its heels by a study which suggested that Romney’s tax plan would – in addition to giving a windfall to the wealthiest Americans – increase taxes on 95% of Americans. So the guy who’s running for President to turn back President Obama’s supposedly high-taxing and deficit creating ways would actually raise taxes on virtually everyone and also explode the deficit.
Read More →It happens the first Friday of every month, but the cable nets never let that stop them from going craaazy. Watch.
Mitt Romney’ new demand that Harry Reid needs to ”put up or shut up” is pretty rich. Let’s stipulate that Reid’s bald, unsubstantiated claim that Mitt went 10 years without having to pay taxes is, well, bald and unsubstantiated. Still, in the spectrum of vicious political attacks, this doesn’t rank. It’s not the unprovable, unknowable, can’t-wash-off-the-stink, scurrilous savagery that any candidate is defenseless against.
Read More →Romney has Reid right where he wants him, pinned down in an argument over whether Romney should release his tax returns … D’oh!
The civil rights movement and the space program always shared a strange juxtaposition of 19th century agrarianism and 20th century technological achievement. So maybe it should be no surprise that we’re currently confronting our civil rights demons in the parking lots of fried chicken joints while one of our spacecraft makes its final approach to Mars. But still … what the hell, America?
Dems want answers about Romney’s enormous IRA.
Heard about that new ‘voter fraud’ study ballyhooed in conservative media which claims that Democrats are the main perpetrators of vote fraud and that voter ID laws protect rather than disenfranchise minority and elderly voters?
Well, turns out the ‘study’ is a short paper cobbled together from unsubstatianted media reports and the author is a GOP operative who himself had to plead guilty to falsifying documents in the Abramoff scandal.
First, thanks so much to everyone who’s downloaded PollTracker Mobile today. It’s been a great launch and it’s now #6 in the AppStore among free News Apps. The main question we’ve gotten today and really the only thing that comes close to a real criticism has been: why no Android version? So let me take a moment to explain what our plan is on that front.
Read More →If you’re a campaign tracker, be sure the guy in the car you’re following is really the opposing candidate and not a local judge who gets scared he’s being tailed and calls the cops.
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