Sen. John McCain, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are among the first speakers named for this month's Republican National Convention in Tampa.
The ...
by askyron
3 Recs
Oh, snap! Remember back on June 8, 2012, when President Obama said that the private sector was " doing just fine ," meaning in comparison to how the public sector was doing? Republicans went crazy ...
by hungrycoyote
17 Recs
Badscience and I were coming back from a bit of kayaking "up north" and gave a call to our friend Joe to hear how Friday's Overpass Light Brigade action in Madison went. We had coordinated our ...
by noise of rain
11 Recs
We've only been on Mars 10 minutes, but we've already learned that marriage there is defined as the union between one man and one Flurgbug.
This is exactly what Rick Santorum was worried about.
by JeffLieber
23 Recs
The chairman of the Republican National Committee on Sunday blasted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) as a “dirty liar” for suggesting that presumptive Republican presidential nominee ...
by The Sheeping of America
2 Recs
Believe me, I'm no Bush lover, but I hope Obama 1) invites the JPL Curiosity rover to the White House for a celebration and 2) when he does that, expresses thanks to the Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41......
by Roadette
6 Recs
I'm organizing a meetup for next Saturday, Aug. 11, in Silver Spring, Maryland, from 6:30pm - 10pm.
I wrote a diary on Friday about getting together a meetup with the Maryland/Virginia/DC people ...
by JamieG from Md
3 Recs
by Mishima
1 Recs
Welcome to the Central Valley (California) Kossacks group! The creation of this group was inspired by navajo's SFKossacks , wherein San Francisco Bay Area Kossacks have a place to talk about topics ...
by tgypsy
4 Recs
We're moving the composite projection up here, because great googly-moogly do we have maps below the fold today.
The morning edition of this overview is cross-posted daily at the 2012 Electoral ...
by Jeffrey L Albertson
6 Recs
Following my last diary, Do Our Votes Count , I decided to follow up and the Government Accountability Board (GAB) to get more information about what will happen to people who registered to vote on ...
by Nomi Rene
6 Recs
Here are two interesting articles on how right wing think tanks function. ONe on health care and one in promotion of a private agenda in education.
by dcampbell
0 Recs
Mars Landing tonight on the tubes!
Chat Room.... http://netrootsradio.blogspot.com/p/chat-room_5.html
We're live right now - Wed. 9pm-Mid. Paciffic. 417-717-1272 is your Show Ticket!
Here's ...
by winkk
1 Recs
Iceland is about to pass a law requiring banks to split their commercial and investment banking into separate businesses, basically an Icelandic Glass-Steagall. The Icelandic banks collapsed first ...
by ericf
5 Recs
I love the Dude's diaries. They are so informative, and well illustrated. They highlight unexpected weather phenomena.
So I am calling on him...Dude...you have a following.
Put aside the ...
by Keith930
14 Recs
Just a Star Wars myth reminder: The good wins in the end, with a cost.
Live News During the OND:
by jlms qkw
26 Recs
Curiosity Landing Live ...
by palantir
116 Recs
Most people do not understand what's going on here: Mars, like the name of the probe sent to explore it, is simply a matter of curiosity - a light amusement for science and technology-oriented ...
by Troubadour
7 Recs
Since "state's rights" are so clearly a harmful anachronism, used regularly for two centuries to justify "local yokel" laws furthering racism, bigotry, larceny, and evasion of environmental, ...
by Autonomeritus
0 Recs
I just quickly skimmed an article about what women abducted into harems are subjected to. It relates to ethics and oil; how oil money has the world at large ignoring the plight of abducted women.
by Sharkmeister
0 Recs
I'm a huge fan of the series called Lie To Me .
The basic premise is a man who can read ones body language and then read their true actions or intentions based on said language. I honestly was ...
by idbecrazyif
5 Recs
I was born in Walsall, England where was (and probably still is) is a Sikh temple and a thriving Sikh community. They are good neighbors, hard working and honorable, and with equality and charity a ...
by misterajc
2 Recs
In yesterday's War on Workers weekly entry , Laura Clawson had a link to this fascinating story of the Los Altos (CA)
by madhaus
20 Recs
The year he gave paid extra property tax to the State of Utah to the tune of $54,000.
He lived in Utah at least through March/April ----- on March 19, 2002, he was a declared candidate in ...
by kmwray
11 Recs
We will be covering and broadcasting the Mars Landing tonight, live and cosmos wide! As a prelude, the following "tonal poem" is in homage to space and our place in it.
At 9pm pacific, our live ...
by justiceputnam
5 Recs
ABC Evening News stepped up to the plate for Mitt Romney and did a segment on Harry Reid's claim that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in a decade.
The intro said Republicans were pushing back, and ...
by eXtina
64 Recs
In 1969 the world watched and listened and held their collective breaths as Apollo 11 made it's final decent. Tonight millions will be holding their breaths as Curiosity approaches Mars.
Some 500 ...
3 Recs
Sentencing Law and Policy asks, "Why Does The Government Want To Shut Up Bryan Epis?"
Bryan James Epis is a well-known medical marijuana activist who is believed to be the first person to be tried ...
by jmcgrew
26 Recs
CNN is now reporting 6 dead including the gunman who is described in the title. The attack occurred about 10:30 a.m. (11:30 a.m. ET), when temple members were reading scriptures and cooking food in ...
by xxdr zombiexx
102 Recs
One of the best assets the Democrats have is undercover agent Reince Priebus.
As you know, Priebus (in reality a Democratic operative) has been posing as the Chairman of the Republican party for ...
by Billionaires for Wealthcare
265 Recs
Leadership is the willingness to take an honest position involving important matters. To explain why you think you are right. And then have the courage to see if you're right and have the courage ...
by jasonb
14 Recs
From NBC:
Officials told NBC News the suspect, who served in the U.S. Army, had many tattoos. The suspect had some kind of radical or white supremacist views but, as far as officials said they had ...
by addikell
38 Recs
On July 21st about 30 Kossacks met up at the California Maritime Academy where I work. The highlight of the day was the opportunity to tour our ship the Training Ship Golden Bear. Recently one of ...
by Steveningen
31 Recs
By Daniel Lee
Mayor Dewey Bartlett continued his war against Public workers last week, using the local newspaper as his platform to slander city workers. Bartlett is quoted in a Tulsa World article (
by wulfric82
7 Recs
Is Romney trying to pull the ultimate flip flop?
Politico had a strange piece of reporting in an article today about Paul Ryan's VP chances :
A senior Romney adviser told the traveling press corp ...
by ukit
10 Recs
NOTE: I apologize for the sloppiness of this diary. It's not one of my best! That's why I just stick to commenting on other diaries! I also apologize if I offend anyone with this diary. I'm simply ...
by chancew
5 Recs
Part 1
A mysterious sea creature unknown to science has been spotted in the oceans. Vessels have been struck by this leviathan and the U.S. Navy has dispatched one of it's warships, the Abraham ...
by quarkstomper
10 Recs
The Mars Science Laboratory "Curiosity" will land on Mars in about 4 hours -- at 10:31 p.m. Pacific (Aug 5), 1:31 a.m. Eastern (Aug 6).
You can watch events unfold live here .
The landing method ...
by atana
38 Recs
I was not raised with guns, they're not a part of my culture, and my dad was never a hunter when he brought us up. I did hear stories about his hunting as a young boy in the aftermath of the ...
by Karma for All
8 Recs
in a balanced way' -- one of President Obama's goals for his second term, according to the ad that just ran on NBC's Olympics show .
by devtob
10 Recs
The New York Times has a timeline from Reuters going back twenty years from around the world for shootings involving 1-2 gunmen and multiple casualties. The U.S. leads with 12 on the list; 11 ...
by xaxnar
4 Recs
I opened the photo expecting something distasteful because it was sourced to Fox. Imagine my surprise when I recognized our very own Overpass Light Brigade showing support.
Cathedral Square Sikh ...
by Horace Boothroyd III
41 Recs
See Blog Post and Event Pictures HERE .Occupy Kingwood has now completed its 33 rd consecutive week. It was stifling hot and humid but we had a very good crowd. We had new participants and the ...
by ProgressiveLiberal
3 Recs
Regarding the supposed support for Chick-Fil-A on "Support Day" and it's supposed effect on the election, here's my take.
I suspect the "support" for CFA is overblown. Consider that most regions ...
by jtg
0 Recs
Lindsay Graham today (via Crooks and Liars ) –
It would be stupid in an economy this weak to raise tax rates on a million small businesses at a time they can't hire people now."
Which is the ...
by malcolm
5 Recs
Last time we finished our discussion of diamond, and now we move to what is pretty incorrectly called amorphous carbon . Truly amorphous materials. like glass, have no true crystal structure (...
by Translator
7 Recs
Welcome, friends. The purpose of this regular series is to promote enthusiasm and action among Daily Kos members. Romney will very likely out-fundraise President Obama. However, we believe that we ...
by Susan from 29
99 Recs
On August 2, Mississippi State University won a million-dollar federal grant from the Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge , a program of the US Department of Agriculture. What makes this ...
by Arbo
3 Recs
Please sign this petition. Especially in light of today's shooting in Wisconsin
Demand a plan to end gun ...
by cosmic debris
7 Recs
Hi! I have an elderly acquaintance who has volunteered for good causes for many years. Due to her declining energy levels she is not able to take phone bank shifts at the local Democratic HQ anymore.
by biscobosco
4 Recs
Hi, puzzlers!
Today is the first Sunday of the month which means it's Potluck Puzzle Sunday! Anyone who wants to bring a puzzle, post it in the comments and I'll add it to the puzzle. Juliecrostics,
by pucklady
4 Recs
A military funeral is awarded any member of the armed forces who dies in battle. One element of the military funeral is the folding of the flag which ...
by JaxDem
80 Recs
I'm not a believer and don't visit a church on Sunday mornings. But there is certainly something about Sunday morning rituals that make people feel safe, secure, maybe even a way to shield them from ...
by jjstraka
2 Recs
Cross-posted at Immizen.com
As we know, sadly, the same sex marriage bigots came out in force past Wednesday to give support to Chick-fil-A’s stance of “marriage is between a man and a woman”.
by healthy
4 Recs
Mrs. President Putin, please talk to the man. "Pussy Riot" is not worthy of an international apocalypse. I have no idea why these kids decided to ignore conventional wisdom.
I don't have a dog, ...
by foucaultspendulum
0 Recs
Burning the Midnight Oil for Living Energy Independence
"Oh, sure, more than 1/5 of journeys to work in Eindhoven, The Hague, Amsterdam and Utrecht in the Netherlands are by bike, but they are flat.
by BruceMcF
19 Recs
Perhaps you might like to focus on the real issue ... gun control.
Oh, and since you seem to have finally concluded that Sikhs aren't Muslims, perhaps you'd also be prepared to accept that not all ...
by Maianewley
76 Recs
by x
46 Recs
On Saturday evening, U.S. citizens were tantalized by Mitt Romney's proclamation that something " dramatic " was needed to spur America's faltering economic fortunes.
While he remained coy in a ...
by The Troubadour
14 Recs
I am merely proposing this question for discussion. I am interested in hearing your observations.
Of course, an acceptable definition must first be agreed upon about what constitutes a cult. The "...
by connecticutpolitics
1 Recs
I took the 2010 election results, and extrapolated the proportions in the race for Governor at the precinct level, determining the total number of votes each candidate would have received if all ...
by vikingrob
0 Recs
Mitumba had a great piece on higher education in Florida (a path to mediocrity) and it got me thinking about some of my comments to other pieces on higher education. Some readers thought I should ...
by fatherof2
7 Recs
Quilt for remembrance and Glen the Plumber
My sister and I have been busy with quilt projects. The quilt that was signed in Providence is done -- and there will be a drawing very soon. This one ...
by Sara R
34 Recs
Reince Priebus- the Chairman of the Republican National Committee called the Senate Majority Leader- Harry Reid- a "Dirty Liar". http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/08/republicans-reince-priebus-...
by griffin459
6 Recs
Today, we are raising funds to buy school supplies, food, and a laptop for Okiciyap Food Pantry and Youth Center on the Cheyenne River Reservation. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
by nomandates
35 Recs
In the wake of the shooting today in the Sikh community I thought a quiet place might be needed for anyone who wants to wander in and share a thought or just sit quietly with one another.
We haven'...
by Roxine
6 Recs
When you buy a fast food burger you probably think you're getting a bargain right? A new study by The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) takes a big-picture look at the web of problems ...
by beach babe in fl
55 Recs
Office of the Press Secretary
by Transcripts Editors
25 Recs
I am still facebook friends with a few of my Naval Academy classmates (class of 1981). Most are very conservative.
The conversation started when I posted this:
More below the fold....
by onanyes
13 Recs
Office of the Press Secretary
by Transcripts Editors
12 Recs
“Tattoos have a power and magic all their own. They decorate the body but they also enhance the soul.”
― Michelle Delio
After decades of remaining a blank canvas, I finally have ink.
I was ...
by Jaxpagan
19 Recs
Cecilio Blacktooth was the democratically-elected captain of Cupa (aka Kupa), an Indian village centered on the hot springs at the northern end of a valley that had become part of "Warner's Ranch", ...
by Bisbonian
24 Recs
I'm much more of a "process" learner than a "project" learner. For both quilting and knitting. Also a lot in the kitchen. It may be a personality trait.
The last few months I took a few ...
by jlms qkw
17 Recs
I have always been a bird watcher of sorts. Certainly a bird lister, but not a fanatic. Birds are interesting, if not always easily observable, and watching even common species and observing their ...
by Desert Scientist
35 Recs
There are three Presidential Debates scheduled between Democrat President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney they are scheduled for October-3 October-16 and October 22 it has been 20 years ...
by garak99
11 Recs