Not Waving But Drowning

By: Tuesday August 7, 2012 6:59 pm

First Dude stalker Greta Van Susteren had South Carolina Governor Nikki “Not Gonna Be The Veep” Haley on her I‘ll Tee It Up and You Try And Hit It talk thing to discuss Haley’s sweet gig talking to an empty RNC Convention Hall while the delegates are lined up to play touch-the-tit with a reasonable facsimile of their wildest dreams (and I don’t mean dessicated corpse of Ronnie R.). During this conversation  Van Susteren asked about Mitt Romney’s faltering campaign and particularly the declining number of Vagina-Americans who are inclined to vote for the less-than-reasonable facsimile of a human being that is Mitt.

After stumbling out the gate much like South Carolina’s greatest hero (and I don’t mean George Tierney of Greeville SC) and blaming it on education, Nikki remembers a conversation she had with a “independent” (there was probably a nametag … just go with it) in Michigan:

HALEY: I think we have to educate more, you know and the more I get out, the more other people get out, we’re starting to see the momentum. It will get down to those last thirty days. It will get down to have gas prices gone up or down? It’s going to get down to what people are feeling in their wallets and their pocketbooks.

And I’ll give you an example. I was stumping for Romney in Michigan and I was at a rally and an independent came up to me and said, you know, I don’t know that much about Gov. Romney, but what I do know is that we deserve better. That’s what this is going to come down to is, don’t settle for what’s not working.

Bless her heart. I think Nikki misunderstood a cry for help.

Next time try blinking in Morse code…

Legacy Hires Against Elizabeth Warren

By: Monday August 6, 2012 9:53 am

Jumping on the Luke Russert bro-wagon (and who wouldn’t want to Be Like Luke with the undeserved position in life and bitchin’ Washington Nationals season tix?) the Daily Win The Morning warns of possible bad ju-ju if the Democrats shove Mao’s Mistress, Elizabeth Warren, down America’s throat:

Elizabeth Warren’s prime-time speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention is a high-reward move for the Massachusetts Senate candidate.

But Republicans, and some Democrats, think it also is a high-risk gamble for President Barack Obama, whose opponents have spent a year defining him as anti-business — culminating in a now infamous line from a speech he gave that was similar to Warren’s messaging on the economy, the “you didn’t built that” riff.

Okay. I’ll bite. Who are the “some Democrats”?
“Some Democrats” would be former Senator Tom Daschle’s kid, Nathan:

Warren has “that one elusive quality that we all want in our leaders, but can’t ever seem to get — freshness. Few people can combine newness with competence — Palin demonstrates the obvious pitfall — but she’s one of them. That was obviously a big part of Obama’s allure in 2008,” said former Democratic Governors Association executive director Nathan Daschle.

“At the same time, her anti-Wall Street message is powerful but limiting. As Obama learned, what works in Massachusetts isn’t necessarily what will work nationally,” he added.

“Most Americans are optimists, not pessimists. They don’t see themselves as victims. They see themselves as upwardly mobile, and that’s the product of their own sweat and labor. They work so hard to provide for their families that they naturally resent anyone they perceive as taking credit away. What they hear is ‘You didn’t work hard enough to deserve what you have.’”

Nowadays, Nathan Daschle runs a website you never heard of called ruck-us which is one of the post-partisan No Labels political buffet lines like Americans Elect but with less publicized failure. Why should we care what Nathan Daschle has to say? Because he has mad political skillz:
The Founder and Chief Executive Bringer is Nathan Daschle. Nathan is a reformed lawyer and political operative. From 2007-2010, he served as the Executive Director of the Democratic Governors Association. During this time, Democratic Governors and candidates suffered historic losses, particularly in key battleground states. Nathan hasn’t slept a full night since. Scarred by this experience, Nathan now dreams of a day when people can shed their partisan labels and organize freely around the issues they care about most

Resume fail.

Needless to say, Lil Luke finds the Politico article life-affirming*:

Woo! Validation! High five! Maybe Luke and Nathan can hit a Nats game soon; pound down some brews, become bestie bros.

That would be super awesome.

* The reference to the Cambridge Coffee shop crowd is directed at Charlie Pierce who inflicted major butthurt to Lil Luke and now there isn’t enough Bactine in the world to make that pain go away.

Tales From The Grassy Knoll

By: Monday August 6, 2012 1:19 am

For those of you for whom the theory of a single gun-nut drunk on white power shooting up a Sikh temple because he thought they were Muslims sounds like some kind of meth-addled crazy talk, here are some alternate explanations courtesy of Alex Jones eminently reasonable Info-Wars blog.

First, the official info-wars report:

UPDATE: A separate source has corroborated the other eyewitness claim – a family member whose parents were victims of the shooting said his parents told him there were “multiple shooters” involved in a “coordinated” attack.

An eyewitness to the Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin says that a team of four men dressed in black carried out the massacre, contradicting the official narrative that a lone gunman was the culprit.

Just like the ‘Batman’ massacre, after which eyewitnesses clearly stated that James Holmes had an accomplice, today’s tragedy in Oak Creek is already throwing up questions that may suggest a wider plot.

Speaking with the Associated Press, an eyewitness stated, “Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation.”

With the federal government already labeling the shootings a “domestic terror incident,” the narrative is already being manufactured to blame the tragedy on conservatives and libertarians, as well as demonizing the second amendment.

President Barack Obama is already positioning himself to politically exploit the incident. Top Democratic strategists have previously welcomed the prospect of domestic terror incidents as a means of boosting Obama’s poll numbers and helping him re-connect with the American people.

The “filthy homosexual luciferian mafia scum” theory:

As I stated in a previous comment on another subject – all related in the grand scheme of things. 350,000 Russian troops here training with US military, and ready to rock and roll in the slaughter/round up of US citizens and gun confiscation. These shooters in Aurora, CO and here at the Temple are Russian Spetznaz troops being directed and armed by soetoro and his handlers via the cia and military black ops. Look for much more death and mayhem to occur by the hands of the enemy that be, while being blamed on so called “White Crazies”. These filthy homosexual luciferian mafia scum will stop at nothing to destory our freedoms, liberties and our Constitutional Republic. Get ready to defend yourselves and your families at all cost folks – the LineInTheSand is being drawn…


Praise God Almighty through the Blood of Christ Jesus!

The UFO & Exxon theory:

The first witness is Amardeep Kaleka an EMMY award winning director. His father was shot. He is currently working on a documentary called ‘Sirius’ with Dr. Greer which aims to expose a lot of the secrecy surrounding the UFO subject. It will also expose the suppression of technologies that would eliminate the need for fossil fuels.

Could you elaborate on that? Oh, here we go:

Also, Armadeep Kaleka is also a filmmaker that is currently working on a project called “Sirius”. The film is about the government suppressing knowledge of technology that could liberate the world from dependency on oil and nuclear power. And, replacing that with clean, sustainable, free energy that would threaten industrial and financial institutions. The work of Tesla is examined and why the FBI seized his research, as well as many other scientists that claim to have knowledge of technology that is being kept from the world to line the pockets of world banks. Again, perhaps not conspiratorial, but very interesting.

The Race War theory:

U.S. government is so corrupt they are now working on having as many people as possible be against each other. Trayvon Martin did not work for a race riot, but that was orchestrated to. Fast and Furious for all to be against Mexicans, but that back fired and discovered to be a ploy to grab the guns from citizens. Colorado shooting in a predominently black neighborhood is now discovered to be staged. Why not have shooting people go into a holy temple and start shooting to instigate that kind of uprising? Think for yourself instead of going along with what one person says.

The Illuminati did it:

This year in AMERICA the presidental elections big topic is going to be “Gun Control”
I heard this with my own ears in France on the radio, after the batman theatre shooting!
Among the many cards of Illuminati card game “called Illuminati New world order” created by steven Jackson at late 80′s ,launched at mid 90′s , there is a card called “GUN CONTROL”. Interesting.

Wait! No! It was CIA Manchurian Ultra Zombies:

You can count on this being a staged shooting.

We all predicted that there will be more and more of these CIA brainwashed MK ultra zombies used to attack innocents with firearms and blame it on all gun owners, our second amendment rights, all conservatives, patriots, constitutionalists and libertarians so they can enact total gun bans and arrest and interm all of us who will stand in the way of their new world order communist overthrow of our country.

Off topic, but this just in: the Mars Curiosity rover is just as fake as the moon landing:


Big f’ing deal.

Our government has probably lied to us about this BS as much they have most of everything else throughout history.

No man has ever set a damned foot on the moon either. It’s all a lie by our government.

The Van Allen radiation belts around the Earth kill everything that gets near them.

There isn’t any possible man made structure that can ever be made to proect any living creature that will withstand the lethal mega-dose of radiation from the Van Allen belts.

Do a google search on it or watch a movie called “When Astronauts Attack”.

Okay. Back to reality…. like the Super Satanic Soldiers of The Black Awakening:

It’s called the Black Awakening, like the Pentacost for the devil

Even if you disagree with Christianity and/or it offends you, I sincerly wish that Patriots would educate themselves on this concept from Mr. Dizdar who has spent decades in the trenches of this bowel of the NWO. It is what ‘they’ the ‘trained super soldiers’ are saying…..getting over Dizdar’s faith and listen to what these people believe, think and are planning for. It will affect you regardless of what you believe. They do.

Watchman76 says:
August 5, 2012 at 11:44 pm

As a Christian I am well aware of the spiritual battle taking place and how late the hour is. Thanks for the link, I had no idea there were over 4 million sleepers! My discernment tells me that Mr. Dizdar is the real deal. I can’t believe I’ve never come across any of his videos in the past. Thanks again!

And, finally, you liberals are somehow responsible:

Infowars- can you show any proof whatsoever that “Obama has staged shootings”? Not from conspiracy writers, not from Infowars conjecture, but actual investigative journalists?

If not, then you should retract this headline

Phoenix30 says:
August 5, 2012 at 10:50 pm

Can you prove it wasn’t? Witnesses are reporting up to four shooters. No live news from the scene was allowed. Witnesses were asked to stay off their phones. Why? Who benefits?

Also the headline was a question. Assumptions can be wrong, even supposed facts can be wrong. But a question can not be wrong because its not a statement but a query. The reasons these questions come up is because we know the media lies, and we know for sure the government lies. That’s a fact. Even the lamestream media has said that. Yet at the same time the media says to believe everything the government says. But they lie too.

Oh and liberals? Liberal translates to me “Immoral”. Period. Liberals are not patriots. Liberals are immoral, sarcastic, prideful scum. I HATE liberals. Absolutely hate them. I think I agree with about 1% of what they go on about. Otherwise they are 99% idiotic. Tired of the damn liberals, who are the shame of the United States.

You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

All that money wasted on sending you to the Manchurian Illuminati Zombie Super Luciferian Soldier summer camps and this is the thanks we get?

Very disappointing.

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Terrorism

By: Sunday August 5, 2012 11:57 pm

DHS/I&A assesses that lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States.” – (“Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” – 4/7/2009 – pg. 7 – “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in [...]

The Laziest Survivalist

By: Saturday August 4, 2012 5:21 pm

In our continuing series Arming The Bedlamites: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, our plucky gunmuffin is busily drawing up contingency plans for maintaining self sufficiency in a post-apocalyptic world, ruled by a merciless Kenyan Lame Duck Warlord, where it will be Every Man For Himself! and Devil Take The Hindmost! and Come And Get Me, [...]

Harry’s Game

By: Friday August 3, 2012 1:42 am

So… in an interview with the HuffPo, Harry Reid accuses Mitt Romney of possibly not paying any taxes for the past ten years based upon a conversation with a Bain investor. Conservatives lose their shit. Reid repeats his statement on the Senate floor. More shit is lost. Romney butches up and comes back with “put [...]

Thursday Night Basset Blogging

By: Thursday August 2, 2012 5:30 pm

I have no new pictures this week… Awwwww. But I was going through some old ones the other night and I found my favorite solo shot of each of them. So, better than nothing… Fenway …and Wembley You can click’em for the IMAX effect. No extra charge…

Luke Russert Only Wants To Guard Your Dreams And Visions, Baby

By: Thursday August 2, 2012 1:44 pm

Working class hero Luke Russert, who has been “… sweating it out in the streets of a runaway American dream since 1985” (if by ‘streets’ you mean the one that ran from parents very lovely home to elitey St. Albans to Boston College to a highly-paid undeserved gig at 30 Rock) is still very concerned [...]

Snooty Anglo-Saxon People Mocking Ann Romney’s Disco Horse

By: Thursday August 2, 2012 11:24 am

The people of England, a country that will become America’s sworn enemy if Mitt Romney is elected American CEO, are having a spot of fun with Ann Romney’s not in the least elitist hobbyhorse. Under the headline: Ann Romney’s horse fails to win dressage but avoids offending British Short of mocking Shetland ponies over their [...]

Today We Are All Citizens Of Whore Island

By: Wednesday August 1, 2012 10:36 am

Today, while most right-thinking Americans are demonstrating their love for Jesus and their hate of homos by eating deep-fried diabetes sandwiches at Chick-fil-A, normal Americans who are more concerned with what is going on in their own pants are getting some free sexy stuff from Barack Obama’s Smooth Love Sexytime socialist government:  Beginning today, up [...]

Toss Me A Bone
