Individual Health Insurance Plans

by Admin on February 1, 2012

Health InsuranceAny individual struggling to manage their finances in a less-than-robust economy will certainly try and acquire the best possible insurance plan to cover their needs. Those who are managing their own businesses as entrepreneurs have an even more critical need to cover their risks regarding medical costs should the unexpected situation arise. Keeping the rising expense of premiums down, as well as having to face the consequences of dealing with any catastrophic illness requires a good understanding of individual health insurance plans.

Health Insurance Categories and Types

Choosing the most adequate health insurance plan certainly depends on an individuals particular need, preferences, and of course, budget flexibility. The health insurance business as a whole is certainly complex and competitive, and as the multitude of insurance providers each strive for market dominance, the differences or similarities in each type of medical plan offered can appear a bit confusing to say the least.

In a simple breakdown, health insurance coverage can be sorted into two primary categories: traditional and managed care. Brought down further, four more specific varieties of health care plans are available within those two primary categories:

  • Traditional Insurance Plans – currently referred to as ‘fee-for-service’
  • Preferred Provider Organizations – commonly referred to as PPOs
  • Point-of-Service Plans – commonly referred to as POSs
  • Health Maintenance Organizations – commonly referred to as HMOs

Three decades ago, the predominant type of health care coverage was known as traditional indemnity coverage, though the terminology has been altered to mean ‘fee-for-service’ to suit current policy configurations. These plans are designed to provide protection much like auto insurance, where an individual covers the front-end medical costs via a certain deductible amount, and the insurer pays the remaining majority of the expense for each claim. Since modern medicine produces the higher cost of health care, as well as extending people’s life-spans, insurers have designed the ‘managed–care’ concept as a means to reduce the operational expenses of doing business.

Fee-for-Service: This type of plan gives an individual the opportunity to choose the particular doctor, hospital, or other medical service provider they prefer. Opting for specialists is also permitted without seeking insurer permission. This type of plan generally demands a higher deductible, and typically insurers only cover what is described as ‘reasonable and customary’ medical expenses, though stipulate an expense cap for out-of-pocket fees paid by the individual policy holder.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs): This type of plan is designed to allow individual policyholders a lower fee structure, but within an established network of medical service providers. While this coverage may not include many preventative care options, the in-network restriction provides an inexpensive co-pay system, requiring far less out-of-pocket or up-front payment risk, as well as smaller premiums and less paperwork. Going outside the network would result in the individual having to pay out the entire expense before receiving reimbursement from the insurer.

Point-of-Service (POS): While somewhat designed like the PPO, this form of managed care requires the oversight of a Primary Care Physician, and within the auspices of a network as well. Again, the costs are based on the incentive to stay with providers within a network, which represent lower out-of-pocket charges, less paperwork, though if the primary physician elects to refer an individual to a specialist outside of the network, the insure will generally pick up the entire expense. In addition, more extensive preventative care options are covered as well, such as wellness improvement programs, nutrition, smoking cessation, and other incentives.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs): This type of plan is considered the least expensive managed care option, and generally are designed for groups rather than individuals. It is an in-network system, with a primary care physician, and offer a low co-pay, low premium, minimal paperwork form of coverage. These plans also offer the best preventative and health improvement program coverage as well.


I have a very low threshold of pain and I’m about to get a laser hair removal done on my legs next week. Then I’ve read on some reviews on Tria hair removal that the procedure can actually hurt. So I would like to take caution before I end up hurting myself with my home laser hair removal device. What is the best thing to do to keep myself from experiencing any amount of pain?

You can actually use a numbing cream you can find on my blog for the area to be treated. But remember to apply the cream right for it to be really effective. One, you need to apply it at least 30 minutes before treating the skin with laser. Next, your skin may not be able to fully absorb the cream unless your wrap your skin with a saran wrap and then with a sock or sweater.

Always be very careful when using numbing creams. You have to be sure that the brand you have there doesn’t have any reports of causing illnesses or death. Also, check if the cream is transparent to the wavelength of light used by the laser device such as the Laser hair removal system laser hair removal system. Other people though opt for some local anesthetics administered prior to the treatment.

Sure you will never feel any pain. But it’s darn expensive and you would need to hire a doctor for it to be administered. Not to mention that you run the risk of being over-treated. So this option may not be the best. If you want to follow a much safer route, then go with ice packs. Ice packs work in two ways. First, the cool temperature numbs your skin. Second, the lowered temperature of your skin makes it less sensitive to laser-generated heat, which is one aspect why there is pain.

About Laser Hair Removal and Its Results

I want to know more about laser hair removal. Is it permanent? And how much would it probably cost? I’m actually getting different details from hair removal system reviews so I would like to know the real facts once and for all.

Laser hair removal is not a permanent hair removal method contrary to what most people think. But you can’t blame them too since these laser manufacturers also give false hopes to consumers making them believe that laser hair removal produces permanent results. Instead, what laser hair removal really is, is that it produce long term effects. Basically the laser beam targets the hair follicle so it’s partially destroyed and hair is prevented from growing.

In terms of the cost, it depends on several factors: the area where you’re getting it done, the type of hair and skin you have, and how many sessions you need to take. Just remember that the bigger the area the more expensive it is. Also, prices may vary from clinic to clinic so you may want to shop around first or check out for a tria hair removal sale. Again, remember that laser hair removal takes 6-8 sessions before you can see favorable results. So make sure you have enough funds to follow it through.


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