LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
August 8, 2012
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AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

From a Refugee Camp to the Olympics

Lopez Lomong had never heard of the games when he tagged along with friends in Kenya to watch the 2000 Sydney races. His new book, "Running for My Life," tells the great story of how he got from there to representing the U.S. in the 5,000-meter race in London.
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AP/Enric Marti

Dispatches From Cairo: Brother, Can You Spare a Breeze?

Rolling blackouts turn up the heat and turn off the lights; on the political front, Morsi feels heat of a different sort.
Featured Reports
Illustration by Mr. Fish

The Science of Genocide

On this day in 1945 the United States demonstrated that it was as morally bankrupt as the Nazi machine it had recently vanquished.



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Texas Executes Mentally Disabled Death Row Prisoner

A perversion of American literature helped the state of Texas make 54-year-old Marvin Wilson the second mentally disabled prisoner to be executed within its borders in three weeks.

Posted on Aug 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  58 READS
The Congressional Push for Secrecy

The U.S. Congress—one of the branches intended by America’s founders to balance the president’s power—is showing just as much and in some cases more interest in preserving a growing culture of secrecy as its executive counterpart, says Steven Aftergood, secrecy researcher at the Federation of American Scientists.

Posted on Aug 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  225 READS
Egypt Launches Sinai Airstrike

The Egyptian military fired missiles into Sinai for the first time since the 1973 war with Israel, killing 20 Islamic militants accused of attacking security checkpoints 30 miles from the Gaza-Israel border.

Posted on Aug 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  150 READS

Mitt Romney’s bumbling in Israel nonetheless introduced a subject few other American politicians know anything about, nor do, it seems, the staffs of the NSA, CIA and other American political and military planners.

Posted on Aug 8, 2012 READ MORE  |  1453 READS
From a Refugee Camp to the Olympics

Lopez Lomong had never heard of the games when he tagged along with friends in Kenya to watch the 2000 Sydney races on a grainy, black-and-white TV powered by a car battery. Now, he’ll run the 5,000-meter for the U.S. in London.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  375 READS
‘The Daily Show’: Stewart Blasts Fox’s Judith Miller for Hypocrisy

If it’s a case of hypocrisy involving a Fox News personality, Jon Stewart is on the case.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  2489 READS
GOP Catch-22, ‘Romney Hood’ vs. ‘Obamaloney,’ and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including more speculation on Romney’s running mate and sh*t that Rep. Allen West says.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  926 READS
Loughner Pleads Guilty in Arizona Shootings

After being ruled competent to stand trial, Jared Lee Loughner pleaded guilty Tuesday to 19 charges stemming from a shooting rampage that left six people dead and a dozen others, including former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, wounded.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  265 READS
‘Lord of the Rings’ Volcano Blows

New Zealand’s Mount Tongariro, a backdrop for scenes in “The Lord of the Rings” movies, erupted for the first time in 115 years late Monday night, spreading a thick layer of ash for several miles and causing residents to leave their homes and airlines to cancel flights.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  891 READS
11 Percent of the World’s Population Still Without Clean Water

The United Nations’ highest policymaking body declared access to water and sanitation to be a basic human right two years ago. But a coalition of “water justice activists” in late July said that goal remains little more than a good intention.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  226 READS
Hospitals Performed Unnecessary Heart Procedures

Internal inquiries have revealed that cardiologists at several hospitals operated by HCA, the United States’ largest for-profit hospital chain, performed unnecessary and potentially dangerous heart procedures, and made misleading statements in medical reports to make it appear the measures were needed.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  642 READS
Update: 25 People at the Heart of the Meltdown

At the height of the financial crisis, The Guardian identified 25 bankers, economists, politicians and financial officials who helped bring about the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. What are they up to now?

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  2875 READS
Fear, Outrage and Explanation After 6 Killed at Sikh Temple

Authorities have identified a 40-year-old Army veteran and white supremacist as the gunman in Sunday’s Sikh temple shooting, the latest in a string of post-9/11 attacks that has shaken Sikh Americans’ sense of security.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  351 READS
The Same Second Class

As Gloria Steinem said not too long ago, LGBT rights and women’s rights “are completely the same thing.”

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  893 READS
Dispatches From Cairo: Brother, Can You Spare a Breeze?

Rolling blackouts turn up the heat and turn off the lights; on the political front, Morsi feels heat of a different sort.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  832 READS
Syrian Prime Minister Defects From ‘Terrorist, Murderous Regime’

As far as defections go, it’s hard to do better than the prime minister. Riad Hijab announced via spokesman that he has joined the opposition and that he and his family are hiding in a safe location.

Posted on Aug 7, 2012 READ MORE  |  230 READS

Mitt Romney’s defiant secrecy about his personal finances looks like a cross Republicans will have to bear all the way to Election Day. To put it mildly, the burden seems to chafe.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  1447 READS
Romney Clashes With New BFF, Coulter on Gay Marriage, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including July fundraising totals for the presidential candidates and the Republican National Convention speaker lineup.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  2852 READS
Gore Vidal Speaks Seriously Ill of the Dead

In this essay, first published in 2008, the iconic author objected to Newsweek’s obituary of his onetime rival, William F. Buckley, a “knightly man” who stood up to “bullies” like Gore Vidal ... by verbally gay-bashing him on national television.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  2968 READS
Rover and NASA Are Beaming

After voyaging through space for more than eight months, NASA’s Curiosity finally reached its destination: Mars. The rover made a harrowing descent onto the Red Planet on Sunday night as it began its two-year mission to determine if the key ingredients for life ever existed there.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  482 READS
Bill Moyers: The Case for Medicare

With Medicare marking its 47th anniversary last week, Bill Moyers, who was a key aide to President Lyndon Johnson when it was passed, has a radical idea on how to save the health care program: Make it available to everyone.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  1378 READS
Suspect Identified in Wisconsin Temple Shooting

The gunman who went on a shooting rampage at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., that left seven people dead and three wounded has been identified as Wade Michael Page, a veteran of the U.S. Army who was once given a less than honorable discharge.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  858 READS
The Science of Genocide

On this day in 1945 the United States demonstrated that it was as morally bankrupt as the Nazi machine it had recently vanquished and the Soviet regime with which it was allied.

Posted on Aug 6, 2012 READ MORE  |  27341 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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