"EXCLUSIVE: Busby/Bilbray Registrar's Office Quotes Three Different Prices for Cost of Hand Count to Voters, Media; No Explanation Given for Disparities! Latest Price is $150,000!"
(76 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 6:59 am PT...
The White House runs crooked election events, from phone-bank felonies (link here) to the current cover-up. The election warlords have declared war on democracy. Cover-up CA-50 is the first battle:
Currently missing in action from the Calif. Sec. State Bruce McPherson's Web site: Here are the missing "Procedures for Approving, Certifying, Reviewing, Modifying, and Decertifying Voting Systems, Vote Tabulating Systems, Election Observer Panel Plans, and Auxiliary Equipment, Materials, and Procedures"
(BBV link). The BBV link explains that the entire file of proceedures for elections has come up missing all of a sudden.
The election warlords in CA-50 have started the war by:
1) illegal charges for A FIRST COUNT
2) excessive charges for a REcount
3) hiding evidence which is public information
This is the same tactic the white house crooks use in every coverup attempt so far.
Here comes another prosecution with the likes of Libby and Rove directing the criminal enterprise.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
lambert strether
said on 7/9/2006 @ 7:10 am PT...
OT, but not.
The vote couting software was written by a company controlled by Calderon's brother-in-law.
Same old, same old.
Great work on San Diego. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 7:18 am PT...
Heard you on ring of Fire yesterday Brad, You were beyond great. What's up with all the roadblocks on the recount? Aren't there some movie stars interested in fair elections out there who could bring some light to these gestapo tactics? Could Jon Conyers be of help? He is holding a hearing June 16 on Downing St. Memo.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
lambert strether
said on 7/9/2006 @ 7:25 am PT...
UPDATE Changed the link about to this this. The software has ALREADY been hacked.
And guess what the password is?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 8:16 am PT...
Dredd nails it. Come November the GOP is going to play the victim and charge e-vote fraud when they lose, and the RNC will be ready with millions of dollars set aside for recounts, challenges, and lawsuits. The DNC will chalk it up to family values and swing voters and decide to concentrate on 2008, and dailykos will "keep their powder dry" on this one.
The RNC strategy:
1. Introduce electronic voting machines that are unreliable, inauditable, and break down frequently.
2. Make hand-counts and recounts highly expensive and out of the reach of ordinary citizens. The privatization of elections doesn't stop at having private companies provide the voting apparatus, you now have to pay up to even have your vote counted.
3. Charge e-vote fraud when necessary and pay millions in manual counting fees all across the country, knowing that Democrats won't touch the issue and most of the affected areas are too poor to pay for a count.
Clearly their strategy extends far beyond this. Imagine having to pay $25 to get a photo-ID voting card, waiting on line for 5 hours because not enough machines were assigned to your district by the partisan secretary of state who also appears on the ballot, then being forced to fill out a provisional ballot because you appear on some RNC caging list, then having to pay for the priviledge of having your vote counted!
This is how you dismantle a democracy.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Miss Persistent
said on 7/9/2006 @ 9:21 am PT...
IMHO, Why pay hundreds of thousands or even millions to the people who are the ones that broke chain-of-custody or other laws that directly cause a recount to have to occur? Sue them for those damages (costs) to recoup! Penny for penny. Regardless of the outcome, these officials have caused a mess through negligence, willfully or otherwise. Now is the time to lay some legal groundwork! They want to make it costly...well then back at them!
I'm no attorney but I ain't stupid.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 11:09 am PT...
You can see that the propaganda is working quite well. Count how many times bloggers call it a REcount, when what we call for is a COUNT, not a REcount.
Even hardened voting rights folk have been psychologically burdened by the crooked tactics used over and over again just to break us down.
John Gideon used the term "loser" when referring to one who wanted to challenge the results. I pointed out to him that the term should not be used until a legal and valid count had taken place.
I prefer the term pending candidate for any candidate who is challenging the call, and any election race as a race pending review, like in football when there is a review of the call, when for any reason a valid challenge has been made in any election.
If only election warlords like Haas had the same humility as football officials who realize mistakes can be made, and who allow reviews of calls without having a sh*t fit.
What we want in CA-50 is for a court to review the election laws and facts to see if the rules must be obeyed, even by election warlords like Haas, and if so, then use a terminology more in accord with the events on the ground.
What the intent and focus of an election needs to be in the minds of all of us, is that "everyone" gets ONE FREE LEGAL AND FAIR COUNT, which must be defined by rules that apply to all concerned, including the election warlords like Haas.
And "everyone" also includes the voters. The arena of American elections is not a dog and pony show only for candidates and election warlords!
Instead, American elections are for the people, by the people, and of the people. It is not a soap opera for drama queens.
WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who have the major interest in elections. It is our democracy, after all.
So only after there is that ONE first legal count, there can be no recount.
At this point, clearly, we do not want a recount, we want the first legal count, which in the context of the breach of the chain of custody in CA-50, must be a first hand count.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Patrick Dodd
said on 7/9/2006 @ 11:49 am PT...
Nice job! The investigation and reporting, the site, the interviews, we need this and more. Are we going to let the Bush crime family walk away with our democracy? Are we going to sit down and hope Democrates, long ago sold out, to defend our democracy? Or are we going to reject elections using these machines and demand any legitimate count, must be a hand count. That is not all we need to do, as it is not the only method they are using to rig these elections, but it is a necessary start.
music for the revolution
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 11:51 am PT...
Has anyone called the cops? Has anyone tried to approach this as if the Registrar has broken the law, at least through negligence dire enough to be criminal? Are we just whining and paying? Has there been a concerted effort to get the COUNT as reparations for Registrar's negligence? No, really. I happen to know our system is broken, and I happen to know that it is excruciatingly hard to get the attention of the officials down there, but A LOT OF NOISE works to get them off their hmm-hmms. At LEAST send in screamers from the other end while you are filling out all their papers and paying all their fees.
It is not necessary as much to prove good citizenship to us, as it is to use it on them. Has it crossed anyone's mind that Republicans scream over elections they think were stolen because that is the ONLY way to get satisfaction out of these people? We love to contemplate what screamers they are, but it is, I know this first hand, ALMOST impossible to get the attention of the bureaucrats any other way. In palaces like San Diego, election fraud and someone hastening the demise of 93-year-old heart patients, just are not high priority items.
From their point of view, they have too much work and not enough money, so they do THIS. Call the cops, and the DA, and every other remotely pertinent office and don't stop screaming until it matters more to count your silly old election than to stonewall. Besides, when has a democrat won a vote there? They probably think you're out to lunch. MAKE A "FEDERAL" CASE OUT OF IT.
By the way, when I couldn't get satisfaction out of local people down there, I took it to Sacramento, and to DC, and got it that way. There are still some officials just dying for you to bring something to them that they can sink their teeth into.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 12:32 pm PT...
Track them party affiliation and money trail, if they are willing to dismiss election protocol, then they are most likely open to bribes, money laudering, racketeering...we can wallow around in the mud, if we have too
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 6:04 pm PT...
Bill Lockyer should be working overtime on this. Where is he? Illegal actions by election officials and the SOS. Get to work, Bill.
Info on contacting him here.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 6:09 pm PT...
Oh... Bill Lockyer is the California Attorney General.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Miss Persistent
said on 7/9/2006 @ 6:12 pm PT...
Hit em in the wallet ala JFKJ.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
John R Brakey
said on 7/9/2006 @ 6:13 pm PT...
The cry must be recount the Busby/Bilbray race! NOW!!
In Mexico as Al Giordano wrote; ��the path exists; a critical mass of the Mexican populace understands exactly what was done to them and is ready to assume the ultimate risks to overturn the crime.�
L�pez Obrador has the ability, experience and following to take this all the way. The PRD has the ability to shut the country down only after exhausting the judicial system.
Many years ago, I use to be a psychotherapist and we commonly used carom shots to reach people who are in denial. By getting them to hear from persons who have the same problems, to personally identify and then participate, leading to change. What going on in Mexico, the timing and how this will escalate and could be that �Carmon Shot� to the media and the people.
A quote that touch me from a demonstrators yesterday in Mexico City and reported in Today�s New York Times:
�Gloria Aceves, 63, had been waiting next to the stage since 9 a.m. Her husband died trying to cross the Rio Grande into the United States, she said, and she depends on a monthly grant from the city established by Mr. L�pez Obrador, who championed the poor in his campaign. "If I have to die here," she said, "here I will die supporting him."
The foundation of our Democracy is based on 4 boxes. The 1st being the SOAP BOX, the 2nd is the BALLOT BOX, the 3rd being the JURY BOX, and 4th is the CARTRIDGE BOX. Many others and I know this, that why we work hard to wake up people NOW! I tell people that if you don�t like this fight, I guarantee you won�t like the next one. We work for peaceful reform and to bring back the culture of the transparent recount.
Mexico at this moment in time is standing on the 3rd box. The PRD and the people were robbed in 1988. They remember that the ballots were burnt at the end and that hundreds of PRD/C�rdenas supporters were killed in the political violence and street protests.
�A century ago was the Mexican revolution of 1910, Mexico is on the verge of, as Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos has often said, �amazing the world again.� I agree, they do!
�The Narco News investigation has found that in the small sample of precincts � less than one percent � where a recount was allowed, the shift in numbers away from Calder�n was so drastic that, if recounts of all the ballots followed the same trend, the official results would invert and L�pez Obrador would become the clear winner of the presidency by more than one million.�
Per their constitution, L�pez Obrador, and the PRD is demanding a real count that is transparent. That the right of free people in Mexico and the United States.
Brad, you�re right! We need to recount the Busby/Bilbray race. The cost they�re quoting is ridiculous and is purposely being used as another road block.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/9/2006 @ 7:00 pm PT...
Hey brakey, what's with all the ("?") question marks replacing apostrophes and seemingly randomly inserted. It is distracting. Maybe it's my Mozilla Firefox, I don't know. Sorry to be OT, but I've had this problem before. Anyone else?
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 7:05 pm PT...
I think it happens when people cut and paste stuff into the comment box for which there are not corresponding font bits here...... something along that line.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/9/2006 @ 7:22 pm PT...
Thx 99
"Missed me by *that* much" --- Maxwell Smart
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 8:01 pm PT...
Agent 99
I can vouch for that font thing. I tried the other day to write something in another font in a word document and paste it in. No matter which font I used it kept pasting as all question marks.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 7/9/2006 @ 8:07 pm PT...
Winter Patriot tuned me up about those things. I was getting a little paranoid because it shows up in the spam so much... thought we were getting infected. BUT, I can proudly announce, we are getting disinfected by ME today, big time. It's the special device Agent BB2 ordered from CONTROL for me. (The awesome MTTBBB machine!)
I will pass your quote on to Agent 86! He will be tickled.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Subway Serenade
said on 7/9/2006 @ 8:39 pm PT...
I'd sure like to thank the folks who provided me with the link to this space, but I'm not sure which blog I found you at. Perhaps C&L of FDL or MLW or some L of a site.
I passed it along to the Deaniacs that the HAND COUNT is a go and hopefully some $$$ will be forthcoming. Thank you sooo much for getting the word out in time for the HAND COUNT to have an effect on November.
There must be 50 Ways to Dump the Dubya.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 12:06 am PT...
Reform is going to take a very long time when we go about it this way.
It may be difficult to get citizens up in arms about election fraud because most are savy enough to know that it doesn't matter who gets elected anyway--whoever it is, they're going to be corrupt.
We not only owe it to ourselves to have a real Democracy as soon as we possibly can for the benefit of our own citizens--we certainly owe it to the rest of the world. We cannot in good conscience continue to allow our government officials to go on killing people & creating havoc all over the world in our name simply to make $ for themselves--which is basically what is happening.
We can't afford to take the slow boat to reform.
It took years & years of demonstrating--getting hosed, beaten & arrested--just to get us out of Viet Nam.
The baby boomers are too old for all that again.
The young college kids don't seem to care. They accept corruption as the status quo. I've only read about 2 colleges that have demonstrated.
A revolution would be bloody & awful & WOULD NOT cure the corruption anyway, because it's our SYSTEM itself that fosters the problem.
Our founding fathers had to compromise their ideal of what the Constitution should have been to get it ratified. For example, they had to count each slave as 2/3 of a person & they had to accept the electoral college concept.
It appears some would rather cut their nose to spite their face than consider a new concept for reform.
It comes down to this:
Do we want to keep on TRYING to reform our corrupt government, or do we want to DO it?
The National Initiative for Democracy is real. ( )
Power to the People!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 3:21 am PT...
MAybe it's time to get more agressive legally, and get some show cause orders on the fees and lack of responsiveness in general?
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 5:37 am PT...
This site has it all boiled down pretty good (even Brad is on there) with the 1988 Saltman report (Dredd)
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 6:05 am PT...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 6:57 am PT...
Floridiot #24
I cleaned up your link, which is a good find.
Democracy does not handle crooks very well (link here). Especially when the crooks are so brazen and psychotic:
It's only a matter of time before some enterprising journalist figures out a way to argue that the public's general dislike for the Republicans spells good news for ... Republicans. After all, it'll just give the GOP another group to run against: the American people.
( , bold added). These mad men could destroy civilization, while everyone is saying don't worry be happy. Meaning "go out and spend money to fight the war on terror", as the preznit said soon after 9/11.
You should send your link to Lou Dobbs and Catherine Crier.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:07 am PT...
Somehow Dredd, I still didn't get the one I was going to show ya, my copy/paste held on to the one above
Here, I got me another Ronnie Dugger special to read here
While your reading, I'll go back and find the one I wanted you to look at
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:12 am PT...
The era of Cowboy Diplomacy is over as far as having the rest of the world in Cheney's shotgun sights:
So what happened? The most obvious answer is that the Bush Doctrine foundered in the principal place the U.S. tried to apply it. Though no one in the White House openly questions Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq, some aides now acknowledge that it has come at a steep cost in military resources, public support and credibility abroad.
(link here). Yep, the regime's diplomacy is "all hat and no cattle".
It seems that now the regime has turned its sights on the American people (see post #24), and want to bring "democracy" to them.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:21 am PT...
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:22 am PT...
Yessir Dredd, as in my other find in a few posts over the hills and far away
I think you just might be correct
Here is that post with all the links
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:26 am PT...
Hey WP, are we getting any closer to the nexus of this problem yet, or what ?
Seriously, let me know what you think
Myself, I think its rather invigorating
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:36 am PT...
Here's what I think, Floridiot:
Your contributions lately have been HUGE. Forgive me for not saying so earlier ... and no disrespect intended to the others who have been contributing in a big way ... personally, I didn't know all this stuff before you started posting it but it doesn't surprise me at all. It fits their MO to a tee.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:47 am PT...
This one about blew my head off
While we were asleep, Quote from full article
1970s-1980s Ohio -The Cincinnati Bell-FBI scandal - The following are excerpts from the Cincinnati Post of October, 30th, 1987: Cincinnati Bell security supervisors ordered wire-taps installed on county computers before elections in the late 1970s and early 1980s that could have allowed vote totals to be altered, a former Bell employee says in a sworn court document. Leonard Gates, a 23-year Cincinnati Bell employee until he was fired in 1986, claims in a deposition filed Thursday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court to have installed the wire-taps. Cincinnati Bell officials denied Gates’ allegations that are part of a six-year-old civil suit that contends the elections computer is subject o manipulation and fraud. Gates claims a security supervisor for the telephone company told him in 1979 that the firm had obtained a computer program through the FBI that gave it access to the county computer used to count votes.
ALSO: see this Link for an astonishingly long list of Voting Machine Errors
Thanks WP, Dredd started it , after my first hunt with him for something or another (voting related I'm sure), I found the IRI and I've been obsessed with this ever since,
We got to know our enemies before we can take them out
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:50 am PT...
The Http address and the "Link" are two seperate ones
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:51 am PT...
Thanks, Floridiot. Dredd starts a lot of things!
We got to know our enemies before we can take them out
Truer words were never spoken ... er ... blogged!
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:54 am PT...
Floridiot #33
I've edited your comment #32 just a bit, to point out the two pages you linked to. Hope you don't mind.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:59 am PT...
thx WP, your the greatest
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 8:05 am PT...
Lay it on thin, my friend. Muhammad Ali was the greatest. I'm not even close. But you're welcome.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 8:14 am PT...
WP, on Brad blog anyways...Funny thing, My wife looked at some of the stuff a while back, And she told me...
Lets go back a bit first
I got hurt on the job in 2002, a spinal cord injury, I filed for SSDI in '03, work comp doctors wouldn't tell me what I have, found out after the settlement I have Central Cord Syndrome, the SSA keeps jacking me around
Anyway my wife said, after looking at something I found, said "They're ( the gummint) going to regret the day they didn't give you SSDI" and, Godamnit, I'm going to prove her right yet I'm tellin ya
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 8:49 am PT...
WP and Floridiot
You have been around long enough to see our bradblog pattern:
1) we take on an issue
2) everyone comes at it from different angles
3) links are furnished that comprehensively cover it
4) our discussion seems far from center or normal
5) we get traction
6) we end up actually being mainstream
7) we are in touch with the American public
Like Gitmo, the stories coming out now fully back up our years of outrage (link here).
We have been saying Bush and Cheney orchestrated Plamegate long before it hit the media, and we have been doing the voting fraud thing since the first hundreds-of-posts threads about Lemmegate.
We are still batting 1000 ... it is great satisfaction to work with you bloggers and the blogger in chief, Brad.
Lets keep up our struggle to introduce the MSM to the voting public of America, and to the republican dictatorship that wants to enslave them.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 9:17 am PT...
The republican dictatorship controls the white house, congress, supreme court, cabinet, and the electronic voting machine companies:
About half of the largest ballot-counting corporation, Election Systems & Software (ES&S), is owned by the Omaha World-Herald Company, which publishes the city's conservative daily newspaper, and about a fourth is owned by the McCarthy Group, an Omaha investment fund that is identified with Republican causes.
A Gallup/World-Herald poll the Sunday before the voting showed Hagel and his Democratic opponent in a 47-47 dead heat. Hagel won two days later by a fourteen-point spread. Easily re-elected in 2002, Hagel is a likely GOP candidate for President in 2008.
Hagel's investment in the McCarthy Group is valued in his reports to the Senate at between $1 million and $5 million.
... the CEO of the McCarthy Group, and his wife gave $28,750 to Republicans, nothing to Democrats, in the past three election cycles. Executives and employees of the firm have contributed almost six times as much to the GOP as to the Democrats ($74,245 to $13,300) in the past five and a half years.
Diebold CEO Walden O'Dell has bundled $100,000 or more in contributions for George W. Bush. O'Dell and his wife have given $19,965 to GOP candidates and campaign entities, nothing to Democrats. Since a letter was revealed in which he said he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President" in November, O'Dell has withdrawn from politics and prohibited all Diebold executives and employees from making political contributions. Since 1991 Diebold had given the Republicans $343,366 and the Democrats $2,700, a ratio of 127-1.
A major investor in Hart InterCivic is Tom Hicks's investment firm, Stratford Capital Partners. Hicks was in the group of investors who bought the Texas Rangers from Bush and others for nearly three times their investment in it. Hicks has also been a lavish donor to Bush campaigns.
Executives and employees ... favored the Republicans 57-1 ...
( , bold added, thanks Floridiot).
Yep, look out America, the republican dictatorship wants to eat your children.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 9:18 am PT...
Quite right, Dredd, and I think it's especially important that "everyone comes at it from different angles". The diversity of views here and the freedom to discuss them is ... aw shucks ... [sniff] ... THANKS, BRAD!!
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 9:22 am PT...
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/10/2006 @ 10:02 am PT...
Everyone familiar with the phenomenon of FLASH MOBS?
I think we should be prepared to be in San Diego on Thursday. I know it would be a hardship for me, but, I am willing to pledge to do it, and sign up ten others as well.
It's unclear what will happen at the "pre-recount meeting" (actually, the pre-COUNT meeting), but if something really bizarre were to happen, it would be good if one of OUR participants could come out of the meeting and announce:
"What happened in there is a total violation of everything that Democracy stands for. I am asking every American who hears my voice or reads my words to come to San Diego tomorrow by whatever means necessary and make it clear that you CARE about your Democracy and that THIS WILL NOT STAND!"
I am not "hoping" that the election officials of San Diego County will act with a blatant disregard for the rule of law or the principles of Democracy --- THEY ALREADY HAVE!
I would just like to give OUR SIDE (with Ms. Jacobson as our representative) a tool in their belt.
Charlie L
Portland, OR
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 10:54 am PT...
So far, what I see is a concerted effort by both parties to stay in power, no matter what, that was earlier on (you know, take turns, share and share alike the corporate pot of gold)
Now it seems that the Republicans reneged on the pact,
so the Dems are afraid to pipe up, in doing so puts them in the doghouse too
I mean, this shit has been going on forever, and if they seem at all surprised about it, well f#*k them, the dirty liars
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:06 am PT...
It seems to me now that the Republicans are firing up their lawyers for this fall to cover their asses
(like oh look we're fighting for your voting rights, what are the Democrats doing about it) and the Dems are going to take the fall for it because they didn't fess up in the first place...
Just an observation is all
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:31 am PT...
Floridiot and Dredd
I'd like to associate myself with Winter Patriot's remarks. "Yuh... what he said...." And, as far as I'm concerned you have both earned Honorary Agent status. Thanks!
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:34 am PT...
Well, given that the Republicans have hypocritically (and with a total lack of irony) been able to accuse the Democrats of whatever crime the Republicans have actually committed, this wouldn't surprise me.
If the myth sticks that the Republicans are the ones that actually care about honest elections, then I will know for sure that I have fallen down the Orwellian rabbit hole.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:45 am PT...
LMAO Charlie, ain't that the truth
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:47 am PT...
ooo, I forgot to thank my fellow agent
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
Hank McCann
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:53 am PT...
We need to file a lawsuit against Haas and McPherson immediately for malfesance and misfeascance of office. Maybe the ACLU (or any lawyer pro bono) will do it as we are talking about civil liberties and guaranteeing the rights of every voter to have their vote counted for the candidate voted.
Also, I think we all need to contact (and shame if necessary) the LA Times, The NY Times and the Washington Post Editorial staffs to write an editorial regarding protecting the sanctity of the voting process using San Diego as an example. With the way Haas is acting, their must be a reason that he wont cooperate in a legitimate recount. 2+2=4.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Hank McCann
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:59 am PT...
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 12:39 pm PT...
The ACLU is going to need a monster-big headquarters, and armies of lawyers for this project. If we could defragment in our efforts enough, maybe we could all send our money and volunteerism to them then.
We really DO need a centralized and able-to-be-effective body for this. If it can't be the Democratic Party, the ACLU would be a fine choice. SOME sort of central headquarters, even if the net can bring minds together. Something has to bring the effectiveness on the problem together.
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
Shannon Williford
said on 7/10/2006 @ 1:39 pm PT...
Are all y'all signed up to be poll workers?
Do it now!
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 3:52 pm PT...
Those who directly benefit from being a member of the Democratic or the Republican parties, & also those who directly benefit from a corporation's profits, do not wish to acknowledge the National Initiative for Democracy because it would mean the end of their power & $ grab.
Our criminal government & it's lack of leadership negatively affects the entire world, not just us.
People are dying in Iraq, people & animals are suffering the effects of global warming the world over (& our grandchildren will suffer the effects forever)), people are being killed & starved in Africa, disenfranchised in Mexico & Venezuela etc., in almost EVERY country in the WORLD, not to mention our own, we are ALL suffering from the actions of our criminal, irresponsible government on a daily basis.
We owe it not only to America, but to the entire WORLD, to fix the deplorable state our government is in & get honest, decent, & responsible leadership.
We can't afford to just keep giving it the ole college try. We can't afford failure. We can't afford petty bickering. This is too important & affects too many people's lives & the future of our planet. We are up against world class criminals. We need real & lasting results--people are suffering & dying. The Earth is suffering & dying.
We need more power on our side.
We, the People, can use OUR power.
We can band together against this monster we helped create to kill it & put power back where it has always belonged--with US. The only common sense there is left, with The People.
The powers that be certainly have a vested interest in keeping the National Initiative quiet, because it will soon halt their raping of America & other lands--forever.
However, patriots CARE about America & Democracy. Party affiliation means little to a true patriot--only ending the corruption & getting Democracy back counts at this point.
ARE we as a People, willing to go all the way & do what it will take to fix our country right NOW?
Go to & check it out.
I have already voted for it.
See if you can.
Power to the People!
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/10/2006 @ 4:27 pm PT...
In 1776 and 1787 they gave us...
"A Republic, if (we) can keep it."
I fear we (well, not US, here, but the rest of them, there) have lost interest.
I fear that we will soon find ourselves happily watching our cable TV, eating our TV dinners, no longer questioning authority.
I fear we are losing everything those brave founders fought to give us: Freedom of Speech, Freedom from Unfair Taxation, the Right to Travel Freely, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association, Privacy in our personal lives, Fair Trials, Habeas Corpus, the Right to Redress and Petition, Freedom of (and FROM) Religion, and Life, Liberty and the right to Pursue Happiness.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 4:42 pm PT...
Don't be demoralized. Don't give up. It's pretty awful out there, but the game is not over. Good things can still happen. We can help those good things happen.
Listen to some really good music, full blast, for a couple hours. It'll get your optimism back.
Love, 99
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/10/2006 @ 6:21 pm PT...
in #32 (originally by floridiot, fixed by winterpatriot)
first linkee no workee for me-e (http://www.ecotalk...)
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 6:21 pm PT...
Don't fret Charlie #55, we'll go to sleep tonight and wake up all invigorated for another round
Who knows what we will find tomorrow
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 6:24 pm PT...
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 6:27 pm PT...
Chris #57, on the top of her page on my link, theres tabs, look at them all, they are pretty good
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:34 pm PT...
uhmmm... Tabs? Do you mean the 5 or so links after the first part of that page? (the page pointed to in #59)
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 7:54 pm PT...
Chris -
Click on the "Go back to Voting Machine Webpage" link at the top of the page Floridiot linked - there you will find the tabs. Or click here
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/10/2006 @ 8:04 pm PT...
Oooooh. That is a nice set of tabs. Thanks.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 8:58 pm PT...
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/10/2006 @ 10:21 pm PT...
re #57, 59, 32 and so on: I have gone back and fixed the broken link in comment #32 ... I'm sorry to have missed it the first time ... or did it work back then? I can't remember ... anyway: good thread, folks! lots of great comments in amongst the mundane housekeeping stuff getting fumbled LOL @ WP! Such a klutz doesn't come along every day.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 10:52 pm PT...
Whadda klutz! We should all be so lucky as to be such a klutz.
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:24 pm PT...
Hooten, I didn't even go back to look to see what the thingys were at the top of the page, I was just trying to help you out FOR THE LAST TIME !!!
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:39 pm PT...
Excuse me, but I was a constructon foreman at one time
and the guys I couldn't stand on the job were the "Hair Splitters"
They spent all their time splitting hairs instead of working
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:47 pm PT...
:sniff: I'm so intolerant :sniff:
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 7/10/2006 @ 11:51 pm PT...
Agent Floridiot
It's a rare man who recognizes what's behind the hair-splitting! Don't be too rough on yourself. Old Hawaiian friend always said, "Recognize what you see." People thought he was dim. He was trying to snap them out of their hypnosis. Just happened that you had to go back a page from the linked one to find the tabs. Confusing site design... so stark....
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 7/11/2006 @ 12:20 am PT...
thx Agent 99, You mean I got all bent fer nuthin ?
Anywho thars a wealth of info yonder (on that site), confusin or not
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 7/11/2006 @ 12:25 am PT...
I'm having to start a whole new bookmark thread for these threads so very, very, very extremely darn chock full of interesting/depressing/informative/terrifying/etcetera links!!!!!! We should maybe find an indexer to just chase links and categorize them all, and have a whole page full of good comments links.
I never felt secure that it was really "42".
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
said on 7/11/2006 @ 12:51 am PT...
If these pricks keep screwing up the law... shouldn't the cost come from their pockets not ours?
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
said on 7/11/2006 @ 12:57 am PT...
By the time we get it out of them, Bilbray will be up for reelection! It'll be wonder if we get them to absorb the cost AND do it swiftly, and correctly.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/11/2006 @ 1:03 am PT...
Floridiot, LOL.
I can hear you now, "Will you guys just shut up and start pounding those fricken nails! Sheesh!"
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
said on 7/11/2006 @ 7:47 am PT...
Agent 99 #72
"I never felt secure that it was really "42"" LMAO