Bill O'Reilly's Double Standard Re Free Hate Speech?
Despite his avowed hatred of the ACLU, Bill O'Reilly, in defending Chick-fil-A, quite the First Amendment maven. But he's being a bit selective about his advocacy for free speech because, in 2010, he vehemently asserted that the homophobic Westboro Baptist Church did not have the right to protest at the funeral of a fallen soldier. Flash forward two years and he's defending the right of another homophobe, Chick fil-A president Dan Cathy, to declare that gay marriage is bringing down God's wrath. It's interesting that O'Reilly would deny the right of free speech to one group of homophobes whilst protecting the rights of another homophobe who, as does Westboro, believes that "God hates fags."
Chicken, Chicken and More Chicken on the Fox Nation
That ain't just a chicken sandwich in your hand, gentle reader; it's the soul of America. At least according to Fox News and the Fox Nation, who have been all over the Chick-Fil-A boycott story since it broke. Here is a sample of the posts that the Fox Nation has put up on the subject in the past few days.
Read moreFox News Crusades For Chick-fil-A But Ignores Businesses Targeted By Christians?
Dan Cathy, President of Chick-fil-A, must be praising Jesus for the affirmation and free publicity that he received from Fox News. It was a win-win for Jesus' very own network in that it was able to burnish its creds with social conservatives by accusing those who oppose homophobia of being intolerant and opposed to freedom of speech. But Fox's concern for tolerance and First Amendment rights seems to be very selective. In the past few years, conservative Christians have engaged in the same type of opposition that Fox talkers claims is an attempt to hurt the business of Chick-fil-A. The Christian right's ongoing boycott of JC Penney, for their hiring of openly gay Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson, has been ignored by Fox with the exception of Bill O'Reilly who defended JC Penny to boycott supporter Sandy Rios. Fox didn't seem to have the same concern for businesses targeted by Christians. I guess not all boycotts are created equal!
Read moreChris Wallace Calls Romney Aide A ‘Hero’ For Cursing Out Reporters In Poland
Chris Wallace appeared on Fox News Radio’s Kilmeade & Friends today where he discussed Mitt Romney’s recent three-nation tour. Wallace was fairly critical of Romney for acting more like a CEO than a president but perhaps in an attempt to provide “balance,” Wallace called a Romney aide “a hero” for telling reporters to “kiss my ass.”
Read moreBill O’Reilly Uses Chick-Fil-A To Play The Race Card
Bill O’Reilly is suddenly very concerned about freedom of expression. That is, if you’re the homophobic business owner of Chick-Fil-A. If you’re a university professor or president or a woman speaking out on behalf of contraception coverage in health insurance or a liberal television talk show host? Not so much. Well, OK, hypocrisy is nothing new on Fox News. But using the Chick-Fil-A controversy to race bait against African Americans may be a new low for the “no spin zone.”
Read moreDick Morris: I Guarantee Bill Clinton Will Vote For Romney
Dick Morris has a new Clinton conspiracy theory. This one “explains” why Bill Clinton is campaigning for Barack Obama’s re-election despite the fact that Morris has “heard” Clinton will vote for Mitt Romney: Because Hillary Clinton is “under lock and key” as Secretary of State and if he doesn’t campaign for Obama, Clinton could be blamed for the loss.
Read moreFox "News" Advances Zombie Lie: Birth Control Mandate Covers Abortion Drugs
Although Roger Ailes is not a Catholic, he appears to have put his "news" channel at the service of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops who have their Roman collars in a knot about the Obama administration's birth control mandate. Starting next year, religious institutions which are not exclusively for the promotion of Catholic dogma (colleges, hospitals, Catholic Charities) will be subject to the requirement that their female workers and students receive free birth control in their health plans. While some of these institutions already provide free birth control and Viagra, the bishops claim that the mandate violates core Catholic teachings. Enter, stage right, Fox News which has provided ongoing validation for the concerns of the Catholic men in black. Such was the case on yesterday's alleged "news" show, America's Newsroom, during which head of the ladies auxiliary of the American Taliban "Concerned Women for America," Penny Nance, was had a case of her trademark right wing vapors over this mandate and in so doing advanced trademark right wing zombie lies one of which is the claim that the mandate includes abortion drugs - a claim that is also advanced on "fair & balanced" Fox.
Read moreBob Beckel Calls Out Fox News Disinformation
On Tuesday’s The Five (7/31/12), Bob Beckel called out the “flat-out lie” that Fox was airing about President Obama.
Read moreMegyn Kelly Smiles As Right Wing Guest Tells "Pro-Life" Lies
As the mouthpiece for the anti-choice right wing and the American Catholic bishops, the "fair & balanced" Fox News network is the go-to network for the movement that seeks to take America back to the days of back alley abortions. Be it Bill O'Reilly's holy war against an abortion provider who was later murdered, validation for Lila Rose's bogus anti-Planned Parenthood sting videos, or Peter Johnson Jr's weekly denunciations of the Obama administration's birth control mandate, Fox is always available for the promotion of pro-life talking points while Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards is nowhere to be seen. And despite an historic number of recent laws which prohibit abortions even in cases of rape and incest and attempts by the GOP led House to de-fund Planned Parenthood, Fox News has advanced the right wing meme that there is no "war on women." On last week's "America Live" alleged "news" anchor Megyn Kelly combined the meme that there's no war on women with a healthy dose of pro-life lies that, ironically, underscore a very real effort to roll reproductive rights back to the dark ages and, as said on "Jezebel," make it "scary to have lady parts."
Read moreMcCain Does Not Dispute Cheney’s Allegation That Palin Not Qualified To Be VP
Sean Hannity hosted Senator John McCain tonight - mostly to attack President Obama over pending cuts to the military and layoffs in military contract firms. But while he was at it, Hannity asked McCain to comment on Dick Cheney’s recent remarks about Sarah Palin. Cheney had said that McCain made a mistake in picking Sarah Palin as a running mate because she was not “ready to take over.” McCain responded that he “appreciated” what Palin did for the party and the ticket. But he never argued that she was either qualified or even a good choice. Afterward, Hannity spun the recent contretemps between the Romney campaign and the press by disingenuously conflating it with President Obama’s tart response to an unprofessional Daily Caller reporter who interrupted him with hostile questions during a presidential statement.
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