With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
'Hot Town Summer in the City' Edition!

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Hot town, summer in the city --- and in the country, and in the mountains, and on the farms, and in the desert; GOP goes to bat for Monsanto; FDA bans BPA - sort of; Greenland calves new iceberg; PLUS: Australia's new carbon tax FAILS... to cause economic catastrophe ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): GOP Seeks to Kill Black Lung Reform; Tea Party Blocks Pact to Restore a West Coast River; Appeals Court Upholds EPA Air Quality Rule; White House Weakened EPA Soot Proposal; Geo-Engineering Experiment to Trap Carbon Deep in the Ocean; Climate scientists call for 'serious' Keystone XL review; Oil jumps on Mid-East worries; Climategate investigation closed; Smart meters bad for your health? ... PLUS: “You can’t run your SUV on cute. Let’s Go.” ... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • GOP Seeks to Kill Black Lung Reform: (iWatch News, Ctr for Public Integrity):
    House Republicans inserted language in a budget bill unveiled Tuesday that would kill a proposed rule to protect coal miners from dust that causes black lung.
  • Tea Party Blocks Pact to Restore a West Coast River (NY Times):
    In February 2010, after five years of confidential negotiation, an unlikely alliance of American Indian tribes, environmentalists, farmers, fishermen, governors and the federal government signed the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.
    The Tea Party Patriots became a local political force, eventually paralyzing the high-powered deal by defeating many of the local officials who supported it, including all three Klamath County commissioners, and sending a signal to Congress that it lacks enough grass-roots support.
  • Must-See Videos: ABC Interviews Climatologist Michael Mann (Climate Progress)
  • Appeals Court Upholds EPA Air Quality Rule: (Reuters):
    A federal appeals court upheld a new Environmental Protection Agency rule to limit nitrogen dioxide emissions near major roadways, in a defeat for the oil industry, which said the rule went beyond what was necessary to protect public health.
  • White House Weakened EPA Soot Proposal: (Washington Post):
    The White House recently modified an Environmental Protection Agency proposal to limit soot emissions, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post, inviting public comment on a slightly weaker standard than the agency had originally sought.
  • The Bicycle Revolution in Paris, Five Years Later (InterPress News Agency):
    “Five years ago, I could not have imagined that Vélib’ would have such good results,” Delanoë told Tierramérica *. “My goal was to try out a different policy, to help Parisians recover their independence and freedom in transportation, and at the same time, to reduce air pollution.”
  • Geo-Engineering: A Way to Trap Carbon Deep in the Ocean: (NY Times):
    By adding iron to the ocean, the researchers induced a massive algal bloom. A significant portion died and sank to the ocean floor, carrying its sequestered carbon along with it to the depths. The finding contributes to science’s understanding of the global carbon cycle and has implications for potential ways of mitigating rising levels of carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change.
  • Climate scientists want ‘serious’ State Dept. review of oil sands emissions (The Hill's E2 Wire):
    Ten widely cited climate scientists say the State Department’s review of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline should include a “serious” evaluation of how enabling Canadian oil sands development will affect the planet’s climate.
  • Duke Pins CEO Swap on Closed Plant: Troubled Nuclear Site to in Defending Abrupt Ouster of Chief Executive (Wall St. Journal)
  • Oil jumps on Middle East worries, economic hopes (Reuters)
  • In North Dakota, the gritty side of an oil boom (Washington Post):
    “I don’t like what it’s done to our communities and lifestyle,” he said. “We had a good life, and now it’s gone forever, or at least for my lifetime.”

    Across this stretch of western North Dakota, an oil boom is in full swing, kicking up dust and controversy among longtime residents.

  • Seasonal Firefighters Win Battle for Government Health Insurance: (LA Times):
    For the first time, more than 8,000 temporary wilderness firefighters --- the men and women who battle some of the nation's most devastating fires --- will be eligible to receive federal health insurance, the White House said Tuesday.
  • Climategate Investigation Closed--With No Closure (Mother Jones)
  • Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Should Include Land Purchases: (AP):
    More than two years after the catastrophic BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, environmental groups say billions of dollars the British oil giant is expected to spend on restoration should go toward buying tens of thousands of acres of coastal land for conservation, rebuilding Louisiana's eroding wetlands and creating nearly 200 miles of oyster reefs.
  • US Reaches Settlement With Sierra Pacific Over CA Wildfire: (McClatchy Newspapers):
    Predictably, the clash of the titans ended loudly Tuesday. With the U.S. attorney's office in Sacramento and lumber giant Sierra Pacific Industries Inc. trotting out competing versions of a settlement's meaning, their epic legal match over who started the Moonlight fire and who should pay for the damages is closed.
  • Report: Smart Meters Bad For Your Health: (Orange Co. Register):
    Does the radio frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by utility company 'smart meters' cause health problems in some individuals? The answers may not be as clear as utilities often claim.
  • Whose Side is the American Farm Bureau On? (The Nation):
    The American Farm Bureau, with its 6 million 'member families' and carefully cultivated grassroots image, talks a good game. In the pitched battle over US farm policy--with agribusiness giants on one side, and small family farmers, organic and local food advocates and environmentalists on the other--the Farm Bureau positions itself as the voice of the farmer.
  • Shell Parody Site: ArcticReady.com (ArcticReady.com):

    That's why we at Shell are committed to not only recognize the challenges that climate change brings, but to take advantage of its tremendous opportunities. And what's the biggest opportunity we've got today? The melting Arctic.
  • Fake Shell advertisements spreading on the web (Fuel Fix) [emphasis added]:
    Greenpeace mounted a satirical billboard on the highway near Shell’s Houston headquarters this morning. The billboard shows polar bears and proclaims: “You can’t run your SUV on cute. Let’s Go.”

    The spoof is one of a handful of fake “Let’s Go! Arctic” advertisements on the ArcticReady.com protest website that drilling foes launched earlier this year. The website, which is modeled to look like an authentic Shell site and created by Greenpeace and the Yes Lab, includes an iceberg-zapping game and more spoof ads.
  • Essential Climate Science Findings: